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My disappointment with the current state of the Industry


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Amazing!  Printing this out and putting it on my wall at work.



I'm just waiting for other industries to do this.  I can hardly wait for car manufacturers to pre-release new models to the public that don't have working seatbelts, airbags, or brakes and if you floor it in 1st gear your transmission explodes.  But hey, I got to drive the car 6 months before most everyone else ;)

The difference here is that with games, that game will be patched for free without any extra effort on the part of the consumer. With a car manufacturer, you have to actually get involved, report the problem, give them your car to get it fixed, probably have to actually pay money unless it's insured or under warranty. Your comparison makes no sense.

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The difference here is that with games, that game will be patched for free without any extra effort on the part of the consumer. With a car manufacturer, you have to actually get involved, report the problem, give them your car to get it fixed, probably have to actually pay money unless it's insured or under warranty. Your comparison makes no sense.


Lmao, alright chief, whatever you say.

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I agree.


Honestly, I would've rather had an increase in prices for games than have stupid stuff like Season Passes and DLC. Then just having that content in the game already. Because DLC has robbed us of unlocking content. It's one of the reasons I even started trophy hunting. There was nothing to unlock anymore.

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Wheee, after reading up to this point i'd like to give my 2 cents :D


I assume the OP says i stop buying day 1 new videogames... because i see no problem in buying new stuff... but half a year after release i pay half or better a third of original price for a new videogame :P:D... and a goty/complete/etc. version sometimes too xD ... sometimes on purpose (L.A. Noire, Deus Ex: HR), sometimes by coincidence (Dirt 3, Batman: Arkham Origins)....


I did like most of DLCs i played so far... especially TLOU Left Behind, ACR: The Lost Archives, AC III Tyranny of G.W., AC IV: Freedom Cry, both Motorstorm RC to name just a few recently...


What i dislike are mp dlc (obvious? :D ) and the shitload of avatars, skins, etc. i see among others in Uncharted 3... when i want to look for the 5 dlcs with trophies they're buried among hundreds of cheap avatars...


But despite this i became such a trophy addict that i buy dlc just to go for 100% in some games... looking at you Assassin's Creed series :P ... and even bought Crysis 3 DLC before i played the game itself... just to encounter later on DAMN mp dlc :facepalm: ... but yay, another 100% in progress :D


What i hate are offers like "you don't have to play this game, just buy everything SINGLEPLAYER progress"... i saw this in Shift 2 at first, but only there... my goal is to race against any AI to see if i'm faster (yes i was ^^) and unlock content, motorupgrades etc. and new cars <3 ... but to pay in advance just to unlock something that is manageble within the game just if you complete the game? Greedy little (or better big) bastards EA :P

Edited by Evil_Joker88
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I still prefer to buy my retail games new but I now very rarely buy them on or anywhere near the initial release date. I purposely wait awhile for the inevitable sale or price drop OR even better...complete edition. Waiting for the release of a complete edition saves so money because you get the full experience at the time of purchase for the base price of the game (foregoing any of the extra dollars that the DLC and expansions originally cost on their own) or potentially less. Also, a lot of those day one bugs are usually patched up by then.


I suppose it pays more to be a gamer that prefers the offline experience over online. I can understand the demand for a day one purchase if you are into MP and want a good amount of other players to participate with. 

Edited by merciful84
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I still prefer to buy my retail games new but I now very rarely buy them on or anywhere near the initial release date. I purposely wait awhile for the inevitable sale or price drop OR even better...complete edition. Waiting for the release of a complete edition saves so money because you get the full experience at the time of purchase for the base price of the game (foregoing any of the extra dollars that the DLC and expansions originally cost on their own) or potentially less. Also, a lot of those day one bugs are usually patched up by then.


I suppose it pays more to be a gamer that prefers the offline experience over online. I can understand the demand for a day one purchase if you are into MP and want a good amount of other players to participate with. 


All great points. I'm an exclusively single-player gamer so I don't really miss sleep over the fact that any one of my game's multiplayer modes is now dead or dying. The only reason I even go in there in the first place is just to get the trophies (if they're even still attainable), but as soon as I do, I just never go back again. Even if I can't get the online trophies anymore (only happened to me once), I'll just pretend they don't exist. I got all trophies for the part of the game I cared about.


