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Worst Trophy Boosting Experiences


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Man, I'm still angry about the heist trophies. It's super frustrating when you plan a boosting session for one week just to have someone that doesn't show up.


For me, there are two experiences that were bad. The first was on Ultra Street Fighter IV. The boost went well, but the lag was horrible. Each match took forever to finish, and everyone needed to win the tournament. The other was Portal 2 coop mode, where the servers simply doesn't work. I spent almost a week trying with some partners, but it never worked. Then I heard that you need to own the game on Steam to play the multiplayer on PS3. Fuck you, Valve.

They gave you it on steam for free.

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Need for Speed: Most Wanted (Vita) I've made loads of boosting sessions for this game. Had people join and then when I message them they never reply to me.

I've barely touched my Vita this past year because I want this game done but it's just the same old same old.


I can't say there were many other issues BUT finding 5 players from your own country on a dead game like Rogue Warrior is a major ballache as people would be like yeah I'm down for it then be like noooooo, not tonight. Which meant everyone had to miss out because finding someone else was literally the biggest pain in the ass.


Other than that none really, I'm sure something will come up eventually. It always does.

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No, they didn't.

Yeah, they did, i never bought it twice, and thats how i have it on PC as well as PS3.

A very quick google confirms this - every copy of Portal 2 for PS3 comes with a free mac/pc version.

Unless of course you stole it or bought it used - in which case you never gave any money to Valve, so why would you curse them out? If you gave them nothing, why would they owe you anything in return?

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Time Crisis Razing Storm.  It's virtually impossible to find anyone interested in boosting the game and for a few of the trophies you need 4 people.  At the time I was looking to boost the 200 and 500 G-action kills and I added some guy who messaged me fine and dandy.  We meet up and start boosting so we both ended up with around 10 kills for the game.  He then says he has to go and logs off.  Day and weeks go by with me messaging him and him ignoring me.  Months later, I check his trophies to find that he finished boosting the trophies we were working on and had just spent the past couple months ignoring me instead of saying yeah I just decided to finish boosting with someone else.


Off topic, there should really be a Best trophy boosting experience thread also :P

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Yeah, they did, i never bought it twice, and thats how i have it on PC as well as PS3.

A very quick google confirms this - every copy of Portal 2 for PS3 comes with a free mac/pc version.

Unless of course you stole it or bought it used - in which case you never gave any money to Valve, so why would you curse them out? If you gave them nothing, why would they owe you anything in return?


I bought the digital version, and it never came with the PC version. And not only the multiplayer is unplayable, there's a nasty bug on the singleplayer that forces me to play offline.

Valve did a terrible job on the PS3 version, and never even bothered to correct it. That's why Valve is, for me, a worst company than EA or Activision.

And fuck you for suggesting that I stole the game.

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Ridge Racer Unbounded: It was hard to find 8 players who played this in that moment to boost. Luckily they've found me :P.


Assassin's Creed Brotherhood: Organizing a session is hard enought, but with this game the hard part came when we needed to join the server. The server let's you in "if it wants to". Worst game server experience ever.


Brütal Legend: Being only two people boosting MP and not finding eachother was very frustrating. That 50 wins trophy took a hell of a time.


Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaicihi: The server kicks you out for no reason.



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AC Brotherhood for sure has been the worst so far.  Others have mentioned the servers, but there are a lot of people that are just done and leave after they've maxed.  Luckily we had one or two that hit max and help the rest out.  We actually got a group of 25~35 different guys working on this so if someone dropped we would just call them up.

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Deep Black - My boosting partner was cool, it was all the technical issues with the servers! We had to reset and port forward our routers several times just to see each other in the lobby to start a session!


Bodycount - Besides getting my butt royally kicked on the challenge maps with every boosting partner that I had, one in particular was so rude and annoying that I just walked away from trying to platinum the game. I wouldn't solely blame it on him but he was definitely "the straw that broke the camel's back" for me when it came to the online co-op for the game.

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In almost 4 years of being a trophy hunter, I've mostly always had to step up as a leader cuz the other boosters would panic and don't know what to do.


Some of mine include:


1. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Dude always forgot about boosting sessions just because he sucked at completing trials and told me he lost his "drive" to plat the game. As such, we ended up taking months to clear it when we could have done it in a week. I had to step into the role of always trying to remember him every single day as no one else had the game at that group at that time.


2. SSFIV: First dude that was super excited threw out the game without telling me anything. He never answered when I was messaging about sessions. It wasn't until I knew of a friend of his from Argentina that I could finally retake the damn game and clear the online. Costed me a lot more time than intended too (70-80+ hours to clear online).


3. Max Payne 3: servers SUCKED so much I had to cut every other internet conected device to make it work. Even then, it still had a lot of errors.


