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Kill Your Completion v3. 0

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1 minute ago, Myu said:

Can we play other games along the way? For example, I've just downloaded Project Diva for PS4 and I'd like to play from time to time during the month of March. I'll probably pop a few trophies from that game too. Is it a problem?


You can play whatever you like as long as you put at least 3 hours in each game during it's 3-day period.

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39 minutes ago, DamagingRob said:

 But just so you know, loading them onto your profile won't do anything. You have to earn at least one trophy for them to count in your completion percentage. We did this ahead of time in the previous round, just to see how many unearned trophies we were adding. 

Thanks for the clarification. Had no idea. Anytime I have a 0% I don't like, I delete it right away. 

Guess I gotta do this the slow and painful way. :P:facepalm:

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1 hour ago, Jaguargenie said:


I don't know if there is a rule against it, but I would kinda like to load up all 10 games on my profile ahead of time, kill my % in one quick (painful) burst and then not touch them til the prescribed day. Is that against the rules?

Load em up man. I almost made that an actual requirement for the first edition, but for some people with HD space issues, loading all 10 games before it starts wasn't feasible. As others stated, the trophies will show up but they won't actually impact your completion until you've earned at least one trophy per game. 


1 hour ago, xFalionx said:

Since it's getting pretty close to the 1st of March, I'd like to ask about the time we're supposed to start playing the game. Is it 00:00 March 1st local time, or should we wait until we wake up in the morning?

Midnight your local time. Make sure it's patched ahead of time or you'll switch and won't be able to play. :shakefist: GD you Evil Within! 


1 hour ago, Myu said:

Can we play other games along the way? For example, I've just downloaded Project Diva for PS4 and I'd like to play from time to time during the month of March. I'll probably pop a few trophies from that game too. Is it a problem?

Play whatever you like along the way. As log as you hit your 3ish hours per game I won't sic Rob or the dogs on you. Play a long term project, go back to another game from the event you didn't get enough of, or start a bonus extra game. We won't judge. 


Got up today and only had 6 notifications, but one of them was for over 25 replies to this thread. :o:highfive:

Edited by Hemiak
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3 minutes ago, xFalionx said:

I though of that ahead of time, I still need to check Oddworld though, so thanks for reminding me. :) 

I did that with The Evil Within as well. Let it load all the way to the splash screen ahead of time. Was all excited and at 12:01 :dance:


Hit start new game.... Installing game data. :facepalm: What the F developers? Talk about a case of blue balls. 

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1 minute ago, Hemiak said:

I did that with The Evil Within as well. Let it load all the way to the splash screen ahead of time. Was all excited and at 12:01 :dance:


Hit start new game.... Installing game data. :facepalm: What the F developers? Talk about a case of blue balls. 

Wait, what? That can actually happen? That's one hell of an inconvenience. :D 

I guess I've got some games to start then...

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Here is my FINAL list: (and in the proper numbered list, Captain Hem!)


  1. Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY (PS4) - RPG 
  2. Unravel (PS4) - Action/ Puzzle
  3. Deadly Tower of Monsters (PS4) - Action
  4. Hitman: GO (PS4) - Strategy
  5. Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart (PS4) - Puzzle
  6. Anna -  Extended Edition (PS3) - Horror
  7. Assassin's Creed: Chronicles (PS4) - Platform/ Stealth
  8. Life is Strange (PS4) - Wanderer
  9. This War of Mine  (PS4) - Action
  10. South Park: The Stick of Truth (PS3) - RPG


Billy, I'm joining you and wrtu9 for This War of Mine.  The story premise has me intrigued. 


I'll spend the last few days frantically cranking away on Just Cause 3 dlc.  I can't imagine having to go back to this game and relearning my skills for the ball-breaking challenges.  I thought the normal game had tough ones, then I just tried some of the dlc ones...:spank:  




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2 hours ago, Hemiak said:

Load em up man. I almost made that an actual requirement for the first edition, but for some people with HD space issues, loading all 10 games before it starts wasn't feasible. As others stated, the trophies will show up but they won't actually impact your completion until you've earned at least one trophy per game. 


