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Define a trophy hunter


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One who is a trophy hunter gets games they want to/enjoy for more then just trophies, then obtains trophies if they like the game enough. Trophy whore worry exclusively about completion percentage and do not buy/play games where platinums are not obtainable.


That is what i think at least, no offense to anybody.


This about sums it up for me too. Id rather have a collection that represents something I enjoyed rather than something that strokes my "digital" ego. That being said I do admire those who clearly have some skills I do not possess  :lol:

Edited by allsop1986
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Trophy Hunter;

  • Plays games for fun while going for the trophies.
  • Doesn't always rely on easy games.
  • Doesn't moan about hard trophies but attempts them.

Trophy Whore;

  • Plays everything that is easy for trophies; not always for fun either.
  • Moans about hard trophies.
  • Avoids impossible to complete games, hard games, time consuming games.

I guess this is how I see the 2 types. lol

I don't mean any offense either if anyone got offended over my definition of a Trophy Whore.


This pretty much says it all. To my mind if you just play easy games for Plats and not because you actually want to play them, it seems a little sad and pointless.

I know people might have kids that play the games for younger people but I know that's not the case with some.

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So far Shadow has the best definitions, I think. Least offensive, and most accurate.


I don't see why people are saying that you have to buy games that have unattainable 100%s in order to not be labelled a whore. That's just.... laughable. Seriously, I wouldn't buy NBA 09 or whatever even if I enjoyed basketball. Definitely not right now, seems kinda obvious to me.

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MY definition goes thus


A trophy GATHERER (I hate the word 'whore'. Even hoarder would be better)

One who plays as many games as possible to gather as many trophies as possible but doesn't necessarily worry about completion



One who only plays the games they want to play, but aims to get every trophy in all of them.


I'm definitely a COMPLETIONIST.


At the end of the day though, it don't matter how you collect trophies. Just enjoy the games.


I'm a bit off both i like keeping my completion high and aim to play only what i enjoy i have a second profile for games which im not sure if im gonna like there's nothing worse than playing a game for trophies/achievements it makes you depressed so i tend to play games i know im gonna like although its doesnt always work like that as some end up being shit like NFS Hot Pursuit used to love the series but its gone downhill and i know i have it on my profile and don't really fancy playing it so will need to force myself to complete it in order to keep high percentage i have a xbox 360 with about 180 games play 100 of them with 100% completion so each to their own i find these poll are made by someone trying to justify why they trophy hunt my advice is do what you enjoy don't worry about what others think at the end of the day this trophy business is just digital and meaningless to others. If you are playing games you wouldn't normally play for a quick Platinum then you learly have a addiction to trophy hunting if you feel the need to get all trophies in games then you have a case OCD either way gaming has always had to have goals and target to accomplish thats why people play in the first place. Either you play COD to be ranked top online or an RPG to become the strongest in the game or a racing game to be unbeatable and set the fastest time in all games you need that something otherwise it be boring playing. You need a reason either that's to finish the story to see what happen to beat the games on the hardest difficulty you wouldn't play something over and over again after finishing if there's no goal. So trophies just add to it and makes game last longer not alwasy in a positive manner Mass Effect im talking to you making me play the god damn campaign 3 times lol

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This pretty much says it all. To my mind if you just play easy games for Plats and not because you actually want to play them, it seems a little sad and pointless.

I know people might have kids that play the games for younger people but I know that's not the case with some.


Whilst I understand the logic I think there is an issue with this stigma. For example in my backlog I have Termiator Salvation that correct me if im wrong is largely viewed as a well.... a rubbish game overall and an easy Plat and seen as a game that someone plays to add to there count. I have some Disney Pixar related games that I have because I really like Pixar films. Im 26 but dam straight there going on my list. Because i'd rather say yes I tried it and it was fun so what than be stereotyped becuse of the games that appear in my collection. Not trying to dig at you btw  :)

Edited by allsop1986
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Whilst I understand the logic I think there is an issue with this stigma. For example in my backlog I have Termiator Salvation that correct me if im wrong is largely viewed as a well.... a rubbish game overall and an easy Plat and seen as a game that someone plays to add to there count. I have some Disney Pixar related games that I have because I really like Pixar films. Im 26 but dam straight there going on my list. Because i'd rather say yes I tried it and it was fun so what than be stereotyped becuse of the games that appear in my collection. Not trying to dig at you btw  :)


Fair enough, I guess there's just too many reasons for people to maybe have games on their backlog or to have played to really be able to judge accurately and as a result it makes people look like judgmental asses.

Like me, I have Lego Harry Potter on my listing even though I don't own it anymore. I bought it because I wanted to try a Lego game and at the time wasn't bothered about trophies.

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I feel like there's 4 different archetypes


Trophy Hunter: Just plays games and collect trophies. Doesn't care about the challenge, doesn't really care about getting 100% in every game. Plays whatever they want and either go for the 100% platinum or just leave it and move on to another game.