Despite the title of the topic, I don't intend to never buy an unused game again - though I did say on the body of the first post that I could also just wait for the price to come down. Maybe a better title would have been "Why I'm never going to pay full price for games again". It's just... with all of these shitty practices, publishers don't really give us an incentive to support them and buy the game at launch. Might as well just do like you said and wait for the price to come down or for the Game of the Year edition to come along. At least that way you'll have the full game but won't have paid more than launch price for it - frequently you actually pay even less.

P.S: Also, there's a new video available for anyone to watch at the end of the first post, in case it wasn't already big enough :P

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  • 1 year later...
17 minutes ago, Spaz said:

Going to bring this topic back up since it was made two years ago, but I feel many of the points here are still relevant.


The AAA industry this generation for me, for the most part, is simply a more polished version of what we got in the PS3/360 generation.


Nothing really new, nothing original, just a bigger sandbox for us to play in with more filler and more DLC. A lot of people bitched and moaned about DLC in the last console generation, today DLC and microtransactions have basically run rampant.


I remember walking into a Best Buy the day LA Noire was released. There was a display near the entrance where they were selling a whole bunch of copies. If I recall correctly Best Buy offered an exclusive deal if you bought from them. Gamestop offered a different exclusive deal if you bought LA Noire over there, so it was simply pick and choose what you wanted. This was the first time I really started noticing that things weren't quite so good in the AAA industry. The PS3 version had 'The Consul's Car' case as DLC, but you couldn't get that on the 360 version unless you bought the Complete Edition. The Complete Edition already had all the DLC and whatnot, making those exclusive deals from Best Buy and Gamestop to be pointless if you just waited.


Apparently EA and Activision took note of those kinds of things and they are shoving them down our throat. I have absolutely no interest in Call of Duty WWII, it's simply another generic Call of Duty game that tries to mix things up by taking the series back to World War II. EA's Star Wars games are just bloated multiplayer games lacking substance and thought. I refuse to buy anything new that has the EA label slapped on the front cover. If anything I'm renting some older games (PS3) from Gamefly with the EA label on them. At least they're not getting my money.


You can save hundreds of dollars if you wait for a GOTY edition to release or wait a couple years for the price to drop for these AAA games. Good strategy. Preorders and exclusive deals just sucker your money.


But of course the dumb masses can't accept this and buy a game on Day One. The band wagon idiots buy into the modern Call of Dutys, the Battlefields, the Battlefronts, play almost exclusively online just to try to show they're a badass at multiplayer, then jump off and find something else to bide their time.


And as much as we bitch on the bullshit DLC content, the microtransactions, the lootboxes, these morons buy all that crap anyway but end up never actually playing that content so they may as well just throw their money into a dumpster. So EA and Activision continue to implement such practices because they know they can sucker jackasses into buying their shit. Why would they put in the time investment and money to actually create an innovative, interesting concept for a new IP when they can just throw in a marketing scam because they know they can make big profits off of it?


The commercialism in AAA games these days just absolutely sickens me. Oh we need 4K graphics. We need a fuck ton of DLC. We need full blown multiplayer for the masses. We need to have Mountain Dew, Doritos and other food companies that make junk food to help us advertise our games so we can grab more people and make more money.


Fuck that noise.


Gaming is not a niche hobby anymore and that statement brings a lot of baggage. I completely agree with you and what always sickens me is just thinking about the type of people that run publishers like EA or Activision. I just imagine fifteen suits in a conference room devising new ways to blatantly exploit anyone dumb enough to buy into their blatant money grabs. The fact of the matter is that for these companies, games are not art. They're just business as usual. 


Fortunately, the past couple of years we've been seeing the beautifully named Japanese Renaissance in the industry. Just last year Japanese devs released Yakuza 0, Persona 5, Nier Automata, Resident Evil 7, Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild just to name the AAAs that were big in America. Hopefully we see this trend continue and they also don't go down this dark path.


I think my biggest gripe is this idea that every game needs to be this giant open world. Everyone wants to be GTA and its so stale at this point

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6 minutes ago, mattveego said:


Gaming is not a niche hobby anymore and that statement brings a lot of baggage. I completely agree with you and what always sickens me is just thinking about the type of people that run publishers like EA or Activision. I just imagine fifteen suits in a conference room devising new ways to blatantly exploit anyone dumb enough to buy into their blatant money grabs. The fact of the matter is that for these companies, games are not art. They're just business as usual. 


