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Kill Your Completion v3. 0

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10 hours ago, Jaguargenie said:

Yes I'm playing on ps4. I wouldn't mind doing it with sone people cuz it's prolly gonna be super boring/grindy.


Add me on PSN in case I forget to add you when I get home. These past few days I've been playing a regular amount of Black Flag, and I'm sending out invites to @Crimson Idol and @Ratchet2425 whenever I see them online.


Personally, I'm really liking the wolfpack mode, it's kinda cool. I'll PM you with some tips to level up faster.


10 hours ago, MarkusT1992 said:

That's why this AC game is the worst for me. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad games but Ubisoft should haved released it as a new IP and not as part of the AC games.

I want to fight Templars and search for Pieces of Eden, not doing pirate stuff.


10 hours ago, PerryToxteth said:

Amen brother! 


8 hours ago, Jaguargenie said:

But, pirate stuff!!

And in all seriousness, if they did the whole new IP thing, the sales would have been halved. If they slap the AC name on it, they have a guaranteed user base already. 

And again, pirate stuff!


7 hours ago, MarkusT1992 said:

Sure the sale are higher this way but it's also possible that many fans won't by the next game if the previous has only little to do with the overall plot of the series.

As I said it's not a bad game. I even completed it on the 360. I only need a blue chest but I never found one.

You said it yourselfe: Pirate stuff. I think It would have sold quite good as a new IP. Many people like to play pirate stuff. ;)


Black Flag might have not been much of an AC game but it was a logical step after they tried out ships in III and people liked it... It would be cool to get a non-AC sequel of sorts to this as I still say that Black Flag is the best damn Pirates Of The Caribbean game I've ever played.


I'd also say that Black Flag is kind of where they lost it with the "overall plot", Unity and Syndicate didn't do much better on the long term story. Though personally, I never enjoyed the current day storyline anyway, I would be perfectly fine with AC becoming series with solely history sequences, I was fine with Unity and Syndicate showing so little of the present.



5 minutes ago, dmland12 said:

Up Next (and last):  Tropico 5 (I'm pretty sure it doesn't have button mashing... which will be good since my button mashing thumb needs a little rest!)

I saw that @wtru9 has already played Tropico 5 in this competition and enjoyed it, while @PerryToxteth has compared it to Civilization.  Sounds good!


Only downside I saw to it was the small text. Loved the game during KYC1, still want to get back to it.

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22 minutes ago, dmland12 said:

Game #9: Saturday Morning RPG


Progress: 53/58 Trophies (80%)

Completion: 86.95% (-0.12%, -8.72% from start)


SMRPG was the reason why I had to buy some grips for the analog sticks of the DualShock 4 to make them convex. Normally I don't mind whether the analog sticks are concave or convex but while rotating the sticks for the umpteenth time it really started to hurt. It was one of the games where I had to force myself to push through it as only a few things were missing but they were the most deious ones (reaching level 50 and finding all stickers). Still we can be happy that it only has this rather easy trophy list as the Xbox One-achievements force you to do all the ingame things. like doing 121 points of damage with an energy-based weapon.

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8 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:




You're correct in the assumption, that "The Little Ones" was DLC for the PC version of it, which was added to this version as well. It let's you add a child to your survivors, that can't defend him/herself and at first can't do any tasks in the shelter either. You also have to constantly give attention to the child so it doesn't get depressed. Essentially it males the game more challenging.

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3 minutes ago, voodoo_eyes said:


You're correct in the assumption, that "The Little Ones" was DLC for the PC version of it, which was added to this version as well. It let's you add a child to your survivors, that can't defend him/herself and at first can't do any tasks in the shelter either. You also have to constantly give attention to the child so it doesn't get depressed. Essentially it males the game more challenging.



okay sorry, easy joke.



Yeah I figured that kids in the game would work like that, I would have expected a kid to be an addition of the main story though. A lot of trophies are based on having a kid as well, so clearly they want you experiencing this addition or they wouldn't give it so much attention. Why advertise the addition of kids so much if they're not part of the main game? The could have called it a "Complete Edition" or whatever instead of "The Little Ones", because expectations are that children are a big part of the story - not a potentially big part of whatever parameters you want on your alternate playthroughs.

