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Mediocre Games


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We all know underated and overated games, but what about games that are medicre.

You know, just games that are 'meh' there not bad, but not good either.


Just post some games that in your mind are just "ok" like their just made with minimum effort, and explain why you think they are. I'll start of with my top ten.



10.Time shift: Might be one of my favorite and most nostalgic games on this list, but man this game played it too safe, and it did it stole alot of ideas from Half-life 2




9.Dark Sector: All I remember about this game, was that the main protagonist was voice by Micheal Rosenbaum (he played Lex Luthor in Smallville). But hey, at least it gave us WarFrame.



8.Dark Void: YEAH JETPACKS! and that's about it.



7.Remember me: What an ironic name, because I certainly don't remember much about this game. At least Dontnod studio have redeem themselves with Life is Strange.



6.Homefront: This game was so mediocre, it actually got a sequel, that was also mediocre. Also R.I.P THQ



5.Rage: This game might have been more successful, it it wasn't for its glitches and awful ending. Now its hard to believe it was made by the same guys who just recently did DOOM 4.



4.Singularity: This is basiclly a mash up of the setting of Dark Sector and the time mechanic of Timeshift.



3.Enemy Front: Oh another WW2 shooter, how original, yeah this game didn't stood a chance against COD or even Sniper Elite 3



2.Turning Point: Fall of Liberty: A discount version of Wolfenstein the New Order



1.Legendary: This game is so forgettable, that I've only recall seening it two times in my life. The best way I can describe it, it is a weird mash up of the FPS gameplay of any generic shooter, but your fighting monsters from the God of War saga.




Again these games aren't terrible, they just not worth your time.

Edited by Pershing24
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Maybe I was just lucky but my copy of Rage had absolutely no glitches. However you are right about the shit ending.


Kane and Lynch 2 is the perfect example of a mediocre game for me. I would elaborate but unfortunately I've forgotten almost everything about the game other than me being underwhelmed while playing it

Edited by BhekifaZ
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Destiny -Oh, if there was a perfect example of a meh game, it's this. It is a pretty polished shooter (plays very well and never experienced any major glitches), and it's a good time killer with friends. HOWEVER, the game was repetitive af and the story mode is utter crap. Bungie has done a lot to make this game "better", but at the expense of one's own wallet for the most part.. sorry,. you already lost me before the updates and new DLC. I've already moved on to better games. Like I said, not a terrible game, but it couldn't even light a candle to the best FPSs available.

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Mine is going to be a very unpopular answer and some people might think it's a "troll answer" but I assure you, it's not. I honestly think this.

Last of Us - The gameplay was just horrible, how they screwed up the shooting mechanics so badly when they got it so right in Uncharted is beyond me. The story was the only saving grace. It was worth a playthrough, nothing more. Extremely mediocre. Normally I don't even care about story but I was thanking god that it was there after dropping 60$ on the game.

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Dante's Inferno is for me a very good example of a high budget "meh" game.  You have a lot of technically interesting stuff like a cool setting, lore and plot, GOWar combat mechanics, RPG elements, but for me, everything seemed glued up together badly.  It's devoid of any personality and quite forgettable for a game taking place IN HELL.

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Murdered Soul Suspect and Escape Dead Island are two of the meh games I've played on PS. Escape Dead Island probably is a bit closer to being actually bad thanks to how stupid some of it is and the annoying story, but still I don't think I'll remember much of it in a year (or even a month.) Also the Game of Thrones RPG, it has some nice aspects but most of it feels so incredibly dated, especially for a game that came out as recently as 2012.

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Man I remember Turning Point. I'm honestly surprised I remember about it as much as I do, but some of the stuff that happens in it I still remember clearly for some reason. I must have liked it without knowing or something.


Only games I can think of are Clive Barker's Jericho and Haze. Jericho was okay, but the whole idea of your character possessing your squadmates so they could use their own abilities was weird to me. Plus I just remember most fights being big hordes that made the game seem longer than it was. As far as Haze I think I just bought into the whole it being called a Halo-killer at the time and wound up being underwhelmed when I played it, but I guess I thought it was fun in some way since I remember beating it. 