Trophy Completionist: Plays any game they want but they must have 100% completion in every game, including dlc, no matter the difficulty


Trophy Addict ( or Whore) : Just wants trophies, doesn't care what game they play as long as they can get a lot of trophies with little to no effort.


Unachiever : Doesn't give a rat's arse about trophies or achievements, just plays games for the enjoyment of playing games

Edited by Absolute Brawl3r
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Trophy Hunter;

  • Plays games for fun while going for the trophies.
  • Doesn't always rely on easy games.
  • Doesn't moan about hard trophies but attempts them.

Trophy Whore;

  • Plays everything that is easy for trophies; not always for fun either.
  • Moans about hard trophies.
  • Avoids impossible to complete games, hard games, time consuming games.

I guess this is how I see the 2 types. lol

I don't mean any offense either if anyone got offended over my definition of a Trophy Whore.

Lol i know someone like this (Trophy Whore). I could be counted as both but i do some hard games and i love them all :D


Anyway about categories. I like to split them into a few categories.

These Are:

1. The IDGAF Kind or People Who Got the PS3 for either for free Online MP

These People either just play Casually like most people who play games and buy a lot of them casually or people who play because, like me couldn't be stuffed about paying for XBL

2. The Occasional Player

People who normally would be Category one but go for 100%'s every once in a while and they might end up with the occasional 1-5 plats in total


3. The Hunter

People who play games with a soul intent of getting trophies and trophies only


4. The Trophy Gamer

People Who play games for fun no matter the game and difficulty, they go for trophies but in a way that they are not playing easy games only but have all kind of genres in it.

For example i have done some really easy plats but on the other hand i have finished COD W@W and Classic plat so i have evened it out. Not to mention Vanquish


5. The Whore

These people like to Brag about all their plats like they are some king of the world. They will complain about any game that is hard, time consuming or just straight up out of their skills and will avoid them. the person i am going to use as an example likes to brag about his Blur Plat that he did but complained about doing Project Diva F and will complain about hard difficulty and use help items and get standards on Normal. But then he will go and brag about games and the % saying the % is the difficulty and if he did the math properly he would find out that the % is the amount of achievers/amount of owners. I will not use his name but it is very tempting to.

I would be in the 4 category but can side off to 3 and 5 at times... well its how i play and i don't care if you judge really

Edited by Ayrtanium100
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That actually seems pretty difficult in itself, maybe with apparatus... :hmm:


I do agree with the rest of your post though

The reality is that its not difficult at all.

Simply position Gota at right angles to you yourself forming what would look like + if viewed from say the position held by Uncle AF. Then simply slide into the back hall of Chez Gota and ....er....redecorate....to your hearts content.

Don't leave any money on the dressing table tho, because he doesn't like that..........apparently.

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MY definition goes thus


A trophy GATHERER (I hate the word 'whore'. Even hoarder would be better)

One who plays as many games as possible to gather as many trophies as possible but doesn't necessarily worry about completion



One who only plays the games they want to play, but aims to get every trophy in all of them.


I'm definitely a COMPLETIONIST.


At the end of the day though, it don't matter how you collect trophies. Just enjoy the games.

I'm somewhere in the middle of a completionist, a whore, a gatherer and a hunter. On the one hand, I only play games I KNOW I can plat, but at the same time, many of those games (or series) are games I enjoy. I've seen people on this site that have upwards of 50 or even 100+ plats. I'm not made of money so I can't play every game that comes out each week. But also, many of the games I have plat'd, I still continue to play because I enjoy them. Many games in my platinum collection that I still play include The Last of Us (multi-player), Transformers: War for Cybertron (multi-player), Mass Effect (campaign), Mass Effect 2 (campaign), Mass Effect 3 (multi-player) - I still have to complete my ultimate Mass Effect trilogy playthrough - and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist (campaign and co-op).

Edited by Pirelli913
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Trophy hunter:

Goes for trophy to get 100% and platinum.

Plays difficult games if they enjoy it and feel they can platinum it.

Can conplain about harder to get trophies but can earn them.

Trophy whore:

Pays for stupidly easy games to increase the trophy level.

Will buy only easy games with dlc they know they can earn and return the game for a full refund.

Plays games they hate just for easy trophies braging in there comment about earning them thinking they are smart but not realising they just went full retard.

Qualitly trophy collector:

People that play and buy dlc they know they may not get 100%/platinum.

Plays games they enjoy to earn very diffcult and rare trophies.

Will not complete games to 100%/platinum if they did not enjoy the game or have things in life to do that are more important.

Dosent brag or state in their "about me" or comment about them being a trophy collector/earning a new platinum.

Thanks: james520.

Also in the trophy whore section they boost at almost evry available time to otherwise earn more difficult trophies or are stupidly going to set up session because of the description of a trophy.

No offense to any of you but i think most of you know who you are, its just funny seeing the amount of people that suck with tons of platinums. Almost like its fake evidence to raise their self-esteem.

Edited by james520
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