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Trophy hunters beware


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On 2/14/2023 at 9:46 PM, Seskinator said:

Challenging trophy lists are made to challenge. They can encourage someone to push above their limits and become better at the game. It is great to see a trophy that cannot be bought or glitched to obtain. 

Doing so would remove the meaning entirely. 

Well if i want to play a rhythm game i buy a rhythm game but do not put it in a action game with hardcore requirement.

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2 hours ago, shenik said:

Well if i want to play a rhythm game i buy a rhythm game but do not put it in a action game with hardcore requirement.

Exactly. Would prefer a permadeath mode trophy to these stupid minigames. At least then the difficulty forces you to master the combat system and style. People are buying this game for the katana executions—and it’s asinine that the developers attach a trophy list that makes you spend considerably more time doing a ridiculous, chop stick sushi eating sim. 

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5 hours ago, Prosser187ATX said:

Exactly. Would prefer a permadeath mode trophy to these stupid minigames. At least then the difficulty forces you to master the combat system and style. People are buying this game for the katana executions—and it’s asinine that the developers attach a trophy list that makes you spend considerably more time doing a ridiculous, chop stick sushi eating sim. 

Nobody is "making" you do anything. Your activity choosing how you interact with the game. So why complain? Oh thats right, because you "have" to earn every trophy for every game you put on this website due to self imposed rules you made up.

Edited by Wild-Arms-R
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11 minutes ago, Ninja-Sara-X said:


Ok, whilst I agree nobody is putting a gun to your head and I also agree that trophy hunting to some extent is placing imposed rules upon yourself if your so inclined to, I also agree that if you want to platinum this title then you have to spend a ridiculous amount of time on the mini games, now this would be ok if this game was touted as a Yakuza-like title but its not. Main reason I brought it (and whilst I can't speak for anyone else) I did so because I was promised a love letter back to the PS2-era of hack'n'slash games, and I'm assuming others did too.

Now, whilst said promise was delivered on, in my opinion as the base game is fantastic, it still doesn't stop the fact that the mini games are way to difficult, what is suppose to be a fun little add on to all the craziness that this game offers, it ends up just being a slog. I was fortunate enough to get the Ramen trophies myself, but I can definitely relate to those struggling, then you have the horizontal space shooter, Space Runaway which is Hard on Medium difficulty, not to mention Hard being impossible.


Again, whilst I totally agree some of us as trophy hunters set self imposed rules, mini game means mini game, I don't think I'm alone when I say you spend more time on said mini games that what you do actually main game, so doesn't that mean it becomes less of a mini game and more of a full fledged part of the game? this game wasn't touted as a 2D retro styled SHMUP or a Rhythm game either, so you can't help people feeling slighted because to get a platinum, if they so choose to then they are forced to play and master them. I totally agree with @Prosser187ATX for a game like this - a Hack'n'Slash, some kind of Permadeath mode would've made more sense, hell even a boss rush type mode or an arena survival type mode would've made more sense than a Ramen Guitar hero type game. 



Don't use the word impossible or 'almost' impossible because these people go crazy. ? ? 

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2 hours ago, Ninja-Sara-X said:


I will never understand that people get mocked or ousted by others for talking about trophies on an actual forum dedicated to... well, trophies. Like isn't that the whole purpose? You can see why so many people just lurk in forums than actually contribute to them in fear of getting side fucked by people. I mean the common sense of some people here - Nobody is making you do anything. Whilst acknowledging this is true in a certain aspect as said above, the fact is, if you consider trophy hunting a hobby, lifestyle, whatever the case, then your gonna want to get all said trophies for said games and because the dev's or whoever decides to add these trophies into game does so, then it does force you to do all aspects of a game. Then you'd think you'd be safe to come onto the forums that's dedicated to trophies and either Advise/moan/berate/whatever you want to call it, to people of familiar standing, but no you just get people come in who don't even own the game half the time and tell you that you can't use the word impossible, you can't alert other people on the difficulty, you can't have an opinion or the game's only been out like 5 hours so how could you possibly know how hard it is?


