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Should I make a new account to platinum trophies?


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I made this account back in 2012 and I’m thinking about abandoning it for a new psn account. I used to try a lot of bad games in the past and I regret doing that because the trophies for them are still on my account and I will never be able to get rid of them. I thought about making a new account but I’m not sure because I currently have 15 platinum trophies and it will take me hundreds of hours to get some of them back. What should I do? 

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You can hide the games from your profile if you don't want them to be seen. At the end of the day, the decision is yours, but I would personally be sad to see all my other progress disappear just because of some terrible games I regret. Whatever you decide, I'd advise giving it a lot of thought before making a decision c: Though, if you're not planning on deleting this account, you could always come back to it, but then you'd have the same issue of having all that work on the new account.

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19 minutes ago, XOblivion100 said:

I made this account back in 2012 and I’m thinking about abandoning it for a new psn account. I used to try a lot of bad games in the past and I regret doing that because the trophies for them are still on my account and I will never be able to get rid of them. I thought about making a new account but I’m not sure because I currently have 15 platinum trophies and it will take me hundreds of hours to get some of them back. What should I do? 


start a new account


just don't go back to playing bad games on it else u might as well just keep your old one


and regardless of what anyone says, hidden games on your profile make u look like a cheater (even if you aren't one)

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Don't feel shame in your backlog, "everybody's got one and they all stink" as they say. Plus, and it pains me to say this, but for better or for worse, nobody really cares what's on somebody else's account. Sure, people will view your account and judge you for 15-30 seconds but that's where it stops. After those 30 seconds are over, they still won't know who you are or really care what you've done. 30 seconds after that, they'll have forgotten whose account they even judged


There will be games in which I'll aim to get an endgame trophy before getting to the appropriate level and then think "boy, gamers will be impressed when they see what order I earned those two trophies in" (lmao) but that's ludicrous. Legit, it's only for me. And your profile is only for you. If those games haunt you and it would give you peace of mind to have both: those games off your profile, and no 'hidden' trophies, then go for it. But if it could possibly cost more than it rewards, then maybe not. Feel free to give it a shot with a plat or two on an alt account but I say just give your backlog a shot (which is what I'm doing now, and having a blast. I'm saying by the end of 2026 I want a completion percentage of 95%) by tackling 4-5 games every 3 months

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I’m with @DrBloodmoney on this one; it shows your gaming history, which isn’t a reason for shame. Sure, some people may take a crack at you for something or other in your list, but realistically they’re going to do that no matter what’s in the list. Someone will find something to be butthurt about… and that’s aside from the painful truth that 99.9% of people aren’t looking at your list and don’t care what’s in it. If they are offensive in some way to you, that’s a slightly different story… but there is the option of hiding games, though - right or wrong - as @MonaSaxPayne says, a lot of folks who do obsess over looking at other people’s profiles will see the little “H” and think “cheater.” Then you’re back to “is what other people think really that important to you?”


If it’s a completion thing, you can always go back and pick at things in between current titles or as part of an event or something. It may not always be pleasurable, but chipping away at the “unearned trophies” number can provide a certain amount of satisfaction.


One thing that I haven’t seen anybody else mention is purchases. If you’ve bought anything digitally, any profile on the console set as primary for the profile that bought it can access that content… but if you change consoles (whether due to hardware upgrade, replacement/repair, theft or acts of God), if you don’t bring over your old profile as well as your current one and set the console as primary to that old profile, your digital purchases go byebye. So, even if you switch profiles, the old one is still going to be a can tied to your tail. Unless you either never do anything digital or intend to rebuy everything. Just something to keep in mind.

Edited by Ashande
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1 hour ago, DrBloodmoney said:

I don’t see too many bad games on there…

1f914.png :dunno:


And no, dude - that’s your gaming history. 
Don’t wipe it, embrace it.

That's what I enjoy so much about trophies. It's a history of my gaming on PS. Lots of memories. Good and bad. People change so who cares if you played "bad games" in the past. I got Aab's Animals. I'm not ashamed... well, maybe of that one. Not so much the game just the price and fact they're not games.. and I stacked them. I actually wish it was a full game since I love stuff like that. I digress.


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19 minutes ago, Elvick_ said:

That's what I enjoy so much about trophies. It's a history of my gaming on PS. Lots of memories. Good and bad. People change so who cares if you played "bad games" in the past.


This is one of the things I like about trophies/achievement profiles. It's a documentation of sorts of my modern gaming history, what I've played and to what extent, the good the bad and the ugly (within the confines of the system of course, not going to see any stuff I've done that don't award trophies).


We all have different phases in our lives and gaming. For example I was very much one of those Call of Duty players back in my younger years and that's evident from seeing me having yearly CoD releases for a few years with MW2/BO1/MW3/BO2. As I was younger and still receiving games from my parents on special occasions I'd also have the occasional mediocre movie title played. And it's cool to be able to nostalgically reflect on those moments of your life.


It's all part of your 'story' and I find it much more interesting when people don't try to 'game' their profile to look a certain way and just let it be a reflection of their gaming habits over the years.

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10 minutes ago, JohnCenaSong- said:


This is one of the things I like about trophies/achievement profiles. It's a documentation of sorts of my modern gaming history, what I've played and to what extent, the good the bad and the ugly (within the confines of the system of course, not going to see any stuff I've done that don't award trophies).


We all have different phases in our lives and gaming. For example I was very much one of those Call of Duty players back in my younger years and that's evident from seeing me having yearly CoD releases for a few years with MW2/BO1/MW3/BO2. As I was younger and still receiving games from my parents on special occasions I'd also have the occasional mediocre movie title played. And it's cool to be able to nostalgically reflect on those moments of your life.


