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I'll bite. What's your worst game on the ps3 Prinny dood? And everyone else?

Mine was Dead Rising 2

Mine were White Knight Chronicles and Borderlands with a dishonorable mention to Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch. 


Worst games on PS3 for me so far go to Sound Shapes and Lone Survivor but if it has to be a full retail game DmC and X-Blades those 4 games are beyond horrible.

Is the DMC reboot that bad?

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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I'll bite. What's your worst game on the ps3 Prinny dood? And everyone else?

Mine was Dead Rising 2

The worst game I've played that I actually have the platinum for is Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One, but it's soon going to be The Walking Dead once I get the platinum in a later fixture for easy league points. It's so easy but so boring! (no offense to people who like the game)

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Mine were White Knight Chronicles, Borderlands, and Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch. 


Is the DMC reboot that bad?

Well if you like a Dante who has no witty writing, swears for every second word and is an awful character all-round and then for gameplay issues you have the dumbest enemy AI ever where only a single normal enemy attacks at a time, enemies offscreen won't attack unless they're a huge enemy, a certain enemy you bump into 3-5 times is harder than every other enemy and boss in the game, a single weapon breaks the game, you earn style by damage not variety, make fun of long time fans of the originals, no lock on button which lowers the amount of attacks you have but *2 dodge buttons, a devil trigger that instead of a transformation seems to be anti-gravity, so many glitches and the guns might as well be water pistols, infinite air combos that require no skill... I could keep going sadly...


*Regarding the dodge buttons before somebody tries to claim but you have angel dodge and demon evade... yeah you have to hold the angel or demon button while pressing either of the 2 dodge buttons so it is a pointless second button.

Edited by Kochiya Shana
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Well if you like a Dante who has no witty writing, swears for every second word and is an awful character all-round and then for gameplay issues you have the dumbest enemy AI ever where only a single normal enemy attacks at a time, enemies offscreen won't attack unless they're a huge enemy, a certain enemy you bump into 3-5 times is harder than every other enemy and boss in the game, a single weapon breaks the game, you earn style by damage not variety, make fun of long time fans of the originals, no lock on button which lowers the amount of attacks you have but *2 dodge buttons, a devil trigger that instead of a transformation seems to be anti-gravity, so many glitches and the guns might as well be water pistols, infinite air combos that require no skill... I could keep going sadly...

*Regarding the dodge buttons before somebody tries to claim but you have angel dodge and demon evade... yeah you have to hold the angel or demon button while pressing either of the 2 dodge buttons so it is a pointless second button.

...I liked it :x but it was the first devil may cry I played so I can't be offended by what it did lol

As for my worst PS3 game, that honour goes to none other than Deep Black. There's a reason you've never heard of it.

Edited by Boooda
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Grenades are your friend in the flooded room. Just toss them as they spawn in, and then work your way around to the opposite end of the room. The assault rifle is also your friend until the last 3 or so enemies. The shotgun would be best for them. They go down after about 2 shotty rounds. I already completed Crushing on UC1. I am actually having issues at the end of the train level in UC2.

UC2 boss was easy ,the train wasnt so hard eather but with the train i just went forward and blasted away never realy stoped ,with the gunship just make sure you take out the rockets it fires at you and your golden

as for UC1 the flooded room wasnt to bad, again i just kept moveing ,took me 2 attempts 

I'll bite. What's your worst game on the ps3 Prinny dood? And everyone else?

Mine was Dead Rising 2

worst game!!! humm ,so far i dont have a worst game lol ,but the hardst plat for me was kane and lynch 2 the story was easy ,the MP now thats a difrent story lol 

Worst games on PS3 for me so far go to Sound Shapes and Lone Survivor but if it has to be a full retail game DmC and X-Blades those 4 games are beyond horrible.

humm xblades im realy enjoying lol ,mebe its coz its a no brainer game and gives me a break from the other games that need planing 

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Worst PS3 games for me would have to be

  • Resident Evil 5
  • Resident Evil 4 HD
  • DmC: Devil may Cry
  • Lone Survivor
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum
  • Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition (Every Street Fighter IV incarnation actually, but that's the one I own)

I'm not doing so well today, just 2 trophies totalling 3 points, but I'll have one more soon, since I just have 2 arcade runs left on Guilty Gear Xrd - SIGN, both characters I've haven't really tried properly yet, Zato-1 & Bedman.


EDIT: Well, so much for getting that trophy, I forgot that I needed Sin Kiske for that trophy, but I am not grinding out almost W$80,000 just for that.

Edited by Lady Blanc
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...I liked it :x but it was the first devil may cry I played so I can't be offended by what it did lol

As for my worst PS3 game, that honour goes to none other than Deep Black. There's a reason you've never heard of it.

You should play DMC3 and DMC4 to see how backwards and horrible DmC was also look into how Ninja Theory treated fans of the originals.



humm xblades im realy enjoying lol ,mebe its coz its a no brainer game and gives me a break from the other games that need planing 

The voice acting, story and combat in it are bad, try attack a vase standing right in front of it with your swords and the same vase could take anywhere from 10 seconds to 10 minutes for the game to realise you should have hit it and broke it... only the guns and magic are reliable to a degree.

