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Why do people hate this game so much?


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This forum is awesome. Whether the OP is an internet troll and/or just a sensitive person, it definitely makes for a good read if you want a laugh. As for my opinion (yes, it's an opinion don't bite my head off), there is no point in arguing with anyone who does not like the game. You either like it, or dislike it, and in the end the one with the biggest % gets reflected into the reviews (common sense really, if lots of people like the game the reviews will be good and will say why, if lots of people hate the game the reviews will be bad and will say why). From what I hear, the game is a bit shit on the development side of things but if you don't mind that and you enjoy it then good on you! Just don't pick fights with people who don't agree with you, doesn't make you look very nice.


I realise this probably won't change a thing in @Sicho's mind, but at least I'll be able to read his response and have a good laugh while also wondering if he is Todd Howard in disguise...

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It’s pretty easy to tell you why and yes I’ve played it. 


The lack of NPCs is severely noticeable. It kinda gets to a point where every quest you have is either talking to a robot or finding a dead human. This problem also steams from Bethesda themselfs you said you where a fan boy yes? What was  present in every Bethesda game no matter what? NPCs with rich story. 


Not having NPCs is one of the biggest downs about this game I do understand what they where going for meeting a player felt special but in all honesty whenever I meet a player they run by me not even noticing that I’m there. “It’s like well you can play with your friends!” Then what’s the point of other players if your just gonna be playing with your friends. 


All in all it feels like a giant empty sandbox. I just feel like NPCs with some nice quests and lore would really help the game more then harm it. 


Then we come to the quests part of the game. Dear god these quests I can not stress enough are sooooooooooo damn boring. Walk somewhere pick up an audio tape play it kill a few ads learn shit about the game.... repeat this step like the whole Main quest line. Quests are just blah to be completely honest. 


Now the bugs ohhh god the bugs. Now I know Bethesda games have history with bugs but this game takes the fucking cake and has a second offering of cake afterward. I have played every Bethesda game since Fallout 3 and Marrowind. I can say without any doubt the state they released this game in. IT SHOULD HAVE GOT DELAYED!


They said beta was to test things and fix them having a beta like a week or 2 is not enough time to fix a game this fucking buggy. The amount of T pose enemies the constant lag that I was hoping after the patch today would be fixed. (surprise it isn’t). Not my internet I’m perfectly fine running multiple devices at once with no lag in other games. The glitching inside things and getting stuck. My character randomly becoming nude. The list just honestly never fucking ends it feels like they didn’t even test this game before they threw the beta up. 


I honestly could keep going but you get the picture this game was released way to early and should have been delayed and as it wasn’t it deserves all the hate its getting.


Also side tip I just found out today they had the fucking balls to put microtransactions in this uncomplete game. Like Bethesda what are you doing are you trying to kick yourself in the balls after you shot yourself in the foot? Now you could say well there purely cosmetic and you don’t have to buy them. Well I know I won’t be but it bothers me that some people will support a incomplete horse shit of a game. 


7 dollars for a different color storage box by the way. 


I wanted to add there was a bug the other day that was forcing me to attack my friends one second there hp bar was normal the next it was red it kept happening and I thought it was part of a quest or something and my friends got mad at me for killing them I DIDNT KNOW WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOING ON!


At the end of the day people will have there own opinion you may come in here and defend this game to high hell. That’s fine people like different things I would say when I’m playing the game I enjoy it for the most part but there are massive glaring issues that should be addressed going forward. I feel this game has the potential to be amazing but the issues need to be addressed. 

Edited by ChastityFail
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15 hours ago, TJ_Solo said:



Without playing this game or any of their games telling them be better comes off as more of a dumb meme or annoying platitude.

The only annoying and dumb person here is you assuming I don’t play Bethesda games, I don’t play them anymore is the correct thing to say, not that I don’t play them. 

The only platform to play their games is PC for me, where they belong. 

I am not playing anymore Bethesda Game Studios games ever again because of the shit show that is Fallout 76 and the shit show before it that was Fallout 4, I will keep on playing Bethesda published games because apparently the only good Bethesda games are the ones that they didn’t develop, aka Doom, Wolfenstein, Prey, Dishonored...

