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Cassylvania's Miserable Little Pile of Platinums


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On 8/20/2023 at 2:37 AM, Cassylvania said:

Looks neat. I'm assuming it's by the same people as Shadow Tactics and that western game I haven't played yet?


Yes, it is from Mimimi. They just announced that Shadow Gambit will be their last game. :')

btw. Desperados III is on Extra.. just saying. 🥶



1 hour ago, Cassylvania said:

I heard it's really tough. I think I watched a playthrough once. In FACT, I think I bought it... It's somewhere in my backlog, I'm pretty sure.


I played Giana Sisters last year. My opinion of the game might be biased because I did it during a trophy hunting event and thought I could quickly knock this game out but it ended up taking way too long for my liking.

You have to beat every level at least 4 times.


1. On hard difficulty, 95% of all collectibles/gems with 5-7 lives in each level (depending on the lenght of the level) - to unlock the 5 star trophy

2. Score Attack

3. Time Attack

4. Hardcore (No death runs) - to unlock Über-Hardcore


Some of the levels are stupid long, I checked for a friend last month. The longest speedrun for a level is around 8-9 minutes, most of the levels are around 3-5 minutes. That are just the speedrun times. Getting most of the collectibles/gems is another tedium. Some are hidden very well and if you don't follow a guide you might be shy of 1-2% at the end of a level. The gems in a level are usually in the hundreds, I don't remember if some levels are even in the 4 digits.


The game itself isn't too difficult but the lenght and repetition combined with limited lives can become quite demoralizing. If you don't feel comfortable with platformers, this might not be the best game to start with. I'd actually recommend Rayman Legends instead as well. Never cared about that guy but the game is alright and not too punishing. The music levels are great and something I've never seen before in a game.

Edited by Mori
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On 8/29/2023 at 7:44 AM, Cassylvania said:

but I'm riding a 540/540 win streak in Wordle.

That's really impressive, excellent job. I've only been doing Wordle for the past half a year and my longest streak was 64, which I lost some two weeks ago to VERVE - when I eventually got - - R V E on my 4th attempt, I went for CURVE and then NERVE - the word VERVE didn't even occur to me although there is a similar word in Polish (in English I don't think I ever used it).


I also had a selection of words at some point that I would try out first - and I did get lucky a few months back, with BEAST as my first lucky attempt :D 

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7 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

I heard it's really tough. I think I watched a playthrough once. In FACT, I think I bought it... It's somewhere in my backlog, I'm pretty sure.


That it is. That other site rates it a 10/10 - I'd argue it's a 9/10 (not quite as hard as Super Meat Boy), but I can see a 10. It's up there. The final boss is downright unfair and then there is a trophy requiring to beat every level, including him, on one life each (Hardercore). And a time trial. But it's also really great and with the exception of the final boss, the difficulty curve is on point, though I might be biased - the first game on the C64 was the first videogame I ever played.

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On 9/2/2023 at 8:21 PM, Cassylvania said:

...uh, I won't have any kitchen appliances? Yeah, that kinda sucks.

Speaking to the 50-year old dude who lives in a house the size of a trailer with ZERO oven, only one kitchen cabinet, the kitchen being in the same room as the bedroom, and no room to have a litter box so he can't have a cat, which sucks because cats are the ultimate therapy. 😛

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DATE: September 13, 2023

PLACE: The Crystarium


Professor Seajay looked out over the flower fields on Lakeland, shadowing her eyes with her hand. "Accursed Primordial Light," she muttered.


Nemona walked up, Feo Ul flutering behind her. Seajay sighed. No doubt the stupid pixie was going to harass her again with questions about her world. "What is it now?"


"You've been looking over the fields forever, Boss," said the Lalafell, tapping her forehead. "Don't you think you should give up the search? This guy isn't like Hildebrand, you won't find him on the First."


"I know, I know, it's just... he's been dark for so long. I'm concerned." Just then she gasped. "Was that a... slugcat?"


Nemona sighed and shook her head, shrugged, and turned to the pixie. "Come on, there's no reasoning with the Boss. Let's go."


