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10$ PSN Card Giveaway! (Version. 1.01) **Giveaway Has Ended**


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I pre-ordered Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD and went to pick it up on the day of the release. Once there, I found out that the local store wasn't there anymore. After calling a lot, it seemed I could pick up my copy in another town (which was about a 1 hour drive). Of course the store didn't send it to me, because they never do that. This was pissing me off and I went to the store the next weekend. It appeared my copy wasn't there and they had no record of it, so I made that 2-hour trip for nothing. After calling and mailing a lot, they said it'll be there in 2 weeks. So I called again 2 weeks later and surprise: it wasn't there. The employee said there were some problems with logistics and he promised it'll be there next week. Turned out it wasn't  <_<. They said the game was probably lost and offered a 10% discount on my next purchase instead. When I tried to use that discount a few weeks later, it wasn't valid anymore. Apparently those things expired at the end of the month, something the employee conviently failed to mention.

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My worst video game shopping experience ... It's not a huge one, but it is my worst. I bought a used Saints Row The Third game and got it in the most fucked up box I've ever seen. The seller didn't mention the game wasn't coming in it's original packaging, so I was pretty disappointed because I want to hold and have the game in it's original packaging. But it was all fixed with a free used game of my choice (Mass Effect 3) :D


Thanks you for the giveaway!

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I can't possibly compete with all these stories xD


I actually have a story that happened because I was just so damn stupid. It was last year's Christmas and I wanted to buy a game through Fnac online.
They have a sort of "marketplace" which is basically like Ebay, but more secure and more "official".
I browsed the library and found a guy selling Bioshock for the PS3, and it cost only 5€ (including shipping!!), so obviously I bought it. Such a great game as a christmas present for such a cheap price.
It took longer than normal to get here, but whatever, I got it. I open the package and notice that the box is... Too big. I then notice the logo on the top right corner says "Mac".

I got so pissed. It was the first time a guy had sent the wrong product, the first time I had trouble with buying things online. And I don't earn any money yet, so spending it is very rare and very special.

I call Fnac and they tell me to contact the seller, which I do, and he asks me if I want to change it. I find out that I would have to pay the delivery fees (which were 3,49€, almost the same as buying it again) and I just abandon the idea and sulk for some hours.
I decide to give the guy a bad review because hey, he sent the wrong product and created this mess.
But I go to my orders to be sure I was right and search for the game again on his profile.
And what do I find out? Well... Turns out I actually HAD ordered the Mac version. The PS3 one was 12€.
And that's the story of the unopened and still wrapped Mac version of Bioshock that's there on my shelf.

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I'll participate.  Why not?  The worst experience I had shopping wise for a video game was the PS3 launch date.  I was lucky enough and got the last one.  A person threatened me with a knife (folks go nuts over the holidays).  Little did he know I had a gun.  Other than me being scared, nothing else happened.  As a result, I've shopped online primarily for the last decade or so.

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I actually don't have many bad shopping experiences. I guess the worst one was not too long ago. A new video game store had opened and I decided to check it out. It's a really small place and they don't have a lot of variety but they let you order games, so I asked the guy to order some Vita games for me. That's when he started a monologue about how strange it is that I want games for a dead console, which evolved into how awesome the PSP was, which evolved into a rant about how the PS2 era was the best, all the new games are shitty and that he hated his job for selling bad games to casuals.


I still got the games I wanted though. :dunno:

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I'm not here for the money (has EU account), only story. Hope you don't mind.



During the years I've encountered dozens of unpolite shopkeepers and people with whom I've been doing trades.

So, a new game, Star Ocean The Last Hope (for X360) will come out next month and I'm calling the store to see if they have any plans of getting it because their webpage was down. ''Good day. Can you please tell me will you be getting new Star Ocean game and I...?'' *voice from the other side* ''No, we won't!'' She hung up.

...the hell?


Some time later I'm in the store. There's a guy at the counter. I'm buying something, we make a small talk and I mentioned that specific case.