4. Killzone Mercenary: I put a 10/10 for this platinum for a reason. It was a journey to make the online work on my Ps Vita (literally).


My home connection didn't work in any way to make it work, not even port forwarding, DNS changing, etc. Trust me, I tried everything to make it work.


I went to a Burger King, McDonalds, and still nothing.


We had a travel to US planned by September 2014 and I thought "FINALLY!"


Hotel connection? Nyet, same thing.


It wasn't until we moved from states later on, and my family went to one McDonalds that It had finally, FINALLY established a stable connection and I could plan my boosting sessions there.


5. AC: Brotherhood: we started with a strong group but everyone gave up on it. I had to translate a guide for some trophies and post it on the group to make them have newfound strength and after many months, we finally managed to clear the online.


I could have done the plat in a month, ended up taking 5.


Those are some but I don't want to bore you out. Pretty much 90% of my online sessions have been a disaster.

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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood: Organizing a session is hard enought, but with this game the hard part came when we needed to join the server. The server lets you in "if it wants to". Worst game server experience ever.


This. There are so many hurdles to overcome with this bloody game's bloody online.


Most of the multiplayer trophies were pretty damn annoying. Abstergo Employee of the Month, which requires you to get every single multiplayer bonus at least once (namely Extreme Variety, which requires you to get 15 different bonuses in a single session) was hard enough, but Download Complete (reach level 50) was the one that was making it really hard for me to reach that Platinum. Let's see why:


  • First, you had to get exactly six different people willing to boost the trophy with you. You could just play normally, but A: There are times when the multiplayer has no one online; B: It takes well over 45 hours to get the trophy without boosting, while you can get it in about 5 hours with boosting. 9 times faster leveling? Yup, Imma boost. Anyway, by creating or joining a game session, you could easily find people, so this part wasn't too bad. The problem was getting them all to show up, but you could generally get all six people you needed.
  • Then, you had to actually gain access to the Multiplayer mode. What's preventing you? Temperamental servers. Sometimes, the servers would just kick you off for times on end for no good reason. As if this trophy wasn't hard enough.
  • Then, you had to actually manage to get all six players together in a single session. Yes, because sometimes the game would just prevent some players from joining your session. Why? No fucking idea. I think it had something to do with DLC, but anyway, it was another needless hurdle to overcome.
  • Then, the players had to be familiar with the specific boosting method. Most sessions began with one or two rookie players doing something that would just set the entire group back. This one wasn't too bad, assuming the player in question wasn't a total moron that refused to listen to what other people told him.
  • And finally, after all of this was over, the entire group had to remain on the session long enough for everyone to level up considerably, otherwise, we'd have to start this all over again having leveled up only a couple levels.


I generally hate online trophies, but these... these were particularly sadistic. Fortunately, I already have the platinum, so I don't have to put up with any more glitchy bullshit.

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Far Cry 4. There's only two co-op trophies and they're easy enough to be done in a few minutes. I set up a gaming session and everything was set in place to get these two trophies out of the way. Guy shows up as planned and has his mic on so I figure I'd turn mine on too just to make communicating easier. We say our greetings and then this guy gets a call from his friend. So I'm just kind of walking around aimlessly while he's on the phone. So anyway, it turns out this guy's friend just scored some weed apparently, so the guy I'm playing with tells me he has to go. This is about five minutes into the session and it would have taken another five to get the trophies done. He says nothing about rescheduling so I delete him and set up a new session. That one goes smooth, we get our trophies and live happily ever after. Not really a bad experience, just an annoying one. 


Playstation all stars: The worst multiplayer experience I've ever had when it comes to servers. And there was something about not being able to just create a match with four other players, so me and the people I was boosting just with had to keep searching for matches and praying we found each other. And we never did, so we were left on our own to get the last of the online trophies. 

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Not for trophies specifically, but i had a platoon in Battlefield 3 with my coworkers and we were very good at it, ranking 1-2-3 with my mates were common occurrences. In a beautiful day, my boss tell us he was going to play with us, and asked us to help him level up so he can get good weapons. The problem is that he is an abysmal player, dying left and right, not hitting a thing and giving away our positions. The next day, he got salty at us, claiming we didn't help him, and started pushing deadlines forward, making unreasonable demands all day long, shoving aside more useful stuff we had to do. The same story repeats itself again week after week until i start complaining about it (the increased workload, not he being bad at the game :P) starting a rift between me (marketing/sales) one of my friends (lead programmer) and him, that aggravated, resulting in me being fired about 3 months later and my friend soon after, without a replacement to do our job. Their sales started slowing down without me, with the software we sell starting to become a mess without a my friend.

From a 15 employee business in mid/2013, today he only have 4.