The two left Professor Seajay to pull out her binocs and look through them, cursing. "Gah, another Sin Eater. Nemona, you drip! Get your darn a$$ off your duff and kill Chaos! I mean, the Lightlords so these damn Sin Eaters go away!"


In rage, she tossed her binocs with herculean strength and they got eaten by a nearby ochu, which belched once and then collapsed dead from indigestion.


"I'm heading back to Kitikami." With that, the Mi'qote used Return to warp back to her house.


=*= I'm a bit concerned Cassy hasn't posted recently. I was really hoping to see the Trial of the Rat to tie up that fanfiction so we can get back to reviews. ^_^


Also, just started playing Pokemon Scarlet again and got into the new Teal Mask DLC with a wonderful new snekk friend in Arbok. And started MSQ for Shadowbringers in FFXIV. About time, I wanted to get that done before I got my (redacted for content) this Friday. Being middle-aged sucks. :(

Edited by ProfSeajay7
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  • 2 weeks later...

What? Did you guys think I was dead? No, it just turns out that when I said I was moving into a new house, I forgot to mention the house wasn't even remotely finished yet and I was basically just forcing myself to live there for insurance logistical reasons. The good news is I might get a couch there this weekend, so at least that's one step closer to having a bed... (Did I also forget to mention that I only brought what would fit in my tiny car?)


Anyway, I'm typing this post on some crappy old laptop that I bought when I started college and I'm pretty sure I'm using the neighbor's Wifi, so I could lose internet any moment now. But it's like 2:00 in the morning and it's not like I have anything else to do but stare at unpainted walls, so let me tell you what I've been doing with what little free time I've had this month.


Platinum #397 - Rooms: The Unsolvable Puzzle

[Image not available because I don't know how to do that on this browser/computer. Use your imagination.]


Yeah, the real "unsolvable puzzle" is how I'm going to make this house look presentable before the inspector shows up...


Alright, so... I bought this game about a month ago for a community event that I'm in (and will ultimately let down everybody on my team due to my inability to play literally anything else during this time). Not even sure how I came across this one. I just like puzzle games, I guess. I figured it was something I'd be able to do for a few minutes or a few hours, without the need for a solid internet connection or, you know, stable sitting conditions. I'm not even sure the tin bucket I'm sitting on now qualifies as a chair.


So, uh... right. The game. This is essentially a sliding puzzle game. Every level takes place on a 2D grid. You play as Anne, who, much like me, is trapped in a large house that seems to want to kill her at every turn. All the rooms are jumbled up and it's your goal to move Anne through the maze of rooms. There are two ways you can do this. First, you can physically walk from room to room, as long as there's not a wall in your way. (That would hurt.) You need a ladder in the room to reach a higher floor, though, and Anne can't seem to drop down through floors. Sometimes there are doors that you need to unlock, which means you have to find the key first. None of this stuff is hidden -- the trick is figuring out how to maneuver the rooms so Anne can reach it. That's the second way you can manipulate the grid. When in a room, you have the ability to move the entire room either up, down, left, or right (as long as the corresponding space is empty). So if there's a key in the room directly above Anne, but there's no ladder to reach it, one option would be to move Anne's room either left or right and then up a space. Pretty easy, right?


Yeah, no. There are several things that make this game much tougher than it seems at first. For starters, it's not just moving rooms and unlocking doors. It starts out that way, sure -- and the game admittedly does a good job at easing you into new concepts -- but you're very quickly going to learn that even a simple looking puzzle can have a very complicated solution. Let's just go over some of the concepts the game introduces.


First, you have telephones. These teleport you to the room with the corresponding colored phone. So, a red phone takes you to the other red phone, while a blue phone takes you to the other blue phone. Then you have wardrobes, which...do the opposite. They cause the room of the corresponding color to swap places with the room Anne is in. So, a green wardrobe room that has a door on the left might swap with a green wardrobe room that has a ladder. Then you have chests with bombs in them. These will blow up weak walls, but they're stationary -- and they'll kill Anne if she's in the same room as them. (This is presented as a kid-friendly game, though, so Anne doesn't ACTUALLY die. Her face just gets covered with soot like Wile E. Coyote and you're forced to restart the level.) You're often trying to figure out how to put a room with a bomb in it next to a room where Anne can wait safely for the bomb to go off. But you also have magnets, which are stationary as well, and can either push or pull adjacent rooms. So, like...maybe you trigger a bomb, run to the next room, and have to activate the magnet to push the room with the bomb next to a room with a weak wall. That's the only time in the game where you're forced to act quickly, but you can see how these new concepts begin to add these various layers of complexity. You also have puppets that mimic Anne's movements (and kill her if they touch her), poisonous gas that can be turned on or off by a switch in a different room, and mirrors that cause two rooms to act simultaneously. Shit really hits the fan when the game introduces rooms that can ROTATE (and mirrored rooms that rotate at the same time).


