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50 members have voted

  1. 1. Which game do you think is going to be game of the year?

    • Red Dead Redemption 2
    • Marvel’s Spider-Man
    • Detroit: Become Human
    • God Of War
    • Far Cry 5
    • Monster Hunter: World

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That's a very interesting poll you have there :D So far there hasn't been a single new game that has impressed me this year, Spider-Man might be decent (but I'll wait for a complete edition). My hopes are probably highest for Tomb Raider and Smash Bros., but at least the first one of those so far hasn't created the same hype for me as the previous game.

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It's too early to say. At the moment I say God of War for GOTY but any other game can take that place.


Now I would say:


Best Game - God of War

Best Narrative - Detroit Become Human

Best Action/Adventure Game - God of War

Best Music - Detroit Become Human


I know this list sounds like I'm a Sony fanboy (I'm not) but I think this the Best Music award will be taken by the new Ori game. I would put Super Smash Bros on the list but the game only comes on the 7th December and the game awards is on the 6th December

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Normally I would have easily said RDR2. As that game is going to grab a heavy casual audience who are Rockstar fans. But I'm hearing that they've showed the game to some people and people are saying it's very boring. If that reigns true then it could smell doom for it. 


Other than RDR2 I think God of War is its major contender. Spidey might be on the list, but I can't see it winning.

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One, kinda too early.

Two, this poll should've had atleast more choices by now. I mean, it's September... :D


My personal GOTY (for now) is Detroit: Become Human.

I finished it twice in a short time, and that's rare. ^_^

The characters, the story, the music, the graphics... all were bloody amazing.

Edited by SGRevan
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