Dont assume I don’t play a game because I don’t have its trophies, not all of us strictly play on PlayStation. 

Also, I can give you 59/100 reasons why this game is bad and a -82,4% reasons why this is a shit show garbage game, take off your fanboy goggles, they’re on too tight dude! 

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47 minutes ago, ChastityFail said:

The lack of NPCs is severely noticeable. It kinda gets to a point where every quest you have is either talking to a robot or finding a dead human. This problem also steams from Bethesda themselfs you said you where a fan boy yes? What was  present in every Bethesda game no matter what? NPCs with rich story. 



This is one of the things I personally disagree most with the "popular opinion". There ARE NPCs in Fallout 76, just no HUMAN ones. But quite frankly, does it matter if I'm talking to a virtual robot or a virtual human? For me, it does not. A good example is the "Mayor of Grafton" who even sometimes calls you to give you a new quest while you are out wandering. It is an NPC, acts as a quest giver, the only difference is that it isn't a human but a talking computer. And even his backstory - being a sentient computer and the assistant of the mayor who, after the mayor "didn't show up for work again", took matters in his own hands and organised a vote for a new mayor where he put himself in as a candidate (the only candidate) and won the election by 1 vote against 0 votes - is hilariously wacky and as "Fallout" as it gets. I mean Fallout has a rich history of AI's going bonkers.

I don't think the Mayor of Grafton would be more interesting if he was human. I mean Nick Valentine in FO4 was one of the most interesting characters and he wasn't human. So the fact that I mostly talk to robots or sometimes to a super mutant vendor isn't bothering me as much as it seems to bother others.


Now the issue is not that there are "no" NPCs. What might be an issue for some is that there aren't AS MANY NPCs as in previous games. It's definitely emptier. But if that's a bad thing is a matter of taste IMO. I felt that "the Wasteland" was often a bit crowded in other Fallout games. Fallout 76 feels more like a "real" wasteland, it's much eerier and I think that's a big plus for the atmosphere and immersion.


But I can and will accept when people say "I think the game world is too empty, I don't like that".


What I don't accept is people that talk like "trololol there are NOOOOOO NPCs, what a piece of shit, bööörp 0 out of 10, fuck Bethesda, DIE DIE DIE!!!" and then make a "funny" video about how shit everything apparently is and then you have a bazillion of sheep chiming in because that makes them feel cool and validated :D;) and probably didn't even try the game to begin with... 


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I'm a fan of Fallout 4 and Bethesda, and i was intrigued when i first heard about FO 76. But i'm not gonna buy it cause it just looks and sounds rather dull and boring to me. And that's besides it being apparantly borderline unplayable at times (a day one patch that is bigger than the game itself, WTF?!). 

Yeah it can be fixed later through updates but if i'd bought that game on release i'd be pissed bad. I dont wanna wait to play a game i already own.


I might give it shot once it drops down to 20-30 bucks.

Now to the defendants, i'm not saying the game is shit, it just doesnt look very good either. And in the marketing and release phase that's a rather bad thing.

I have enough other games to play, there's more releases than i get around to, so passing this one up and just not taking the risk that a purchase is right now, is an easy decision for me.

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9 hours ago, qwerty407 said:

I wish I get paid to post my opinions on the internet.

Thing is no one should. Opinion is just that. Just because Bobby Joe don't like your front yard decorations doesn't mean he should get paid to tell everyone that.

8 hours ago, Nimera said:

I heard that certain players launched 3 nukes and crashed the servers. :P 

Have never had that happen. But yes people do abuse online games pretty bad. That can be said for almost every game that has an online feature. Red Dead Redemption 2 will probably be just as bad as GTA V Online was.... and still is.

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21 hours ago, Sicho said:


according to your profile, you haven't played the game... so care to explain why it is an atrocity?


But then again, maybe don't bother... I'm not sure I want to open this can of worms.


On Metacritic, there are finally turning up reviews of people who actually played it so maybe one day, the reviews there will stabilize in the 7s.