If these people actually bothered to play the game they'd know that you can unlock all mini games within say 3 hours tops? Which would've given the OP time to play and come to the conclusion that these mini game trophies are hard, near on impossible (there I said it) especially for majority of people who brought this game thinking it was a Hack'N'Slash but have to spend more time playing SHMUPs and Rhythm games than the actual base game if they want the trophies/platinum. But instead they'd rather throw sarcasm at the OP. 


Kudos to people like @MatThaRiPP3R84 who actually gets it and adds vid's to help.


TL;DR - Some people on here are shit.


Thank you! Someone with actual sense. And the worst part is when they all gang up and circle jerk with up votes. It's ridiculous. I get attacked lots on here for raising awareness to other hunters LOL. End of the day I know I'm right but they can defend these bs practices by believing its a valid 'challenge'. I've played many challenging games to know that's not the case. Furi still stands as one of the best examples of perfect game design when it comes to challenging trophy lists, this list does not. 



Edited by A-D-I-L_99
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Anyone have any input on the quarter eater trophy? Doesn’t look like anyone has earned it yet.  The ramen one seems hard but doable. 


I’ve been putting off playing this game until there’s some better strategies/guides out there for the all finishers/quarter eater trophies since nobody has earned those yet. 

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I hope y'all never touch a Yakuza/Like A Dragon game then if you don't like random ass mini-game adjacent trophies.


Having not played this game yet, the ramen trophy reminds me of the Drakengard 3 rhythm game/final boss, except per that video I just watched you can actually see the notes/buttons you need to hit the entire time as opposed to the damn screen going black lmao


I preordered this, just been doing shutdown stuff, hoping to get to this soon though.

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1 hour ago, SajoAtine said:

I hope y'all never touch a Yakuza/Like A Dragon game then if you don't like random ass mini-game adjacent trophies.


Having not played this game yet, the ramen trophy reminds me of the Drakengard 3 rhythm game/final boss, except per that video I just watched you can actually see the notes/buttons you need to hit the entire time as opposed to the damn screen going black lmao


I preordered this, just been doing shutdown stuff, hoping to get to this soon though.

I have plat in Drakengard 3 and it was a lot easier. The only tricky thing was the hidden notes at the end of the song, but that could be done by syncing the game with the youtube video.


Also, for FC ramen trophy you don’t need actual FULL combo - ‘bad’ is still counts, you just don’t have to ‘miss’ a button. But it’t still insane. 

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5 hours ago, Wild-Arms-R said:


1. One of the ppl who quoted me has 300 hidden trophies.

2.Your complaining about me complaining about you complaining me.

Maybe it’s best to just not complain?

3.Yes your both right you don’t have to play this game, or any game for the matter.

Everything you do on this site is as pointless as pointless gets.

See I know this, and I’m sure you do too, but I don’t come in the forms to bitch because I brought a video game that the devs didn’t warn me ahead of the time had hard mini game trophies attached to it. 
4.Idgaf if this game was marketed as a character action game or not.

The devs have every right to include bullshit mini games to it, it’s their game, their vision of art, THIER creation brought to life.

Whats sad is nobody would give a rats ass about any of that but because there is trophies that require you to master these mini games ppl are gonna lose their shit of course.

And finally 5.I pre order this game for 80(Collectors Ed) and enjoyed it on hard 1st playtru.

And same as y’all didn’t know it had difficult mini game shit, but I’ll do my best and if I don’t feel like putting in the time or if I can’t do it(oh no) then I’ll leave it unfinished.

Not gonna sit in these forms crying because I can’t uphold my made of standards, got to many great games to do that.

It amazes me how often people get triggered on here and yell at people for discussing trophies on a trophy forum on a thread called trophy hunters beware. What annoys you and what you dislike about others is a reflection of what you hate about yourself. Back to the game!

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3 hours ago, Prosser187ATX said:

It amazes me how often people get triggered on here and yell at people for discussing trophies on a trophy forum on a thread called trophy hunters beware. What annoys you and what you dislike about others is a reflection of what you hate about yourself. Back to the game!

Nice weak response, your talking about refections and hating ones self. But what does it say about a person who complains about something they dont want to do but still is going to it in the end?

