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First Spear Modification
Applied a modification to your spear.



Took the Shaman's Path
Survived the Shaman's Path and found Ourea's retreat.



All Animal Figurines found
Found all of the Animal Figurines in the Cut.



All Pigments found
Found all of the Pigments in the Cut.



All Control Towers disabled
Disabled all Control Towers by overriding or destroying them.


Man these new enemies are HARD. I usually just sneak bye. ?

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Career Criminal (GTA V)

Attain 100% Game Completion


I could've done this sooner if I didn't crash my bike against a post and died on the last triathlon that, for those of you who don't know, takes 30 minutes to complete. I had to take a break from that nonsense.

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40-bronze.png I'm a Legend
Be equipped with only Legendary equipment.


40-bronze.png Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Sell 100 trinkets at once.


40-silver.png Archer of the Month
Headshot kill an enemy with the bow while in the air.


40-silver.png The Arrow Whisperer
Kill an enemy with the predator bow from more than 60 meters while controlling the arrow.

30 hours in, AC:O has inched its way into my top 3 games for this year. Currently higher than Super Mario Odyssey and BOTW. Astronomical.


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