You don't have to own a game to critique it, humans as a whole base bias off of impressions from what they've seen mainly. I wasn't going to buy this because personally I've always found the Fallout games devoid of interesting characters (except New Vegas) but some of the reasons why Fallout 76 is getting so much critiscm is as follows.


Firstly, the world is devoid of the Fallout feeling as they have prettied it up with dynamic lighting that is too bright for the aftermath of a nuclear destruction. The other fallout games gave a gritty dark filter to the lands to make it seem like a 'Fallout'. Now along with this the places themselves within 76 hold no major characteristics of 'that's a memorable place as they all mainly merge into a collective swamp of inept world design.


Next, the carrying system is ridiculous at this point. I hate the system of limiting the amount you can carry at the best of times but when you have a place to deposit stuff and THAT has a limit that's inferior game design. I don't care if it's for 'realism', they created a game where you can already carry a robot suit with you plus a tonne of guns don't limit me like that.


Also, the leveling system doesn't matter. When a team of 4 players all level 5 can beat a level 50 enemy that's either dumb weapon progression or dumb enemy progression (you choose). Along with this I'll refer you to the JARCAST episode on Fallout 76 as IHE gives anecdotal evidence that he was very low level and was able to just stand on top of a bus, get a monster stuck and kill it despite it being way higher level. Dying Light had the same early game issue where you could just crouch on top of a bus and hit the heads of zombies, unlike Dying Light which introduced runner zombies however Fallout 76 hasn't offered a fix for this which obviously could be patched in the future but from release that's a pretty big issue.


Lastly, I'd like to finish off with the best point. Multiplayer is a trashfire when trying to progress story. Since all story stuff mainly consists through reading notes it is impossible to get the lore out of these notes if you're in a party of 4 where you're talking. If you have a cutscene or spoken character dialect however players usually shut up to listen to it. This is a really not thought out system that shows they're still stuck in solo games.


Personally I have a distain for the game but if you enjoy it then you do you, but you did ask why so I'm answering.

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Is Fallout 76 disappointing? Yes. Is Fallout 3, 4 and NV better? Yes.


But....is Fallout 76 a bad game? Absolutely not. Is Fallout 76 deserving of 46% on Metacritic? Is it f**k. 


I normally agree with MC ratings, at least 8 times out of 10, but that score is just laughable. If it got 65-75, I'd think that was fair enough, but critics giving it 3/10 are doing so for ridiculous reasons.  


I personally think that critically speaking, the game is trying to do the most it can with a flawed concept that should have been left on the desk. It's not a bad game, apart from NPC story elements the single player side isn't that much different, really, and the world design is great. I personally think that a lot of criticisms are valid, but people are too sensitive to them. 


I've played for 25 hours on PS with my girlfriend, and around 30 hours on Xbox on a backup and in both cases I haven't had any true bugs that have negatively impacted my game in any way....a couple of enemies glitching and frame rate drops, nothing massive. 

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25 minutes ago, ChaBoiChernobyl said:

You don't have to own a game to critique it, humans as a whole base bias off of impressions from what they've seen mainly.



I disagree with that when it comes to games, music, books, films, and food!


Of course, I can have a bias towards films as in f.ex. "I don't like romantic comedies" but I will not know if I may be entertained or not by a particular romantic comedy unless I watch it.

Of course, I can say "I don't like rap music" but I don't know if I'd like a particular rap song or not unless I listen to it.

Of course, I can look at some foodstuff and not find it appetizing, however, I don't know if I like the taste of it unless I tasted it!

and so on ...


Don't judge a book by it's cover and blah... :D


Of course, you can look at a game and think "I don't think is fun" but thinking is not knowing and you don't KNOW if it's fun for you unless you try it out. I didn't think I'd like 

Everybody's Gone To The Rapture for example and boy was I wrong! Love that game!


So we have to agree to disagree here. I'm of the opinion that you at least need to PLAY a game before being able to say if it's fun or not. Just watching someone else play is not enough IMO.

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Well, My friend recorded a infinite spawn bug that happened to him.


That kind of thing doesnt look like bethesda, what a shame.

Im gonna skip this game bcz most of my friends and I are busy and we dont wanna start a game with the "world" dominated already by other players. 

IF you dont play close to launch date, dont worth it. its another whole experience and I dont like that.

