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Pick The Plat You Are Jealous of.


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Toss up between the Splinter Cell Games and inFAMOUS. After playing Blacklist, I'm really tempted to go back to those. But do I really want to add a trilogy of games I already played to my ever-growing backlog? And inFAMOUS may be the only one I don't Plat, unless I go back to it someday. One of those "early" games, before the trophy hunter in me awakened.


Edit: Was meant for Princess Celestia. Lol. Will edit shortly.


Edit 2: inFAMOUS would work for you, too. But I'm even more jealous of Portal 2. Wish the digital version's online wasn't broken(unless you buy a Steam copy, I think), so I could go for it, myself..

Edited by DamagingRob
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