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10 hours ago, NebbyLunala said:

What did you expect? It's a port of the first PS1 Final Fantasy, they didn't bother with graphics back then. Though a lot of Fantasy Fans will claim that this game is the Best Game Ever. :P


FFVII was considered to be one the games with the best graphics at the time! 

Square Enix has always been a leader in that domain (and that was also the case story-wise, music-wise, etc, but that seems to have faded with time). 

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11 minutes ago, Crimson Idol said:


SMRPG was the reason why I had to buy some grips for the analog sticks of the DualShock 4 to make them convex. Normally I don't mind whether the analog sticks are concave or convex but while rotating the sticks for the umpteenth time it really started to hurt. It was one of the games where I had to force myself to push through it as only a few things were missing but they were the most deious ones (reaching level 50 and finding all stickers). Still we can be happy that it only has this rather easy trophy list as the Xbox One-achievements force you to do all the ingame things. like doing 121 points of damage with an energy-based weapon.


So far my best scratching method has been to grab the left stick with my thumb and index finger and wiggle it as fast as I can.


I still have the two grindy trophies to go.  I do think this will be the first game I pick back up after this event.  I'd like to be finished with this one.

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3 minutes ago, Pickle2907 said:

@BillyHorrible ultratron 12/12 in 2 hrs? I must suck absolute balls at this game. Played roughly that and haven't even got as far as boss 3.....upgrade tips please....lmao


Just like the previous game of the devs... quit if you get hit too much. I updated my own weapon for a bit and then went for the pets, first getting one and upgrading the range to the max before I went for other pets. I never bought bombs except for one or two bosses. I kept shields at three, if I got hit once or twice I'd want to restart anyway.

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7 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:


Just like the previous game of the devs... quit if you get hit too much. I updated my own weapon for a bit and then went for the pets, first getting one and upgrading the range to the max before I went for other pets. I never bought bombs except for one or two bosses. I kept shields at three, if I got hit once or twice I'd want to restart anyway.


Haven't played the previous game from the devs, lol....by quit...just options menu then exit or a close application jobby?

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1 minute ago, Pickle2907 said:


Haven't played the previous game from the devs, lol....by quit...just options menu then exit or a close application jobby?


Nah, just exit, take the shame the game throws at you, and restart. a Game Over starts you at the first level after a boss but the game only saves at the start of each level so quit and restart has you starting the same level over.


I had 100% not in two hours by the way but in just over four hours. But truth be told, I restarted from scratch once after I had gone past boss two or three already because I wanted to redo what I'd upgrade.

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Pre Game 10 Stats update

Completion Percentage: 37.06%

Trophies: Life is Strange 12/61

                  This War of Mine 11/27


Final game will be Just Cause 3.....then an attempt to repair the minor damage I have done and complete a load of games for the spring backlog challenge. Whew!

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7 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:


I'd also say that Black Flag is kind of where they lost it with the "overall plot", Unity and Syndicate didn't do much better on the long term story. Though personally, I never enjoyed the current day storyline anyway, I would be perfectly fine with AC becoming series with solely history sequences, I was fine with Unity and Syndicate showing so little of the present.

That is one of my favorite things about the plot. Desmond was terrible and I hated the present day stuff. 

Now from the little of the present I have seen in this game, you can tell that Abstergo is still a super evil corporation (read the employee handbook), but they are an 'interactive entertainment' company now. If they continue down that path so that the next games put you in the shoes of a regular Joe just living this interactive history movie, I'm totally OK with that. I know, personal preferences and some people will hate that, but I feel like the series needs to take itself less serious and have more fun. 

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My Transformers Devastation review might come later today otherwise tomorrow. The review for Yakuza 5 is the one that got eaten, so I'll try to recreate its epicness. The thread stays open anyway and I still need to do one for Resident Evil. 


At least I can finally play Alpha Protocol now, I've been looking forward to it all month. 

