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Anyone else... disappointed?


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6 minutes ago, abhinandhan22 said:

Disagree with the ammo system being trash personally. Imo this game makes me think I can never play Doom 2016 again. The ammo system forces you to experiment and use different weapons and when you are in the zone, it literally feels like you are in the matrix or something which is a feeling I never got from the Doom 2016 because for the most part that game is a power fantasy. This new system makes the game a lot more Challenging and u need to think about how to approach each combat scenario. If there's anything I hate about the game, it's the two bosses towards the end of the game which are bullet sponges and just boring to fight. 

But on the other hand the game seriously pushes you to use certain weapons on certain enemies while against others it is ineffective or plan useless. Combined with the fact you will run out of ammo neigh immediately and that there are now a whole lot more enemies of certain type it turns frustrating quick.


In the previous installments I had my favorites: classic shotgun, ballista and hmg and switched between the three. The pulse smg was it? and the rocket launcher I rarely touched but it was by choice - one that is no longer present.

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I think the ammo system is great. I found myself actually using most of my arsenal instead of just super shotgunning my way through the entire game. There are more than enough enemies to chainsaw for ammo at any given time and I never felt like I was running low on ammo.


My biggest issue with this game compared to 2016 is the platforming. It slows down the pace of the game sometimes, which can really ruin my momentum. There are sections that it works well in and sections that it absolutely does not.



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I don't like the ammo being so scarce from what I've seen. At the same time I do like it because it incites me to use other weapons and not just the super shotgun but idk, maybe a balance between the two games would be perfect. Having the game incite you like I said to use other weapons but not FORCING you like it does on eternal

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I never really found the whole ammo thing to be an issue. Since each weapon has its use against certain demons, there was a lot of weapon switching around. Because of that, ammo never ran out too quickly because I was using a bit of everything each time. And when it is close to running out, there's fodder demons walking around almost everywhere that can be chainsawed. The limited ammo kinda forces the player to constantly switch weapons if they don't want to run out on a certain type of ammo. It makes Eternal more of a management game than its predecessor. I can understand why people won't like this new mechanic, but personally, the 2016 game now feels mindless and simplistic compared to Eternal. 


I don't mind the platforming stuff either. That short break is always welcome, and it makes the action much more rewarding. The underwater controls were ass though. Luckily, they were only really present in one mission. 

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the singleplayer is basically just, a series of mp maps connecting a series of corridors with bots in it. and every so often a shitty cutscene starts  to hide the fact that it's loading the next mp map.


and the multiplayer has devolved into a once and done shitty boring unbalanced crapfest. i played it for a bit and fucked it off outta boredem, i'll do it eventually i guess but i cba atm.

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I personally like it less than Doom 2016. 


With 2016, i could pop in anytime and just rip and tear to unwind and mentally relax.


Eternal is a far more involved game that requires a lot of mental gymnastics to keep up. I cant relax with it unless I'm in the mood to concentrate, so in that regard a net negative. 


It's the difference between fighting a dumb CPU opponent in a fighter and a skilled real life opponent online. There are different times and moods for both. 

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@Valkirye22 Completely with you. I loved Doom '16 enough to 100% the multiplayer trophies even after the patch that turned it into a gigantic grind, just because I wanted to spend more time with that game. 


I played Eternal four times and that was enough. It feels like a disconnected mess without any of the charm of the 'original' and a combat system that has been overstuffed to the point of being nonsensical. Sold it two days after launch. So disappointed.

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I've ditched the game (on about 13% trophies and only 1 level complete). I'm not mad about that fact. The game just isn't for me. Absolutely despise the ammo and health farmimg system. The game also makes me feel physically sick after 20 minutes due to motion sickness. Most 1st person games don't have that effect on me.





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At the beginning of the game I hated the ammo system because you have few weapons and no ammo upgrades, but after I reach cultist base things start to getting better and you know which weapon (and mods) are more effective against every single enemy in the game. I think they did this change because Doom 2016 gets very easy after you upgrade the super shotgun and the gauss cannon and they want to challenge players to think more strategically and not just run and gun until the end of the level.

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Yep, massively disappointed. Doom 2016 was a revelation for me that I loved every second of, so this game was one of my most anticipated of the year. Unfortunately it seems that to avoid complaints of "more of the same" during development they threw as many new features as they could think of into the game, and then didn't actually remove the ones that don't work well with each other, or were just plain bad. 


For instance, the limited ammo is a good way to force experimenting with different weapons, however pairing this with a cooldown on the chainsaw to replenish ammo (along with all the other cooldowns for flame belch and grenades) turns what was a game of frantic firefights into micro-managing these cooldowns at the worst possible moments. 


Likewise the Marauders could have been a good enemy in a game where fights are about patiently waiting for your window of attack, but are just plain frustrating when shoehorned into fights full of other enemies that require constant movement to avoid their constant attacks. 


The game definitely has moments where it shines, but they were often short-lived and soon replaced with an irritating platforming section or a frustrating brick-wall of an arena fight.



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I think that the game is very well done. It takes awhile to get used to the new resource systems but once you do, I didn't really notice them during gameplay too much as they just became natural. I was not very keen on the swimming sections. I am also not very keen on how the ammo works in battlemode, that is when the new mechanics seem especially annoying to me. Like you said running for ammo every few seconds or so seems a bit weird to me in battlemode yet you're supposed to be fully loaded. I would like to see a more traditional mp mode added in the future as I really enjoyed the 2016 iteration. Lastly I felt like the pacing in the last few missions was incredibly sped up and I didn't think it flowed as well as the rest of the story. Even with this said I still love this game and can't wait for the story dlc later down the line.

