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Trophy Spam Issue


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35 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:


now now, let's remain civil, there are no trolls, just misinformed peop...






Couldn't quite get through that sentence for some reason.



But seriously - you've been on this site a while...


I do have to ask, if someone has an argument so facile that they end up in a protracted argument and I'm the one on the "elitist" side...


...just how far from the tree have they fallen 1f602.png


If you dont agree with someone else point of view, you are an elitist, welcome to the club.

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40 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:


I do have to ask, if someone has an argument so facile that they end up in a protracted argument and I'm the one on the "elitist" side...


...just how far from the tree have they fallen 1f602.png


At the risk of an off topic warning, the world has changed in the past 20 years.  People aren't capable of climbing said tree anymore, or even putting in the effort to try.  Everyone gets an award because "how dare you, elitist snob". 


You can't win these arguments, because even if you use their own reasoning against them to prove them wrong, it still comes down to "how dare you, elitist snob"

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Just now, HusKy said:


These threads eventually lead to a new feature being added on the website.


But it has been said 2000 times, that the owner of the site, is NOT gonna make changes. So i don't see why people keep spamming?


Just now, HusKy said:

Let people talk about whatever they want to talk about?


Sure :) Do what you want. No one is stopping you.


I just find it funny, that the people complaining about these "games" filling up this site, and it being spammed, are spamming the forums themselves, with these threads :D 


But yeah, sure, you do what you want, im not gonna stop you :) 

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28 minutes ago, TomataEighty9 said:


But it has been said 2000 times, that the owner of the site, is NOT gonna make changes. So i don't see why people keep spamming?

Except he made a change yesterday to stop Shittleware appear on the New Lists and made a seperate tab for them in Games?


Got ninja'd by Husky... Whoops.

Edited by OpenScars
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34 minutes ago, HusKy said:

New feature was added yesterday. Maybe read the thread you are replying to first.


Apparently it DOES help to spam about being tired of spamming :D 


Congrats to you :) 




It seems that the information about Sly fixing this, was indeed NOT, in the first post, and my answer was a reply to the thread. So actually, im not to blame, for not plowing through the ENTIRE thread, before posting an answer about the topic.

Edited by TomataEighty9
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8 hours ago, GraniteBeast603 said:

Calling them "shovelware" is indicative of a cracked and warped understand of what these "games" are.


They're nothing more than the game pieces used to facilitate a trophy-collecting meta contest that is entirely separate from what you would call "gaming". Comparing them to other "games", or commenting on the amount of effort it takes to make these games just shows that you don't understand what's happening at all. It's all coming from people who seem to be upset that they have to share space on the venn-diagram with this alternate metagame.


It's like you're looking at a box of hockey pucks and saying "That's not a sport!". The games are just the hockey pucks used for something else. If you're commenting about the amount of "effort" that goes into these things, then your understanding is so broken and wrong that you really aren't qualified to comment on this at all.


Moving on....


Entitlement and elitism are apparent in about 2/3 of the posts in this thread and others like it. It's about to get a lot worse now that Sly poured gas on this fire. I noticed it took about 2.3 seconds after the latest change was implemented for people to start screaming "THIS ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH! I WANT MOAR!!!!"


Half the people here were content to say "Nothing will ever be implemented, just learn to coexist". Now those people got a taste of blood in the water. they've seen that the site can be changed if they complain enough.


The next six months of forum threads should be wildly entertaining.






What shovelware did you shove onto the PSN store?


I can't remember, figured it out before though.


And these are trolls, trying to create a sour tone for no action to take place, because they benefit from it financially. There's multiple people in this thread who work on these spam apps.

Edited by MMDE
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On 10/18/2022 at 6:41 AM, aZombieDictator said:

Just wait until the "developers" start collaborating and making stuff like "pet the jumping hotdog nitro Halloween breakthrough edition p quiz drift"


That could actually bump these games out of the shovelware category...


I mean, have you ever tried to pet a jumping hotdog in a drift? Not so easy my friend... ^_^

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25 minutes ago, ViensDanser said:

I don t understand , what do you mean?

That's you're participating in these threads while you're basically one of the reasons why we are all here today. ? 

Team accounts on the top places who keep buying such trash and encouraging the lazy developers to make more. Damn addiction, amirite? 

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2 minutes ago, ahmedelebiary said:

That's you're participating in these threads while you're basically one of the reasons why we are all here today. ? 

Team accounts on the top places who keep buying such trash and encouraging the lazy developers to make more. Damn addiction, amirite? 


I'm not putting any blame on him for it. I'm just pointing out even the people who buy them and benefit from it wants this to stop.

