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Define a trophy hunter


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When I first got my ps3 I was a gamer. When I popped my first platinum cherry I became a hunter. When I purposely play Hanna Montanna just for the trophies then I will be a whore.


Damn, you stole my line, dude :ninja: Playing games like Hannah Montana just for trophies is worrying and sad.


On top of that, the people who do that also have the nerve to defend those kind of crappy games. " I really enjoyed it, playing it for fun. Not a trophy whore".


Stop lying to us, and to yourselves, you whores.


On the other hand, it takes cojones to dedicate your precious time to Plat some shit-fest of a game, just for the sake of Platting.


Sorry, if I sounded bitter and Dr. Evil-ish. I'm just a part-time Trophy Hunter myself, who has a Plat in The Penguins of Madagascar, so....


Just don't play Hannah Montana.

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This thread makes me laugh.

A bunch of folks putting labels on other people when they have no clue what they're talking about.

Point being; only a trophy whore knows what a trophy whore is. Not to mention, isn't the thread supposed to be about defining trophy hunter?

Edited by effdeegee
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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't care what type of trophy hunter you are, as long as you don't stalk my profile everytime you get online... so annoying.

I'm sorry, i can't resist.


Brawler and MH Canada pretty much sums it all, I'm a hunter but no way i'm a completionist. I only play what i can afford or could rent, that's why i have some low percentage games in my account, but they never were finished. Shadow of the Colossus also was a purchase i could afford and i regret doing, since i'm not skilled enough to finish. Damn!


I'm a hunter, not a whore. I would play easy games for fun, as i did with Sly games and RNC games. The plat comes after. The other games, i play solely for the plat. Seems that i can only have fun with child games, because they are mindless (strangely, GOW falls into this category, even without being childish, but... mindless).

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I play games for the fun of it and love lego games. This doesn't mean I only get them for platinum purposes, it's because I genuinely like them. I don't like multiplayer, so a lot of games i buy won't have any MP trophies in. Does that make me a whore coz I deliberately do that?. Also, why are people so concerned about how or why other gamers accrue their trophies?. We are all posting on a site where predominately trophies are the reason why we joined said site. Just play what you want, if you plat it,great, if you don't, who cares?.

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What about me? What kind of a Trophy Hunter am I?

I play whatever I want to play, I've got so many super hard and long Plats like GTA IV, White Knight, Time Cysis, R.U.S.E., Ninja Gaiden, GT5, Shadow of the Colossus, Warhawk, IL 2. But of course I also have Very easy Platinums, they are the blood of being high in the leaderboard. I also aim at getting everything I play 100% (Yeah, Screw you DLC Trophies :( )

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  • 6 months later...

This pretty much says it all. To my mind if you just play easy games for Plats and not because you actually want to play them, it seems a little sad and pointless.

I know people might have kids that play the games for younger people but I know that's not the case with some.

Well people may play video games for various reasons. Some consider the whole gaming sad and pointless. It's all about the point of view. Personally I play fun games, serious games, easy games, hard games and I always go for trophies I can. It can't be forced. I don't take gaming that serious.


When it comes to defining a trophy hunter, hoarder or whore I don't really care. I don't see myself as any of them.

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What about me? What kind of a Trophy Hunter am I?

I play whatever I want to play, I've got so many super hard and long Plats like GTA IV, White Knight, Time Cysis, R.U.S.E., Ninja Gaiden, GT5, Shadow of the Colossus, Warhawk, IL 2. But of course I also have Very easy Platinums, they are the blood of being high in the leaderboard. I also aim at getting everything I play 100% (Yeah, Screw you DLC Trophies :( )


You are a trophy hunter.


What people general don't get is that hunters go for easy platinums too. If you're hunting, and you come across an animal that is super slow (for whatever reason) and easy to kill, you still claim it -- no point wasting the opportunity. But generally, on a day to day basis, hunting requires some skill, and at times, hunting for supreme creatures requires a lot of skill, all of which a hunter is willing to face.

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I divide gamers into four categories when it comes to trophies (and achievements):


Category 1: The Non-Issue


This group either hates the idea of trophies or literally does not care.  This obviously includes people who do not play on any platform that includes trophy support.


Category 2: The Casual


This group likes the idea of trophies, but does not treat them as a goal.  Casuals play the game in whatever way they would normally, take whatever trophies might come their way in the process, and move on.


Category 3: The Hunter


Hunters like trophies and do treat them as a goal, but only on games they would play in any case.  The Hunter chooses games to play in the same manner as the Casual, but attempts to harvest as many trophies as possible from the game in the process, usually in as little time as can be managed.


Category 4: The Whore


For the Trophy Whore, the previous method of selecting games is inverted; here, the trophies themselves are the reason for purchase.  A quick, easy platinum or 100% is the sole impetus.


Note that these categories are not mutually exclusive.  I am mostly Category 3, but will sometimes dip into #4 for a while.  Likewise, a lot of Category 4 gamers will be picking up Grand Theft Auto V this week despite the 100+ hours a platinum would take.  My wife is mostly Category 2, but has become fixated on getting the platinum on Ecolibrium.


I think this is the best description. No one is in a single category, they'll dip back and forth, but people primarily stick to one category.