''Yeah'' - he says - ''we've recieved few complaints. The bitch got fired 2 weeks ago.''

I'm confused. I mean, how can you say something like that about your ex coworker in front of a complete stranger? The guy stops for a second, realise what he did and says: I-I'm sorry, I think it was actually three weeks ago, not two.''


I died laughing.

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Hey, guys, I'm doing another giveaway just like the one before but it's a little bit different. Needless for an essay-like intro   :giggle:




How to enter the giveaway:


  • You must have 50 posts or more.
  • Tell me about your worst Video Game shopping experience.

I'll put your names in a randomizer software and I'll announce the winner at the end of this month.  :dance:



Good luck to everyone & merry xmas!  :yay:


I would love to win this, thanks for doing this for the community! :)


My worst experience buying video games was when i went to the video game store "game" in Sweden. I picked up a battlechest for World of Warcraft and Need for Speed: hot pursuit. I asked the dude in the store about the products he told me that The battlechest was going to have a 3 months Membership code inside it and that my NFS had a fully working online pass.


When i drive back to the city where i live, a like 20-30 minutes drive i am super excited to play World of Warcraft with my friends and try out the remake of one of my favorite racing games. I open the battlechest and there was not a single code except for a 2 days trail. Not even a month!

I was really mad so i popped NFS hoping that would cheer me up but no, the online code was used and i was not able to join my friends.


Now i had to wait 3 days to go back to the store and i felt like i wasted my money, i never completed NFS and i had to spend a lot more money to get to be able to play my video games online with my friends.



I am happy now since "game" doesn't exist in Sweden anymore, it was so bad that it didn't "survive" :D

Edited by anton1453
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Nice giveaway! Thanks.

So I often check Targets for clearence games and I found a copy of Need For Speed Shift 2 for $3. Once I decided to open the case, it was empty. I went back to exchange it and they had one more left. I left again and the next one had no game in it either. I still never played the game yet. Anyway, now I always check new games to make sure stuff like this doesn't happen.

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I've been to this one certain Gamestop for a very long time, and whenever I go there my goal is to make it in and out as fast as humanly possible. The crowd that shows up there is just the worst. I was shopping there once and a whole family of like 6 kids walk in and got in front of me in line, I had to wait forever :( . I once saw a 25 year old man who was wearing an undershirt only walk in with his mom, and he was begging her to buy him a game, and they were arguing back and forth about it. And the cashiers..... they make me go through hell and back to buy a game. You can only be 18 years or older to return a game at my Gamestop for some unknown reason???? (I asked and they didn't have a good answer), so I've gotta find someone old enough every time to go with me just to RETURN a game and they have to "attest" to the fact that the game is indeed mine and not some stolen merchandise from a 10 year old's house. After that, they require you to be fingerprinted. All for one game return. And the money they give you for a return is terrible anyways.


I just shop digital now.


Shoutout to you for being awesome and doing this giveaway. I appreciate it  :) . I'd appreciate it even more if I win it lol

Edited by lumphy101
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I don't have many bad shopping experiences, but one "bad" one that comes to mind was when me and my dad were trading some games in a Gamestop and I was checking out the used game wall and Bring caught my attention, because it had cool box art. My dad asked "Are you sure you want that one?". Little did I know that I should have taken heed to his warning, as it was not the fun game the box art led me to believe. That's why you never judge a book by it's cover.


Thanks for doing the giveaway!!  B)

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I don't even really have one, and I don't even want the prize, I'm just on here to read other people's stories. With that in mind, I will at least share the first thing that came to mind.


So at this point in time, probably a year and a half, two years ago at this point, I've had my Xperia Play for probably a year, and it is fantastic. I got Vice City in my pocket, I got a controller on my phone, it's awesome. I'm not gonna get into why I no longer had / have it, but long story short, that phone is gone and I can't go back to touch screen gaming, not that I was ever into it, the only time I got into phone games was when I had the XP, ANYWAY. 


