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Kill Your Completion v3. 0

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8 hours ago, voodoo_eyes said:


I played this during the last KYC and found it reasonably fun, but felt it would wear itself out fast (which it did). I played this on and off after the event and finished the racer "campaign" once as well. The to-do list has to be completed another 2 times to reach rank 60... same goes for the cop route, which puts me off this game for the most part.


Well, at least you're not just doing an insane xp grind to get to level 60. I'll probably go back to it and pop the plat sometime after the event, but I do get the sense it'll be one of those games I'm thankful for the PS4 Spotify app.

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3 hours ago, Fredoline05 said:

Really? OOooooh


No new trophies yet, but 1 thing is for sure, I won't get the 100% before Christmas' Eve (what a stupid idea for a trophy)!

Yeah, the trophies in this game seriously encourage using loopholes. On the first page there is a cloud save option. After a good run or two choose your local save and upload it. If you die back to the title page and choose the cloud option to re-download it. Only takes about 20 seconds including menu navigation to get back into the game. 


You can also set your system date to Dec 24th and then go knock out that trophy. Date/time specific trophies are duuuuuuumb. 

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1 hour ago, Crimson Idol said:

Game 2, Day 1: Blur (PS3)



It's always nice when a racing game starts with a cult classic composition like Ennio Morricone's Ecstasy of Gold so the hype is high right from the start. Sadly the ingame music itself seems to be boring and pale electro tunes, no matter what I choose (there's the choice between licensed music and some compositions specifically created for Blur). And there's no button to skip specfic tracks. Personally I don't mind electro music but the songs chosen here are rather annoying. :| 


But before I spend the whole post talking about the horrible music I will now mention the game's core mechanic. Blur is mainly a mix between the standard arcade racers with real cars combined with the power-up and weapon system of games like Mario Kart. There are several power-ups you can gather. Some examples are the standard homing missiles you can shoot at other cars, mines you can place behind or put in front of your car, use a shield to protect yourself from incoming objects, or activate a lightning strike that places some "shock zones" on the track which will harm the enemies and slow them down. These power-ups are combined with a health bar. Once that's lowered you will have a rather long cooldown phase to make it back into the race but you can replenish it by collecting some kind of medi kit.


So far I spend about one and a half hour in the singleplayer which features a career that is divided into several sub-divisions. Each division consists of several races and has some cumulative tasks you have to fulfill like using a given amount of power-ups or finish a given amount of events in the division. Once you fulfilled them you will unlock a rival whom you have to race one-on-one. If you win the race, you will earn the car, otherwise you have to retry. So far I played the first division and raced against the first rival. The funny thing is the first time I raced against her, it was more or less a tie between us and according to the results screen I lost (maybe by <0.1 seconds) but the trophy for winning still popped. Ehm yeah. xD 

The race types I was able to play so far were normal races and some demolition races where I had to destroy the enemy cars to rack up some points.


I also played a bit in the multiplayer which seems to feature the same event-types as the singleplayer. And it also has a nice feature that I haven't seen in any other game so far: It tells you the amount of active people in the multiplayer and shows you for each mode how many players are currently in there. :o

While I tried the mode there were still about ~50 people online and I played a few races. About half of them I placed in the lower half but I also was able to score a few 3rd places against some higher ranked players. :dance:


So far I'm liking the game but I still enjoy other racing games (e.g. the Codemaster-ones) much more.


You really are a glutton for driving punishment! You just knocked off DiRT 3 and then you tackle another UR driving plat! What's on deck in April - Twisted Metal???

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3 hours ago, Hemiak said:

Yeah, the trophies in this game seriously encourage using loopholes. On the first page there is a cloud save option. After a good run or two choose your local save and upload it. If you die back to the title page and choose the cloud option to re-download it. Only takes about 20 seconds including menu navigation to get back into the game.

I might use this when I get back to the game after the event, but for now I just try it legit, we'll see how far I'll get


3 hours ago, Hemiak said:

You can also set your system date to Dec 24th and then go knock out that trophy. Date/time specific trophies are duuuuuuumb. 

This is exactly the kind of 'cheat' that I refuse to do (unless a trophy becomes unobtainable otherwise). So I'll do this one legit and wait for Christmas' Eve to get it.

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I had played that game up to Chapter 10, great game. Sadly, the fact that there is an on-line trophy makes it hard for me to platinum so I got rid of it. :( I might try it again in the future. For now, I might look into Digimon New World Order instead since I have some money now.

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1 hour ago, DamagingRob said:

Loved Digimon, back in the day. Pokemon had the better games back then, but Digimon had the way better anime. 

But the very first Digimon World was such a great game. I even liked Digimon World 3 and 4.


1 hour ago, NebbyLunala said:

I had played that game up to Chapter 10, great game. Sadly, the fact that there is an on-line trophy makes it hard for me to platinum so I got rid of it. :( I might try it again in the future. For now, I might look into Digimon New World Order instead since I have some money now.

As far as I know there are bots in the multiplayer so you can get the trophy even when no one is playing online.

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6 hours ago, Hemiak said:



Game 2, 1 hour played. 

0/15 trophies 



So I had to tear myself away from Knytt to start this. I'm glad I did because this game is pretty addictive. 

Wow. With all the positive buzz swindle is getting, it looks like I have to add it to my backlog!

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4 hours ago, MarkusT1992 said:

Game #2: Mirror's Edge Catalyst




I only played the first Mirror's Edge game for like one or two hours, so I have no clue about what happened befor this game.


Don't worry, it's kind of a reboot.


4 hours ago, MarkusT1992 said:

I found three screens which all were hacked by @BillyHorrible. Your dominition over Glass is over :shakefist:


Probably the only three screens I did :giggle:


I remember being annoyed by the screens, not being able to change my icon unless I would register at EA.

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11 hours ago, MarkusT1992 said:

But the very first Digimon World was such a great game. I even liked Digimon World 3 and 4.

I have 1, 3, and Data Squad on the PS2. 1 was fun, but I never really felt like I was making much progress.. Your Digimon dying all the time was kind of annoying. None of the 3 were bad games, but they weren't as addicting as those Game Boy Color Pokemon games. Sunk so many hours into those. :/

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On 3/4/2017 at 7:01 AM, zettlock said:


Why I love this game? I don't know, really. It might look like there is so much to do, but in fact there isn't. It just has this one-more-turn-and-I'm-done-holy-shit-it's-7-am! effect like Civilization has.


This is why my undergraduate diploma doesn't have the words "magna cum laude" on it.  :hmm:


And I'm still laughing at your eugenics reference in your review. Hilarious! 

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