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I woke up today and I'm beating my opponent but not by a safe amount. It looks like I should get the Sly 2 platinum this fixture after all. Luckily I'm less than two hours away from the platinum and have a delayed opening in school today. I'm going to try to get the platinum before I leave.

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Another slow day for me, just 6 trophies, at least 1 was a gold though. I'd probably be lucky to get any others today, as I don't feel like starting a new game up today.


It also doesn't help that I've been coughing virtually non-stop today too, I hate autumn & winter with a vengeance.

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, try attack a vase standing right in front of it with your swords and the same vase could take anywhere from 10 seconds to 10 minutes for the game to realise you should have hit it and broke it..

true enough lol i found that not spamming sword but tap the key to slash once worked for me ,spamming the sword slash kinda made you dance around it lol

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Asura'a Wrath is by far the worst game I've played on the PS3. The little gameplay which exists is poorly done and not engaging at all. As for the story, I found it to be incredibly boring and would of skipped the whole thing if it didn't force you to watch most of it for the QTEs (never before has it crossed my mind to skip a games story). Asura makes Kratos look like a well rounded character. The one saving grace is the that Street Fighter style dlc was decent, definitely the most/only enjoyment I got from the entire game. xD

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Reading through these posts and looking at what everyone likes and dislikes makes me really think. I have really played a ton of games. I wonder what it would take for me to call Ratchet and Clank: All 4 one, the worst of them. Lol....personally one of the worst games I ever played on the PS3 is Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust. Terrible camera angles mixed with a very loose story and glitchy collectables, Though there isn't even a "bad" game on my list that I haven't platinumed yet.


I consider getting through even "bad" games a challenge.


I enjoyed the Uncharted series though, but I think there is a difference between playing a game close to release and then going back and playing a game after you have played it's sequels.


There was nothing to compare Uncharted 1 to when it came out, aside from maybe Assassin's Creed. So playing Uncharted 1 for me was a new experience so maybe that is why I enjoyed it more. I mean maybe you could compare it to Tomb Raider, but honestly, I wouldn't compare anything to Tomb Raider.

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Very bad ps3 games i've played;

  • Ride to hell: retribution
  • Hydrophobia
  • Turbo: Super stunt squad 
  • Cabela's dangerous hunts 2011
  • Alone in the dark
  • Shift 2 unleashed
  • Just Cause 2
  • Dragon age II
  • Terminator Salvation
  • Smash Cars
  • Shank 2

But the worst game would go to brink. So much hype, such a bad game.

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You should play DMC3 and DMC4 to see how backwards and horrible DmC was also look into how Ninja Theory treated fans of the originals.


I quite enjoyed it too. :P And I've platted the first 3 and gone through the  4th and will plat that when it comes out again. In my opinion DMC2 was far worse than the new one. 


Daaaang most of the stuff that has been said is stuff I liked.....I must have bad taste doods xD

Haha same, though I don't know how half the games being listed are of 'worst game' quality, I've probably platted more than half of them and enjoyed most of them, though some listed are truly bad. :o Honestly though I think maybe I'm just quite easy to please when it comes to games I've enjoyed at least 95%+ of the games on my list and there's a few questionable ones there. 


As for my worst game, I reckon that goes to Disney Pixar's UP. That was not a good game. Though I loved the movie. :D

Edited by zajac9999
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Reading through these posts and looking at what everyone likes and dislikes makes me really think. I have really played a ton of games. I wonder what it would take for me to call Ratchet and Clank: All 4 one, the worst of them. Lol....personally one of the worst games I ever played on the PS3 is Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust. Terrible camera angles mixed with a very loose story and glitchy collectables, Though there isn't even a "bad" game on my list that I haven't platinumed yet.


I consider getting through even "bad" games a challenge.


I enjoyed the Uncharted series though, but I think there is a difference between playing a game close to release and then going back and playing a game after you have played it's sequels.


There was nothing to compare Uncharted 1 to when it came out, aside from maybe Assassin's Creed. So playing Uncharted 1 for me was a new experience so maybe that is why I enjoyed it more. I mean maybe you could compare it to Tomb Raider, but honestly, I wouldn't compare anything to Tomb Raider.

I have played far worse games than Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One, but I was only including games I have the platinum in. If a game is too bad, I just don't get the platinum in it, or at the very least prolong getting it for a very long time.

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Wow. Ep 4 of Game of Thrones from Telltale just got intense. Won't give away any spoilers, but I just hope we aren't waiting as long for Episode 5 and 6.

I have loved the first 2 episode but can't bear the waiting so I am leaving it until they are all out then enjoy it. Damn those telltale games are good! !
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There are a lot of games that disappointed me gameplay or story wise but I wouldn't call them bad games. Bayonnetta, RE5, Red Dead, Ni No Kuni and several more hugely popular games just didn't click for me. I think for each of these I had huge expectations and they just didn't live up to my personal "hype" though I hate that word. I keep going back and trying them with different expectations but none of them had clicked yet.

Dead Rising 2 was horrific on so many levels. Clunky controls, annoying characters, boring story, horrendous checkpoint/save system, not to mention the game is one long series of escort quests. I really wanted to like this game and have it about 2 hrs of my life... Which felt like 20.

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