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Permadeath mode and NG+ coming in December

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8 hours ago, Vault-TecPhantom said:

Not sure if there will be trophies for this but if there is then permadeath should be doable, as I didn't die once on my 100% normal difficulty run on series x. 

Failing that, there's always cloud upload. 

It’s like u say on my normal run…. If they are adding a ultra hard difficulty, maybe it’ll be hard. I hope so 🙂

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10 hours ago, IDiivil said:

Who in their right mind ever asked for a permadeath mode in an Assassin's Creed game? Oh well, I guess it's the flavour of the month with hardcore WoW and all that, just like NG+ has been for a while.


Can't wait for every game to be getting permadeath modes and trophies now.


Could be worse - could be yet another rogue-lite DLC.


8 hours ago, alexandra-jane09 said:

Agreed, Assassin's Creed games don't need a permadeath mode, desyncing is part of the fun.  


Furthermore, permadeath goes against how the animus actually works...

Edited by Vault-TecPhantom
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5 hours ago, ZombiJoel_Tlou3 said:

Every game should get hardcore. It completely changes the game and everything matters again, you only have one life so every single upgrade helps and the fear of death gives you a big dose of adrenalin and if you die you just go agane

You know that you can play any game like that even without updates? I was doing permadeath and or 3 death max with my friends and or forums like 15+ years ago in games like baldur's gate 1 and resident evil 3. Even now there's like tons of people doing it in any game. Tons of people doing/streaming "honour mode" bg3 run like every day. I'd rather prefer they add "remixed" modes like dante must die or the monster hunter games where there is new enemies, enemies have new moves, less resources etc. Not a great game but dead space 3 had really interesting game modes.

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47 minutes ago, Vault-TecPhantom said:

Could be worse - could be yet another rogue-lite DLC.


The rogue-lite DLC was really well done in Valhalla though and was easily the most fun I had playing that slog of a game otherwise. The Far Cry 6 ones though sucked as all the DLC was rogue-lite's and it was just way too repetitive and didn't work nearly as well in that world. 


I would easily take a rogue-lite over a permadeath mode. Real permadeath modes are anti-fun to me and especially in an AC game, there's so much nonsense that could kill you especially with the parkour. I only died once in my regular playthrough and that was because the swan dive didn't come out and I ended up inadvertently jumping to my death. That would be a devastating way to ruin a permadeath run over something so stupid. 


Maybe they'll have more than one permadeath option and you get a checkpoint after certain key story missions rather than having to do the whole game with only one life, kind of like The Last Of Us.


Anyway, I don't see them adding trophies for this update and even if they did, I probably wouldn't play it anyway. Even though it's one of the better AC games released recently, it's still not a game I'd rush to re-play again just for trophies. 

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8 minutes ago, Helyx said:

EA is adding DLC for free. EA...for free.


Ubisoft, not EA.


And this isn't remotely new. As much as everyone likes to crap on Ubisoft, their post-launch support is typically fantastic. Both AC: Odyssey and AC: Valhalla got *tons* of free DLC -- not just new game modes, but entirely new quest lines too.

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Guys, I don't want to lock the thread so let's be civil, please. :)


Anyway, now that DLC is coming I'll hold off getting Mirage for PS5 until December as I don't want to constantly be returning to a game just to win back my 100%. Ubisoft is too fond of drip feeding DLC, even if it is sometimes free. Valhalla was the worst for that.

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Good thing I saw this topic today; was planning an excursion to GameStop this afternoon and Mirage was on the chopping block. Would have been quite irked if they dropped a handful of trophies right after I jettisoned the game. (Gotta defend that 100%, y’all!)


Don’t know how I feel about a permadeath mode, or what - if anything - that would legitimately add to the game except added frustration every time Basim randomly says to himself “oh, I know you were holding right on the stick, and there’s a hay bale there, but I think I’m gonna go left and plummet to my death instead, kay?” but willing to give it a go, anyway.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/16/2023 at 9:48 AM, ThatMuttGuy said:


You're so casual. A true hardcore gamer like myself actually destroys their console and game every time they die, because restarting after you die is just too casual for me. 


I like the idea of a permadeath mode, that isn't required. This way I can still enjoy playing the games I purchase, and then if I want, I can play a permadeath run. Some may think I'm a casual gamer, and they would be right. This is because I still have my 1986 NES that offered true permadeath because almost every game I owned couldn't be saved, period. So yes, every game these days is considered casual to me and those of my generation.




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On 11/16/2023 at 10:54 PM, Teh_Zombz said:

"complete the game with a hardcore character in ultra hard"(or w/e the hardest difficulty is in this one) will be a trophy i'm sure. ubi loves adding difficult trophies as DLC

Nonsense. Ubisof never added difficulty specific trophies for AC franchise. Not even in mythological trilogy. 

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