As confusing as that might sound, none of these concepts are particularly hard to grasp. This is a much harder game to explain than it is to play. Your grandmother could wrap her head around how this game works. The problem is it's not enough to just BEAT the level. The developers decided that you should be limited in how many "moves" you can make. As long as Anne reaches the exit, you can move to the next level. But to get the best SCORE, which you need for the platinum, you must do so in under a certain number of moves. I was able to do some levels in less moves than what was required, but I'm pretty sure that was just an oversight by the developers. They really seemed to want you to play every level perfectly because there's almost always no room for error.


Now, what constitutes a "move" is a little weird. Anne can move, but that doesn't count. You're free to walk around the rooms as much as you want, climb every ladder, teleport back and forth on the phone, and continually hop in and out of the wardrobe like you're the kids from Narnia. It's only when you physically move a room that a "turn" is made. (Rotating a room also counts as a move, but using a magnet doesn't. I dunno why.) I kinda like this because it gives you something to do while you're thinking about your next move. I dunno. It's like in in Dark Souls (hey, I didn't think I was going to get it in this time!), where the game doesn't pause just because an NPC is talking. I like being able to move my character around at all times. It helps me feel in control. You're also not timed or in a rush (except for the few times you're required to act quickly because of a bomb), so the tracker isn't as bad as it could be... But it's still bad. I don't particularly like when a game says I did a good job but I need to do better. Beating some of these levels and beating them within the required number of moves is akin to beating a Souls boss and beating a Souls boss with your eyes closed and taking no damage. It's that big of a difficulty jump at times.


There is a "hint" system, but it's... unusual, to say the least. If you tap the touchpad, the game will highlight the "correct" room configuration for that level. When a piece is in the "correct" location, it will also go from being black and white to color. There are also stairs and columns and portraits and other background objects in each room that you can kinda use as a guide to figuring out which pieces go where. This is kinda helpful, but there are two problems. First, this only applies to the FINAL configuration. Just because a piece belongs in a certain spot doesn't mean you want it there right away. That might end up being the last move you make. Second, I can say confidently that some levels have more than one solution. I finished several puzzles with rooms not in the correct order when I got to the exit door. I say, if you're going to cheat, just use a walkthrough. (Although the colored pieces and highlights CAN be useful. I solved a few puzzles just by working backwards. If you know which pieces belong where, and you know how many moves you are allowed to take to get them there, you can sometimes deduce which moves have to be made.)


Each mansion has 24 levels and there are four mansions in total. You can do the math. Each mansion also has 12 additional levels (that I didn't even notice until I beat the game and wondered why the platinum didn't pop), which you access by pressing DOWN on the mansion select screen. (No, the game didn't tell me that.) These levels are where the developers really show you their disdain for the world. I won't spoil it by saying what new concepts these levels introduce, but let me just say that I challenge any of you to beat every level in this game (with the best possible score) without using a guide. No, really. I want to see somebody do it. I mean, somebody had to in order to create the guide, right? Why don't developers just make a game SUPER HARD and then write their own guide and make players pay money to use the guide? Oh, wait. They did that back in the 90s.


Anyway, what else...? There's a story, but nobody cares. There's a lantern that talks to you. That's kinda neat. He's sorta like a self-insert for the developers because he spends a good portion of the game mocking you. Uh... there's optional VR support, for some reason. (I struggle to think of a game that would be LESS suited for VR.) I'll be honest. This plays like a mobile game and probably is one.


