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PS+ Price Increase


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Thanks for the information.  I'll still keep the service for the cloud storage alone.  Free games are really just a plus if I haven't purchased them or slightly interested in trying a new game that wasn't on my radar. 


Sounds like some people got their indies in a bunch.

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I wasn't a member during 2013, but I can tell you I own almost every single game in that list, and you can get every single one of them for $5 really easily. 

So, it's not that incredible.

Oh, so you can get all those 2013 ps plus igc games for 5$ each, IN 2016, what a especial snowflake!!

I'll tell you why getting THOSE games that cost 5$ today was a big deal.

We got Sleeping Dogs 5 months later after release date for free.

We got Hitman Absolution 6 months after release for free.

We got Far cry 3, NFS MW and AC3 in little less than 1 year after release for free.

We got Metal Gear Rising 7 months after release for free.

In case you didn't notice, I wrote "for free" in all of them and all are AAA games, but fuck if I know, you're the one who got the better deal for getting all those games for 5$ each after 4 years of release.

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And after this bomb we got nothing in the store this week, just offers that were up some days ago, it's obvious that Sony is very confident about the amount of subscribers that will renew PS+.


I just want one thing, because talking about indies in IGC is unnecessary, that's not going to change. I want ps+ discount in Flash sales, that's all.

Edited by GoldenShaka
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Looks as if Humble Bundle was listening to you, lmao.

Sadly according to the PlayStation Blog Okami is listed as PS3 in that bundle. As far as I know the only way to play it is if it was brought to PS Now, PSN (PS4 compatibility), or full remaster (less likely).



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Sadly according to the PlayStation Blog Okami is listed as PS3 in that bundle. As far as I know the only way to play it is if it was brought to PS Now, PSN (PS4 compatibility), or full remaster (less likely).



True. Well, if you ever get a PS3, I'd give you my code since I already own the game.

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I know this only mentions the NA and Canadian PSN Stores but what about the other regions? Does this increase affect other regions too? Because honestly, you guys have it a lot cheaper, I live in NZ and the price for a full year sub is already expensive, therefore I hope this change does not affect my region... Jesus Sony, what the hell.

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I know this only mentions the NA and Canadian PSN Stores but what about the other regions? Does this increase affect other regions too? Because honestly, you guys have it a lot cheaper, I live in NZ and the price for a full year sub is already expensive, therefore I hope this change does not affect my region... Jesus Sony, what the hell.


So far the announcement is for NA region only. Is NZ under EU region?


I found this on reddit:


A Community Manager from Sony EU has posted on the Dutch Community site that the price increase will not be coming to EU

Edited by PliskinCobra
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So far the announcement is for NA region only. Is NZ under EU region?


I found this on reddit:


A Community Manager from Sony EU has posted on the Dutch Community site that the price increase will not be coming to EU


Honestly, I don't even know anymore. Like we used to be but it broke apart a few years ago and now it's just an NZ store? The Australian store isn't even connected to us anymore either so I guess we are just our own region lol. Anyway, that's good news. Sucks for you guys but to be fair, it's still a lot cheaper than it is for us so you guys are still the lucky ones.

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Nope that does it. There is a Line you just don't cross and they crossed it. You give us shit for months then you expect us to pay you more? My Question is for what? I'm starting to not even play online games anymore So I probably won't even renew this. And Honestly you think that giving them more money will give us better games PFFFT they just wanna bank on those Overwatch players? 

Wow this really just Triggered me man... 

Like If you where dishing out good games and need to raise the price then. Well Fine good on ya m8 but I don't think I've played a Plus game In literal months. 


Y'all really gotta stop acting so entitled. People acting like $10 extra over the course of the entire year is going to break their banks or that because of that $10 they deserve the world now. "THERE'S A CERTAIN LINE YOU JUST DON'T CROSS AND THEY CROSSED IT." Dude sounds like Sony just walked into house and called his mother a something that rhymes with "s'more."


Fact is this is a long time coming. They were giving us 4 games a month and then added the PS4 in 2013 years so we got 6 games free every single month for the exact same price for almost 3 years. Get over yourselves.

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They will always find something. That's mostly why we are seeing so many indies. .


This is essentially my point. Other than Sony exclusives if they have to make choices on whatever they out there we can't possibly expect them to deliver "good" games from month to month if there isnt that great of a selection to begin with.