Is THAT what you've all been doing? I thought with loading up you just meant installing them!


Unless I'm mistaken though, the games even won't show up on PSNP until you've gained another tropht in any game afterwards... So what's it for?

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4 hours ago, Jaguargenie said:

So here is my final list with a tentative play order.

** If Salt & Sanctuary goes on sale tomorrow or PS+ wednesday, I reserve the right to add it to my list. Otherwise I'm good

Billyhorrible said something about playing together so I put Stories in the slot to correspond with him. If anyone else sees something on my list I'll move stuff around.


  1. Strider
  2. Inside
  3. Valiant Hearts
  4. Stories: Path of destinies
  5. AC4: Black Flag
  6. Talos Principle
  7. Shovel Knight
  8. Borderlands: The Pre-sequel
  9. Rochard
  10. Headlander

I don't know if there is a rule against it, but I would kinda like to load up all 10 games on my profile ahead of time, kill my % in one quick (painful) burst and then not touch them til the prescribed day. Is that against the rules?


2 days left!

 Would you mind switching Inside to another place? I'll play this game too but don't want to put it on a weekend spot. Maybe 3 or 5?


My probably final list will be this:


  1. √Letter
  2. Mirror's Edge Catalyst
  3. Inside
  4. Saints Row Gat out of Hell
  5. Enter the Gungeon
  6. Okage: Shadow King
  7. Kholat
  8. Rebel Galaxy
  9. Sleeping Dogs
  10. The Walking Dead: Season 2
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14 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:


Is THAT what you've all been doing? I thought with loading up you just meant installing them!


Unless I'm mistaken though, the games even won't show up on PSNP until you've gained another tropht in any game afterwards... So what's it for?

I've just got mine installed so far. Usually if you start the game to let it patch it'll load the trophies as well. Like you said, once you earn any other trophy they will be there for everyone to see, so then you have all those shiny F ranks to show off. :D

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28 minutes ago, Hemiak said:

I've just got mine installed so far. Usually if you start the game to let it patch it'll load the trophies as well. Like you said, once you earn any other trophy they will be there for everyone to see, so then you have all those shiny F ranks to show off. :D


... Mèh.

One: I'm going for at least one trophy per game in the end anyway or else it doesn't bring down my percentage.

Two: I don't need to start the game to let it patch... I can just open the options and ask if there are any updates available. All my PS4 games are on the most recent patch, didn't need to load them or anything. As for my one PS3 game, haven't had the time to let it patch yet.

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My list stays as it is:

  • Apotheon (PS4)
  • Ar Nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star (PS3)
  • Blur (PS3)
  • Grow Home (PS4)
  • God of War 3 (PS3)
  • Gunstar Heroes (PS3)
  • Jotun (PS4)
  • Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart (PS Vita)
  • Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (PS4)
  • Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkuni (PS Vita)




Honestly I don't feel like giving any specific order as it didn't really work out during KYC2 and I know that my mood is quite wavering. I guess I will decide on the first day of a new time slot what to play. Don't even know what to play tomorrow. I guess any of the PS4-games but which one? :hmm:  (please no suggestions as I won't stick to them anyway)


I also thought it would be a nice idea to look back at the KYC2-games and give a short overall update.


:platinum: AWESOME!!!:
Driver San Francisco --> Why haven't I played this game after the event. :( Ah right, I wasn't in the mood for PS3-gaming. But I surely will get back to this.

:gold: Fun to play, sure will continue playing these
Dirt 3 --> Got the plat and 100% in all DLC. Most of the 40 hours spent were fun = the 30 hours I didn't have to spend in the multiplayer XP-grind. Playing normal multiplayer was fun though.
Tales of Graces f --> Didn't play it at all, have to restart

:silver: This game is okay, but nothing extraordinary. Might return, might not
Killer Is Dead --> Didn't feel like playing it atm
Trine --> Replayed one level and played one new. Still not really enjoying it.