I don't think I'd recommend this game, but only because I get annoyed when I feel a walkthrough is the best way to earn the platinum. That could be on me. Ten years ago, I might've had the patience to do this entire game on my own. I actually managed to do that on the first two mansions. Once I got to the third mansion, though, I started using a walkthrough AFTER I beat each level. (Got some of them on my first try.) By halfway through the fourth mansion, I couldn't take it anymore. I did a few of the bonus levels on my own, but I just wanted to be done. I want to be done with everything. I'm just... so tired...


Excuse me while I sleep on the floor now.

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10 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

What? Did you guys think I was dead? No, it just turns out that when I said I was moving into a new house, I forgot to mention the house wasn't even remotely finished yet and I was basically just forcing myself to live there for insurance logistical reasons. The good news is I might get a couch there this weekend, so at least that's one step closer to having a bed... (Did I also forget to mention that I only brought what would fit in my tiny car?)


Wow, that sucks. When my dad had my shed-house commissioned and I had to move out so they could sell the townhouse to cover payments, I had to live n my parent's guest room for a month. :(


Good review, by the by. Also, in my post at my new account, I accidentally called the guys Lightlords. FFXIV quickly reminded me that they are called LIGHTWARDENS. Oops. Don't judge me, I was just starting Shadowbringers. I'm almost to the end, just have to kill one more Lightwarden, then take down Chaos... I means Hades(and not the gross blue troll with a blue fire for hair, I mean the Ascian).

Edited by Taruta13
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  • 2 weeks later...
11 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

Platinum #399 - Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising


A name you can't pronounce? An overused word when trying to make something sound epic? An unnecessary subtitle? It must be a JRPG! (Well, no. It's actually an action RPG, brought to you by the same people who destroyed the Harvest Moon series and published by the same people who screwed me out of my 100%. But close enough.)

In this supposed successor to the Suikoden series (something I've never played or even heard of), you take the role of CJ.


Oh wow, Suikoden is a flashback to the past - I remember playing Suikoden II on the PS2! Considering that the series never made it to the PS3 console (despite going up to Suikoden V), it's definitely a lesser-known JRPG series nowadays.


I don't at all plan to play Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, but I'm curious about one thing - are you supposed to recruit 100-108 characters in the game, with Garoo and Isha just being the most prominent ones? That was the big thing with the Suikoden series since it was based on a classic Chinese novel called "Water Margin" about a group of 108 outlaws. The other reason I ask is that I'm a linguistics nerd and looked into the etymology of "Eiyuden". The Suikoden series in Japan called [ Gensō Suikoden幻想水滸伝 ], aka "Fantasy Water Margin". It seems the Japanese name for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is [ Eiyuden Rising | 百英雄伝 Rising ], and so Eiyuden translates to "Legend of the Hundred Heroes". If Eiyuden is supposed to be a 'spiritual successor' to Suikoden and doesn't include that core mechanic, I question why it would attempt to be a successor in the first place.


11 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

I wish I could make this game sound more interesting, but I can't. It reminds me of Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin, without any of the good stuff.




Play Sakuna, play Odin Sphere, play Tunche, play Greak, play Dust, play Young Souls. If you really just want to beat up on enemies, there are so many better choices out there. This is not a genre that you should be starved for.


I've heard good things about Odin Sphere and Tunche, I'm glad to hear that Sakuna is also pretty good! It's been in my list of PS+ Catalog games that I was interested in, but I wasn't sure if it was worth playing - so hurray!


11 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

Yeah, I'm not going to recommend this game. I finished in exactly 25 hours, which seems to be on the high end for most people. I also watched the entire Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy for the tenth time. I'm now onto The Amazing Spider-Man movies, which I haven't seen. The problem with those is I'm watching them at the same time as playing Miles Morales, so like, I'm getting the plots and the characters mixed up in my head. I don't advise doing that. In fact, if you guys have learned anything from this thread, I hope it's to not make the same mistakes as me. Don't play Eiyuden. Don't play the sequel that they're threatening to release either. Play Sakuna, play Odin Sphere, play Tunche, play Greak, play Dust, play Young Souls. If you really just want to beat up on enemies, there are so many better choices out there. This is not a genre that you should be starved for.