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1. Devil May Cry 2


I don't hate this game as much as most fans do, but I cannot deny that it was a definite disappointment coming off the incredible first entry. Having an entire city to play around in was definitely fun and ambitious, but Capcom's ambition got the best of them, and the rest of the game suffered for it. The combat is still fantastic and fun as ever, but there is a major decrease in difficulty and the art design of the game took a hit. However, the boss fights were creative and the story wasn't that bad.


2. Star Trek: Shattered Universe


While not exactly a terrible Star trek game, this game could have been so much more. It had everything a Star Trek junkie could have wanted: dozens of awesome ships to pilot, freeform space battles with massive areas to fly around in, and interdimensional warfare. However, overly difficult missions, a wonky camera, unclear objectives, poor controls and outdated graphics all made this game a major letdown.


3. Midnight Club: Street Racing


My least favorite in the MC series. If you want to get someone invested in this series, don't introduce them to this game. The controls are horrible and the AI legitimately cheats to win. The car designs are ass to look at and the sound effects are pretty bad. The GBA version was absolute trash as well. The music was okay, and roaming the city was fun, but the actual racing was monotonous and a chore to get through. Midnight Club II and 3 were massive improvements over this one.


4. Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising


This game looked so promising. A truly realistic military shooter with strategy elements on a console? YES! However the execution was terrible. You die way too easily, and aiming is horrible, your AI teammates are stupid as rocks, and the graphics are so muddy it's nearly impossible to see anything. Moving feels sluggish and the controls are unresponsive. The cover looks cool though.


5. Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk


This game was a massive disappointment. The actual flight itself was pretty fun. However, everything else either sucked or was below average. The guns felt like peashooters, aiming was terrible, the sounds effects sounded like they were playing through a low quality speaker, the graphics were outdated for 2006, and the dialogue was atrocious. The game was far too easy at times and at other times the difficulty was completely unfair.


6. Resident Evil Survivor


A light gun game that had no light gun. Slow paced and boring, with poor graphics. 


7. Brink


I wanted to love Brink. The unique art style and the concept of cops and robbers in a futuristic setting immediately stood out to me. However, wonky controls, terrible AI, mediocre music and generic level design tore this game down. Not to mention terrible connection issues, numerous bugs and uneven difficulty made Brink one of the biggest disappointments of the year.


8. Remember Me


Remember Me had a lot going for it, like Brink. However, it too suffered a lot of issues. EXTREMELY uneven difficulty, a lame story, a protagonist with no personality, bugs, and just being a boring game to play. The premise itself was cool, and mindjacking enemies was fun, but getting to that point during combat was a chore, and was enough of a problem that I quit playing the game.


9. Twisted Metal


I was never a huge fan of the Twisted Metal franchise (I enjoyed Black, though), but I had heard pretty good things about the reboot. The controls were weird, the combat was nearly impossible to follow, the difficulty spiked ridiculously and the camera was godawful. I decided to stop playing and just looked the cutscenes up on YouTube.


10. Call of Juarez Gunslinger


Uneven graphics, overly sensitive controls, dumb story, dumb AI, poor level design, ridiculous difficulty, terrible dialogue, long load times and criminal lack of extra content. For everything Gunslinger got right, it took 2 steps backward.



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7.Remember me: What an ironic name, because I certainly don't remember much about this game. At least Dontnod studio have redeem themselves with Life is Strange.




Remember Me is actually one of my favorite games from that era and I've played it a number of times on both PS3 and PC. I'm a massive cyberpunk fan, which is one of the reasons why I enjoy it so much, I guess. To me, the game is mostly about the stellar art direction, design and what I consider to be one of the greatest video game soundtracks of the past decade. The story is decent enough, even though a lot of the characters come off as shallow and some of the writing is a bit cringeworthy at times. It's a shame they decided to go with the "linear 3rd person action game" approach and dilute a potentially great sci-fi adventure with a mediocre combat system. It would've made a great adventure game, like Life Is Strange. Still, I think it's a total hidden gem ;)

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Fallout 4.


It's fresh on my mind because I'm starting up Fallout 3 tomorrow in the hopes of changing this outlook, and because I was at a friend's house the last couple of days and their mom's boyfriend was upstairs playing it like 10 hours straight.


That level of commitment is nuts, and the level of positive responses it gets from EVERYONE don't help my opinion, but I spent a solid 8 or so hours at least in the game and I could not find myself interested for more than the first five minutes with the nuke and vault and kidnapped kid and shit, that was a good enough set up, and then absolutely nothing of interest to me whatsoever happened for the next few hours before I just stopped trying.


