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How did you become a Trophy Hunter?


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I bought PS3, that's how. I used to play Xbox 360 many years, but never got really into achievements. Then came The Last of Us and I had to buy PS3. While playing TLOU I thought it could be fun to try to get the Platinum, now I got 26 of them. That's how it really started.

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I didn't even know about trophies until I started playing my first game and one popped up. I instantly loved the concept of them, seeing them accumulate and everything with each game played. It started out fairly casual for me, only going for platinums if the game seemed really easy. I had maybe a dozen platinums after 2 years, then I kind of went crazy with them once I lost interest in spending so much time playing games online, which was another thing I loved doing when I first got a PS3. 

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I always had an obbsession with 100% completing games and when I learned about trophies I thought it was a cool idea: you put work into a game and get a reward that isn't in-game. Although I didn't really think it was even possible to get a platinum trophy for a while but when I finally got my first platinum trophy I realized that (obviously) it was possible and I started trying to platinum other games and here I am.

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I'd have to say i have absolutely no idea, it just kind of happened lmao, i never bothered with trophies back when i first had a PS3, but i plated a game & i thought why can't i do this for every game i enjoy. Now i have 11 & working on many more.


I've even got my friends into it as we all play Fifa alot being football fans, thankfully i have had a decent head start haha

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When I first started, I couldn't care less about trophies.  Then a friend of mine was like lets see who can get more trophies.  I left my close friends in the dust and haven't stopped since.  Now I find them really rewarding and as proofs of my own accoplishments not only for game X, but as a user of PSN.  Prior to me being a trophy hunter I used to play a lot of "F2P" PC online MMORPGS.  I always found myself regretting everytime I put money into the games and quitting like a couple weeks later because I got bored. On PSN I'm able to look at what I have played in the past, whether I loved or hated a game and see what accomplishments I was able to do within those games.

Edited by InnoSensei
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When I first got a PS3 when I was about 9 (I think), I was playing Skate 2 and one popped. I ignored it and the other trophies that popped until I found my trophy collection in the XMB and just thought it'd be fun to collect the trophies. They were certainly challengng, and I didn't platinum it until about 2 years later. Ever since I've just been trophy and achievement hunting...

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I've been gaming for a long time. Started with a ColecoVision when I was seven (yeah, I'm old. Lol), but gaming really took off after getting an NES. I've pretty much never skipped a console generation since. I've beaten many games since, but other than my own memory and a publication of my name in an issue of Nintendo Power for beating Battletoads there's pretty much nothing to show for my long, extensive gaming history.

For some odd reason, I decided to fire up Dead or Alive 2 Hardcore at the end of the PS2 gen. For a ps2 launch game, I was impressed on how fun the game was after not playing it for so long. I decided to get an Xbox 360 just to play Dead or Alive 4. After beating the arcade mode for the first time, an achievement unlocked. I was like, "wth is this?" After learning the purpose of the new achievement system I got hooked on earning them, as I saw them as a sort of "gaming permanent record" that will always be there for people to see.

I pretty much gamed on my 360 for the most of the last gen, up until I got a ps3 on a Black Friday deal in 2012. I got it just so I can play the ps exclusives, plus I had friends who played fighting games more on ps3 so I got one to play with them online. I started earning Playstation trophies, but I soon started to want to build up a score that was comparable to my xbox gamerscore. The rest is history.

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First game was gorillas.bas at 5. My brother and I hardly understood how we were doing things, it was simply thrilling that a few strokes on a keyboard could create such an effect. When controllers and consoles came out we played so much Mario that my parents eventually sold the unit, but the damage was done and I was hooked forever. From those days, on down through the first gen of the console wars, the birth of the Playstation, and my subsequent devotion to it, I have been a Gamer. The advent of trophies was simply a public record of your achievements in gaming.


So naturally I was pissed when I saw that six years after earning my first trophy I only had 1 platinum.


Now I'm on a quest, to rise through the ranks of the PSN and properly record a portion of my Gaming History.