For example, I primarily identify with the Trophy Hunter category, but I dip down into the Casual from time to time(like when I'm playing on other systems) as well as the Whore category from time to time(A good example for me is DOA5U. I would have stuck with the free version, but the trophies were so easy I decided to upgrade). But like I said, I primarily identify with the Trophy Hunter category. I go for plats on games I really enjoy, despite how difficult they may be. Which is why I have plats like Tales of Symphonia and Killer is Dead, and am working on FFX and Star Ocean.

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I've always had a love/hate thing when it comes to trophies. Like most here I went from "what the hell is a trophy" to "yeah finally got that plat". I never liked or used the terms "trophy hunter" or trophy whore" I prefer gamer that's what I am and that's what I'll be till they pry a controller out of my cold dead hands. (if they can B)) I look at trophies as a secondary part of gaming, something there to increase the overall gameplay experience, and a motivator to some to put way more hours into a game than one normally would. I also see trophies as my personal footprint as a gamer by showing the games I've played since trophies were introduced.(I do play games without trophies). Overall I like trophies because back in the old school days of gaming when it came to hard levels or bosses that took some time or effort to beat there was always one kid who was like "yeah I beat that no problem", and he can't explain how. Trophies show that it was done. But at the same time SONY doesn't monitor trophy hacks and those guys are getting better with their timestamp placement so it's a flawed system. So labeling gamers based on what they do with the trophy system is kinda pointless, "to each their own" is the best way to look at it, and if labels such as hunter or whore are to be used let the individual label themselves. I label myself a gamer :pimp:.

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Trophy Hunter;

  • Plays games for fun while going for the trophies.
  • Doesn't always rely on easy games.
  • Doesn't moan about hard trophies but attempts them.

Trophy Whore;

  • Plays everything that is easy for trophies; not always for fun either.
  • Moans about hard trophies.
  • Avoids impossible to complete games, hard games, time consuming games.

I guess this is how I see the 2 types. lol

I don't mean any offense either if anyone got offended over my definition of a Trophy Whore.


Basically what i think so too, but i also would like to add if i may a third type, lol


Thophy Lover- basically just like trophy hunter but with a "+"


Look for games that has trophies and go for then, obviously. But just the fact that it has plus the sound is enough =) lol


i am in this category  :giggle:

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I agree heavily with monkeydluffy512


I dislike labels. I play all of my games first and foremost for enjoyment. However, a collection aspect to any game has always made me want to buy it. For example, I have every pokemon game ever created, and my primary enjoyment comes from collecting everything, and completing every possible storyline. I only played the nintedo gameboy/advance/ds for years, and my goal in any game I love has always been to complete every goal the game sets forth - and even complete things the game didn't say were required, like the item book. If it had a percentage complete next to it, bringing it up to 100% was my primary enjoyment.


When I finally bought the PS3 it was for Skyrim and Oblivion. I enjoy these games primarily because they give me quests to complete. My Skyrim file has completed every non repeatable quest in existance that don't contradict each other. I still play Skyrim and Oblivion, even though I have platinum in one and there are no trophies in the other. When I got my first platinum I was hooked - I ended up loving completing the trophy lists just as much as I love the games themselves.


Still, many people would probably classify me as a trophy whore because I have easy games like Megamind, CSI, and Up. I will admit that I would never have bought them if there had been no trophy package- but combined I only paid $15 for the 3, found them all incredibly relaxing and fun, and I'm a big fan of the movies and TV series. I would never buy Hannah Montanna because the show drove me crazy, and I couldn't even be in the same room if my sister was watching. But if I liked the show or movie, I'll definitely buy the game for fun, easy trophies.


I'll admit I only have one ultra rare platinum- but unobtainable trophies (ie I knew they would be beyond my skill level) have never stopped me from buying a game (I'm looking at you Catherine) and if I end up hating the game (Record of Argarest War Zero) I have no problem with simply stopping and moving on to something else, because then the 100% completion stops being enjoyable and more of a chore. In this case, dislike of the game outweighs the satisfaction of another 100%.


I define myself as a gamer- and I love what I do. It's a very enjoyable hobby. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think being considered a trophy hunter is a person who actually enjoys getting trophies. Getting trophies are easy plenty of people do it but think about it do you actually enjoy getting it or do you get it because it's cool and most people nowadays try and collect trophies or do you think it's some social status behind getting trophies. The people who gets them just be cause they are "cool" or they are some "Social" status are usually the people who hack trophies. I met a few people like that believe it or not

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Rather celibrates a platinum than her/his birthday...

Can grind for 100s of hours, so is very patient.

Nevers is really satisfied, cause there is always a next game to complete.

Acts more social online than in real life.

This is me, the gamer and completionist...

Never the best, but I keep trying...

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I like the definitions given, and I would definitely consider myself both a trophy hunter and trophy whore.


There are some games out there that I play because I enjoy them, and will pop the trophies as I get to them (story-based trophies, collectibles, etc). If those games I enjoy have replay value (which most do), and if the platinum is attainable, I usually try and go for the platinum. These games include Skyrim, The Last of Us, God of War, etc.


And then I have my easy plats, and games I buy just to get the plat. For example, Madden 11 and MLB 12 The Show were games I bought just to get the plat. I will buy MLB 14 The Show just to get the plat, but it has no replay value for me, because I am 10 seasons into franchise mode on MLB 11 The Show. No need to do that on later versions. Most of my sports-based games are just for trophies. (And as a warning, Madden 13 is a grind.)

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