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Is this game really that dead?


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It does take forever even with three friends looking for the final survivor takes me three minutes without my friends its 4-5 mintues as a survivor and less than 40 seconds as a killer.


I dont think the game is dead as it's always top 5-10 games streamed I think it's more the match making system. 


I know they are looking to fix this but not sure how or when. 

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It's far from dead.. There have been issues with the matchmaking for a while due to new updates and so on.. They're trying to optimise it so the queue times are faster but who knows when they'll sort it out.


I personally find that queue times for survivors are near instant in the mornings and killer times are pretty much instant in the afternoon/evening if that helps.

Edited by SlimSanta94
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3 hours ago, Talic007 said:

I took a long ass break came back and it takes 5-10mins to find a match wtf lol... my rank got reset to 20 I’m not even rank 1 no more and it still takes this long.

It's likely the queue times are taking extra long for you because you're rank 20.

Once you reach green rank it should be easier to find games.

Edited by PeachXHime
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2 hours ago, LegacyJKO09 said:

well since Resident evil resistance came out, i was going to give this a try but if its pretty dead ill pass. It seems better than Evolve and Friday the 13th though. 

It absolutely is not dead, I play my share of games throughout the week and always find easy lots of ppl. The matchmaking is trycky right now, but if I play killer and play my 10 rounds in the evening, i never meet a person twice and find my matches in lett than 5 seconds. As a survivor it depends on your group, its easier to find matches alone so you can fill the last vacant position in every group. searching with a 3-ppl group will take longer. but that was different some time ago and they will get there again, I guess.

The community is very active, and that is of bc it is way better than Friday (that one is bullshit IMO).

I think it is the best game in its genre and with a new killer/survivor charakter every 3 month or so, this game is far from dead, otherwise they wouldn't create content anymore.

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14 hours ago, Talic007 said:

I took a long ass break came back and it takes 5-10mins to find a match wtf lol... my rank got reset to 20 I’m not even rank 1 no more and it still takes this long.

It’s not like COD or something but it’s far from dead. Being a killer sure helps queue times drastically. But it all depends on the time you play, if I play during mid day I find solo queues in a few minutes. Whereas if I try playing at 2am it’ll take half an hour.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you're playing killer the queues are super fast, I always find a game in less than a minute (playing in europe at least). Playing survivor it can tike a while.. so play with friends and enjoy the conversation. But the game is far from dead.. I play it every week, there's still a lot of people playing and the devs are always releasing new content, updates and fixes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Probably no one wants to play the killer due to broken matchmaking :D Recently grinded killer trophies and on rank 9 i was constantly matched against 1-3 rank teams. Up to this point i enjoyed killing but man, last games were just pure frustration. Queues always took few seconds at most and never had the same opponents, I woudln't mind waiting longer for a fair game

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  • 6 months later...

Late to this game I know! But does anyone know why it take longer to find a game with friends playing together as survivors? I thought it would greatly speed up wait time because, you know, logic, but it takes far longer and is stopping us from playing. I’m on ps5, wife is on Switch, someone else on PC...but I can’t see how this could impact anything unless most players turn off cross play.

Edited by thefourfoldroot
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On 5/9/2020 at 8:26 AM, ApeOfMazor said:

The game isn't dead its the fact that no one really wants to play killer. You play killer and you will find a match in like 10-30 seconds. Everyone wants to sit in SWF with their buddies waiting for matches though.

This was the opposite last time I played it on PC with crossplay on.

took 20 minutes to find one match as killer and found a match instantly as a solo survivor.

they shouldn’t even have a ranking system though.. it totally breaks the load times.

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On 12/5/2020 at 10:34 AM, thefourfoldroot said:

Late to this game I know! But does anyone know why it take longer to find a game with friends playing together as survivors? I thought it would greatly speed up wait time because, you know, logic, but it takes far longer and is stopping us from playing. I’m on ps5, wife is on Switch, someone else on PC...but I can’t see how this could impact anything unless most players turn off cross play.

As best as I have been able to ascertain over the last 2 months since I started, it mostly depends on what time you are playing. For example, I have very little wait time for survivor matches in the daytime with longer waits for killer (I'm in the US, Eastern Time), but the exact opposite holds true at night. I will wait sometimes 15 mins for a survivor match (currently Rank 6) but can get a killer match immediately. 

Edited by Joe Dubz
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