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respectable platinums you know


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Playing what you like the look of, regardless of the difficuly of the platinum, is pretty damn respectable in my eyes

I was going to say close to the same thing, the word respectable in this case is so subjective that this would be nearly impossible to debate. If you took the time to do the difficult game kudos to you, if you took the time to get the easy plat, kudos to you.

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Well I can only mention the ones that I know of (the ones that I have) #relatable. I have an instant sense of respect for anyone who has either Catherine's platinum or Mortal Kombat (2011) because I know that those two are a real struggle, not that I consider them the hardest or whatever, but like I said, Its from my own experience, I can't talk about something I don't know.

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Tales of Xillia, I would normally say Symphonia but that's a tough one even though it's my favorite Tales game so far.

In Xillia play as Jude first if you want the story to flow the best!! It's a fun platinum for any JRPG fan! Enjoy! :)


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I think it's great when people play games they enjoy, 

but is there really something respectable about any trophy?


I like trophies, but I don't think there's something respectable about it.

I'll assume that you are more devoted or a better gamer or played online when the servers were still crowded, ... or all the previous.

But I can't imagine having a platinum deserves any respect.


I have about 38 platinum trophies.

I feel pride about getting a few, but there's nothing special about them.

I bought a game, played it, loved it and went in for all the trophies.

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Firstly, although it's one of those ones everyone loves to hate, or at least loves to say "You pathetic little shit" to, I respect myself and anyone else who platinums Sound Shapes. That game is frustrating as shit, and everyone I know who I threw that game at gave up pretty quickly. That being said, buying it more than once to get a whole bunch of platinums is cheap as hell, though I'm not judging, I bought Hannah Montana for trophies in the day. I could never actually finish that game, took a year or so to finally get through that piece of shit. Anyway..


I actually respect most of my collection, though there's obviously a fair few I bought back in the trophy hunting days, like the aforementioned Hannah game, here's a few of the harder / longer ones I have. Also CoD was easy as shit for me to plat, I just put it here because it's got a really low plat percentage and whatnot.


Call of Duty: Black Ops - Declassified.

Duke Nukem Forever.

Grand Theft Auto IV.

Grand Theft Auto V.

Hotline Miami.

Peggle 2.

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This would have been a better topic if it was "What Platinum's do you have that are respectable", but still good topic.


There are quite a few, I personally think that aren't as rare as you'd expect like:
Mafia II
Call of Duty: World At War, Classic

Destiny (somewhat)

and Need For Speed: Most Wanted can be a bit tough


Others that have quite a low percentage

Far Cry 2

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

Battlefield Bad Company

FIFA Street

Time Crisis Razing Storm


The list goes on...


EDIT: How could I forget? The infamous Fight Night Round 4 as well!!!!

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- Star Ocean 4

- Gran Turismo 5

- Lost Planet 2

- Street /Super Street Fighter IV / Injustice / King of Fighters 13.

- Razing Storm


More than respectable...


- Persona 4 Arena

- Raiden IV Overkill


The MOST respectable platinum ever...


- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus.


Assuming all the effort that you need to put, some platinums earn this tittle. Rarity is not an indicator of difficulty. I've platinumed Injustice , I can do it another 3 times for sure but Persona 4 Arena is another thing for example. 


All people that earn these platinums are beast gamers, who never give up in challenges and put all his / her effort in overcoming difficulties, that's why they are trully gamers.

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If you platinum'd Sport Champions, you must be really fit now.


About mine I have three that I profoundly respect:

  • Prototype because it was merciless (I am still a bit surprised it has such a low percentage score, it wasn't THAT bad)
  • Dishonored because although it isn't hard for the most part, it takes dedication
  • The Last Of Us because it also takes dedication (I played 3 and 3/4 times to get every collectible and difficulty related trophy)
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Guitar Hero:Metallica- I spent 3 years trying to get the Plat and ended up with a 95%, anyone who has been able to get the Plat has all my respects and admiration.


Guitar Hero: Greatest Hits- I spent another chunk of time on this game, Bloody feet took more time and practice than most of my plats, anyone with this Plat is a Guitar Hero GOD.


Guitar Hero: Van Halen- Men Neversoft were really dickis when planning trophies, I gave up before even attempting, I don't think there are even words to describe how awesome someone with this plat is to my eyes.

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Platinums that I have:


Demons/Dark Souls 1 and 2 especially if you did everything on your own, without summoning, invading, item trading, glitching or hacking.


Resident Evil 5 especially if you beat Professional on Single Player.


Freedom Wars especially without getting help from other players before finishing all the missions.


Persona 4 Golden because of how rare the platinum still is.


^That's how I platinumed those games myself hopefully you can get them the same way


Platinums I don't have but I want:


Catherine enough said.


Batman Arkham Asylum/City that damn Challenge Mode.


Rayman Legends final level of Awesomeness takes way too long.

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