:bronze: Be glad if you haven't been deleted already
Badland --> Deleted ASAP and I'm glad about that. :dance:
Derrick the Deathfin --> Finished the campaign during KYC2 and deleted afterwards. Don't want to go for the 100%
Doki-Doku Universe --> Finished the PS4-list during KYC2 and don't feel like finishing the other stack anytime soon.
FEZ --> Deleted for good
Worms 2: Armageddon --> Still on the HDD. Might boost some of the MP-trophies or do some of the DLCs (~2k trophy points hurt a lot :| )


3 out of 10 finished so far. That's 50% better than KYC1 were I only finished two games so far: Love Live and Battle Princess. xD

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45 minutes ago, Crimson Idol said:

I also thought it would be a nice idea to look back at the KYC2-games and give a short overall update.


Good point. Doing my KYC1 games at the same time.







:platinum: Reaching unsafe levels of awesome

Everybody's Gone To The Rapture (KYC2, :platinum: - whoareader :gold: - PerryToxeth )

story completed during event, will 100% some day

The Deadly Tower Of Monsters (KYC2, :gold: - Fitzquaid, XX_FTW )

platinum during event, still an awesome game

Flame Over (KYC1)

story completed during event

Nova-111 (KYC1)

story completed day after event (was game #10)

Tropico 5 (KYC1)

still ashamed that I never continued on this after the event, high on my list

:gold: Fun game, great while it lasts. It can brighten even your bad days. Just like pizza.

Chariot (KYC1)

still want to go back to this but mostly concentrating on PS4 these days

Furi (KYC2, :gold: - DamagingRob, Danny_Johansen and MarkusT1992 )

need to get back to this some day

:silver: Mediocre all the way. Too mediocre to even compare it to something, just like... uhm...

BADLAND (KYC2, :bronze: - Crimson Idol )

all but dropped, might give it a :bronze: if I'd had to rate it now

DiRT 3 (KYC2, :gold: - Crimson Idol :silver: - MStalker58 :bronze: - PerryToxeth )

stunt events in main campaign made me angry, don't want to continue this soon

Grid Autosport (KYC1)

should get back to this some day, IRL stuff had me distracted back then

Letter Quest Remastered (KYC2, :gold: - voodoo_eyes, XX_FTW )

tried to get back to this soon after but just didn't feel like it

Lords Of The Fallen (KYC2, :gold: / :silver: - MarkusT1992 )

feel like I should play through Bloodborne first before continuing on this ripoff

Super Stardust HD (KYC2, :gold: / :silver: - MStalker58 )

will only continue if I have zero fun PS4 games left to play and some other PS3 stuff has been dealt with

:bronze: Just bad. Not horrible but it leaves a sour taste. And not the good kind of sour like lemons.

Mousecraft (KYC1)

obtained the platinum somewhere after the event for another event, just so I could get rid of it (and because I was close anyway)

Tricky Towers (KYC2, :gold: - Danny_Johansen )

I remember liking something in the game but I don't know what it was, won't try it again unless I have nothing else to play

Zombi (KYC1)

started out fun but the "we're trying to be like Dark Souls" death system has been integrated horribly, won't try it again unless I have nothing else to play

:hidden: Awful piece of shit. Watching paint dry would have been more interesting.

Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 (KYC1)

thinking of this still makes my blood boil, what a badly executed game

Resident Evil (KYC2, :bronze: - whoareader )

I hate the controls, camera and finnicky gameplay, will not go back to this, they should've just done a remake from the ground up instead


mediocre gameplay being brought down by annoying characters and bad level design

Yakuza 4 (KYC1)

or "Adult Entertainment Industry Manager", as the game should be called. Won't go back to this unless someone forces me to



Looking back, though I had more games I hated in KYC1, I had more games I loved as well. Half of my KYC2 list ended up in the "mediocre" pile. Perhaps some of this had to do with me having played the stuff I really wanted to play already - I didn't keep stuff like Journey until the event, and the only two games I gave a :platinum: were games that were released on PS+ the month of KYC2 (which I'm only realising now). My list of PS+ games I hadn't tried yet for KYC1 was much longer to choose games from, most of my KYC2 games were games that were released after KYC1 but for KYC1 I had a backlog of almost two years of forgotten PS+ games to choose from. I could claim that having to pick games other people wanted to play was part of the issue but it's not, as seen by my KYC3 list of which all but one PS+ game and all but one bought game have been obtained after KYC2.


