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What would make you change platform or quit


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Nothing would make me stop gaming entirely at this point, I don't think - and I don't really believe there has ever been a better time to be a gamer than right now, given the sheer breadth of games out there.


Hell, the industry could shut down tomorrow, and I wouldn't run out of stuff I want to play for like 70 years 😂



As far as jumping platform...

...I'm not sure?


I mean, I'm so used to the Playstation format and controller at this point, that it would probably take a literal catastrophe from Sony to push me away from their consoles.

As far as maybe adding another console, though... that's possible.


I've had a few Nintendo ones - a DSi, a Wii, and I had an WiiU for a hot minute, and Switch for an even hotter one... but with the exception of the DSi, they rarely keep me hooked for too long, and I tend to gravitate to the Sony version for anything appearing on both.


I've actually said, right back since the Xbox 360 days,, that I would get one of those consoles as well, and I can justify it to myself if there is ever 5 games exclusive to them that I can't get on a Playstation at any single point in time...

...but there honestly never has been. There are often 3 or 4... but inevitably one of those games ends up running out it's exclusivity period and coming to Playstation before the number builds up to 5...


...and I really can't justify the cost (and the extra space in my house!) for a console with less than 5 games I want!


Never say never though...


...The current Microsoft console has currently 1 (Immortality), and will have Hellblade 2 and Outer Worlds 2 at some point, and maybe something from DoubleFine...

...though there's indications Immortality will be coming to Playstation soon enough, so I have my doubts it'll hit the magic 5 any time soon!

Edited by DrBloodmoney
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10 minutes ago, RedDevil757 said:

I've been thinking a lot about this lately. I bloody loved the PS3. The first half of the PS4s life was great too. But since around 2016 I've just not felt it. They disabled all the social aspects on PS4 that I loved and I really don't like the route the brand is heading. If the future for Sony really is live service then I can't see me still gaming on the platform when that happens.


I've always said I go where the exclusives are but when I look back at the past two generations. I didn't like gow2018 despite being a huge fan of the series. Hzd just felt like every other open world game. Cutscenes the game didn't have enough actual gameplay for me. Gran Turismo 7 is a nasty live service game which was a huge disappointment. So my arguement for staying where the best games are doesn't work here. The PS5 has been such a disappointment for me too. Apart from Ratchet and Clank was amazing


I mean and I'll get attacked for this since it's a Sony playerbase site here but Starfield is the best game I've played in the last 20 years. It's better than all the exclusives Sony has so far. Yes Xbox has far far less exclusives but the ones it has are much better suited to the solo gamer that isn't interested in live service gaming.


Then there's the plus price increase. It's already not as good as gamepass and paying more for a worse service isn't what I want at all. I've been with plus since day one too. I even got that picture thing they sent out once for the og people.


I just seems the more Sony does the more I get pushed else where. I feel like I'm the only one seeing this massive change in the brand too.


So for everyone else what would make you jump ship or maybe even stop gaming at all?


I always find it interesting how we all see things differently. For me GoW was one of the best games of this generation and both Horizon games are truly outstanding. Yet I have heard nothing but bad things about Starfield (not my sort of game).


For me having pushed through 3 children and the lack of time available on that front nothing will make me quit. I am more looking forward to having the sort of time I want to play back HAHA

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I'll never quit gaming, it's been apart of my life for as long as I can remember all the way back to the Master System. I don't ever see me swapping platforms either. With most of my collection being digital, it's just too much money invested to swap and that's probably why everything is becoming more digital. 


I do have a Switch though collecting dust and I've only played Pokemon, a little bit of Zelda and Super Mario 64 so that was a waste of money lol 

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I like Nintendo consoles too, I have a Switch and use it as a side console but its far from being my main one, if someday I leave PS I probably would end on PC...


XBOX is a brand that I don't like and gladly I'm not a fan of Bethesda or Activision games so MS buying them was meaningless to me, still I didnt liked it for the hit in the industry and how could it change things in the future if they buy something that I really care like Capcom, S-E or Sega... Still I'm 99% sure that I won't jump to a brand that I don't like and for games that surely could play on PC...

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Very little would lead to me quitting. If my CTS and other nerve issues reached a point where I could no longer hold a controller or my vision degraded to the point where I couldn’t even see the blobs I see currently, I guess that’d do it. But no willful choice. It’s the last hobby that I can still take refuge in at this point, the final bulwark against just sleeping all day until I die.


So far as switching platforms… I don’t know that the concept really applies. During every generation I’ve had a “primary” console (and outside of the 360 era, it was usually a PlayStation since their inception), but I usually have access to most of them, so just play what I want. It would probably take a complete shake up of the environment to have something supplant the PS5 as my main console at this point in time, something I just don’t see happening.

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I'm off to PC once physical games stop. Digital has always been inferior on consoles and Sony's outrageous $80 per year for cloud saves makes the PS5 a very expensive console to own. Might as well invest that into beefier hardware and games of my choice. I use Xbox and Switch and I can see myself play more "Switch 2" if the situation for physical games and performance in multiplats becomes better there. A Nintendo achievement system would help too. Xbox is on its way out for me. Game Pass is what I use it for and Microsoft seems better at catering to PC Game Pass than Xbox Game Pass these days.