Fortunately, the past couple of years we've been seeing the beautifully named Japanese Renaissance in the industry. Just last year Japanese devs released Yakuza 0, Persona 5, Nier Automata, Resident Evil 7, Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild just to name the AAAs that were big in America. Hopefully we see this trend continue and they also don't go down this dark path.


I think my biggest gripe is this idea that every game needs to be this giant open world. Everyone wants to be GTA and its so stale at this point


You deserve way more than just one like, but sadly, that's all I can give.


I'm also of the opinion that Japanese developers are way less guilty of all the bullshit AAA publishers in the West are trying to pull. You can still see the passion, the creativity and the will to innovate over there.


That said... it's not like I'm completely unwary. Some Japanese publishers are taking the wrong lessons from their Western counterparts. Bandai Namco has been using and abusing Season Passes and DLC (the latest Dragon Ball FighterZ had a 35$ Season Pass!). Some developers have also been carving away a lot of content that used to be unlockable in-game to sell it to us later as DLC. Much as I love their games to death, the most recent Persona games from Atlus are guilty of this. All of their latest games have had a lot of DLC. Persona Q for the 3DS didn't have all that much (by comparison), but P4 Dancing All Night had a lot, and P4 Arena Ultimax and Persona 5 both had more than 20 individual packs - and all of them extremely pricey. Now we've also got Arc System Works trying to sell us BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle with half the roster as DLC. And the worst part of it is... the characters are already done, they're just importing them from their previous games! And yet, not only are they asking us to pay a separate fee for half of the bloody roster and for characters that have already been made, they're also announcing those characters as DLC 6 months in advance of the game's release with videos already fully displaying those characters in action, further driving home the point that they're already completely done.


I sometimes see people - for no bloody reason that I can think of - try to defend game publishers' insultingly greedy measures, generally with the excuse that "games are too expensive to make! They need to do this to break even!". I would really like to see them try that one again with this specific case.


I mean... it's definitely better over on the Japanese side of things... but I'm not so sure it will stay that way for very long.


Let's just hope it will.

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1 hour ago, Spaz said:

Going to bring this topic back up since it was made two years ago, but I feel many of the points here are still relevant.


The AAA industry this generation for me, for the most part, is simply a more polished version of what we got in the PS3/360 generation.


Nothing really new, nothing original, just a bigger sandbox for us to play in with more filler and more DLC. A lot of people bitched and moaned about DLC in the last console generation, today DLC and microtransactions have basically run rampant.


I remember walking into a Best Buy the day LA Noire was released. There was a display near the entrance where they were selling a whole bunch of copies. If I recall correctly Best Buy offered an exclusive deal if you bought from them. Gamestop offered a different exclusive deal if you bought LA Noire over there, so it was simply pick and choose what you wanted. This was the first time I really started noticing that things weren't quite so good in the AAA industry. The PS3 version had 'The Consul's Car' case as DLC, but you couldn't get that on the 360 version unless you bought the Complete Edition. The Complete Edition already had all the DLC and whatnot, making those exclusive deals from Best Buy and Gamestop to be pointless if you just waited.


Apparently EA and Activision took note of those kinds of things and they are shoving them down our throat. I have absolutely no interest in Call of Duty WWII, it's simply another generic Call of Duty game that tries to mix things up by taking the series back to World War II. EA's Star Wars games are just bloated multiplayer games lacking substance and thought. I refuse to buy anything new that has the EA label slapped on the front cover. If anything I'm renting some older games (PS3) from Gamefly with the EA label on them. At least they're not getting my money.


You can save hundreds of dollars if you wait for a GOTY edition to release or wait a couple years for the price to drop for these AAA games. Good strategy. Preorders and exclusive deals just sucker your money.


But of course the dumb masses can't accept this and buy a game on Day One. The band wagon idiots buy into the modern Call of Dutys, the Battlefields, the Battlefronts, play almost exclusively online just to try to show they're a badass at multiplayer, then jump off and find something else to bide their time.


And as much as we bitch on the bullshit DLC content, the microtransactions, the lootboxes, these morons buy all that crap anyway but end up never actually playing that content so they may as well just throw their money into a dumpster. So EA and Activision continue to implement such practices because they know they can sucker jackasses into buying their shit. Why would they put in the time investment and money to actually create an innovative, interesting concept for a new IP when they can just throw in a marketing scam because they know they can make big profits off of it?