I started a business with my friend with our severance pay and today i earn the triple that i received in the other job.


TL;DR: My boss can't grind, gets salty and fires me, crashes own business, turns my life for the best. Thank you Battlefield 3.

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I needed two people to boost what else but the Abstergo Employee of the Month trophy in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. I invited the other two guys to a text chat. One guy got on early and we were talking. He wanted to see if we could possibly move the session back an hour because he needed to take care of something real quick that had just come up, otherwise he's only be able to play for 20 minutes, but if he took care of it now then he'd have the rest of the night to play. I thought it was more than a reasonable request seeing as I'd rather get in as much time as we need over 20 minutes any day, and at least the guy was honest instead of not showing up at all, but I wasn't going to make the change until the third guy said it was okay. If we only got in 20 minutes, then I would've been fine with that. The third guy comes in the chat, blows his stack over what he thought was a no show, and leaves before getting the whole story. Then he has the audacity to come back to this forum and post a rant thread about it. It'd been previously established that all 3 of us had all night to devote to the session, we just needed to wait 60 minutes more than the previously scheduled time to have it. I thought that was a perfectly reasonable request of someone else to make, but another person wanted to be a child about it and left everyone hanging.

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In general, i avoid games with mp trophies, but i already owned wipeout hd and wanted to get the mp for this done.

The most difficult trophy to do is blinge brigade because you need 8 people who all need to have the same skin on their ship.

So i joined a boosting session, we were with 13 people. I was in the second group

After the first group, 3 of them had to wait and help us with the trophy, but this didn't happen and we didn't get it eventually.

So i made another boosting session the week after this. we were exactly with 8, so we needed to be complete.

At first, we couldn't get on the servers, but it didn't really matter because 1 guy didn't show up.

So we tried again the week after, we were with 8 again, and the same guy was in it again.

And guess what happened, exactly the same thing, couldn't get on to the servers, and the same guy didn't show up.

but we were very lucky that day. after 1,5 hours we were able to log in, and one of the guys from the first session was online and he helped us out and we got our trophy.

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Wasn't boosting in this scenario, but it was definitely a negative online trophy hunting experience. Generally I avoid online trophies unless they can be done solo reasonably easy or boosted with only 1-2 other players. On the other hand, if a game has easy online trophies I will quickly get them out of the way even if I don't plan on playing any single player until some time in the future. One such game was The Last of Us Remastered. With the exception of the two gold online trophies (which are more grindy than anything), the online trophies are super simple (basically be on the winning team a handful of times on each map). All in all it took me a couple hours even as a total noob to its online. Literally in my second game ever, this one guy starts flipping out about my bad performance, but eventually quits. I really didn't understand what the big deal was because we still managed to win the game despite losing his Leet skills. Now I've gotten my ass handed to me a lot in call of duty and other games' online multiplayer, but it always ends with no issues apart from me wishing I didn't suck so much. But this guy proceeds to send me several psn messages telling me off about how bad I am. I can only imagine how much time he spends flipping out if that's way he reacts whenever a noob is randomly assigned to his team.

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When Call of Duty Black Ops 2 launched, me and a couple of friends tried relentlessly to get the Tower of Babble trophy, this was before there was a sure way/guide on how to accomplish it..we spent almost 3 weeks trying for it, sometimes literally 12 hours a day, 5 days a week trying for it, over and over and over again..then 1 day 1 of my 2 boosting partner's had to run some errands so my other partner and I said, let's try it...we ended up getting it on our first try that day without our other partner..our other friend was soooo pissed lol...shortly after, my bluray drive in my ps3 shit the bed and died and refused to play another disc...probably from excessive use, cost me about a week and 80$ to replace it

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AC: Black Flag DLC trophies

For some reason during that period of time my PSN messenging service was all screwy on the PS4. It took over a minute (sometimes even upwards to 10 minutes) for my messages to finally get sent, and in some cases I'd get an error message after the wait. Receiving messages was no better too. Someone would send me a message and I'd finally receive it 10-30 minutes later. To make matters worse, the AC servers decided to screw me over too. They wouldn't even let me join a party for some reason. I asked my fellow boosters if they had any trouble joining parties and they said no. So, you could imagine how things worked out when I was trying to get organize a party to boost the MP DLC trophies. Let's say I got nothing done for two hours except for waiting in the lobby to receive messages that were sent 10 minutes ago, and receiving error messages that I couldn't join a party.