So far I have added 12 platinum trophies

Edited by Nikoyi
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My first Platinum was for Need for Speed: SHIFT, the first game I played on a console. I finally decided that I was going to go for a Platinum, and I picked that one in part because it was my first game, and in part as an F-U to the ex-boyfriend who convinced me to get the PS3. (Long story there... He was not a nice person. My fiance, the PS3, and a bacon meatloaf recipe are the only good things that came from that. Dan was totally worth it, though. <3)

But 1 is never enough! Ha!

Dan loves it. He teases me sometimes. "Never thought I could earn a trophy wife" and all that. He's a more casual gamer, although he decided (and is close) to Platinum Skyrim. I'm a bad influence. :P

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Well i've only just recently started and that was because of getting my very first platinum, the skyrim platinum. So because of it i just thought about getting more. Also because one of my friends who moved from 360 to ps4 had 4 plats in 6 months of getting a ps4 so we have a little competition to see who has the most and its currently me with 10

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For me it's just that I want to be better than my friends. Bragging rights, and all that. I only platinum games that I really like, but I try to get as high a percentage as possible. I'm not the greatest gamer, though gaming takes up most of my time, therefore I'm not able to platinum every game. I hope to get better though. 

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I've always been a perfectionist in everything I do, especially games. I remember getting 100% in GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas back in PS2 as my highest acomplishments in videogames. But I really started going after plats when I got Assassin's Creed III (hardest AC plat imo). None of my friends had any platinum as most of them just played FIFA/COD/GTA, and I wanted to be the best among all of us haha.

After I got that one, I started going after plats, no matter how hard they were and without looking any trophy guide as I didn't know about them lol.

Now, 2 years since I got my PS3, I've become more trophy hunter and a bit completist, but just for the games I like.

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Partly because of my OCD.


Partly because most of my friends played games which aren't worth putting time in to. Games which take so little skill its unreal (FIFA, COD etc.).


Partly because of my childhood experiences when money was tight and I had to savour each game - but the savouring made me stronger, thirstier for more. Once I got my PS3 and realised there was actually something to show for all the effort...


Well how in my right mind could I stop.


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Just became a hobby after moving out to live on my own.  I started hunting March of last year when inFamous: SS came out (had 13 plats at the time I think) and have been returning to all of the games I played in 2012-2013.


Now I do it when I'm doing laundry, cooking, or whenever I have a little time to kill.  I'm trying to control myself this year money wise so I've only really purchased two or three games, and they've all been fun so far.  If I get tired of hunting trophies for a specific game or genre though I divert my attention to something else.

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Probably because the habit started with 360 when I was achievement hunting and then when I got a PS3 and Vita, the habit just continued. Don't think it will ever stop, love the feeling of getting trophies, makes me feel like I succeeded at something and also cause its like getting the most out of my games possible.

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I didn't choose the Trophy Hunter Life.

The Trophy Hunter Life chose me.



Now that I got that joke out of my system...

I'm not so sure that I can consider myself a trophy hunter, but I like that trophies give you a sort of goal. I used to do everything possible before trophies were a thing, but now I see them and think, "I'm going to work towards that" especially if it means I can get some cool things along the way in the game to make gameplay more fun.

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I only started like 2 weeks ago because one of my friends always brags about his 1000 trophies, even though he only has 1 platinum trophy. It eventually started to piss me off because I can't afford nearly as many games and consoles as he got and so I decided to beat quantity with quality.

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It just kinda happened for me really. I used to get most if not all of my Ps1 and Ps2 games to 100%, as well as my Wii games. Then when i got my first two Ps3 games and my Ps3 it just kinda went from there. I don't plan on being the best to anyone, but, mostly i just want to be able to have something to be proud of. Most of the games i have might not be ones others like, and games i plan on getting in the future they might not like either but i don't care. I'm my own noob-ish trophy hunter, not trying to impress anybody but just to be proud of myself.

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