Oh gosh, TASM movies while playing Miles Morales actually sounds like fun, coming from someone who is a Spider-Man fan! The DC fandom especially has helped me learn how to separate different comic continuities of a single character, but I can definitely see it being a bit overwhelming if it's not something you're immersed in.


After you finish the Miles Morales game, I highly recommend you check out (if you haven't already) the animated Spider-Verse movies that feature Miles! Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse came out in 2018 and is a goddamn work of art, to the point where it (alongside the masterpiece that is Netflix's Arcane TV series) has heavily influenced recent animated movies that have moved away from Pixar-style aesthetics and into more stylized art styles like the recent TMNT: Mutant Mayhem movie (though I've not watched that). Into the Spider-Verse is not only stylistically beautiful, it has a fantastic soundtrack and is truly one of the best tellings of a superhero origin story and stories about finding one's sense of self/identity. The movie is masterful in creating a compelling hero's arc for Miles and has a complete story. The sequel, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse came out this June and took the stylization to a new level, explained the idea of comic-book multiverses in the best way I've ever seen, and does an incredible job with a foil character, that can only really be appreciated on a rewatch in my opinion. The only "downside" to Across is that it is not a completely self-contained story, ending on a cliffhanger that will be resumed with Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse when that releases next year(!!) - so it could be worth waiting to watch Across for after Beyond releases if you dislike waiting for a "Part 2" conclusion.




Anyway, thanks for another enjoyable read! I hope that your house renovation work continues smoothly and quickly.


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2 hours ago, pelagia14 said:


Oh wow, Suikoden is a flashback to the past - I remember playing Suikoden II on the PS2! Considering that the series never made it to the PS3 console (despite going up to Suikoden V), it's definitely a lesser-known JRPG series nowadays.


I don't at all plan to play Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, but I'm curious about one thing - are you supposed to recruit 100-108 characters in the game, with Garoo and Isha just being the most prominent ones? That was the big thing with the Suikoden series since it was based on a classic Chinese novel called "Water Margin" about a group of 108 outlaws. The other reason I ask is that I'm a linguistics nerd and looked into the etymology of "Eiyuden". The Suikoden series in Japan called [ Gensō Suikoden幻想水滸伝 ], aka "Fantasy Water Margin". It seems the Japanese name for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is [ Eiyuden Rising | 百英雄伝 Rising ], and so Eiyuden translates to "Legend of the Hundred Heroes". If Eiyuden is supposed to be a 'spiritual successor' to Suikoden and doesn't include that core mechanic, I question why it would attempt to be a successor in the first place.



Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is a sort of "introductory game" to the spiritual successor of the Suikoden games, which is Eiyuden Chonicles: Hundred Heroes (release date currently April 2024). That one supposedly is going to have the core mechanics. Suikoden was a great series, and besides the five main titles, it also had a tactics game. Quite neat that was.


I didn't bother with Rising. I am waiting for Hundred Heroes.




Also, Cassy clearly is the the electronic greatest of all times (eGoaT).

Edited by Rally-Vincent---
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Congrats on Platinum #400!


Also, this is my main takeaway for the Atelier series after reading your post:


14 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

The only Atelier game I think I disliked more is Nelke, and that doesn't qualify as an Atelier game. (No barrel.) 



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Yo congrats on hitting 400!


Your Eiyuden (yes I scrolled back up multiple times to make sure I spelled it correctly, picturing Cartman shoutin "JUDEN" also helped) write-up was a great example of "OH HELL YEeaa....no, no I'm not doing that." Reviews like this one are a public service for sure!


Also, is that Unpacking I see??


...I hope you're enjoying it, because if not my glee at seeing you playing it is gonna look pretty jack-assy.

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On 8/29/2023 at 1:37 PM, Cassylvania said:

I'd say most games these days either need to have solid voice acting or have really good music for me to consider listening to them exclusively.


While FFXIV does fit both qualifications... I still mute it and put LoFi music on in the background while grinding. Especially when I have to do raids or trials multiple times. One can only hear Hades saying "Scour and shatter" so many times before you just slam the mute to save your damn sanity.  LOLZ.

