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DLC that is harder than the Platinum


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The old hunters DLC was very difficult, with some of the hardest bosses ive ever fought.


Really? I did them all on first try. What was hard on the other hand was a couple of the required chalice dungeon bosses.

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A few come to mind for me, I'll only list the DLCs I've completed or in the process of trying to complete.


Dunbar challenges are very hard.


Shadows of Mordor

The hunt in the wild and The test of the ring.


Advanced Warfare

Easter Eggs

Working on them very slowly lol. Completion probability is high.

Dying Light

Parkour Fever and The Bozak Horde

Gave up. Completion probability is very low.

A few more but those are the main four from all the DLC for games I own and play on PS4.

Can definitely agree with Shadow Of Mordor. Especially the first DLC pack.....


Anyways, I also agree with the people who said Bioshock Infinite's Clash In The Clouds DLC as that's the only one that I have not even 100%ed yet.

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Id have to say:

  • Uncharted 2 and 3. (The Multiplayer was annoying and getting my 100% back with all that multiplayer DLC took way too long)
  • COD: MW2 and MW3 (these were do-able - only one or two hard missions in each; rest were easy if you had a decent partner
  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Revelations and Black Flag  (wasn't hard, the Multiplayer they added was crap and wasted too much time)


Cant think of any others at this point that I've done myself

Edited by oooaznkid
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Definitely the Brutal difficulty trophies in the Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection for me. They were really difficult but I was patient.

The MP trophies in The Last of Us were a pain without boosting. The Grounded difficulty ones were tough as well. I'll be doing these again at some point when I finally get around to buying the Remastered version on PS4.

Edited by Dreamcatcher4891
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I think generally the DLC trophies are usually harder than the main game or they want you to do something similar that was already in the base game, be it something easy or hard.


Arkham City comes to mind when reading the thread title, if you can do the challenges as Batman then you can do everything again as Catwoman, Nightwing and Robin, but they literally want you to do everything again each time and in the Predator modes the objectives change dependng on your character, Robin is probably the hardest character to 100% only because his objectives on Predator are insane when compared to the other characters.


Uncharted 2 & 3 also have almost impossible or extremely luck-based trophies, Uncharted 2 has that trophy to get 10 Protectorates and that was super hard to get legit, and in Uncharted 3 there's the infamous treasures trophies and the Curator trophy on Crushing, i remember when the latter came out people were mind blown to see it and thought it was going to be impossible until they found out the PW spawns and the enemy spawns, so it was just a learning curve.


Resident Evil 6


Mind you the trophies appear as uncommon and common even though the PS4 version includes all of the DLC. The trophies are not really hard if you have a boosting partner but trying to obtain all of Siege mode trophies legit has to be a nightmare.


It was so weird to look for matches when the game came out on the PS4 and nobody was playing Siege, so we were forced to boost that again, at least we had each other to get those dumb trophies. I can't imagine how long it'd take to get those 200 kills legit.

Edited by renatabls
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The Last of Us. Grounded difficulty, didn't have much of a problem with it. since I love this game so much, but I'm sure a lots got so frustrated trying to beat it on grounded.

Gran Turismo 6. Ayrton Senna Tribute, I heard it's actually easy if you're using a racing wheel. but still, getting gold on all of Senna's tribute is IMPOSSIBRO!

Sonic Adventure 2. Battle expansion, still have to buy it and work on it one day. the base game is already a pain in the tail feather to 100% but I did it and done with it.

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... Brutal trophies are DLC in the remaster?


Yes, and a few more things like the speedrun trophies & compare stats, activate tweaks and defeat [enemy] with a sniper rifle. You don't need these for the platinum.

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I'm going to assume "harder" means difficulty and not useless grind.


So far I can only think of Batman: Arkham City. The challenge maps just didn't work so well with the extra characters (Catwoman specially), and the requirements for the medals were unfair at times.

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Uncharted 3's DLC is a lot more difficult than the platinum, you need to win 250 matches in competitive multiplayer and a lot of those modes have medals associated with them that you need to get, the co-op is also not easy for first timers. Ninja Gaiden 3's DLC is a lot harder than the platinum but you can do the DLC as a substitute for trials that only come with the platinum, you can do Ultimate Ninja 03, 04 and 05 instead of Ultimate Ninja 01, 02 and 03 for example to get the "Ultimate Ninja" trophy on the base game. I also think Uncharted 2's DLC is a lot worse than the platinum as well, you need a lot of hours to get 2500 kills online, but there are also medals that are impossible to get without some form of boosting such as the protectorate medals. Commando mode on RESOGUN is a lot more difficult than anything you need for the platinum, but also there are more intense trophy requirements in the DLC than the platinum, for example: NAVDML which requires you to complete the last level on the game on Veteran difficulty with every ability on your custom ship set to 0 and Burning Times which requires you to complete 1 level on Master difficulty without using bombs, overdrive or boost in the entire level, those trophies are a lot more difficult than anything that is required for the platinum. A lot of people already said Batman: Arkham City and it's true, you need to do all the challenges with new characters that are worse than Batman. Another special DLC that is more difficult than the platinum is also on Batman: Arkham Knight and I think the trophies for the community challenges are the most difficult trophies in the entire Arkham series because they require no-damage runs in challenges and the worst one is the one for completing the Monarch theatre with a flawless freeflow combo, this requires you never losing your combo during a round but the best part is that you need to do that with Batman, Robin, Nightwing and Catwoman. Requiem for a killer also requires you to get at least a 400 hit combo to build up enough points for Killer Croc to spawn and then after all that effort you still have to beat Killer Croc to get the trophy. 

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I'm going to assume "harder" means difficulty and not useless grind.


So far I can only think of Batman: Arkham City. The challenge maps just didn't work so well with the extra characters (Catwoman specially), and the requirements for the medals were unfair at times.


Come to think of it, there's a DLC challenge map for Knight which is really unfair. The Jailbreak predator map with Nightwing allows for no broken glass, whether by yourself or enemy gunfire. But then, whilst earning stars on that map counts towards Acts of Violence, they can be more easily earned on other maps. I just thought that was a really unfair requirement. Don't get me started on the missions where you have to remain unseen - half the time I don't realise I've been spotted until I notice the star has vanished.

 Another special DLC that is more difficult than the platinum is also on Batman: Arkham Knight and I think the trophies for the community challenges are the most difficult trophies in the entire Arkham series because they require no-damage runs in challenges and the worst one is the one for completing the Monarch theatre with a flawless freeflow combo, this requires you never losing your combo during a round but the best part is that you need to do that with Batman, Robin, Nightwing and Catwoman. Requiem for a killer also requires you to get at least a 400 hit combo to build up enough points for Killer Croc to spawn and then after all that effort you still have to beat Killer Croc to get the trophy. 


Yep, I hear you with those combat maps. I also thought the Eternal trophy would be a pain in the arse, but actually it wasn't at all bad. In fact, my current record for that map as Batman is 164 :)

Edited by SarcalogosVermis
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Killzone Shadow Fall - They added a one life mode in the DLC for the campaign. You can use an exploit, but it's still one level you have to beat without dying so it makes the game harder.


Dead Nation - I guess many people consider Road to Devastation harder then the main game, in the Apocalypse Edition this is included in the platinum of course.


Destiny - The Taken King, is.


Can't think any other that hasn't been mentioned at the moment.

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