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2 minutes ago, ivangutjahr said:

Im gonna skip this game bcz most of my friends and I are busy and we dont wanna start a game with the "world" dominated already by other players. 




I don't think this is really happening though.

It's around 30 or so players per map. If you play with let's say for example three friends in a group, you occupy already four of the slots. You may even spawn you own instance which will then be filled up with players around the same level if I understand it correctly.


Also, you cannot "dominate" a map. You can f.ex. claim a workshop but as soon as you go offline, it's unclaimed again. So unless a player never goes offline, he cannot "own" everything. Also, he would have trouble defending multiple spots on the map.


Long story short: a lot of the stuff isn't persistent, so no one can dominate a world for a long time, if even at all.

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This is probably the worst game I've played in the last few years easily the worst this year and yes love fallout games been playing them since the first one released on the PC, this games just a trash collector game with the counterintuitive constant boring annoying inventory management.


If there was a option to play offline with more inventory space I would have been fairly happy with it as a exploration game, as it is I played it for a few hours and traded it in today.

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5 hours ago, Dangisuckatgamin said:

Have never had that happen. But yes people do abuse online games pretty bad. That can be said for almost every game that has an online feature. Red Dead Redemption 2 will probably be just as bad as GTA V Online was.... and still is.

I'm just saying this because I read this article https://www.pcgamer.com/fallout-76-players-launch-3-nukes-at-once-crash-server/
I remember GTA V at the beginning, and you're absolutely right. there are players who remind me of King Midas but with a difference. in everything they touch turns into shit (literally) xD 

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I have no idea why people feel the need to defend game makers to the point of delusion at times, yes they have made good games in the past but this has clearly been a massive failure. They have tried something they have never done before and got it wrong this time. I have watched and read a lot of different peoples review of the game and it doesnt sound like a game that they built up when they announced it and they had me really excited but the obvious questions were "how will it play" "what will be the storyline", now its released it all seems a bit dull and tedious.  

Edited by SirPigFace
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If you like the game op, then why all the fretting over those who don’t? Better to hate a stupid game than the majority of gamers with an opinion?!


I’ve played a ton of FO3 and FO4 (not on this profile) and I still went against my better judgement and ordered 76 since I figured I would at least know how to play it (online) even if I don’t like it all that much. And maybe hang out with other players a bit. 


When it gets here today, I’m taking it back unopened.  I just got into Nier Automata and decided I’d rather have a lengthy experience in a polished and fun atmosphere than in an accidentally realistic wasteland.

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I may as well be fair. I've already posted a video on why 76, and Bethesda as of late, is a failure. I have recently come across a video that sings it's praises. This YouTuber isn't as well know as the last one I posted, so Im sure most haven't seen it. I'm also sure this will give the OP some ammunition when defending 76 against those nasty haters.



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9 hours ago, Sicho said:


I disagree with that when it comes to games, music, books, films, and food!


Of course, I can have a bias towards films as in f.ex. "I don't like romantic comedies" but I will not know if I may be entertained or not by a particular romantic comedy unless I watch it.

Of course, I can say "I don't like rap music" but I don't know if I'd like a particular rap song or not unless I listen to it.

Of course, I can look at some foodstuff and not find it appetizing, however, I don't know if I like the taste of it unless I tasted it!

and so on ...


Don't judge a book by it's cover and blah... :D


Of course, you can look at a game and think "I don't think is fun" but thinking is not knowing and you don't KNOW if it's fun for you unless you try it out. I didn't think I'd like 

Everybody's Gone To The Rapture for example and boy was I wrong! Love that game!


So we have to agree to disagree here. I'm of the opinion that you at least need to PLAY a game before being able to say if it's fun or not. Just watching someone else play is not enough IMO.

Well don't worry in that case, I forgot to add it but I meant to lead my I wasn't personally going to preorder it point with but I tried it at a friend who did preorder it house and lead my critiscm from there that's why I believe my critiscm to be valid. Granted I only played 4 hours or so but that was my initial thoughts from that time.