On 9/29/2023 at 4:52 PM, Cassylvania said:

And it's fitting since this house is full of fuckin' spiders. I'm seriously going insane, guys.

You moved to an ugly house. I'm so sorry. If it makes you feel any better, I think there is still a frickin' house fly buzzing around my windows. I really hate it when I live next to a house full of flies. (My parents have it worse off, the house is constantly so full of flies that they need a bug zapper. :()

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On 10/10/2023 at 9:30 AM, pelagia14 said:

I don't at all plan to play Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, but I'm curious about one thing - are you supposed to recruit 100-108 characters in the game, with Garoo and Isha just being the most prominent ones? That was the big thing with the Suikoden series since it was based on a classic Chinese novel called "Water Margin" about a group of 108 outlaws. The other reason I ask is that I'm a linguistics nerd and looked into the etymology of "Eiyuden". The Suikoden series in Japan called [ Gensō Suikoden幻想水滸伝 ], aka "Fantasy Water Margin". It seems the Japanese name for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is [ Eiyuden Rising | 百英雄伝 Rising ], and so Eiyuden translates to "Legend of the Hundred Heroes". If Eiyuden is supposed to be a 'spiritual successor' to Suikoden and doesn't include that core mechanic, I question why it would attempt to be a successor in the first place.

I think that Water Margin was also the basis on the Pokemon Spiritomb as the lore behind that ghost type Pokemon was that its stone body was the prison for 108 lost souls. In Legends: Arcevus there is even a sidequest where you collect 108 souls to summon Spiritomb.




Giggity. :)

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On 10/10/2023 at 5:46 PM, Cassylvania said:

If you haven't seen screenshots of this game, the developers opted for chibi character models. I personally don't mind because I'm almost 38 years old and I have more important things in my life to worry about, but some people might be bothered by that.


Continuing the Pokemon analogy here, this remake is sitting at the local pub, getting drunk with her bar buddies, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl, and moaning about life:


Atelier Marie Remake: "So my characters are chibi SD models? Why they hate?"

BD/SP: "Amen, sister! Preach it to the crowd!"


Yeah, I'm sure a lot of people incinerated their Pokemon fan cards when they found that some foreign company called Ilca came and ruined the Generation 4 remakes. The only thing I hate about BD/SP, mind you, is how they zoom in on a character's face and they flap their lips. I know it's supposed to represent the character sliding in on the originals and shout at you, but seriously, I would rather have chibi models of Cynthia than see Galatic Commander Mars screaming "What are you doing to my Pokemon?!" while seeing her ugly face. 👿


EDIT: Also, I had a nightmare where my wallet and phone got stolen and I got glomped by Sophie. Oh the horror. 😮

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10 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

It won't be ugly when I'm done with it (I hope). The reason it seems I'm either really bad or really slow at moving in is because I'm determined to finish the living room (my temporary gaming/computer room) before I start filling it with stuff. And...well, let's just say that means putting up custom trim, crown molding, and now decorative walls because I'm pretty sure the previous tenants put their head through the drywall more than once. (I know what I'd like to do if I ever see them again...)


Funny thing. I feel the same way about the guy who owned the townhouse two-story I used to live in before me. I mean seriously, the place was so full of cigarette butts that it could be mistaken for a red light strip club, and the upper bathroom... well, it was still leaking water on the living room before it was even fixed and had to be refixed. :(


Scenario: The Landlady next door came back from vacation to find the front lawn covered in used condoms and drug needles and evicted the snooker, then sold it to my dad. At least *I* left the place to my successors with a nicer place to live, though I'll miss the green dining room walls and the exercise I got from walking up and down the stairs to make dinner.


Great review on Unpacking. I really enjoyed getting the platinum for that game. Sadly, no more PS5 stack - my PS5 controller decided to croak. (I can start the PS5 because pressing the PS4 button doesn't provoke a response so I need to replace the controller. I tried to fill the time with Pokemon XD: Gales of Darkness... only for my memory card to corrupt and wipe my save file. Add in that my Nintendo Switch Lite borked and couldn't turn on anymore and I had to trash it.... seriously this house is cursed, every electronic game I have is doomed to die quickly. *throws salt over shoulder* :()

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