Like I said, I'll be giving Fallout 3 a go tomorrow (I played a bit of it and New Vegas in the day but piss all really, just bits and pieces with friends) and I truly do want it to be good (like the Ghostbusters reboot), but I'm going into it tomorrow scared that it will suck ass and bore me (also like the Ghostbusters reboot, please don't be a waste of 8 dollars). 

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Going to go with:

1) just cause2

Had a good gameplay but driving was a nightmare, and the destruction was very limited and the same. Soundtrack was nonexistent or it was repetitive along with dialogue which got annoying.(its just my opinion that I value soundtrack in a game as it increases immersion)


I know a lot of people liked and I liked the story a lot. But holy crap , everything looks dull and grey. I mean I played san Andreas before it so I was expecting heaps of customization and different activities but it just a crime simulator done well, nothing more.

3)black ops1

Another game where people liked it as the best cod but to me it was bland and boring. Maybe it doesn't help that I dislike zombies but then again that's just my opinion about it. I favour mw2 ad 3 more.

4)uncharted 1

Without it we wouldn't have had uc2, a masterpiece but nonetheless it lacked some variety in its set pieces and puzzles. Also the shooting was a little clunky and I'm glad they fixed it in the sequels.

5) last of us

It was goty for a lot of people but I failed to see what was great behind it besides the story. Amazing story but it was great only for one playthrough and that's it .

6) la noire

I was so excited for it and bought the legendary edition but unfortunately it lacked something. The animation was spot on but when you start investigating, it was linear and your boss wanted you to do what he believes should be done so really you have to please him and accuse somebody that the boss wants you to otherwise no 3 stars for you. Also free roaming was empty with tacked on collectables.

For the worst one

7)middle earth(ps3 or x360 version)

The gameplay was great but the awful port just broke it for me. Do not buy it for last gen otherwise you'll experience missing textures, popping textures, frameratesthat hover between 10-15 fps, rarely 20. Yes you read that right.coupled with loading times that are absurd where whenever you exit the menu for sauron's army and the pause menu you have to wait for about 15 secs each time! I know it was my fault for buying it, but at least I'm here to warn you so you won't experience it :)

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Constant walking, repetitive DLC's, not to forget the worst ending in gaming history. 

I disagree, i personally think that it was a good game, especially with the modded weapons and a few pals to have fun. Although I agree with the DLC part, I've so far played 2 and they weren't so good. It wasn't worth a GOTY (although I'm happy with it cause i got the DLC too) but it wasn't by any chance mediocre.

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I disagree, i personally think that it was a good game, especially with the modded weapons and a few pals to have fun. Although I agree with the DLC part, I've so far played 2 and they weren't so good. It wasn't worth a GOTY (although I'm happy with it cause i got the DLC too) but it wasn't by any chance mediocre.


Zombie Island of Dr Ned was decent. But that Moxxie arena is probably the most repetitive thing I've ever done in gaming, I'm so glad BL2 improved on every level.


And if you need mods for a game to be good.. then.. well... what does that say about it?  xD

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Zombie Island of Dr Ned was decent. But that Moxxie arena is probably the most repetitive thing I've ever done in gaming, I'm so glad BL2 improved on every level.


And if you need mods for a game to be good.. then.. well... what does that say about it?  xD

It didn't make it better, it made it more fun. I mean, isn't it more fun to go amok on every guy you see and 1-shot him than playing carefully and strategically? It would be still a good game without modded weapons, but not as much fun as it is with them

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Tons of them. In fact, I would say that the PS3 was a hotbed of mediocrity, if such a thing can exist.

Some I can think of:

- Remember Me (award for most ironical title?)

- Final Fantasy XIII (though not complete crap like its sequels)

- Tons of licensed movie games (though mediocrity was a noticeable improvement compared to past generations)

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9.Dark Sector: All I remember about this game, was that the main protagonist was voice by Micheal Rosenbaum (he played Lex Luthor in Smallville). But hey, at least it gave us WarFrame.



4.Singularity: This is basiclly a mash up of the setting of Dark Sector and the time mechanic of Timeshift.



These games were great and drew me right in. Rage could also be a good game from what I saw. Could be the case there were too many FPS present at the time of release.

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