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Your single favorite PS3 game to date.


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There's a thread on favorite PS3 games, but I kind of want to take it one step further. If this thread concept already exists, please let me know and I'll close this.

You can only pick one, no exceptions. Narrow down your collections... what game have you played through the most times? What game do you have the most fun with? What game means the most to you? ;)

PS3 retail games and PSN games (developed for the PS3, ala Fat Princess/Castle Crashers/Trine/etc) all count.

For me, I would have to choose Uncharted 2. I've beaten it upwards of 5-6 times at this point (platinum'd it twice) and I still have an itch to play it. If it weren't for Uncharted 3 and other games trophies distracting me, I'd probably make more of an effort to get the online DLC trophies (I have the DLC)... but the single player was always more compelling to me anyways. Uncharted 3 was a great game but a step backwards IMO (it had really large shoes to fill) and Uncharted 1 just didn't have the polish or diversity of UC2.

It's a classic PS3 game from a defining PS3 exclusive series, I got it free with my console on a 2010 Black Friday sale and it was shock and awe from the moment I first turned it on. It made me a huge fan of the PS3, the Uncharted series and in some ways, trophy hunting. :)

This is why I made it my trophy card image, plus it looks badass. ;)

How's about you?

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My favorite is Deus Ex: The Conspiracy, I love the story and characters.

My fondest memories are of Resistance Fall of Man, way back before trophies, and playing with all my good clan buddies. That was great. No game has come close since that, but I had a really good group of people that I played with back then.

My favorite is still Deus Ex though.

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Dead Space - one of the only games that made me unable to put down the controller, even tho it was scaring the shit out of me. (I play it with the correct light settings, makes it even scarier)

honorable mentions are Dead Space 2 Batman AA/AC and the infamous series but nothing compares to the origional dead space.

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This is an extremely difficult question and one I've considered before. I absolutely refuse to give you an outright answer but will do my best...

Infamous - I originally bought my first PS3 in the summer of 09. I bought it to play PS3 exclusives such as Disgaea 3 but was a pretty hardcore 360 user. I checked out the Store and downloaded some demos. One of them was Infamous. I loved it. The next morning I went and bought the game. I couldn't stop playing. The open world combined with the powers and story, good vs evil. I loved every second of it. While it's not my favorite PS3 game of all time, it was a catalyst for me eventually switching to the PS3 as my Primary Console and eventually selling my 360, switching to the PS3 exclusively.

Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time - This is the most fun and interesting game I've played. It was my first exposure to Ratchet & Clank and I loved every second of it on my way to Platinum. I can't recommend this game enough to anyone who owns a PS3 and sits firmly in my list of 'Must Haves' for a PS3 owner.

Demon's Souls - This could quite possibly be the true 'Favorite PS3 Game' for me, if I were to take the time to agonize over who actually gets the Top Spot. The exploration combined with the tenseness of what awaits around the corner combined with the PVP from Invasions, which scratched and itch I've had since the Ultima Online days, made this a truly unique and amazing experience. Add to that the depth of both Character and World Tendencies (how do they think up this stuff?) and you have yourself a gem.

Uncharted 2 - Do I even need to go into details here? A friend had urged me to get this and in prep for it I bought Drake's Fortune and got the Plat. I immediately pre-ordered 2 and the rest is history. It was an amazing and engrossing ride all the way through the game with plenty of laughs and thrills and that train ride.. wow!

I could go on with many other titles but will leave it with the 4 listed and depart with the comment of "The PS3 has so many awesome games, especially in the Exclusives Department, that I am extremely glad I decided to try the console out. It has become the center of my Home Entertainment."

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Oblivion. I'm pretty sure it was my first PS3 game, and my first RPG. Coming from the PS2, experiencing the superior graphics of the PS3 for the first time not in some grey corridor, but in Cyrodiil, with it's forests, rivers, mountains, villages, creatures, lakes, forts, books, islands, dungeons, marshes and all of it's quests, I was in a constant state of wonderment.

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Many games make the cut, but I'm going with Disgaea 4: A promise Unforgotten. Brings what's great about the previous 3 and multiply it by 10. Plus when Piggie starts to play it I'm sending my pirates to destroy him every time he steps into the Item World :awesome:

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Dead Space - one of the only games that made me unable to put down the controller, even tho it was scaring the shit out of me. (I play it with the correct light settings, makes it even scarier)

honorable mentions are Dead Space 2 Batman AA/AC and the infamous series but nothing compares to the origional dead space.

I would have agreed with this statement if not for

" Grand Thief Auto " GTA4.


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  • 3 weeks later...

This is tough, but as a big Metal Gear fan, I'd have to say that MGS4 was one of the biggest games to make me go nuts. I remember going on release date and playing that game until the late hours of the night. I loved that game so much that I beat it 5 times in one week. It felt a bit short and not as free as the other MGS games, but it had a gripping story that had my little fanboy heart hanging on. The iPod with all of the Metal Gear soundtracks was a real nice touch too. :D

Metal Fucking Gear

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