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More Easy Trophies on PS4


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I started playing when PS3 was first released and from what I remember, a game that you could be plat in under 5hours is insane, and there weren't games  many like that back in the old days. But then PS4 hit the market, and suddenly we get games that could be platted in under an hour left and right. I was just wondering if it was just me or is this actually what is happening?


Anyways, I'd love to hear what you guys think about this

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Maybe that is happening cause many greenlight or shitty ports of indie games from Steam are hitting the PS4 market and they slap a plat in that under 1 hour and not much content game to justify the purchase for their game for a few bucks like for example My name is Mayo .

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On the other hand on the PS3 there was more quality control of the indies and ports of pc games coming to the platform and for that reason most of the time you would onyl get the better quality indies ones like Guacamelee , Limbo , Rogue Legacy , Braid , Fez and a bunch more . The PS4 atmosphere is getting flood with shitty ones and becoming more like Steam where there are tons of shitty indies and cash grabs games and it's getting difficult to sort out what is worth from what's not from the huge selection .

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Yeah you're right. Especially those piece of shit games like My name is Mayo and Top 1000 rated and such. You're basically just buying trophies. We could use some harder trophy lists, especially in AAA games. Just like the new wolfenstein did with the Mein Leben trophy. ?

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1 minute ago, bezdomnekoty said:

I'm fine with that ;P LOVE those slutty platinums. Developers know that easy plats equal bigger sales.

For those who love a quick and easy plat for a nickel , those plats are a Paradise coming true to the PS trophy hunters ?

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Does it matter? Maybe a better question, are there fewer 'good' games? Fewer AAA titles? Do these shorter games somehow detract from the other games that are available?


I mean the PS3 had its fair share of shovelware. The big difference is the PS3 was a physical console, that developed a digital marketplace. But most of the games were physical, especially early on in the console cycle.


Now the PS4 is shifting to a digital market. There are AAA titles being released in physical format still, but most of the games are digital - this encourages smaller teams, and more variety.


And a lot of these smaller games are good. They don't cost as much as a AAA title, and can be a fun distraction. Some are shit, but many are decent gaming experiences.


If you only intend to play 3-4 AAA titles per year, you aren't going to be moving up the leaderboards here, so I would ask the question - why do these 'easy' games matter, and how are they negatively impacting your gaming experience?

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6 minutes ago, diskdocx said:

Does it matter? Maybe a better question, are there fewer 'good' games? Fewer AAA titles? Do these shorter games somehow detract from the other games that are available?


I certainly think that the percentage of "good" games has declined rapidly. Whether or not the absolute number of "good" games has declined is debatable, but there is one issue: a crowded marketplace tends to hurt small, good games far more than AAA games. Studies of this phenomenon have borne out time and again, in a variety of contexts (most recently, in the crowded digital music market). 


As far as the plats go, let people play what they want, but I get exceedingly annoyed at these companies who set an outrageous initial price for their product, only to put it into sales over and over so that it goes to the "top of the page", so to speak. Sometimes, these games might be good (Crypt of the Nedcrodancer), but it's a shitty practice that Sony should put the kibosh on. How many times should Qbert be allowed to discount their product, solely for the chance to appear in Sony's current sale? What about Fluster Cluck? 

Edited by starcrunch061
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It's been a pretty clear trend since the release of the PS4 that the "value", for lack of a better term to describe the average amount of time and skill to platinum games has been steadily decreasing. I don't think we can 100% blame this on indie games, i've noticed this happening with a fair share of AAA games as well.

Now i don't think that this development is quite as bad as some make it out to be. On one hand catering to the demographic that is willing to buy games for quick plats is probably not a good idea in the long run. Then again, this development also means that those people no longer have to blow their cash on, let's be honest, kinda shit games like the infamous Hannah Montana or Megamind and can put that money towards a cheaper as well as superior game such as Undertale or Day of the Tentacle.

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12 hours ago, Deluziion90 said:

I actually like it. I'm doing a bit of 50/50


shit platinums just for funs and on the other hand going for aaa games.

for example just got my name is mayo and this weekend I'm starting evil within 2(cant wait to rage on classic mode ^^)

I think that is a good combination, to have easy plats but also hard plats

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Personally I love it! 


As much as enjoy a AAA game or any game with a challenge I always like to have a few old school type games I can just pick up and play around like downwell, Pacman and stuff like that. 


The sometimes you devs have been kicking out the games lately and all with 3 available plats with the stacks. 


Energy cycle being the easiest of the bunch, there is alot more challenging ones out there now like alteric and neverend. 


Neverend is deffo worth checking out I can't wait to plat it again when the ps4 version is available. 

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On 31.10.2017 at 6:35 PM, bezdomnekoty said:

Haters gonna hate buy more salt in that supermarket :D Everybody want's to be high in the leaderboards and the truth is they will never be without these plats.

What's the point of leaderboards when profile looks like dumpster?

Furthermore, is it really fun to only play easy games?

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It's not just you're imagination; platinum trophies have been getting easier and easier to obtain for a while now. If you looked for an 'easiest platinum trophy list' online, you would undoubtedly find it filled with games that have released in the past 5 years, most of them if not all being indie games. I think it's a shame since a platinum trophy used to be "worth" more. Now it seems like pretty much any game can get one, regardless of size or quality. I'm not necessarily saying these games shouldn't exist (although they should stop letting total garbage through), but in the past these games would have had 100% lists and no platinum, which is how things should have stayed. Now it seems like anyone with a bit of money can get 50+ plats without putting in any effort whatsoever.

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35 minutes ago, nyonmyan said:

What's the point of leaderboards when profile looks like dumpster?

Furthermore, is it really fun to only play easy games?

It just depends on the person in question. You might not find it fun but some other people certainly do. I personally do not really care about my platinum count and just want my profile to represent what games I played and what I've done in the games I played so far. I mean, I could easily auto-pop the Vita and PS3 versions of Sound Shapes still to get my platinum count up but I just don't feel the need to. Other people wouldn't think twice about auto-popping them because they want their platinum count to be as high as possible. To each their own.

Edited by Lucas
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I don't mind easy games with easy platinums. They're good to relax after a day of work or school. I enjoy working on harder or more time-consuming platinums when I have more time available to play, but when I get home, at the end of the day, I enjoy an easier game. I think there's a place and a moment for both easy and harder/time-consuming platinums.

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2 hours ago, nyonmyan said:

What's the point of leaderboards when profile looks like dumpster?

Furthermore, is it really fun to only play easy games?

What's the point of hiding 836 trophies on your profile lol but that's not what we are talking here. Most people here don't have a problem with easy trophies they just live on their own profile. Try to look only in your profile cause 100 ultra rare trophies after more than 4 years of gaming ain't so pro or bad ass :P.

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16 minutes ago, bezdomnekoty said:

What's the point of hiding 836 trophies on your profile lol but that's not what we are talking here. Most people here don't have a problem with easy trophies they just live on their own profile. Try to look only in your profile cause 100 ultra rare trophies after more than 4 years of gaming ain't so pro or bad ass :P.

I'm not sure how to respond to this, was this supposed to be a personal attack? At least try adding an argument or something.

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