The commercialism in AAA games these days just absolutely sickens me. Oh we need 4K graphics. We need a fuck ton of DLC. We need full blown multiplayer for the masses. We need to have Mountain Dew, Doritos and other food companies that make junk food to help us advertise our games so we can grab more people and make more money.


Fuck that noise.

i agree man, i screenshotted mc donalds being advertised on my ps4. ps3 store was completely ruined for the fact they changed the gui to gear more towards a flashy advertising making the store bog out when you actually try to browse games. unfortunately this is the new era and its never going to be what it once was. im 36 and i see the change in everything phones and internet. the internet alone use to be so much fun when all we had was just aol or yahoo and we were forced to talk to people all over the country not knowing what they even looked like instead of people posting food pics all over fb for likes. i cant adjust to anything, i cant enjoy anything now because i enjoyed things the way they use to be when a gaming console was made just for gaming. i guess im just one of those old people who have to die off and let younger people enjoy whatever is new. battllefield use to be its own unique game to be fair, they were the total opposite of call of duty and had a smaller fan base but a dedicated fan base. it use to be a game of people who saw every girl in the world who thought she was a "gamer" only played one game, call of duty. and then bad company2 came out and the entire system copied call of duty the only difference is it had vehicles and bigger maps. i remember when battlefield you needed some real skill because one bullet wouldnt kill someone. you needed aim. now its just die spawn die spawn die spawn. some of the old battlefield games i played i was so good i would go 110-3 in k/d matches because i had practiced so much i was unstoppable. now its "whoever sees who first by luck" mostly. for a while the gamers stood up against these big companies enough to force them to change. alot of gamers dont realize we dont need them, they need us. we could demand to not pay for dlc if none of us bought any of it for a year they would stop. at one point everyone was on the same board, but theres always people with more money then others who are like eh if i can afford it then who cares. personally i wait for flash sales now and buy digital just to avoid gamestop for the tons of years i had to deal with them trying to force sales on me. i recently just cashed out my 30k points i had saved from the past i dunno 8 years from gamestop because i dont plan on buying a new game there anymore. i found a small little used game store that offers disc games for half the price gamestop does so if i want disc i buy in bulk there. i never buy anything new anymore. hell im even mad that my ps4 doesnt have a power off switch in the back like the ps3 phats did. or that they took the rca multi connection out and i cant hook up my surround sound up to it. but i guess thats my punishment for taking care of old stuff, having old stuff, and being old. time passes me up

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1 hour ago, Spaz said:

I remember walking into a Best Buy the day LA Noire was released. There was a display near the entrance where they were selling a whole bunch of copies. If I recall correctly Best Buy offered an exclusive deal if you bought from them. Gamestop offered a different exclusive deal if you bought LA Noire over there, so it was simply pick and choose what you wanted. This was the first time I really started noticing that things weren't quite so good in the AAA industry. The PS3 version had 'The Consul's Car' case as DLC, but you couldn't get that on the 360 version unless you bought the Complete Edition. The Complete Edition already had all the DLC and whatnot, making those exclusive deals from Best Buy and Gamestop to be pointless if you just waited.


Apparently EA and Activision took note of those kinds of things and they are shoving them down our throat. I have absolutely no interest in Call of Duty WWII, it's simply another generic Call of Duty game that tries to mix things up by taking the series back to World War II. EA's Star Wars games are just bloated multiplayer games lacking substance and thought. I refuse to buy anything new that has the EA label slapped on the front cover. If anything I'm renting some older games (PS3) from Gamefly with the EA label on them. At least they're not getting my money.


You can save hundreds of dollars if you wait for a GOTY edition to release or wait a couple years for the price to drop for these AAA games. Good strategy. Preorders and exclusive deals just sucker your money.


But of course the dumb masses can't accept this and buy a game on Day One. The band wagon idiots buy into the modern Call of Dutys, the Battlefields, the Battlefronts, play almost exclusively online just to try to show they're a badass at multiplayer, then jump off and find something else to bide their time.

Yeah, I cannot justify buying a game Day 1 anymore since it will go on sale soon after. I think the funniest is the OCt/NOV releases as everyone knows those games will be on sale on Black Friday...so just wait a month.


Also this has happened twice for me now. I waited to buy Bioshock Infinite and then it went free on PLUS. I was then able to pick up the season pass for 20$ and get all the DLC so it was like buying the GOTY for 20$. I recently did that again with Just Cause 3. I don't mind buying those season passes because I got the main game free so at least this way I am giving some money to the developers.