The list above also shows why I wanted games with a short story for KYC3, I'm horrible at going back to these games afterwards. I'm buying less games now, want to make the Switch my main new game console and just concentrate on my backlog for PS4/PS3 for a while. KYC3 will now also help me with this; my completion percentage will still drop but I expect to finish at least seven of these games' stories during the event.


All in all, even though I feel afraid that I will once again end up with a big batch of mediocres, I feel good about my KYC3 list. First time I'm not just doing PS+ (5 PS+, 1 free, 1 gift, 2 bought last weekend, 1 bought around KYC1), first time I'll be able to get through a lot of complete stories during the event... It's going to be fun. Even if I won't love the games, I want to try them all and I can cross them off of my backlog after this. All but two of my backlog PS+ games I have abandoned after trying without finishing the story come from these events so at least it's forcing me to face those games I think I could be interested in, but at least I can get through the stories this time around so it should be less of a loss.


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It seems that Disc Jam (don't know it, it's a new game) and Tearaway Unfolded would be new PS+ titles next month. I've wanted to play a Tearaway game for a while but never got around to it. Would be fun if this were true...


I'm going on a limb here. Removing Leo's Fortune from my list, moving Ultratron to 8, putting Tearaway Unfolded on 6.


If the news is false, then I'll just remove Tearaway Unfolded from my list for the Hemiak-allowed single swap, no loss.


If the news is true, then Tearaway Unfolded can remain and I can add a second March PS+ game to my list if I would wish to do so for the allowed single swap.


  1. TorqueL (with Kevvik and xFalionx)
  2. Four Sided Fantasy
  3. Kitten Squad
  4. Stories: Path Of Destinies (with Fitzquaid and Jaguargenie)
  5. Kung Fury: Street Rage
  6. Tearaway Unfolded
  7. Invisible, Inc. (with dizzyshadow and Fitzquaid)
  8. Ultratron
  9. This War Of Mine: The Little Ones (with wtru9)
  10. Õkami HD (with Kevvik)
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Oh well, I'm bored and woke up way too early on a holiday, so I'll dig up what's left of my memories of the previous games from this event.


So let's see.


:gold: - Provided good entertainment

  • Letter Quest Remastered - neat little scrabble game, had a few problems with word recognition though (KYC 2 - completed)
  • MotoGP13 - For someone who doesn't like racing games, I enjoyed this one a lot actually (KYC 1 - completed)
  • Crysis - While not as good as 2 (and possibly 3, haven't played that one yet), it's still a solid FPS which could've done without the alien invasion  nonsense (KYC 1 - completed)

:silver: - Has potential, but didn't know what to do with it

  • Superstars V8 Racing - lack of tracks, lack of cars, got boring quick (KYC 1 - no intention of getting back to it)
  • Star Wars The Clone Wars Republic Heroes - was fun, at least for the amount I got to play of it (disc must've been damaged as the game locked up the system at the same spot  (KYC 1 - was swapped out for EGTTR - wasn't possible to complete)
  • Nitroplus Blasterz Heroine's Infinite Duels - Average fighting game that focused on fan service instead of character balancing (KYC 2 - no intention of getting back to it)
  • Costume Quest 2 - was ok, combat was dull (KYC 2 - completed)
  • Everybody's Gone to the Rapture - had an interesting story, until you are left to make up your own ending, fucking hate that crap. gameplay mechanics were jank (KYC 2 - completed)
  • Far Cry Classic - by far the worst Far Cry game, mutated apes and shit... fucking hell (KYC 1 - completed)
  • 101 Ways to Die - decent puzzle platformer, that really needed a editor (KYC 2 - completed)
  • Soulcalibur II HD Online - Has a lot of content, or so it seems, as half of it is copy pasted as a harder version of the original mode. It's quite dated by now as well. (KYC 2 - completed)