It's all part of your 'story' and I find it much more interesting when people don't try to 'game' their profile to look a certain way and just let it be a reflection of their gaming habits over the years.


This is such a good point, I didn't even think of it that way. Now I'm tempted to unhide that one feckin terraria trophy I earned from the demo ?

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I mean, do you want to? If yes, then yes. If no, then no. No one really cares about your account except you, so you should do what's the most fun for you.


I personally like my account to be an accurate reflection of my time on PS. That means lots of uncompleted games. But I can look through it and remember all the different games and see different points in my life through it.


If you're just worried about your stats, I would also say it's way more rewarding to go back to old games raise them that way. Rather than just starting over and replaying a bunch of the same stuff. That way you get the stats you want and your profile is still an accurate representation of your gaming history. You may find out that some games you didn't like before, you do like now too. Which I always find fun and interesting.

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Honestly do whatever the hell you think will make you the happiest. Whatever others think is irreverent. If you really think that making a new account will make you happier then do it.


What I would say is, it's the reasons for doing it that are more important. Think about why you think this is the case and make sure that you're doing it for you and not because you think it's what others expect you to do or be. 


If you’re simply looking for different perspectives then I fall into the camp of keeping the account you have. I agree with alot of what others have already said in line with this and they have said it better than I could so there isn’t really any point in rehashing it. I looked at your list and honestly i don’t see any bad games on there. It’s one thing if you didn’t enjoy them but it’s certainly nothing to be ashamed of.  It’s nice to get compliments but that's really all it is. 

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3 hours ago, XOblivion100 said:

I made this account back in 2012 and I’m thinking about abandoning it for a new psn account. I used to try a lot of bad games in the past and I regret doing that because the trophies for them are still on my account and I will never be able to get rid of them. I thought about making a new account but I’m not sure because I currently have 15 platinum trophies and it will take me hundreds of hours to get some of them back. What should I do? 

I got a new account just to re platinum games and my main will still be this one honestly do not regret any choice about my account, all this, not complete games are My Scars

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Short answer: No.

Keep your account and just hide games you won't be able to finish, or don't want to see anymore.



Most people don't meticulously go through your list. I didn't know people even cared that you had an H on your profile.


I hide games that I don't own just to clean my list up for my personal viewing preference. Same with MP games my ex's played or I played with friends that I don't play anymore like Dead By Daylight. Just so their mound of a trophy list doesn't interject itself into my list so much and cloud my brain space when I'm browsing.


Recently I thought about it too though. I wanted to replay "Furi" for trophies again. Doing another account for games I've adored enough to want to play a second time. But that list is short relative to my backlog.


Ultimately, it's your gaming history. Sometimes we need breaks from longer games and play easier ones. You still put effort into those easier games to achieve it. I love looking back on periods of gaming that I had and relating it to what was going on at the time, or what my mentality on gaming was.

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Depends how you want your profile to look. Making a new profile would make it with "no bad games" is a bit of a strange thing to parse. How do you decide which games are bad, and in order to make sure that no bad games get on your new profile requires a level of research that might become annoying. Plenty of people have different reasons for having clean accounts; higher completion percentage being chief among them, but how strict you become only restricts the amount of freedom you have. For instance if the goal is to have a perfect profile, you have to make sure that every trophy is obtainable, that you won't burn out on any of them, and that you have enough skill to complete them. Therefore, I think trying to have a more manicured profile would lead to more stress down the road.

I wouldn't make a new one personally, and don't stress too much about having uncompleted games, or easy plats, or embarrassing games. Try to keep it in mind if you find that you care about it. No one will care that you played an easy plat game, or a movie game 10 years ago. Just try to play games that you find fun, and if completion percentage matters - that you can complete.  

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I would personally create a new one. Few unobtainale lists and not that many finished games. Starting over would push me to finish all low percent games from previous profile i want.

But that's my perspective. I had to change account when I moved from xbox 360 to PS4 and starting over wasn't a big deal for me.

Edited by WiktorM101
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4 hours ago, MonaSaxPayne said:


start a new account


just don't go back to playing bad games on it else u might as well just keep your old one


and regardless of what anyone says, hidden games on your profile make u look like a cheater (even if you aren't one)

Ah yes, the one percenter, hidden games don't make you look like a cheater, stop telling bullshit.


OP it's your own decision, if you'd like to get a completionist list, then by all means, i personally would never abandon my account

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This is me with a new account. Ive quited trophyhunt in 2015 with 150 platinums. Reason wife and 1 year later a child. I have a happy life and now om back into gaming thx to my wife. So i could return tot my old PS3 account which have Gran Turismo 5 and M.A.G platinum also COD , Battlefield and other ultra rare platinum. And my account with 150 also have Gran Turismo 5 , COD , BF , but i decied thats my old life. Also not able to have the time to lange such a account. Now i wil go for high completion and gaming what i want and like. 

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I think it's personal if it bothers you a lot I think you should do it just so it stops but personally I'm in the same situation and while i do regret testing bad games lol I like my account and I wouldn't change it because the stats tell me my story playing. From almost no playing to playing in a regular basis to actually giving a damn about trophies because I like said game a lot. 

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5 hours ago, MonaSaxPayne said:

and regardless of what anyone says, hidden games on your profile make u look like a cheater (even if you aren't one)

This kind of elitism sucks. I have hidden trophies of games I didn't play myself, or I don't want them to be in my account for "x" reason. Outside of trophy hunters really, no one cares about cheating trophies.

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