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I am so thankful for this remaster cause of no MP trophies!

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It seems like all these remasters lately haven't had any MP trophies, it's just a gimmick to make people get the games... I really need to get those games. -_-


Seriously though, I think it's great they're leaving them out, especially since you need PS+ to get most (if not all) online trophies now (now that is a gimmick).

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It seems like all these remasters lately haven't had any MP trophies, it's just a gimmick to make people get the games... I really need to get those games. -_-


Seriously though, I think it's great they're leaving them out, especially since you need PS+ to get most (if not all) online trophies now (now that is a gimmick).

Youre a bit right. Remasters recently this gen have all been going down the "stripped MP path" which is so ironic. And it is good on one side that MP is gone (mostly and argubly only for trophy hunter, since optional MP only would force you to play it if you was seeking the platinum), but this also objectively hurts the game's replay-ability factor (so its not all good), heavily decreasing total play-time as people are not going to keep coming back to the campaign continuosly as you do for fighters, racers, rpgs, etc. (Imagine if COD4R, Borderlands Collection, or hypothetical Killzone Collection without online features.) Taking away online doesnt make much sense now (since whats done is done) as the "they should have used the resources/budget to add more to the SP" comments and possibilities are invalid for remasters, mostly. Online features should mainly be stripped from games it was forced in or didnt work well in like Dead Space 2, essentially failed concepts, not passable ones and higher. It's not rational to say stripped MP is justified because trophy hunters, who easily should not be prioritized, (not gamers) dont have to worry about trophies, especially when an easy work around that small issue would simply be redesigned or replaced trophies, something other remasters have done. Stripping MP for that reason is unnecessary and unfair.

Removing MP in Bioshock mostly made sense. A Resistance or Killzone Collection without MP wouldnt make sense, and im not saying that just because they're built to work well in the MP environment generally. Not all original games in a collection need their MP returned, just the actual ones that sold the game cause of it or was highly rated by players (successful), like stripping Dead Space 2's MP but keeping Dead Space 3's coop, which is actually one of the better combinations to.

Since all these games arent RPGs, you can easily claim how short lived the collections will be, beating them and then being done with them for a lengthy period (Uncharted Coll PS4 vs/< Uncharted Coll PS3), or making it as far as playing most of if not all the difficulty modes, which still shouldnt surpass rpg playtimes, and then abandoning for a lengthy time period. MP will and always have filled the awkward gap of beating 3-15hr games and then being left with nothing left. People dont normally and continuosly look forward to playing a below 20hr campaign and starting it over each time immediately after beating it. The mentality of playing COD4R online, Titanfall 2, BF1, Overwatch, even fighters, dont exist with campaigns, even like the great Uncharted and other great non-rpg campaign games. At least with R&C there are RPG elements (key words: rpg elements), and Until Dawn, multiple differing cutscenes, story events, and differing endings, extending the games replayvalue by giving you essential reasons to keep playing its story-campaign. But in the end, MP you enjoy will still last longer... longest.... as long as you enjoy it. Resistance 2 stayed active and was played for a long time because of its coop. Same with Killzone 2, 3, and Shadow Fall. Despite Uncharted 2's praised story, its MP was the more favored aspect, or one that kept the game going and going years in. Etc.

Greatly unexpected lengthy post, oops. But this needed to be said because MP gets bashed way too much, whether it be coop or pvp.

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I mostly agree with you, Brotherhoods multiplayer was spectacular though. The trophies sucked for it though but it was so good to play.


In the MP trophies place now is that Il Principe trophy which will be tiresome though. Don't have fond memories of that tank battle part, and the full sync was to do it perfectly if I recall.

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I'm liking that they're removing MP from these games.

I can't decide on whether to get the HP collection or not, the PS3 versions are about £10 each and the upgrades will be barely noticeable considering graphic style. But the collectathon that was Lego Jurassic World has put me off Lego games for a while.. maybe I'll just wait it out.

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For getting rid of MP in these collections

- No MP trophies for hunters

- More effort can be put into making the SP upgrade better

- Less HDD space wasted on my machine

- No PS+ required

- An already existing player base may still be sitting on last gen anyway with more people


For keeping the MP in these collections

- Feels like a more full package

- Can keep you invested long after you finish SP

- Servers may have been shut down on the old versions

- Kind of pathetic that you're paying more for a new version without all the stuff the old one already had years ago


Woah, look at that, like with most things, there's perfectly valid points for both sides. 

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Brotherhood is the one AC Platinum I am missing on the PS3. Mainly due to the MP requirements. 


I bought the Ezio Trilogy Remastered version, just received the Platinum for AC2, now on to Brotherhood.


Plus I have not played the Da Vinci DLC.


I do not even remember the Trilogy 100% anymore. 


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There are a few 'new' trophies in brotherhood as well seeing as there are no MP ones anymore, like strong arm and clowning around. Was hoping they were on the PS3 versions so I could see what I had to do haha! I'm guessing I need to learn how to throw weapons first and then just find the right harlequins to beat  up :/

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- Kind of pathetic that you're paying more for a new version without all the stuff the old one already had years ago


Woah, look at that, like with most things, there's perfectly valid points for both sides. 


Except this point. With Brotherhood ok, the DLC was free, but for every other AC game, they had DLC for the multiplayer, and you couldn't play it (except the bonus characters) if you couldn't find other people to play the DLC maps with. You spend $10 for a map pack, and OH! Nope! You can't play it! Not enough people have the DLC, so I hope you liked spending $10 on a skins for your character. I'll at least give the AC games a little tiny tiny bonus, since you could search for people with those specific DLC maps, but BioShock 2 didn't have that option. It would instantly lock you out of the DLC maps if a single person in the match didn't have the DLC.

This removal of multiplayer is due to a shift in the gaming community, with lots of people complaining about tacked on multiplayer, which was a common complaint with BioShock 2 and the AC games. Multiplayer in both games was just plain terrible, with BioShock 2 having ultra unbalanced abilities, and AC being nothing more than people running around like wild dogs not using stealth. It doesn't "extend" the game, as most communities in these games are dead in a month when a new game comes out.

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I am incredibly excited to buy this collection cause now I can play brotherhood and revelations without having to worry about MP BS. I felt the same exact way about bioshock collection cause bioshock 2 MP trophies were taken out! NO MP TROPHIES IS AMAZING!!!!!!


don't forget UNCHARTED TRILOGY without MP!


Hope to see Crysis and Resistance Trilogy like these in future.


Killzone trilogy without MP would be a joke :D

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/25/2016 at 1:20 AM, Eshaal said:

Brotherhood is the one AC Platinum I am missing on the PS3. Mainly due to the MP requirements. 


I bought the Ezio Trilogy Remastered version, just received the Platinum for AC2, now on to Brotherhood.


Plus I have not played the Da Vinci DLC.


I do not even remember the Trilogy 100% anymore. 


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Hence why online is never good

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/4/2017 at 11:40 PM, Kallume said:

I don't think this is remastered. Normally remastered games see improvements, but ACB and AC2 PS4 hurt my head. Sure AEOFM was terrible, but I'd hoped for at least some updates... 

Remaster just means to put it on a newer console and maybe bump the graphic quality up to 1080p like it was designed with on PC without the PS3 limitations. 

Edited by DARKB1KE
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Maybe I am one of the few in this case. I didn't mind the multiplayer trophies one bit on the PS3 era. Yes I boosted brotherhood but boosting it with friends made it rather enjoyable. And besides brotherhood all of the AC multiplayers have been a cake walk. I love single player more but I truly appreciate AC having a mp. It was rather different from any other mp I have played. 

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