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Kill Your Completion v3. 0

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4 hours ago, xFalionx said:

So, I barely managed to tear myself away from my second game to go to sleep. Here are my first impressions while they're still fresh.


Game #2: Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (on PS3)

0.5th day
Total playtime: about 1 hour and 30 minutes



I've played this game for a bit and the story is starting to pick up now. 


The game begins with you, the prince, visiting your brother Malik at his keep. Turns out you chose the best time to visit since the keep is in the middle of being attacked by another faction. You decide to look for Malik, who is currently retreating into his treasure chamber to unleash a secret magic sand army unto his opponents. When you finally meet up with him within the treasure chamber, you witness him breaking the seal and the sand army turning against him, turning his men into stone. You pick up one half of the broken seal, which just so happens to have protective magic powers that keep you from turning to stone yourself and get told by some magic Jinn who sealed these creatures up in there in the first place, to reunite both halfs of the seal to clean up the mess your brother made. That's where the game starts.


One and a half hours in and I'm already hooked, like I said above it was really, really hard to stop playing in the first place because the game is just that addicting. The platforming sections feel nice and fast paced, the combat is not all that hard but does require you to actually think about how you approach the hordes of enemies you run into. I really like the skill system, which lets you choose different perks like increased maximum health, special magic abilities that you can use to attack your enemies or shield yourself from them, or more energy points which are required to use these magic abilities. Up until now I've found 2 different types of enemies: normal ones and shielded ones. The shielded enemies require you to kick down their shield using :triangle:, which can be pretty hard when you've got 15 other non-shielded enemies attacking you from all other sides.


The only 2 things I'm a bit disappointed about are the fact that I was only allowed to choose between normal and easy difficulties (I usually start games on hard from the get go), and the fact that the camera feels dodgy and takes some getting used to. Luckily the camera is locked in the direction you need to head for the most part, so you don't really have to deal with it that often. This is not a game breaker, but it's something that could have been better.


I'm really looking forward to playing this some more tomorrow and right now it's a real contender for a :platinum: rating in Billy's scale, but let's see about that in another 10 hours or so.


I played this game in the last KYC event and it ended up being my favorite of the 10.  It felt like a throwback to games on the PS1 or PS2, but I mean that as a compliment.  Not sure if you're using a guide or not, but there are a few missable trophies with the bosses.  I can give you more info if you like but I dont want to give out too much info if you want to play blind. 

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9 hours ago, xFalionx said:

I don't know why but that name feels oddly familiar. ^_^ 


Also, only 20 more minutes until I can start my second game after finishing my first game a day early.  


Really? Because I don't know (or maybe I can't remember) what it is about. On Google Image, you only get pictures of cars or of a weird cat 0_0

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3 hours ago, dmland12 said:

Game #1: Joe Dever's Lone Wolf


Progress: 27/49 Trophies (47%)

Completion: 94.78% (-0.89%)


Overall, I really enjoyed this one.  I didn't quite get through all of the story in 3 days, but I'm near the end.  Things are getting tense, but the rules are the rules!  Luckily there were plenty of trophies that were either tied to the story or easy enough to get just playing the game normally, so my completion percentage didn't go down too much.  :)


Lone Wolf is an RPG/Gamebook.  I didn't really have any idea what a gamebook was going into this one, and I'm not still not sure I do.  :P  In any case, in this game you read the story from a book and have to make decisions or deal with enemies.



The combat is kind of hard to explain, but it's pretty detailed... more than it appears to be at first.  The enemies can hit hard so you need to have a good plan on how to take them down before they get through your vitality (HP), especially later in the game.  Below is a fight I had from Act II...  no spoilers, just action, so don't worry.  I made some mistakes and died (if you die, you get the option to redo the battle, start from a previous checkpoint, or reduce the difficulty).  The biggest mistake was at the very end...



Yup, I dealt my own killing blow on myself.  If you are running low on endurance you can still hit back after a dodge/parry and you'll lose some vitality instead.  Don't do that if it'll kill you.  :blink:



I felt the story started to drag around the middle of Act II (there are 4 acts), right around the time that the combat difficulty started spiking (I'm guessing this combination is why the trophy for finishing Act II is only at 12%).  But, I really enjoyed the Act III story, and although I haven't been able to finish it, the Act IV story is looking promising!  I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll just leave it at this.


Story Decisions

From time to time, you get to make decisions about how you will handle things.  There's several variations here.  Sometimes you will be required to do some quick-time-events to complete the task.  Sometimes your choice won't go so well.  Most of the time it's kind of obvious how things will go.  If you rush in without looking for traps, or if you attack a group of enemies head-on instead of trying something else first, you'll generally have a tougher time.  Which sort of decisions you go for also effect which stats go up when you level up (which happens at the end of each chapter... there's three per Act).  There's a lockpicking minigame, and a rotate-the-magic-cube-into-the-correct-shape-to-break-the-magic-lock minigame.  I also died from one of my decisions in Act IV (you just get to redo it), so that's also possible at least for that one.  :P  Overall, there's a nice variety, and it feels pretty fair.


Last Thoughts

I'm looking forward to finishing the story and platting this one later.  The playthrough on hard difficulty will be tough, but the rest of the trophies I lack shouldn't be too bad, with enough time.  I'll be starting Shovel Knight tomorrow.  I think I'll make a post on my initial thoughts and then one more at the end like I did for Lone Wolf.