Now that sounds to me like self hated, guess whos doing that here?

I think it would be best if you did go back to the game(you know the one that isn't even on your list lol) because you really dont have a good counter argument. 

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Best of all developers released trailer where they explain how hard game is but the real difficulties lies in mini games lol.

I get it those rhythm games help us be better at parry stuff but still why so hardcore... I platinum 3 yakuza games and I know what mini games hell can be.

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I see where OP is coming from honestly. It’s far too hard on PS5 and not because of any kind of actual difficulty, it’s because of the adaptive triggers. Half the time it won’t register L2 or R2 when you initially hit them on notes or if you have to repeatedly press them quick it’ll often not register one for some reason.


The dev’s obviously didn’t play test this on PS5 at least. Game’s a lot of fun and I’ll keep at it but I shouldn’t be getting ‘Misses’ when I’m hitting the triggers but they’re not registering. The trigger buttons need to be removed from the mini game, that’d make it doable but still difficult

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4 hours ago, Oberlin1694 said:

I see where OP is coming from honestly. It’s far too hard on PS5 and not because of any kind of actual difficulty, it’s because of the adaptive triggers. Half the time it won’t register L2 or R2 when you initially hit them on notes or if you have to repeatedly press them quick it’ll often not register one for some reason.


The dev’s obviously didn’t play test this on PS5 at least. Game’s a lot of fun and I’ll keep at it but I shouldn’t be getting ‘Misses’ when I’m hitting the triggers but they’re not registering. The trigger buttons need to be removed from the mini game, that’d make it doable but still difficult

They are currently working on a msassive update, with a roadmap being rolled out in a few weeks, stayed tuned!

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7 hours ago, SecondGenesis said:

They are currently working on a msassive update, with a roadmap being rolled out in a few weeks, stayed tuned!

I JUST got the Max Chain trophy. So that’s me done with Ramen for now, it’s a ridiculously hard mini-game but god damn I feel so fulfilled right now.


My advice to people is to ignore the bowl altogether as it’ll add un-necessary tension. Always hammer the button when it appears alone. Don’t hold notes, it only affects your score not the bowl fill. And just stuck at it. It’s difficult, stressful, overly long and tense but god damn is it satisfying when the trophy pops.



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  • 1 month later...
12 minutes ago, CaptainCobana said:

So, I see the plat and a couple of other trophies are still sitting at 0.00%. Are they just that hard or are there actually buggy/unobtainable trophies in the game? 


Last I checked, the Severance Pays trophy is probably bugged.


You need to see all the finisher animations, and there's no in-game list to track which ones you've seen. It's likely that by this point *someone* has gotten all of them, but since it's 0% I figure it's bugged.


They're supposed to be working on a general patch and I figure this will be a likely fix included.

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  • 2 months later...
On 4/3/2023 at 4:12 PM, h4mx0r said:


Last I checked, the Severance Pays trophy is probably bugged.


You need to see all the finisher animations, and there's no in-game list to track which ones you've seen. It's likely that by this point *someone* has gotten all of them, but since it's 0% I figure it's bugged.


They're supposed to be working on a general patch and I figure this will be a likely fix included.

So, it's been about 3 months. The plat is still unobtainable?

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On 6/25/2023 at 0:15 AM, ArmoredSnowman said:

So, it's been about 3 months. The plat is still unobtainable?

Still broke as of a few weeks ago at least. There have been a few updates posted in the trophy thoughts thread with probably the most relevant being from last month where the publishers said they're still working on a patch.


They're an extremely small company and it's not like the game was a smash hit or anything so not surprising it's all slow going. They still regularly post on twitter/discord though so that's a good sign the game isn't totally abandoned at least.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 27/06/2023 at 6:36 AM, ZenaxPure said:

Still broke as of a few weeks ago at least. There have been a few updates posted in the trophy thoughts thread with probably the most relevant being from last month where the publishers said they're still working on a patch.


They're an extremely small company and it's not like the game was a smash hit or anything so not surprising it's all slow going. They still regularly post on twitter/discord though so that's a good sign the game isn't totally abandoned at least.

What's their Twitter?

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