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How to stay calm and prevent raging


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I lost count the times I want to throw my dualsense while playing both worms battleground and WMD on how cheap the AI are... Thankfully I always hold it in and so far didn't break any controller, I find it if you scream or swear in rage it always help in reducing the urge to throw the controller😜

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I used to rage pretty hard when I was younger. I've smashed my fair share of controllers in my day. 


But then I grew up. Once I started having to buy my own controllers and equipment, that's when the mindless rage over video games immediately ceased. Funny how that works. 


With as hard to find and expensive OEM PS3 controllers are these days, you better be at least thinking twice before chucking it against the wall. 

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I remember breaking a PS3 controller while going for the Call of Duty: World at War platinum in my first account. I was 15, I think. The controller stopped working immediately and I've never done that again since.


Nowadays, when I fail at a game, it's more frustrating than rage-inducing, so it's a lot more manageable. My advice is to learn to manage your emotions, I guess? Failing at a game should not send you in an uncontrollable, controller-breaking rage.


If you can destroy 10 controllers you can destroy a lot more stuff down the line.

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6 games left for the 1250 points if I lose them, all I'm over the moon to be done with the worst aspect of trophy hunting namely pvp try hards, even when you are behind 8-0 they still try really, really hard 😂 there were a few swear words but my god fifa online can duck it.

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Get good at and/or understand the game: I had a friend who raged all the time when we played Rainbow Six Siege, and most of the time I saw him die, he would be standing in open doorways or out in the open. He hardly took cover or had the patience to wait or move slowly which you really need in that game.


Break it down and analyze it: I remember getting annoyed at the Gauntlet trophy in Titanfall 2, so I watched a video of how to do it and broke it down into segments. I need to get to this part of the run in x amount of seconds, I need to throw these grenades at this certain area, etc. I'm pretty sure I ended up completing it within 10 minutes of analysing it.





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On 8/25/2023 at 6:32 AM, Sunnyburrito said:

I remind myself that if I break a controler I'm the one who has to pay for a new one.


Heck even when I was a kid that happened only once then my late mother said I'd stay without one for breaking it, in the end she gifted me a new one but I spent a few months playing with a half broken controller that hurt my fingers lol

Latina moms are fierce I tell you.

Any rage you may have its gone with one just move of "la chancla" 

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My parents would have bitch slapped the Neopets out of me if I behaved like that with the console hardware they bought me. Now I just cuss if I get mad. 


Breaking controllers seems almost normalised with the online gaming community but I just don’t get that kind of behaviour. 

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Afraid I ain't got no tips for this, but what I can say is that the older I become, the more a particular existential thought surfaces in my mind to swiftly extinguish any gaming-related rage. Specifically that I, and most everyone I know, will likely be dead and possibly forgotten just 50 years from now, so this video game/trophy collection hobby doesn't actually amount to a hill of beans (mmm, beans!) in the grand scheme of things. Of course, I still occasionally hurl expletives at my screen when something especially aggravating happens (like that goddamn platforming tornado in the Alan Wake DLC), but it never escalates beyond that. Anyone literally breaking their stuff over virtual failures probably ought to reevaluate their priorities. Sure, I once threw a controller down many years ago (I was a teenager), but that's about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Personally I start to rage more and more at games when I'm unhappy in life generally at the time, the game is more the thing that pushes me over the edge. That being said I've never broken stuff out of rage because of expense and I tend to just turn the game off when it strikes. There is really not much that can be said in terms of advice other than identify why you're getting angry and work on that. If you feel an onset, take a break and ground yourself. I mean they are just games after all, even notoriously difficult ones you gotta just expect failures and focus on improving rather than getting mad at losing. 

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Truthfully, almost all of my rage comes from playing games online.  In particular the NHL games, but who's pointing fingers.


Playing against the AI, I can't really get mad... it's annoying, I've had my moments, but it's only doing what it was made to do.  Playing against people, in person, really mellows things out for me... I can kinda put a face and a voice to the situation and I snap out of it.


But playing against people online... there's no humanity to it.  I start telling myself this fucker actually probably spends countless hours practicing to be this annoying.  Or these shits practice together as a team and prey on random groups that get paired together.  I turn off the voice chat (which would honestly probably bring me back to reality a bit), but I've been playing long enough to know the little things people to do taunt and humiliate.  People will do ANYTHING, and I mean fucking anything, to win a meaningless game online and the angry thoughts just keep piling on... until the controller somehow mysteriously slips out of my hand and gets stomped on a few dozen times.


It's the equivalent of going to your favorite place, having a great time most of the time, but occasionally for 20-30 minutes straight some twerp pokes you in the face over and over and over again.  Trust me, for the people who tell you to grow up or act like an adult, even in their infinite wisdom they'd throw a punch eventually.  In a way, it's because of that, that winning feels so good and I keep playing.  But I'd be lying if I said the NHL games (or really probably any competitive online game that I like a lot) were healthy for me lol.


As for how to combat it?  I'll tell you when I find out.  Best thing I guess is to just stop playing and go do something else for a while.

Edited by Dreakon13
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On 8/25/2023 at 9:59 PM, ChilledBrandon said:

I think it's important to accept you're going to make mistakes/die in a game sometimes. Playing Dark Souls really helped me get used to this.

For me it's Nioh 1/2, Wo Long, and Lords of the Fallen (getting ready for the new one on 13 October). If you feel underleveled (i.e. getting one or two-shotted by a boss, no chance to heal), get maybe another 2 or 3 levels up. Sometimes you can find a resting place with a few high-value enemies not far away. Get them down, rest, and repeat as desired. Then after leveling, go back en route. I did this in Lu Bu's stage of Wo Long when I felt I needed another few levels to deal with him.

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