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Here's how to earn Valor Grand Cross


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19 hours ago, Platagonist said:

[...] When there were people scoring exactly the same points, they all got the trophy because they still were in the 1% range (or 1,05% max which the game also seems to accept for the trophy). So, I believe that, if there are, lets say, 2000 players, and 19 of them score for example between 200k - 13k points and then there are 20 more guys who all score exactly 12999 points, only one of these 20 guys gets the trophy (completely random guy), because the other 19 guys would not be in the 1% range (1% of 2000 players = 20 guys, so only 20 guys in total get the trophy). [...]


I don't think that is actually true. Two weeks ago, my group had pushed two guys on rank 19 with the exact number of points and both of them got the trophy while the guy on rank 20 did not get it, if I recall correctly. BTW, the game rounds the number of players up after calculating the 1%, which means that 20 people are eligible for VGC if there are more than 1900 players in total (that's my theory at least). For me, that makes more sense than your 1,05%-theory, because you would have to round up or down the number of people either way.

Edited by derdimi
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@derdimi If you check out the video and calculate it, you can see that both @PfaelzerOchs and @Schivorer are still in the 1% range, which means that they are actually ranked 19th and 20th and the next guy who did not get the trophy is ranked 21th. I still think that he did not get it because he was not in the 1,05% range - it's just a theory, but in this thread (beware, it's a huge wall of text) many statistics were compared and nobody over 1,05% (however, the closest one to compare was 1,07%) got the trophy - except of the disputer who was way too off with 1,17%, sadly it was impossible to prove that he was cheating. ?

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Thanks. I wasn't aware of that thread. Although I don't see any evidence for the 1.05% theory, it actually may be a legit thought (it would be bad programming if you ask me, though). However, in both cases the actual rank seems to be decisive. That means, in your example still everyone with the same score would get the trophy. Here is why: Schivorer was not ranked 20th, he was ranked 19th. There was no 20th rank. That's a key point here, because he would not have gotten the VGC if your theory is correct. Calculation: 20 / 1860 = 1.07% (out), while 19 / 1860 = 1.02% (in). The calculation for my theory is similar: 1860 / 100 = 18.6 ~ 19 (rounded up). So in both theories the 19th ranked player would be the last one to get the trophy. And Schivorer proved that everybody who would be ranked 19th in that case would have gotten it.

Edited by derdimi
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3 minutes ago, Afro_Gear said:

@Sergen Do you have then cut off point for this week so I can update the thread? Congrats to all who got it!


I actually forgot to look at it until you tagged me, but the cut off this week is 102,532... That definitely is the worst week in the game's history when it comes to a cut off point. Although the top score isn't really something to be really shocked about considering #1 this week has 126,536 while last week someone got over 210,000. 

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Just now, Sergen said:


I actually forgot to look at it until you tagged me, but the cut off this week is 102,532... That definitely is the worst week in the game's history when it comes to a cut off point. Although the top score isn't really something to be really shocked about considering #1 this week has 126,536 while last week someone got over 210,000. 


Thanks! No kidding, brutal week indeed. 

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1 minute ago, GastNDorf said:


I'll consider joining, for now I just don't want to come near this game for at least a couple days...

I'm litteraly in shock.


Sorry bud, that really is disappointing. Just hang in there, you'll get it. You've already shown your dedication. Besides, you'll also get some joy after you get the platinum by destroying the game however you like and uploading a video of it! 

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On 2/22/2018 at 11:44 PM, Vasilij_Kozlov said:

What really piss me off  it's a work of this servers. How they dont fix this? I understand, they close servers soon, but still they work now, why i can't play properly? And, offtop, Killzone 3 servers worse ever, even can't connect.

The answer is simple....




Servers cost money to keep running. 

PS3 is dead.  It's time to move on and play newer games. 

These companies need to close them at some point and they always want players playing the latest and greatest they have available and still support. 


Patching costs money and development time... and with how many years have passed by most of these devs have gone to other studios or quit or moved on, etc. so you don't even have the original people to come back and work on their old code.  That's just the reality of it. 

Edited by DARKB1KE
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4 minutes ago, Van-Helsings said:

what was the cutoff last week sergen?


@homleshobo got 18,870 last week as the 20th spot and got the trophy, so that was the cut-off. I don't know why people went for over 100,000 this week after seeing what the cut off was last week, I guess everyone who was close to the 95,000 cut off who failed took a break then came back this week at full power. 