Another one was the T-Mobile My Faves trophy in Midnight Club: LA. This one has a special place in my heart. Basically for this trophy, you need to play a session along with five friends in the same session. I only had one or two boosting partner on at that time, and we both decided to join a game of randoms. We would then try to friend the necessary number of randoms in the session. What happened after was pretty funny (or not). I dont know about my boosting partners but I had managed to get four "friends" in the session and I needed only one more. I send this random a friend request and wait but then one of my friended randoms got bored and left. A few minutes later, the guy I just sent a friend request accepts. So, I try to add another guy but then another "friend" leaves. Rinse and repeat for the next hour or so. Luckily, I did manage to get it though in that same session.

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I thought I didn't have one, but then I quickly remembered one almost three years ago while trying to boost trophies for Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z. Anyone who has a platinum knows how frustrating the team trophies are in that game. For those who don't know, There are online trophies where you have to win a match using different characters in 5 certain categories. Those categories were Z Fighters, Saiyans, Frieza's Army, Androids and the various forms of Goku. Three days after the game had launch, I was playing online. I wanted to get good at it because I wanted to earn 100 wins as fast as I possibly could. On that fateful day of online play I caught a lucky break without realizing it.


The lobby was nearly full with 7 players (4 on my team and 3 on the other) and I quickly picked SSJ Goku since that was the strongest character I had. Then another person picks SSJGod Goku, "That's cool," was the only thought that went through my head and the other two pick SSJ3 Goku. I crossed my fingers hoping that one of them would switch Gokus but didn't expect it since not everyone trophy hunts. Turns out that one of them got the same idea I had and quickly switched their Goku to his SSJ2 form before the battle started. The other players felt really bad because the strongest on their team was only my level at SSJ Goku; the other two were Piccolo (who left) and Kid Gohan. They ended up with two CPUs, which really suck at this game, and needless to say we won very easily.


This is where I got the information for the trophy guide I wrote that three of the trophies stack because all forms of Goku also count as Z Fighters and Saiyans so those three team trophies popped at the same time for me. I thought it was great; that was three of the five team trophies out of the way and I used little effort. All I had to do was convince players to select Androids or members of Frieza's Army. That idea sounded a lot easier in my head. Since I was shy and not everyone who played the game spoke English, I ended up using the quick chat for "I want to do the Android/Frieza Saga!" in hopes that I could convince players to select the right characters. After a long week of no results, I found a boosting session on here trying for all the team trophies. I quickly joined and it filled up to 8 players. I thought I was home free but then real life wanted to slap me at the worst time for me, the day the boosting session actually happened. I was 16 at the time, a sophomore in high school and let's just say I was slacking a lot on my English homework while my older brother was slacking on... everything. Because of how the grades were for both my brother and I, my Dad cut all internet access for everything just hours before I was gonna start boosting. I begged him to put it back online and this is how it went down:


Me: Why is the internet down?

Dad: I did that. You're slacking in English and your brother is doing really bad with all his grades.

Me: Can you bring it back online?

Dad: No.

Me: Just for a couple of hours, please?

Dad: Why?


It was at this point I knew to give up. How was I going to explain trophies to him when he still calls my Vita a GameBoy? I silently left the room and I had no method to contact the others that I couldn't show up. I felt bad; I was going to look like a no show for these guys when it wasn't really my fault to being with. It only took a week for my dad to boot the internet back up and with no boosting sessions available I went back to my old ways of doing it. It took days of just trying to convince people to pick the right characters and win a match. I found one guy who caught onto what I was doing and we got into a lobby together and hoped to god people would catch on. He almost called it quits when I found a lobby with three people with their mics on. "Do you like trophies?" one of them said. Normally I have my mic disabled but I didn't hesitate to turn it on so I could tell them I was interested. I invited the guy I had met earlier so we had a group of five aiming to get the trophies.


Here's where it gets fun. With Battle of Z, when you invite a player to the lobby they can be on the other team depending on how many people are in the game. So we made a lobby with fixed player slots and had to time our invitations nearly perfect so that when someone else joined the game, we ended up on the same team. It was a grueling process just to set it up and with 5 people, Someone had to deal with it and sit on the other team. Then when we got our trophies, we had to go through said grueling process again and get them the trophy. It was definitely the most frustrating time I have had with boosting.

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Im sure we've all had a bad experience boosting a trophy. Without naming anyone, mine occurred while boosting the Date Night trophy in Call of Duty Black Ops. The boost actually went well and the trophy was actually really simple. After we both got the trophy, my partner asked if I wanted to boost some of the zombie trophies. I said yes and he replied with, "ok message me in a few days when you've figured them out", then immediately logged off. Basically figured he was gonna go on his way and come back and have me carry him to some trophies. Suffice it to say, I never bothered to "figure them out". Other experiences include needing a group of 4 to play 5 coop missions together in one session (Dying Light) and having someone get impatient and quit right before we turned in the fifth mission nullifying and resetting our progress.

This is the only reason why I didn't get a platinum in Dying Light. :D

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