So I've got an Android tablet, a Nexus 7, it was a birthday present or something, I'd had it for a while and since my phone carked it, I was using that for mobile games for a bit in the week or so I was looking around for new phones. That's another story, short version, I ended up buying an iPhone 4S preowned for a bit so I could play San Andreas and it was pretty neato but I'd had my eyes set on a Nexus 5 since it launched, after a few months with the iPhone I picked up a Nexus for I think 340, and that was early 2014 when the phone was still decently new, so considering that phone still sells for around 500 here now, that was a god damned steal.


Anyway, let's go back to the bit where I'm using my tablet for games and hating touch screens. So I'm looking around on the internet one day, and I discover a little thing called Moga. It's a company that sell Bluetooth controllers for your phone or tablet. At this point, I'd never heard of such a thing, it looks amazing, it looks like the perfect thing to get to replace my beloved Xperia Play's controller. Then I look at the price, it was around 60 bucks, I'm like "Okay, if it's a good controller, I can do this, I mean, PS3 controllers go for a hundred bucks in most places still, I mean, I'd never pay that, but controllers cost money" ... then I see the shipping is even more than that and I'm out.


A short while later, I find out EB Games not only stock the cheaper model of Mogas, and not only did they have one in stock at the store down the road from me, but they were also throwing them out for 20 bucks.


Wow. I was stoked, the stars had seemingly aligned. Everything was going better than I could have imagined. I found something cool on the internet with a price tag higher than I was willing, and then I found a store down the road selling it for 20 bucks. Awesome. 


I'm gonna cut to the end now, and say that I got the controller fine and easily, so don't go hoping for something awesome. Sorry.


So anyway, I go down to the store, 20 bucks in hand, and you know how EB Games people are, EB by the way, is our branch of GameStop, literally, they're the same thing. They're idiots. Sorry to all the good EB workers out there (all 5 of you) but the majority of you are incompetent and ignorant morons who have no right to stand within 5 metres of a videogame let alone be the sole person between me having them and me not having them.


ANYWAY. So I go in there with my money, and go up to the guy at the register.


> Hi, how's it going?

>> Yeah, good man, you guys got a Moga phone controller in stock?

>>> A what? A phone controller?

>>>> Yeah, through Bluetooth, for your phone.

>>> You mean, like a Moga PS3 remote?

>> No, I mean a Bluetooth controller for your phone.

> Well I can like, look in back or whatever.


*dickhead goes in back, comes back about 3 minutes later*


> I didn't find anything like that man.

>> Well your site said you had some in stock.

>>> I don't know man, you want me to like get the manager?

>>>> I want the controller, do you have one or not, bud?

>>> Are you sure you didn't mean a PS3 remote?

>> No, I meant a - I meant that thing, the thing right behind you in the cabinet labelled Moga Bluetooth controller.

> Oh.


And then I buy my controller and get the fuck out of there.


I swear to all the floating cloud deities out there, a pre-req for working at EB Games must be to have an IQ lower than 10. 


Also, did I mention I actually worked at an EB for about 8 months? I was the only one there who had a fucking clue, and I'm not trying to imply I know what I'm doing, because I'm the biggest dickhead I know, but I swear, these guys, these idiots. It's like, if you told me EB went recruiting at kindergartens and that's where all their employees come from, I'd buy it. 


Anyway, moral of the story is: Bluetooth controllers are fucking sweet.

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I don't think I have a particularly bad video game shopping experience. Except I remember there was a problem I had with Star Wars Clone Wars where every copy of the game would freeze in the exact same spot, so I ended up going back and forth from the store about 4 or 5 times. I was young, and looking back it was probably just a glitch in the game that the QA people never tested out, but I wasted so much time and effort trying to find a copy that would let me get past a certain spot in the game. 


Good luck to everyone in the draw! I know I for one could really use the code seeing as I am only like 3 dollars short of my order in the store :P

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One holiday year I tried importing Gun*Gal from Amazon. It was a Japanese company selling so it wasn't Prime and didn't have SAL. 2 months after purchasing they told me it got returned to them and had them resend it while giving them my address again. Never did show up. Best friend keeps mocking me that it's on the bottom of the ocean with the crabs.

