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Suggestion: Why not a thumbs down option?

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2 minutes ago, DaivRules said:


Giving people a downvote actually encourages trolls to keep trolling and shitposters to keep shitposting. They're getting the attention they're seeking. It's better to ignore them and upvote things you appreciate.

Makes sense.  I can see how some people would abuse that.  Thanks for the answer. :)

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There's also people who'd find a way to grief others by giving all of their posts downvotes, regardless of content. Being able to see who downvoted others too would create more drama, nasty PMs, etc.


Don't get me wrong there's a lot of great people here and I'm sure you (along with several others) would use it properly, @BlackSquirrell1. Unfortunately, it only takes a few bad apples to ruin it for everyone.

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3 hours ago, BlackSquirrell1 said:

I've noticed that there are a few people on this site that are either permanently angry, trolls, or just plain unpleasant when they respond to threads or status updates.  Why not a thumbs down or a "was not helpful" option for these people?  


For the same reason you want it. Think it upside down

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I've never been a big fan of sites that have down vote options (or any kind of voting options tbh, but I'm indifferent to the one on here).


On Reddit, it often seems to just cause people to retreat back to subs where they get upvoted, discouraging them from engaging in certain debates and discussions, and kinda creates small echo chambers. And I can't say I blame them since having low karma actually prevents you from posting in some subs, it's just all the worse that your internet points actually matter to some extent on there. I can kinda understand it, someone with negative karma is someone you might wanna watch out for since they may be a troll or whatever, but I would like to think efficient modding and auto-modding would be more than enough to reduce/prevent trolling or brigading.


I generally just don't think down votes are a good idea, they can cause certain posts to be hidden (on sites like Reddit anyway), they can cause people to make alts just to target a certain person, they can actually encourage trolling in some circumstances, etc.


And as @ExistentialSolid said, being down voted can just discourage people from even bothering to take part in any future topics. It might seem silly to some being upset over people disliking your internet comment, but some people are more insecure or sensitive than others, and kids especially are more likely to take it to heart.


If you don't like something someone said, just ignore it and move on. Or argue with it, civilly. If someone is trying to troll, replying or reacting to it is just giving them what they want more often than not anyway.

Edited by SuperSmexy500
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4 hours ago, PerryToxteth said:

I’d argue the opposite. Over the years, I’ve found the majority of PSNPers to be entertaining, informative, funny, helpful, and good- natured. Criticism posts are usually backed with a version of reasoning. Like all other forums, there are degrees of vitriol and snark, and certain people tend to only post that. But the 100% flame-inducing trolls are almost always called out for it and they usually don’t last long around here. 
Toxicity seems to be the catch-word of the year 2020 but I don’t find this site to be toxic. 


I suppose it depends on different individual's experiences. No two people's experience on this site will be exactly the same. I have encountered quite a bit of toxicity on this site but I'm glad you haven't. Like I said, there have been a lot of nice people too. Entirely possible though that it's simply a case of negative experiences sticking in one's mind more, of course.

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Not a fan of the downvote option and it's one of the major reasons why i dislike Reddit the times i use it. I remember a couple of years ago we had on this website some type of stars rating on everyone forum profile. People would troll other users by giving them 1/5 stars when they disagreed or simply for trolling purposes. 

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36 minutes ago, ImMagnetz said:


I suppose it depends on different individual's experiences. No two people's experience on this site will be exactly the same. I have encountered quite a bit of toxicity on this site but I'm glad you haven't. Like I said, there have been a lot of nice people too. Entirely possible though that it's simply a case of negative experiences sticking in one's mind more, of course.

As long as you stay off of the leaderboard threads, you should experience no toxicity here. :P

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4 hours ago, PerryToxteth said:

I’d argue the opposite. Over the years, I’ve found the majority of PSNPers to be entertaining, informative, funny, helpful, and good- natured. Criticism posts are usually backed with a version of reasoning. Like all other forums, there are degrees of vitriol and snark, and certain people tend to only post that. But the 100% flame-inducing trolls are almost always called out for it and they usually don’t last long around here. 
Toxicity seems to be the catch-word of the year 2020 but I don’t find this site to be toxic. 

Just the other day I was saying to my friend that trophy hunting community is one of the nicest communities there is and it's especially noteworthy since it's almost 100% online and videogame related, therefore highest chance of toxicity ?

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In the past five or whatever years, I think I've only seen one post that I would've down voted.  If I see a part I don't like, which is pretty rare here, I just ignore and move on.


Like people have said, seeing that line releases that sweet, sweet serotonin and makes you want to engage more.  

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Because of the posts and style that I use, I would bet some people would be downvoting my comments just because I offended them in the past.


Yes, that will happen. A downvote option will basically divide this community more than it already has. A number of people don't like me, and I can fully admit that here.

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