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Red Dead Redemption & Undead Nightmare Coming to PS4 August 17, 2023


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8 minutes ago, El Duderino said:

Even Square Enix charges 11,99€ for a 35 year old "Final Fantasy". Show me one current remaster of a 3D game that costs 20 bucks. Good luck with that. It's just not realistic anymore. Companies are not charities.

It's not a remaster. It's more along the lines of those PSP games on PS5 that are 9.99 a piece.

Edited by shadaik
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Some folks seem to be acting like Rockstar is putting this out because they want to - setting their expectations like it's supposed to be some prestige new edition or something, rather than just as a way to try and get the "fans" to be quiet.


I'd imagine the reason they are putting this out is because they cannot do anything now - they can't make any move - without the first comments being "ReD dEaD POrt wHenNnNnnnn??1?!!?"...

...so they're putting it out, with the least possible amount of effort or expenditure, in the most bare-bones way, and charging as much as the market will bear, presumably to try and end that pestering.

(Or-  in reality - probably just shift it, to be just "BuLLy 2 WhEn?1!?")



It's a quick-hit attempt to appease, not some lovingly crafted re-release.


They might as well call it Red Dead Redemption: Shut The Fuck Up Edition ?

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8 minutes ago, BushidoCypher said:

I just don't know why so many are just getting so out of touch..

Perhaps because many believe that game companies make games for the players. They do not, at least not publicly traded companies such as Rockstar Games. They are (even though not legally -> fiduciary duty) obliged to make money for their shareholders. And they sell what makes money. Just look at EA and their gambling simulators disguised as sports games.

Edited by El Duderino
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35 minutes ago, Zephrese said:


You certainly are being quite ridiculous, yes. No point in arguing this further if you're going to continue being this utterly disingenuous.

How exactly am i being disingenuous? I'm stating examples, facts, ect and so far all you have actually done is backhandedly agreed and tried to use big words i kind of doubt you actually know the meaning of. 


For example calling me utterly disingenuous which means I'm not being candid or sincere by pretending to not know something which honestly doesn't fit.  I'm in no way being dishonest on this topic nor have I lied about anything that I'm aware of. 


So again I think your just tossing out big words to sound smart not caring they don't fit

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4 minutes ago, Taliesin_2943 said:

So again I think your just tossing out big words to sound smart not caring they don't fit


If thinking that helps you sleep better at night, then by all means.

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Just now, Zephrese said:


If thinking that helps you sleep better at night, then sure.

Ok prove your accusations in a private message so this thread isn't further derailed I'd like to know your point of view how I've been disingenuous and and committed straw man fallacy I'm honestly curious how I've been either one

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6 minutes ago, Taliesin_2943 said:

Ok prove your accusations in a private message so this thread isn't further derailed I'd like to know your point of view how I've been disingenuous and and committed straw man fallacy I'm honestly curious how I've been either one


I'm good. You've made it clear you won't listen to reason already, so there'd be no point to waste more of our time here or especially in private.

Edited by Zephrese
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30 minutes ago, El Duderino said:

Perhaps because many believe that game companies make games for the players. They do not, at least not publicly traded companies such as Rockstar Games. They are (even though not legally -> fiduciary duty) obliged to make money for their shareholders. And they sell what makes money. Just look at EA and their gambling simulators disguised as sports games.

Still booty shit ass crumbs. Just sad to see how it went from how to make an amazing game then that made them the money to HOW can we make the most money and just forget about making a game.

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I haven't played it on PS3 but if I can platinum the game on PS4 without having to worry about multiplayer trophies and I can eventually find a physical copy for £25 or less then I'm definitely getting it. Would do the same with GTA IV as well if that game ever gets the same treatment.

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I don't see the point in arguing - yes i agree Rockstar is a greedy company, but so is 95% of all the other company's (Bethesda, Ubisoft,...)


After the recent shitshow called the GTA Trilogy (let's be honest they butched that complete entire trilogy) i did not want Grovestreet Games to come anywhere near the Red Dead Redemption franchise.


So i rather accept the port then a "Definitive edition" treatment. The only thing i cannot grasp is why they decided to release it on PS4 and not on PS5??

This entire PS5 generation has been a disappointment, why is Sony still supporting the PS4 after the PS5 has been out for almost 3 years?


Back when the PS4 came out they stopped supporting the PS3 about 1 to 2 years in...

They could have made it 4K 60 fps easily. Look at the recent clips of hacked PS5's allowing older PS4 titles such as Bloodborne and Red Dead Redemption 2 to run at 60 fps.


I saw it coming from a mile away. People were overhyping this by expecting a full remake, they never even mentioned it would be a remaster / remake...

Keep your expectations low to none and you will not be disappointed.


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Sadly the moment Rockstar announce GTA6 everyone in the world will forget their greedy and lazy shit from the last years.

The internet will all together get down on their knees for a coop sucking session, praising R* for their wonderful game.

Personally I have been done with R* for a long time, they will not see a single buck from me ever again. GTA5 online was a horrible experience and RDR2 journey was sadly extremely tedious (to be fair it is more the trophies making the game tedious, than the game itself).

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heard the game had lots of bad code issues and was a pain in the ass to port to pc. i know most people wouldn't agree with me but 50$ is not THAT bad, porting the game to ps4 and switch was probably not easy or cheap and rockstar just would not price it any lower with how deep those discount get after like 6-12 months. probably no ps5 version because they couldn't unlock the framerate due to game breaking issues like bloodborne.  im probably going to wait until its on extra/premium

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I don’t think it’s that crazy that people are upset that a port of a 360/ps3 game isn’t 


60 FPS


Still not on pc (seriously wtf ???)


had to deal with those shitty GTA remasters that also had rockstar delisting older versions of those games 


I always expected a bare minimum port of it were to happen and they couldn’t even do that in my eyes . Maybe I’d be less critical if it wasn’t for how they handled the GTA trilogy . 


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5 hours ago, El Duderino said:

Even Square Enix charges 11,99€ for a 35 year old "Final Fantasy". Show me one current remaster of a 3D game that costs 20 bucks. Good luck with that. It's just not realistic anymore. Companies are not charities.


The last of us remaster on ps4, dark souls remaster,  ni no kuni remaster, there are literally tons of others these were just the top results on Google. Good luck on trying to mental gymnastics your way into thinking that none of these are "current" enough for you ?

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