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28 minutes ago, Jelly Soup said:


Yes, but like. The trophy just straight up being a goat head. I have no argument past that.






Well sure, but the platinum name is now G.O.A.T., like you are the GOAT for earning it.  


Past platinums for the series were called “King of the Diamond” so they used diamond icons for those. 

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17 hours ago, mega-tallica said:


I agree with this synopsis of Doom Eternal so much, mostly with the DLC. Just nonstop gauntlet of enemies, every room you step into is another gauntlet. It's fun for a little bit I guess but gets old quickly. Only got through the first mission of the first DLC and I'm already exhausted. What a waste of money on this crap DLC. 

Yeah, the DLC was ridiculous, I went to easy mode an hour into it, mainly because I didn’t feel like dealing with relentless powerful mobs every fight.

The ending sucks too.

Edited by Bratinov
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40-platinum.png#172 Completionist (Knockout City - Ps5)

Difficulty: few tricky trophies and some will require time.

Ps5 version was quicker due to semi-autopop

Time to Complete: Ps5 version took me 4 hours, while ps4 version took me around 70 or 80 (according to ps5 timers)

Recommended: Sadly, not anymore

Total score: 9/10


Around early february of last year I decided to try a different game, and I recall getting this a few months prior from psn plus, and I wasn't sure about it. But I can't just stop and do nothing so I decided to "screw it" and download it. And for the next weeks I practically spent all my time playing this game, it was that fun. The premise was so simple, and the learning curve steep but rewarding, and eventually I kept playing more and more, including doing ranked. Eventually, I got the trophy but it was one of those trophies that I didn't notice while doing it, because it was so damn fun!


But a short while ago I read about the impending shutdown on the 6th of June, which made me very sad. I remember taking a break just before they went f2p and didn't play as much after that, occasionally playing for a few days and seeing the new stuff, like the boomerang ball. Still, I had the greatest time with this game and knowing it will shutdown in some months really makes me sad, even though there are some plans for pc.


With that said, I will say this about this ps5 version: it was much quicker due to plenty of autopopping from my ps4 version, which is why it took me less time. It's also highly buggy for some reason and some trophies popped me earlier than others, like the legendary outfit trophies popping before the uncommon/rare one, or 30 crewmate games before the 10 games...it was really weird and made no sense. But again, it's semi-autopop, so I assume it's buggy in its own way.

However I still had to do the bulk of the trophies, like the specific ball ones or the kos/matches. The ball trophies aren't easy to do, and since rounds and balls are randomized everytime it can be very hard to get the right combo and do the trophy, especially when you might not get them often. Stuff like Knockout valley requiring the bomb ball can take a while, especially with 2 new balls from last time I played! It's probably the only trophy where a boost REALLY helps a lot, which I did for the ps5 version.


And lastly, the event trophies are probably the second worst thing, as you need an actual event...like right now with valentine's day! Yep, this is a seasonal trophy, which means that if you don't do these right now you might only have another shot near the end of the game when they'll do a second event...and even then it's unsure to work! I was lucky to have done the valentine's event back then in 2022, but with only 4 months left to spare I don't know how reliable it is.


And the worst trophy is definitely the 100 dailies - which the autopop got rid of it, phew!. why? Well you only have 3 dailies per day, and you gotta do 100...make a few calculations and you get it why it takes a lot! (34 days at minimum). It's nowhere near Rayman Legends' level of grind, but it's still a grind!


Anyway, in a few months the game will shut down, which is why I can't really recommend it. Yes, you might be able to get it if you start now, especially with the 2-week event going on right now, but if you don't want to risk it then it is okay to avoid it. I didn't even need the ps5 version of the plat but hey, it's one last ride to the end, and one last ball to knock out, so I might as well do it for old-time's sake.


And with that, and for those who are already playing it, have fun and enjoy these last months. I'll definitely miss this game.

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