:bronze: - Should've been canned during development

  • Cartoon Network Punchtime Explosion XXL - piss-poor PSABR wannabe, no voice-actingm boring combat and platforming (KYC 1 - fuck no)
  • Killzone - one of the worst FPS in existence. controls were bad, aiming was terrible, looks like arse (KYC 2 - completed)
  • Risen 3 Titan Lords Enhanced Edition - I initially liked this one, even though the gameplay was noticeable poor, especially combat-wise. The during the last third of the game the environment stopped rending for the most part... fuck this game. I still don't know how I finished this mess (KYC 2 - completed)


No games meriting a :platinum: or :hidden: yet.


Games I still have to get back to from previous events:

  • Dynasty Warriros 7 Empires (KYC 1) - :silver:
  • One Piece Unlimited World Red (KYC 1) - :silver:
  • Transistor (KYC 1) - :gold:
  • Call of Duty Advanced Warfare (KYC 1) - :gold:
  • Battle Princess of Arcadias (KYC 2) - :silver:
  • Need for Speed Rivals (KYC 2) - :silver:
  • Trine Enhanced Edition (KYC 2) - :silver:

The impressions on those 7 might still change, except Rivals maybe. That one is pretty set as it reached the point were it just turned into a chore.

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On 21/02/2017 at 1:32 AM, Fredoline05 said:

Ah I've been looking forward to this one :)


Here's my list:


1) Knack (PS4)

2) The Swindle (PS4)

3) Everybody's gone to the Rapture (PS4)

4) Riptide GP: Renegade (PS4)

5) Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) with Mendant909

6) Bully (PS4)

7) Lords of the Fallen (PS4)

8) The Crew (PS4)

9) Manual Samuel (PS4)

10) Day of the Tentacle Remastered (PS4)


Most of these games I have no clue what to expect, but they have been untouched on my backlog for a while. The only game where I really know what to expect is Riptide GP: Renegade seeing I've played and platted Riptide GP2 before and I imagine it's more of the same


Only 12 hours left before this starts, I can't wait for it. Well I finaly finished downloading and installing these 10 games (just in time) so I'm ready to go :)


I'll post my stats from before the event now seeing it's unlikely I still get a trophy before this starts and if I do I can always edit my stats:


Total trophies earned: 3722

Platinum trophies earned: 52

Games played: 137

Games finished: 65

Completion: 68.10%

Unearned trophies: 1415 (1025 excluding DLC)


And so after chasing trophies for a long time in just 12 hours I will rediscover just playing for fun as I will try to not look at the trophies of these games while playing them during this event, afterwards I will go back to them to get the trophies but for now I just want to enjoy them.


Good luck to everyone and offcourse have fun!

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Oh yeah, should post my stats since I'm doubting I'll get another trophy before this starts:


Total trophies earned: 1696

Platinum trophies earned: 29

Games played: 72

Games finished: 56

Completion: 76.93%

Unearned trophies: 452


Two times in a row now with these where I started so close to the next percentage but didn't quite make it.


I'm not going to put my list in order as well since I'd rather just pick based on what I'm in the mood to try and what I can fit on my PS3's HD at the time.  I'm probably going to go with Pocket RPG first since it sounds like it may be a shorter game and with it being a Vita game, I can play a bit at work to make up for the fact that I'm going to be a bit busy for the first few days of the event.


And of note, since I am going to be seriously busy especially on the 3rd and 4th, my first review might be a bit late unless I have a good idea of how the game is by the 2nd.  My schedule clears up after the 4th, so the rest of the event won't be an issue for me.

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