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Things you hate


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Going on "Top 5 bands" threads and finding out that people who seem like reasonable human beings have horrendous taste, which then casts everything they say from that point onwards in a shade of doubt.


Dude, I don't care what you say, Nickelback is the greatest band of all time.




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People telling others how to use their money.

As long as it doesn't affect me any I don't care how they use it.

Also adding onto the list not sure if I posted it already but hate these as well
When someone says" Google it" as answer.
Grammar Nazis
When someone post "Tl;DR" as an answer when the post was written fine.
People who can't read past three words of a topic title or one word for that matter. I swear half of the people on the internet are too lazy to read or something.

People complaining about the in god we trust. Seriously children are starving in Africa and your whining about this. 
And people complaining about stupid stuff in general.

Edited by Nightstream88
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My mother make a big deal of not reminding that one of the family member send a message where I rather show them later. Even worse is she doesn't have a phone where she keeps on wanting me to send messages to things I uninterested in of topics where I kind of wish she have her own things soon like a new cell phone and her own new email address for a website since I am getting tired if receiving notifications I don't like either....

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And people randomly invite invite you to group chat for no reason where you see flooded of messages on ps3. Damn it I wish people will just remind you if the person want to invite the group chat or not where I like the ps3 group chat quite better than seeing on my phone that I got invited on the ps4 way where I don't got that console at all

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I hate it when people start asking you loads of questions in the morning and you're like "what am I doing with my life?".

Even though it isn't on morning, but when people or when my mom sometimes ask random questions when things that are a big deal about things where it made me so mad that I got to let it out where I am tired when she say joking things when I ain't doing something on what she wants to see, it is irrating where I really wish she have's a phone on her own and not do these type if things I said in this part.

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