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Most anticipated next-gen game?


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With the exciting news that the PS4 will be released in mid-November (USA) and end-November (Europe, Aus, etc.), it got me thinking; which next-gen game am I most excited about?


When I think about it, there are kind of a gazillion games I would KILL to get...


In terms of exclusively-next-gen games (not Watch Dogs, AC4, etc. which are cross-gen), my most anticipated are probably:

  • Destiny
  • The Crew
  • The Division
  • inFamous: Second Son
  • The Witcher 3

Anyone else got a top 5 (or any other list) of most-anticipated next-gen games?


Are they cooler than mine? Probably not, but hey, you can try :P


Stay sweet

Edited by FluffyAssassin64
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  • MGS5 (sooooooo keen)

First I should point out that MGS V is not exclusively a next-gen title, PS3 & 360 are getting it too.


For me, only 4 PS4 games interest me at the moment, and they are;

  • inFamous: Second Son
  • Final Fantasy XV
  • The Order: 1886
  • Deep Down (working title)
Edited by Blanc
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First I should point out that MGS V is not exclusively a next-gen title, PS3 & 360 are getting it too.


For me, only 4 PS4 games interest me at the moment, and they are;

  • inFamous: Second Son
  • Final Fantasy XV
  • The Order: 1886
  • Deep Down (working title)




Cheers for the clarification mate; didn't know MGS5 was current-gen too. Edited and fixed :P


Also yeah, those other games you listed all look sick too

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1. Kingdom Hearts 3, been waiting 8 years for this.

2. Knack, looks like it could be the Jak or Ratchet of this new gen.

3. Killzone Shadow Fall, the multiplayer looks very fun.

4. The Order 1886, looks very interesting.

5. Whatever LEVEL-5 is working on, I've loved all their games except White Knight Chronicles so I'm not worried.

Edited by PREDRAG-K
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I'm going to break this into most anticipated AAA & Indie games


As far as indie titles go I would list....

1. Transistor

2. Starbound  



1. Destiny 

2.Watch Dogs.


Battlefront would be on that list, but it's still too far out and still too nebulous to make me excited for it yet.

Edited by mturismo
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