2 hours ago, AndresLionheart said:

I love when people defending something throw out the "how could you know it is bad if you haven't played it". When you played games for as long as a lot of the people here, you can easily tell when something is complete shit just by looking at it for a few minutes.

It is especially apparent when it is a rushed game from a developer that usually puts out quality titles. Most people here follow gaming news and we heard how the beta was so shit some people couldn't delete it from their computers. So very little research can show you why people hate it.

I completely agree. Granted I am just 15 so I may not be in the same mindset of older people but I have been playing games for those 15 years and I still refuse to play AC series games because Ubisoft is notorious for rushing a game in every year and in my "expertise" I believe this to usually fail a game especially of this caliber.

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23 hours ago, Sicho said:


that's BS since FEV was developed before the bombs fell and according to 76 lore, West Tek put FEV into the drinking water of Huntersville BEFORE the Great War.

So it's explained without fucking anything up. It all makes sense and is well connected.


That's definitely not something you can hold against the game. Bethesda is always very careful with Lore, Elder Scrolls is a perfect example of that. There is some retroactive continuity in the Fallout games but never something major that would render any of the older main series games moot or non-canon. 

You see, you are acting like this hate is addressed to you personally. You make it personal, which excludes you from substantive discussion.

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I think I "give up", mostly because people don't seem to understand what I mean.


I'm not here to "defend" the game or Bethesda. I also know that the game has issues and as I said in the OP, there are surely reasons do be disappointed and very turned off by the game.

I still think that even games that are "rough around the edges" can be fun and this game is an example of that.

But as I also stated in the OP, I don't expect everyone to have fun with it just because I have fun with it.


What I was trying to find out is why there is HATE? It's too prevalent lately in many things... People find Fallout 76 bad, they start to spew vitriol and go berserk on the internet. People don't like Diablo Immortal, people have a full-blown meltdown. People don't like the new Star Wars movies, the director gets death threats, actors get bullied off social media etc.

What is wrong with the people? What happened to "bah, shit game, me no likey" and moving on? Why is a bad game/movie/whatever suddenly "the end of the world"?


People are overreacting... massively! And I can't comprehend why. There is valid criticism for Fallout 76, there are reasons to not like the game etc... but hating it? One should never hate, let alone start hating a PRODUCT! I can understand if you hate a man that kills your son (extreme example) but to exert so much energy for a piece of entertainment that you happen to not like? It's bonkers!


I get it that fans are often passionate and irrational, but the dimensions lately are scary IMO. For me, it started with the Mass Effect 3 ending shitstorm - since then, the screamers and "extremists" are running the show.


I don't really know what I was hoping to get out of this thread. Maybe an explanation why this stirs up so much passionate hate amongst people... but it all boils down to "it's a bad game and people don't like it" which isn't enough to justify this kind of reaction to a game IMO. Especially because I personally cannot agree with ALL of the criticism and I'm sure that many - not everyone but many - would still have a good time with the game if they would give it a chance.


But maybe it's just me that's weird... I don't know ... I like Fallout 76 ... I like the new Star Wars Movies ... I don't care about Diablo... I had no issue with the ME3 ending ... I don't like Final Fantasy 7 ... I think Assassin's Creed is overrated junk ... I don't think GTA5 is as good as "everyone" says and I think RDR 1 and 2 are superior to any GTA game ...
I'm probably just a guy with unpopular opinions :D And maybe I'm afraid that these opinions will one day net me a death threat if these crazy people will continue to run wild ...


8 minutes ago, HaserPL said:

You see, you are acting like this hate is addressed to you personally. You make it personal, which excludes you from substantive discussion.


that's simply not true since there is nothing in that post that makes it in any way personal whatsoever.

I'm just explaining the facts. Educating, so to speak.
That the Super Mutants aren't supposed to be there is simply not true, even if it's explained with some retcon. It's canon now and therefore "the truth".

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I can’t speak for any “haters” as op labels them. But I can say that it chaps my hide to hear Todd Howard brag like he did before FO4 came out and again for 76 and then not deliver. It can be ...upsetting...


I’m hoping that this failure sets Bethesda up for another success with the next elder scrolls or whatever. 


Anyway, I think op got your answers for the extreme dislike at least.  Informative discussion you started! 

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