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Very generous of you, Xeliot. Cheers. :)


My worst video game shopping experience was many, many years ago, when I made my first ever attempt at online shopping.


I had a serious hankering for some nostalgia soup and heard of this website called eBay, where I was told I could "find anything", so I started poking around and found someone selling all 4 PS1 Tony Hawk games, still sealed in their wrap, for next to nothing! :o


ermahgerd I needed a towel, a cigarette and a shower because I dun splooged my bunghole and I liked it. :awesome:


So, after the grueling battle to sign up for PayPal and link my bank account, I transferred some dough and began to play the waiting game (a very unpopular game on the console of life).


When the package arrived in the mail, I was pretty stoked to say the least. Me feel like big boy cuz parcel for me. ^_^


I ran upstairs, grabbed the scissors and snipped into that sucker like a drunken redneck surgeon trying to get the wishbone out of the body, in the game Operation, and didn't care how many buzzes he got. :jaymon:


When I opened the parcel, I was crushed to find every single jewel case had been broken during the shipping :| and it was now my job to find someone that still sold replacement CD cases. :(


Worst. Shopping. Ever. :spank:

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>> No, I meant a - I meant that thing, the thing right behind you in the cabinet labelled Moga Bluetooth controller.

Lol, why didn't you point that out sooner, so the conversation went something like this:


> Hi, how's it going?

>> Yeah, good man, you guys got a Moga phone controller in stock?

>>> A what? A phone controller?

>>>> The thing right behind you in the cabinet labelled Moga Bluetooth controller.

> Oh.

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I purchased a brand new psp game, which was taken out from psn, on ebay, from a canadian online store on December 2014. The game cost me $20, it was $30 on psn before it was taken out. Before buying it online I checked every local store without any luck, mostly because it was a 4 year old game from a not so popular console at that time. This was the first time that I purchased something from a country other than the US, and I was confident I was going to have my game in under 7 days as with my previous purchases, but after 3 or 4 weeks I still didn't have my game, unfortunately I didn't have a tracking number and I thought arrival was taking longer than expected due to Christmas. So I sent a message to them and they replied it was going to take between 20 - 30 days for the game to arrive.

After a month have passed I still didn't have my game and I sent another message asking if they shipped by air or by sea, they said by sea. I went to the customs on February 2015 but they told me that I needed to provide the name of the ship so I asked the canadian store to be given the name of the ship, but they replied the next day saying they will call the customs. At least the guy from the customs who assisted me showed my how to search on the customs website so I could try to find the ship that shipped my game. The next days I was like crazy checking every ship details since the day I bought the game, but nothing, there were ships that had arrived many days even weeks ago whose statuses and items shipped weren't even updated, I was afraid the ship that shipped my game was one of these "ghost" ships. I forgot to mention that many items get lost at the customs in my country, specially when you don't know the exact date when your item arrived and 30 days after that if you don't show to claim your purchase they declare it was legally abandoned and custom employees are able to pocket them; I thought my game was one of this cases.

I was going to start a dispute, even though I was pretty sure the game had arrived but it got lost at the customs, but one day of April 2015, I was checking this local website where you can sell items free of charge, I typed the name of the game and I was surprised that one person was selling a brand new copy of that game at a very low price which was $10, so I immediatly called the seller and arranged a meeting. When we met I asked the seller, who was a women, how she got the game. She told me that it was a gift for her son from an uncle, but that her son didn't own a psp and that the money from this purchase will go to her son; in my mind I was 100% sure that it was the game I bought, that the uncle worked on the customs since it was highly unlikely he bought that game or got it on his own, and the low price the woman was asking for the game.

So in the end I ended up buying again a game that was already mine, and paying the price that the game cost on PS store, but at least I have it physically. The game was Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, which I haven't played yet.

