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Rate The Platinums


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Subject to change to a 10/10 if I ever experience Catherine and judge for myself whether the platinum is super difficult to obtain.

In the meantime, I have to respect the high plat count and the skills in getting platinums for the MGS titles (especially MGS2 for VR missions and MGSV:TPP for tasks), ICO for the speedrun req and LBP, to name a few.

Judging difficulty is so dependent on personal experience and skill level. As such, I'll add that anybody with plats for Ninja Gaiden games, Dead Space 2, any Platinum dev plat, most sports games, and notable fighting games really deserve some credit for their accomplishments.

Oops. Beat me to it, Superstarmaste1r...

Edited by AdventCloud7
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Subject to change to a 10/10 if I ever experience Catherine and judge for myself whether the platinum is super difficult to obtain.

In the meantime, I have to respect the high plat count and the skills in getting platinums for the MGS titles (especially MGS2 for VR missions and MGSV:TPP for tasks), ICO for the speedrun req and LBP, to name a few.

Judging difficulty is so dependent on personal experience and skill level. As such, I'll add that anybody with plats for Ninja Gaiden games, Dead Space 2, any Platinum dev plat, most sports games, and notable fighting games really deserve some credit for their accomplishments.


Oops. Beat me to it, Superstarmaste1r...


Keep at it. 

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