Sounds interesting enough for me to consider buying it the next time it goes on sale.



On a different note, I wrapped up Deathly Hallows. Like suspected, it only took another 30 minutes to finish the story. Difficulty doesn't stack, which means another two playthroughs for the plat...


I'll start Slain a sometime later today.

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3 hours ago, PerryToxteth said:

I played this game in the last KYC event and it ended up being my favorite of the 10.  It felt like a throwback to games on the PS1 or PS2, but I mean that as a compliment.  Not sure if you're using a guide or not, but there are a few missable trophies with the bosses.  I can give you more info if you like but I dont want to give out too much info if you want to play blind. 

I always have a look at the missable trophies before or shortly after I start, I'm playing it blind with the exception of the sarcophagi locations. I just let the video show a few frames of the next location and whenever I'm around there, I have a look for it. The only things I know besides that are that There's a boss in the throne room I have to beat without getting hit, same thing for the last boss, and that I should stay on it for a minute directly after I get the ability to solidify water.


1 hour ago, Myu said:

Really? Because I don't know (or maybe I can't remember) what it is about. On Google Image, you only get pictures of cars or of a weird cat 0_0

Have a look at my user name. ^_^ 


14 hours ago, MStalker58 said:

@xFalionx Wanted to let you know that I bought Terraria. Your comments pushed me in that direction and then I watched an awesome video review from someone who also thought it was one of the greatest games of all time. That sold me and decided to go ahead and buy it. Before bringing it up in this thread, I was actually leaning towards passing on it. Your thoughts made me take a second look so thanks for that. Unless I end up hating the game, then I'll be coming for you. :P

That's great to hear, have fun with the game. :D 

But if you end up hating the game, I'll be coming for you instead. :P 

Edited by xFalionx
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6 minutes ago, wtru9 said:



Day 3 - Final Thoughts

Game #1: Need for Speed Rivals

Playtime: 9 hours???


Well, I managed to complete the racer "story", if you can call it that. It's really basically a series of to-do lists loosely tied together around some cutscenes that touch upon the basic philosophy of law enforcement or something? I'm not really sure. It felt like they kinda tried to do something profound, which I'm all for if they execute it right, but they only half committed, and therefore it really feels half baked and out of place.


The hot pursuit game mode, where you race other racers along a set course while being pursued by a full serving of cops, and a mode I played to death online in NFS: Hot Pursuit (because Rivals is essentially a newer version of that), becomes incredibly infuriating later on. It feels like the police are only interested in bringing you, and you alone down, and when you combine that with 5 other fully weaponized Racers, who carry weapons such as a "shockwave" which practically sends anyone near their car to Narnia, you're just in for a bad time. The real kicker is that if the cops fall too far back, they despawn and another cops spawns in the middle of the road right in front of you. It happened a few times where I lost several places because I literally could not avoid the police car that suddenly materialized right in front of me.


I feel like I may be harping on about the negatives a bit too much, it's always easier to identify things that you find problematic. I'll give Rivals one redeeming positive: The handling model. I found it to be solid and fun, what you'd expect from Need for Speed game. It's tight, but not too much so that the car feels like it's on rails, but not too loose that the car is practically uncontrollable.


Overall, I'd give it a :silver:. It didn't blow me away, but I enjoyed my time with it enough, and it far from bombed.

Buy it if: You feel the need...

Avoid if: You're a physics teacher/ You prefer to use your cars to run over squishy pedestrians.


Next game: Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2


I played this during the last KYC and found it reasonably fun, but felt it would wear itself out fast (which it did). I played this on and off after the event and finished the racer "campaign" once as well. The to-do list has to be completed another 2 times to reach rank 60... same goes for the cop route, which puts me off this game for the most part.

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3 hours ago, xFalionx said:

I always have a look at the missable trophies before or shortly after I start, I'm playing it blind with the exception of the sarcophagi locations. I just let the video show a few frames of the next location and whenever I'm around there, I have a look for it. The only things I know besides that are that There's a boss in the throne room I have to beat without getting hit, same thing for the last boss, and that I should stay on it for a minute directly after I get the ability to solidify water.


Yeah, you got it covered. If you get hit once, quit and try again.  And trust me, you WILL get hit. B)


Good idea on the sarcophagi too.  Most aren't hard to find but no point in replaying an entire game for one missed collectible. Keep enjoying it!

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2 hours ago, FFHannibal said:

I apologize for the wall of text. This is actually the first time I tried to do this. My thoughts have a tendency to be all over the place, so if something seems like word vomit it probably is. Thanks for reading though if you manage to get through all of it :) .


Started with: 42.45%
Now: 42.57% (Totally inaccurate because I platted Watch Dogs sorry but not really...)


Game #1: Unit 13 (PS Vita)



Trophies: 14 / 44
Playtime: 3 hours 10 minutes



Hey, we both got the Watch Dogs plat on the same day! Looks like you beat me by about 6 hours. :highfive:


I managed to get through the wall of text, do I get a prize? I've never heard of that game but really enjoyed reading your review. Especially liked the part where you thought killing everything in sight on a covert mission was a good idea. :giggle:

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