I've kept an archive of every week since I got the trophy here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd-pFCAb-QppPJRtddLNMUAHMZTjE8wY-


I'd like to say another thing about this fucking trophy and that is... I've had plenty of people spread rumours about me simply because of this game, blaming me for creating the increased cut-offs because I got over 74,000 in my week when I got the trophy and trying to insult me for it. Anyone who is salty at me isn't exactly helping people get the trophy, the servers are closing so inevitably the scores will go up, I doubt anything would have happened if I did the trophy this time last year with my score. Nobody has ever said to me "Hey man, you inspired me to go and get a badass score for my week", people are doing what they can as a last resort to get the trophy. 

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Just now, Sergen said:


@homleshobo got 18,870 last week as the 20th spot and got the trophy, so that was the cut-off. I don't know why people went for over 100,000 this week after seeing what the cut off was last week, I guess everyone who was close to the 95,000 cut off who failed took a break then came back this week at full power. 


I'd like to say another thing about this fucking trophy and that is... I've had plenty of people spread rumours about me simply because of this game, blaming me for creating the increased cut-offs because I got over 74,000 in my week when I got the trophy. Anyone who is salty at me isn't exactly helping people get the trophy, the servers are closing so inevitably the scores will go up, I doubt anything would have happened if I did the trophy this time last year with my score. Nobody has ever said to me "Hey man, you inspired me to go and get a badass score for my week", people are doing what they can as a last resort to get the trophy. 

are you still helping people?

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Just now, Van-Helsings said:

are you still helping people?


I'll help the person who failed to get the trophy with me a few weeks ago, with 2 PS3s max in their lobby but aside from that I won't be offering the help to any new-comers. I decided that because one of my PS3s had severe problems trying to load the game because it had been switched on for days at a time and started to overheat, I'd rather not risk the life of a PS3 for someone else's trophy on Killzone 2. Maybe if cut off point stayed consistently at around 30,000 I'd help a few people a week, but to get the trophy, one person needs all the resources they can get and I'd be pretty devastated for a person I helped to get like 100,000 and fail to get the trophy in that week. 

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5 minutes ago, Sergen said:


I'll help the person who failed to get the trophy with me a few weeks ago, with 2 PS3s max in their lobby but aside from that I won't be offering the help to any new-comers. I decided that because one of my PS3s had severe problems trying to load the game because it had been switched on for days at a time and started to overheat, I'd rather not risk the life of a PS3 for someone else's trophy on Killzone 2. Maybe if cut off point stayed consistently at around 30,000 I'd help a few people a week, but to get the trophy, one person needs all the resources they can get and I'd be pretty devastated for a person I helped to get like 100,000 and fail to get the trophy in that week. 

true, and what is funny is....the rarity of this trophy is so freaking high for something you have to put hundred of hours into....You could probably plat white knight chronicles or last hope within that same timeframe and get an ultra rare plat instead of a rare gold...

Edited by Van-Helsings
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11 minutes ago, Van-Helsings said:

true, and what is funny is....the rarity of this trophy is so freaking high for something you have to put hundred of hours into....You could probably plat white knight chronicles or last hope within that same timeframe and get an ultra rare plat instead of a rare gold...


People have to condense all that grinding for Killzone 2 into 1-week. Now the grind requires more time than most games do take to grind, just to get a spot in the top 1%. People don't want to lose out on one of the biggest FPS franchises. I'd be quite annoyed if I had to get over 100,000 for my own trophy, or if I got the score but the trophy never unlocked for me. I do consider it not worth starting the game if you have to get over 100,000 in a week and anyone who takes time off work just to get the trophy, I would say they need to re-evaluate their life, because you shouldn't be taking your annual leave for granted. I'm glad I did get the trophy at the time I did, because right now I'd be quite paranoid about it considering I'm not home on Monday and also have to leave home more often than I was at the time I was working on the trophy. I'd be very pissed if I had to go out and stop grinding because of it, luckily I doubt any trophy will really scare me for time like Valor Grand Cross, because I'd mostly start a game as soon as a server closure is announced, if the game was important to me rather than waiting until the very end to push for it. I don't think any other game I do will have a competitive leaderboard grind and if it does, I'd hope the game was popular and had over a million people going for it so a mediocre score would still qualify. This time last year, someone likely could have earned 10,000 and got Valor Grand Cross comfortably, now you need to put in 10x the effort for the same trophy. 

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