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3 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:


I do have to ask, if someone has an argument so facile that they end up in a protracted argument and I'm the one on the "elitist" side...


...just how far from the tree have they fallen 1f602.png

Pipe down, elitist scum.


But anyway, since this thread has truly jumped the shark (thank you Mr. Beast), I truly hope that MMDE’s claim is true. It makes some of Mr. Beast’s comments in earlier threads (such as his tortured comparisons between shovelware and Assassin’s Creed 2) so much more…logical.

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In my opinion and I stress the word "MY" opinion, the trophy system has become corrupt and worthless. I would like to see the system cleaned up and credibility put back into it. How do you go about doing that?  Any action taken to correct the problem can easily become a dangerous, detrimental and unfair action. The action taken can become a part of the problem. So be warned! First, there are a lot of factors that need to be pointed out and considered here before any action is taken.

1. Gaming Community - There are factions within the gaming community such as Hard-Core gamers, Speed Runners, Completist, Trophy Hunters, etc. Each has their own values or preferences when picking out and playing games. These values very greatly from group to group.

2. Censorship - Any action taken to forcibly impose one factions values upon another is totally wrong and should not be allowed.

3. Cheaters - People who partake in such behavior should be banned from the gaming community. These are people with no moral values whatsoever. I'm glad this policy is in effect. 

4. Individual Talents - Each person has their own individual talents, they very from person to person. What is easy for one person may be hard for another and vice versa. 

5. The Handicapped - There are people with mental or physical limitations. Any actions taken to discriminate against such disabilities should not be allowed.

6. The Elderly - As you get older, mental and physical skills start to fade. Doctors are finding that gaming is good therapy for older people. It helps to keep the mind sharper and the hands more agile and mobile. More and more they are encouraging older people to get into gaming because of the therapeutical values of doing so. Any action to counter such thinking and practice is a form of age discrimination and should not be allowed.

7. Reality Check - Sony and some developers lack certain moral values. They are into it for the money. To turn a fast buck. They evidently don't care about the gamer or the credibility or quality of the product. They will sell you anything that will turn a profit. The question is: are you stupid enough to buy it?

8. Glass Houses - People who live in a glass house shouldn't throw stones. We need to take a good hard long look at ourselves in a mirror. We need to clean up our own act first. Some of us gamers will actually research a game before buying it. We have identified certain developers who are notorious for putting out these "sh_t games". I personally will no longer buy games put out by these developers. If they can't make any money, they'll quit putting the trash out. Unfortunately, Sony seldom if ever provides developer name information in the store now. They don't provide a trailer to show you what you're getting. PSNProfiles use to provide developer name information on the game home page, but not anymore. Why? How can I avoid these people and their products if you don't give me the information I need?

9. Trophy Rarity Ranking - This is usually associated with the hard-core gaming faction which usually play games that are purposely designed by the developer to be unbeatable. This group of people will endure the aggravation and frustration to achieve what most people will not tolerate. They take pride in that fact and justly so. Yes, they should have their own leader board. There are also games so horribly designed that most people will not finish once they started it. Let's not forget trophies that require online participation (usually DLCs) on servers that are no longer active and are therefore unobtainable by anyone. What about Completist, Trophy Hunters, Speed Runners ect.? Shouldn't they have their own leader board as well?

10. Multi Platforms - Lets look at the big picture. I have not yet seen a set of leader boards that represent the gaming community as a whole on a worldwide basis. They are all narrow vision entities that focus on a narrow spectrum of the gaming environment. I would love to see and be on a set of leader boards that encompasses all gaming platforms (PlayStation, Xbox, PC, ect.). That would be something to see! It won't happen. The major gaming corporations don't want to deal with that kind of competition and wouldn't allow it.

11. Gaming Congress? - What about establishing an elected group of non-corporate non-professional gamers who's reponsibility is to decide what is fair and just for the gaming community as a whole? This would make game corporations and developers answerable for what they are allowed and not allowed to shove at gamers. Wouldn't this be a more sensible and viable approach to the problem? It won't happen either. Corporations and developers don't want to be held responsible or answerable for their unethical business practices.

   What I have mentioned are just a few of the things that should be considered before any action is taken. We all, including myself, have been victims to companies who prey on our physiological

 fears and weaknesses. The only solution available to me right now is to alter my spending habits and not allow myself to be a victim anymore.

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On 10/18/2022 at 7:34 AM, janzor88 said:

Doesn't matter how good or bad suggestions people come up with, as no improvements are going to be made on this site anyway.

We've been trying to improve things for years with no avail.


Hopefully the inferior trophy tracking sites will keep improving, and one day take the lead from PSNP. That's our only hope at this point.

I consider Truetrophies already way superior to this stagnating joke at this point.

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