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If this game was as good as it's reviews I think More people would still be playing it. Being only a month old the game's MP is dead and has less than 900 recent players according to PSNP which is what it deserves. People can defend this heap of disappointment all they want but it literally offers less to the player than 2016. They screwed Mick Gordon and I would like to see anyone compare this to Classic DOOM as that is in a bracket so much higher than this that it is 26 years old and its still being released and making sales where I highly doubt that in 26 years we will still be playing DOOM Eternal. The Only good thing to come from this release is DOOM 64 being on other consoles.


9/10? I would give this 5/10 but I give credit where it is due. The mechanics are alright. The music is mostly 2016's music so that's fine but nothing that really stands out. Graphics are good enough. Like most of this game things are just good enough. The story is basic and very unnecessary. Biggest slap is renaming the cyberdemon to tyrant. Overall I hope this game flops. Being a DOOM fan since I can remember It hurts to hate this game. I have standards and I don't want to be that guy who hates a game cause everyone else likes it. That isn't the case. I really don't care who likes this game. I just don't understand the love for a game that offers less to its fan base. I'm a firm believer of if you're going to do something. Do it right. Maybe they'll add something to this game and save it but that's just wishful thinking. To anyone who loves this game. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hopefully we can see more/larger DOOM games released in the future..

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I really liked the game and I think it's superior to Doom 2016, but both games are awesome (Doom 64 is the best for me hands down). I loved the maps and the arcade feeling. Doom Eternal is the most "Videogamey" videogame I ever played lol. I understand completely the anger/disappointment of some fans, tho.

The biggest issue of the game is the complexity of the gameplay. There's a lot of stuff to learn and you need to adapt constantly with weapons, ammo type, grenades, weaknesses, etc etc. I liked the action but after a couple of missions I was exhausted hahaha, just like Startyde said:


On 16/4/2020 at 11:59 AM, Startyde said:

I personally like it less than Doom 2016. 


With 2016, i could pop in anytime and just rip and tear to unwind and mentally relax.


Eternal is a far more involved game that requires a lot of mental gymnastics to keep up. I cant relax with it unless I'm in the mood to concentrate, so in that regard a net negative. 


It's the difference between fighting a dumb CPU opponent in a fighter and a skilled real life opponent online. There are different times and moods for both. 


I have a similar opinion with another franchise. I LOVE Devil May Cry 1 because I think it's the perfect action game. Devil May Cry 3 is better in every aspect, but I prefer 1 because its simpler. I need a lot of concentration to be good in 3 and I just want to relax.

Also, Doom Eternal is crossing the line a bit in my opinion. It's more a hack n' slash in first person than a classic FPS. Regardless of that, I think Eternal is a game made with love and respect and im ok with it.

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i love the game, in spie of it's flaws, which I believe are many, but at the same time i dislike huge parts of it.. and i've had it since launch, and im only on the 4th level beause i couldn't really be bothered that much...


what I love.. the music does wonders for the gameplay, on harder difficulties you get a sense of dread when enemies join the fight and reward when you trivialise those same enemies later on with whatever tactic works.


on easy difficulty it's a mindless 360 degree combat fest but on harder difficulties its amazing, exhilirating and the music really draws you in you feel your lip curling and you just wanna deliver pain, and it's raw which is it's best point.


on the bad side they kinda wanted to go back to dooms roots with level design but each map feels like a thrown away doom 2016 mp map with corridors that connect them, you can't get lost you just keep going forward till it's all clear.


the mp is fucking abysmal, i was hoping to spend 6 weeks hammering ranks like i did with doom 2016 but no, jog on then. and for a gun porn game, nearly every gun is either unsatisfying to shoot in some way or just sounds like a spud gun thats been retrofit to fire marshmallows. doom 3 still hasn't been beaten in the sfx department for the plasma rifle, and hell even the 30 yr old doom 2's super shotty sounds like it's got more of a kick.


and they are extraordinarily harsh with ammo, although i feel if they gave you unlimited ammo it would kill some of the battlefield micromanagement they wanted you to think about whilst juggling assholes so, I like it and dislike it. even though ammo packs respawn, it just makes it feel like a mp game but with bots more ammo and no respawning would have been better.


it's 8/10 for me, i don't want it to end in spite of it's flaws.

Edited by MatThaRiPP3R84
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  • 4 weeks later...

I can totally understand peoples frustration with the game and things like the limited ammo. I felt like in 2016 had a great multiplayer, I wish eternal had a TDM with slayers again but regardless I really enjoy Eternal. I personally enjoyed the singleplayer, they improved the gameplay and the combat is so smooth. You do need to focus a bit more in this game than 2016 especially with limited ammo compared to 2016 so you have to up your "ammo-management game". I was frustrated with constantly running out of ammo with my shotguns and heavy cannon since those were my to go weapons in the beginning.


I was a bit dissapointed with battlemode when I first heard that they removed TDM and only provided the slayer vs 2 demons mode. I started playing as the slayer to get my 200 kills and thought I was at a disadvantage (constantly losing against better players) but after I got better at it and started to learn which weapons to use against different demons it just clicked and the game totally did a 360 degree turn in my favor. The ballista and heavy cannon (with scope) was my to go for long range with a rotation between super shotgun and rocket launcher. Now I'm playing as the demon side just trying to get the 50.000 healing trophy. I'm still having fun with online but I can see it becoming repititive in the long run unless they implement other modes. Like mentioned before I miss the TDM slayers v slayers, they could also create a demon v demons and I wouldn't mind. 

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