Edited by Deceptrox
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Haven't had many bad shopping experiences. I guess the worst one was where i had to wait a month for my copy of 999 to arrive. They had to send a replacement since the first one got lost in the shipping process. I was pretty stoked to play it, so the wait was unbearable! :(


Awesome giveaway! (You don't need to enter me into the drawing)

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The worst gaming experience I have ever had was I was trying to pre-order GTA San Andreas for PS3, but the guy at EB Games (Gamestop) said GTA: SA wasn't coming to PS3. After some talking he finally asked a fellow employee if GTA: SA was coming to PS3 and when she said yes, he FINALLY got the pre-order done... That was a waste of 15-20 minutes.

When I went to pick them up, he had to go to the store room to get the copies which wasted another half an hour or so of my time.

Furthermore (I know right, there is more?), my copy was broken as some cutscenes wouldn't load right, voices and cutscenes were out-of-sync etc. So I had to take that copy back anyway...



That is the worst shopping experience I have ever had

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This one was a few years ago, I went to the supermarket and asked one of the employees (definetly not the best one at videogames..) when would the Guitar Hero Van Halen be available for the PS2. He told me the PS2 version would only arrive on February 19th. 


So I went there that day and asked the same employee where were the PS2 copies of the game, he told they hadn't arrived yet. So I waited another week and asked another employee that was there at the moment and asked the same question, he proceeded to check the inventory on the PC they have, and guess what, the game never came out for the PS2  :|


So I was hyped for nothing, if I wanted to play that game I had to buy a PS3 or 360, but at that time I couldn't and that's the story about how I lost interest in the Guitar Hero franchise and the worst experience I had when buying a videogame.


You must be asking why didn't I just checked if the game came out for the PS2. Well I assumed it simply would because GH5 came out for it in 2009 so I was expecting and totally hyped for GH VH to come in early 2010 that I forget to check that  :facepalm:

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My worst shopping experience didn't really involve me shopping, but rather someone shopping for me. It happened back in the early days of the PS3.


My fiance wanted to surprise me with a PS3 for Christmas. I don't remember if she ordered it from Amazon, Best Buy, or Walmart, but it doesn't really matter to the story. Anyways, she ordered it online and had it delivered to her parents house so I wouldn't accidentaly see it or mistakenly open the package if it was sent to our house. A week or so passed as Christmas drew near and there was no sign of the PS3. Starting to worry, they checked the tracking number and sure enough, it said that the package had been delivered already. Franticly, her family searched the entire outside of the house and opened up all of their packages to make sure they didn't mistake it for something else they had ordered. Nope, still no PS3.


This would be the start of a month long, drama filled ordeal with the postal service and the store they ordered the PS3 from. At first, I believe the postal service thought we were lying about the whole thing or trying to scam them. They told us that we would have to contact the store we ordered the system from in order to get a replacement. That made no sense to me since the postal service service had possession of it last. When we contacted the store, they told us that they weren't responsible and that we would have to contact the postal service. This back and forth went on for a week before a big official investigation was finally opened. Turns out, the delivery man stole the PS3 and just scanned the package to make it look like he delivered it. They immediately apologized and said they would send us a replacement. I'm not sure if there was a miscommunication or if the store just felt bad, but they contacted us as well and said they had sent out a new PS3 to make up for the ordeal. So, in the end I got 2 brand new PS3's after a month long hassle.


In a cruel final twist to the story, both of those PS3's ended up breaking down right after the warranty expired. Those were the original fat models that had problems with the laser that read discs. I ended up having to buy a third system in the end.  :(

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I just have one bad shopping experience I can think of. A few years ago I found a shop that still sold PS1 games cheap (not one of those overpriced collectors stores) and got a few games. One of them was Alone in The Dark: The New Nightmare. So I play this game and a couple of hours in I notice the disc says 1 of 2. I go back to ask if they have the second disc, but they didn't and I ended up getting a refund. It was a less than $5 refund and kind of embarrassing but I was already there.

I got the game again since on PC but never got around to it.

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