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7 hours ago, Pickle2907 said:

ultratron 12/12 in 2 hrs? I must suck absolute balls at this game. Played roughly that and haven't even got as far as boss 3.....upgrade tips please....lmao


I did it in just under 2 hours.  It's one of the few games I'm on the leaderboards for. #44 and slipping so I guess I need to brag about it before I fall off.  :P 


Anyway, it's mostly like @BillyHorrible said.  Upgrade your damage and your pets -- I didn't bother with the rest much except as needed for the trophies (quantum shift).  I didn't quit after a tough level, but instead just bought more shields to get them back to lvl 2-3.  They're pretty cheap to purchase at lower levels.


Always stay on the move...  as with most shooters like this circle strafe is going to be your main tactic.


EDIT:  Actually since the first trophy is for beating the first boss, I'm sure it took more than 2 hours to 100% the game, but not a whole lot more.

Edited by dmland12
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3 hours ago, zettlock said:

I will be skipping my 8th game because I didn't make any progress in Demon's Souls whatsoever. Instead, I'll make this rhetorical question – is that game really that hard? I mean, 10% of completion rate? Every tenth person did it? For example, my Enemy Front's plat has 7,10%, Sniper Elite 3 has 4,89%, Army Corps of Hell has 5,71%, Rebel Galaxy has 4,24%. Neither of this games are hard or time consuming. Sometimes tricky (SE3), but all doable. On the other hand, genuinely hard Vanquish, Max Payne 3 or La-Mulana EX have respectively 2,59%, 0,77% and 0,97%. I'm not intending to start a flame war, but can we, for a second, think that this game is not... well... hard? Challenging, maybe, but not hard? And I know about duping and item sharing stuff, but mentioned before SE3 has coop for Authentic difficulty. And so forth. This game has this renown to be hard, but when you're a seasoned RPG gamer, it's just fair challenge. Maybe it's difficulty is just an urban myth?

And don't even make me start on Bloodborne. 24%?!? That's Lego games' level of plat rarity!


Personally, it's the grind. Demon's souls is the hardest of the souls games, but it's attainable. Getting the plat requires a minimum of 2 playthroughs and a substantial amount of grind for the upgrade materials. Some of the materials are so rare that hours of grinding will net you nothing (hence the boosting). That's the whole reason for the rarity.  

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5 hours ago, zettlock said:

I will be skipping my 8th game because I didn't make any progress in Demon's Souls whatsoever. Instead, I'll make this rhetorical question – is that game really that hard? 

As Jaguar said. It's really not that bad. Don't get me wrong, the game itself is challenging, especially if you go through blind, play solo, and focus on a melee build. It has a strong learning curve and you really need to learn to be patient, and be willing to learn from your mistakes. 


The Plat itself isn't hard at all. It's more a matter of time and task management. It's not like there's a hard mode (other than ng+) or any trophies for killing something without dying. If you can beat this game you can get the Plat. Also, with so many ways to cheese the game (duping, dropping gear, coop in general), much of the difficulty is extremely subjective. 


The game gets its reputation because it doesn't pull punches, and doesn't hold your hand. There's one difficulty, until you start a + playthroigh, and you have to figure out many of the mechanics on your own. That being said, the Souls games are awesome, and most people who end up loving them easily follow through for the platinum. 

Edited by Hemiak
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12 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

Black Flag might have not been much of an AC game but it was a logical step after they tried out ships in III and people liked it... It would be cool to get a non-AC sequel of sorts to this as I still say that Black Flag is the best damn Pirates Of The Caribbean game I've ever played.


I'd also say that Black Flag is kind of where they lost it with the "overall plot", Unity and Syndicate didn't do much better on the long term story. Though personally, I never enjoyed the current day storyline anyway, I would be perfectly fine with AC becoming series with solely history sequences, I was fine with Unity and Syndicate showing so little of the present.


They did it again with Rogue, so there is a second game in this direction. I liked Rogue more than Black Flag despite not finishing it. It bought my PS4 arond the time I played Rogue and anly started my 360 once since then.


I'm glad that the want to do a new present day story in the upcoming AC game. I don't know if the want to make a reboot kind of thing or a new story around a new protagonist.

I liked all the notes you could find in Black Flag. They help to build the world of AC.

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