Don't think I will ever stop gaming altogether. I guess a physical handicap or extreme poverty. 

Edited by iriihutoR84
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I'm strictly dedicated to PlayStation.  I guess you could say that I bleed blue. Lol I don't have time for any other consoles.  Probably the only thing that would make me quit gaming is if Sony went completely out of business or was bought out by M$ and PlayStation's trophy system was replaced with M$'s inferior achievement system.  It would take something huge like that and I don't see that ever happening anyway.  For the sake of this topic, let's just say the above debacle were to occur.  In that case, I would just dedicate more time to working out; I would read a lot more.  Maybe take up a whole new hobby like fishing or whatever.  I might even go and buy a Nintendo console like a Switch and mess around on that from time to time, but much less frequently and much more casually than I do now.  I would never go to XBox. 

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Thinking on leaving too. The prices of hardware, games, services, etc are just too much.  PS+ is now gonna be $95 Here on Canukistan..... Before taxes.  That's fucking crazy!!


I'm also starting to get irritated by trophies (DLCs), I mean just look at the madness that released today for Sifu, it looks downright impossible to 100% again. 


The Social aspects that OP mentioned are an issue too.  This gen is not only disappointing with unfinished games/ crap performance but feels lonely AF.




Is PC the cure?

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9 minutes ago, Helyx said:


Never say never. I routinely lost to a quadriplegic on Mario Golf (N64). That guy showed no mercy. We miss you Jerry.

I was merely joking don't read too much into it, I watched a blind speedrunner and he was incredible, people can achieve some amazing feats when really want, major kudos to them.

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probably wont ever leave because of all the games i own from the "glory days" (psx-ps3) but if sony continues to neglect the need for backwards compatibility across all gens then i just wont buy into future consoles. not many of their blockbuster games from ps4-ps5 interest me and it goes against what old playstation was all about. and i sure as hell am not buying into their "backwards compatibility" program with PS Plus. PS fans need to go on a manhunt to find the company's balls again.

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I will stop playing games when I get to the point in my life when I would rather spend this time doing something, like going to a park, or for a walk. I'm close to 30 now and I regret wasting my youth sitting at home playing video games all the time. I'm pretty sure when I will be 50/60 I will look at playing for a few hours as a similar waste of time.

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the main thing that'll make me switch is definitely the new ps plus prices. paying that much for online and old game releases just isn't worth the 160$ i was gonna pay to keep the service and for the price of that and upgrading to ps5 it's just so much more worth investing into a mid range pc. i love the playstation, but as the exclusives are getting ported to other platforms over time and the cross play is still an issue on how limited it is it's a no brainer. i wouldn't completely switch though.

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There is no real "quitting" a platform if you own all of them, which is usually the technique I employ. I switch between Steam, Switch, and PS fairly regularly cause I do be experiencing "Trophy Hunting" fatigue at least once a month like clockwork. I'm still on a PS sabbatical atm until I've had my fill of Starfield; which I've been thoroughly enjoying so far.  I always end up coming back to PS though, the trophies got me hooked until I find another way to satisfy my unhealthy urge to watch stats go up lol.  

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I already moved from Xbox to PS during the Xbox one due to their poor practises and in my view they've only gotten worse so I wont be moving back to them, Bethesda in the pocket doesnt change that.


People get mad at every little thing PS do but let Xbox get away with everything, yet theres one clearly investing in the industry and one finding any way possible to make it worse for everyone.

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Nothing, I’ll be still gaming in hell!!!

Slow down maybe, as I already have… somewhat… ok quite a lot.


Change platform?


While I main PS, I do have XB1 and PC (that can handle my current collection of games). Not really a Nintendo fan, the last console I bought was the GameCube which I still have. So probably no, PS would still be my main as majority of my games are there.


Honestly I’m set with my current consoles/games. I could stop buying games right now and I’d be set for life. I’m not even interested in the PS5.

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I've been gaming since the days of bat and ball XD 


So if physical media stops, i'll move to PC as consoles will have lost their one huge advantage.


Sony have fucked up so badly since moving to California and putting Jim Ryan in charge that I barely recognise the company any more, I've started amassing a lot of Nintendo versions of games due to Sonys censorship policy alone (and lets face it, it seems specifically aimed at one group of people in particular). 

Sadly it seems Sony is hell bent on destroying itself at the minute 😕 which depending on what the future holds, I may just give up on the PS brand altogether.  I haven't even purchased a PS5 yet as I'm not massively interested in it (It's severly gimped compared to previous consoles IMO). 

Edited by Dark_Overlord
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The 33% price hike on PS Plus and more PS games going to Steam makes it tempting to leave PlayStation, but it's not enough to jump ship yet.

If Sony ever permabanned me for whatever reason (highly unlikely), I would obviously jump ship. There wouldn't be a point to stick with PlayStation anymore if I can't play online or buy digital games. 

Mass loss of access to PS Plus Essential Games (even when still subscribed) and the loss of some other digital purchases would probably make me jump ship. 

On to quitting gaming as a whole...

There's almost no situation I can picture quitting gaming unless I spend more time and money on it than I currently do and have to pretty much go cold turkey to stop it from taking over my life.

If I ever have kids, my gaming time is going to get very small I would think. I need to be there for them, and gaming could often get in the way of that. 

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