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What Developers do you Trust the Most?


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LEVEL-5, Rocksteady (Arkham Knight PC disaster had nothing to do with Rocksteady), Naughty Dog, Media Molecule, and Irrational Games (R.I.P).

You have actually played Bethesda games, right? The name Bethesda instantly makes me think of buggy games.

I guess what I meant were any huge game-breaking bugs like AC: Unity or BF4. Apart from the occasional glitch, I've never really had that with Bethesda Games. Maybe it's because I play most of them on the computer which seems the most stable for their games.

Edited by Warm_Regards
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2K Games


Naughty Dog

Guerilla Games


Bethesda (I have played both FO3 and Skyrim. Didn't suffer too much bugs to consider it...well, buggy. Lucky much perhaps?)

Arc System Works

Rockstar Games


Edited by Lord_of_Ra
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Guess I would say...


Naughty Dog - These guys just can't make an unpolished game.


CD Projekt RED - The game releases are few and far between, but they've proven with The Witcher series and GOG that they really care about their fans and gaming in general.  Made me smile when I opened up The Witcher 3 on the PS4, and spotted all the goodies (map, soundtrack, stickers, etc) and the Thank You message inside.


Rocksteady - Wouldn't mind seeing what they have up their sleeve after the Batman games... but when Rocksteady has their hands on something, it's Rocksolid. (heh heh)



@OP - To imply Bethesda doesn't release terribly buggy games is kind of funny.  :)  Though I'm not afraid to pre-order their games, so I see where you're coming from.  They're quality outside of the bugs.

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Naughty Dog for sure, they excel in practically every way.


Bethesda and Bioware, both for fun and deep amounts of content and story, although I am prepared for a good share of bugs at launch with both haha.


And my controversial answer for fun-rich-good gameplay Multiplayer is DICE. Yes, DICE has had their share of bugs especially with BF4's launch, but DICE has always had second to none multiplayer and thats why I feel good about Battlefront.

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I guess I would go with Nintendo.


As samey as some of their games can be, I can at least say with a large degree of certainty that their games are of high quality.


And I guess the likes of Platinum and Namco/Bandai have consistently pushed out quality works.


Though, at the end of the day, all I need to trust is my own judgement. Every dev is capable of messing up from time to time, and its surprisingly simple to take each game as they come as a result.

Edited by EctoCooler_87
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Naughty Dog

Square Enix

Guerrilla Games

BioWare (their Mass Effect trilogy specifically - Dragon Age is a buggy mess)

Infinity Ward/TreyArch - People give them a lot of shit but they DO release quality games with fantastic sound design and good gameplay.

Compile Heart


Netherrealm Studios

Namco Bandai


Nippon Ichi Software




Developers I trust that DO release buggy games:


Gearbox (Borderlands has never failed to entertain me. I even had fun with Aliens: Colonial Marines)


BioWare (Dragon Age may be buddy but it is still fun)

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LEVEL-5, Rocksteady (Arkham Knight PC disaster had nothing to do with Rocksteady), Naughty Dog, Media Molecule, and Irrational Games (R.I.P).

You have actually played Bethesda games, right? The name Bethesda instantly makes me think of buggy games.

Lol, that is exactly what I was thinking when I saw this thread. I was like someone is going to put R* and Bethesda and then there will be a bunch of comments explaining how both of those developers aren't really known for making games that work right out of the box...or 5 years later :P


For me developers I look forward to would be Media Molecule, Insomniac and Futurlab

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