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Y'all really gotta stop acting so entitled. People acting like $10 extra over the course of the entire year is going to break their banks or that because of that $10 they deserve the world now. "THERE'S A CERTAIN LINE YOU JUST DON'T CROSS AND THEY CROSSED IT." Dude sounds like Sony just walked into house and called his mother a something that rhymes with "s'more."


Fact is this is a long time coming. They were giving us 4 games a month and then added the PS4 in 2013 years so we got 6 games free every single month for the exact same price for almost 3 years. Get over yourselves.



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It's a passive transaction if you pay yearly, breaking that down it works out to a negligible per-month payment. Considering the amount I use it, the deals, offers and free stuff they provide (whether it is arguably bad or good) I'm totally fine with the payment increase.


I have the same feelings towards the Netflix price increase - I spend hours and hours with that on either watching it or having it on in the background while I do other stuff.


I don't mind paying a bit extra for either if it helps the companies stay healthy and grow healthy. Healthier they are, the longer they last. If an extra 10 coins from me will help keep something I use and love going for longer, then i'm happy to.

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So far the announcement is for NA region only. Is NZ under EU region?


I found this on reddit:


A Community Manager from Sony EU has posted on the Dutch Community site that the price increase will not be coming to EU

Wooo, EU not being discriminated this time O.o


This is essentially my point. Other than Sony exclusives if they have to make choices on whatever they out there we can't possibly expect them to deliver "good" games from month to month if there isnt that great of a selection to begin with.

It all comes to at least one. They can allocate 12-15 games for one year and each month give at least one big game. 

That would make everyone sufficiently happy.

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That sucks, since the realase of PS4, the PS+ has been getting really bad, there are no anual "free" games since the last days of the anual PS+ instantant collection, the montlhly games also are not as the pre-PS4 times, is really rare to see any sale that will worth to buy PS+ (The only great opportunity since the day that was stopped the anual collection was the last december), at least I don't have and I don't want to buy a PS4 never ever, the only problem is about the save data facility that are posible only with + in the Vita

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So far the announcement is for NA region only. Is NZ under EU region?


I found this on reddit:


A Community Manager from Sony EU has posted on the Dutch Community site that the price increase will not be coming to EU

Yes, looks like we're safe for now. Though what bothers me is that EU still pays more than NA for the same content.

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Y'all really gotta stop acting so entitled. People acting like $10 extra over the course of the entire year is going to break their banks or that because of that $10 they deserve the world now. "THERE'S A CERTAIN LINE YOU JUST DON'T CROSS AND THEY CROSSED IT." Dude sounds like Sony just walked into house and called his mother a something that rhymes with "s'more."


Fact is this is a long time coming. They were giving us 4 games a month and then added the PS4 in 2013 years so we got 6 games free every single month for the exact same price for almost 3 years. Get over yourselves.


In countries like mine, those $10 are REALLY MORE THAT WHAT YOU THINK, >$180 the least (with that, sometimes you can buy some "old" games or some of the last few games avaliable at certain stores), maybe you have enough money to pay the new Price, about the games, in 2013, until end of the annual instantant collection, the games were more than 8, now they have been giving as "free" mediocre games, at least in PS3 and Vita, each month, the new games are simpler than the ones from the last month.

Edited by Zeitgeist-9
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In countries like mine, those $10 are REALLY MORE THAT WHAT YOU THINK, >$180 the least (with that, sometimes you can buy some "old" games or some of the last few games avaliable at certain stores), maybe you have enough money to pay the new Price, about the games, in 2013, until end of the annual instantant collection, the games were more than 8, now they have been giving as "free" mediocre games, at least in PS3 and Vita, each month, the new games are simpler than the ones from the last month.

I'm assuming you're in Mexico because this is only for NA and last time I checked the Canadian dollar ain't that darn weak. Anyways if you're telling me 180 pesos is gonna break your bank, I'm struggling to understand how the original 1,000 pesos is so affordable to you. Maybe PS+ is an expense you should consider dropping. If you're as strapped for cash as you make it seem maybe buying a Vita wasn't all that smart an investment.


Also, these prices are normalized across currency's. You bring up 180 pesos only being able to buy some "old" games as if I can walk into a US store with $10 and buy brand new releases. $10 doesn't get you much in the way of video games over here either, friend.

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