As for your multiple stores getting different DLC the funniest one to me was Modnation Racers. I was working for Playstation then so it was my job to hype up all these exclusive characters you can get preordering at certain stores (I still have my EB Games/Kratos shirt). Then when that game came out (little did we know) you can just upload your creations so on day 1 all the exclusive dlc was uploaded to the game and everyone could download it for free whether you preordered or not :P 

On 7/27/2016 at 2:18 PM, Evil_Joker88 said:

What i dislike are mp dlc (obvious? :D ) and the shitload of avatars, skins, etc. i see among others in Uncharted 3... when i want to look for the 5 dlcs with trophies they're buried among hundreds of cheap avatars...

That is because the store is shit :( Seriously why should I have to scroll past (literally) dozens of avatars to download a new game. 


At least the PS4 fixed it a bit but man it sucks. 


What is worse is on the Vita where it shows games that you have purchased for the PS3...but aren't playable on the Vita. WHY SHOW THEM THEN.


OK rant about the store is over :P

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I'm just going to approach the DLC portion of the rant.  I like DLC.  I like it when they add it in to keep my interest.  If they add DLC that warrants a few coin, so be it, I'll probably pick it up. There is nothing wrong with it as I often lose interest in a game just to be brought back when something new is added.  


My gripe is with the whole season pass idea everyone is running with.  For $15 US, just let me buy all of the DLC and enjoy it.  Don't require me to P2P and then take it away from me when my monthly pass expires.  That pisses me off.

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4 hours ago, Lorajet said:

I'm just going to approach the DLC portion of the rant.  I like DLC.  I like it when they add it in to keep my interest.  If they add DLC that warrants a few coin, so be it, I'll probably pick it up. There is nothing wrong with it as I often lose interest in a game just to be brought back when something new is added.  


My gripe is with the whole season pass idea everyone is running with.  For $15 US, just let me buy all of the DLC and enjoy it.  Don't require me to P2P and then take it away from me when my monthly pass expires.  That pisses me off.


You still have to pay $50 for the Fallout 4 Season Pass on the store. Complete ripoff. I caved in however and bought it at half price in a sale a couple months ago or so.


Then there's crap like DOOM where you initially had to pay a lot for the Season Pass. Turns out almost all the content is exclusively multiplayer, and oh wait, we're just going to give it all for free provided you wait long enough. For all the people who bought the Season Pass, I'm sorry for your loss.

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On 7/24/2016 at 11:46 AM, jrdemr said:

The thing is, back in the day, we could buy a game and rest easy, knowing that everything we could possibly need was right there on the disc. But now... it's getting harder and harder to enjoy the brand new game you just bought when developers keep trying to force feed you Season Passes and DLC for almost every single game. Or worse yet, pre-order bonuses, the industry's most blatant attempt at fighting the used game market,


Just about every AAA these days comes with it's own DLC and Season Pass offer. It's no longer the exception like it was at the start of the 360/PS3 generation when only a couple of games would get a small DLC, because frankly most games back in 2006 - 2008 still had everything on the actual physical disc.


Today you can guarantee that any AAA game that had a multi million dollar budget is going to have DLC, an expensive Season Pass, and fluff thrown on top of it to appease the spending consumers. Wolfenstein II, Middle Earth: Shadow of War and Assassins Creed Origins all have DLC that was developed and intended WELL BEFORE the games were even released. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if the developers were already making the DLC when they announced the release dates for said games.


Unfortunately I can likely see the new God of War, part of my favorite series on Playstation, having DLC too. A couple story based DLCs where Kratos or another character explore the new world they set foot upon just to flesh out the story a little, rather than add that story to the base game.


I'm already starting to miss the entire 'buy a game, get the entirely of it' thing like we had a decade ago.



Edited by Spaz
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8 minutes ago, Spaz said:


Just about every AAA these days comes with it's own DLC and Season Pass offer. It's no longer the exception like it was at the start of the 360/PS3 generation when only a couple of games would get a small DLC, because frankly most games back in 2006 - 2008 still had everything on the actual physical disc.


Today you can guarantee that any AAA game that had a multi million dollar budget is going to have DLC, an expensive Season Pass, and fluff thrown on top of it to appease the spending consumers. Wolfenstein II, Middle Earth: Shadow of War and Assassins Creed Origins all have DLC that was developed and intended WELL BEFORE the games were even released. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if the developers were already making the DLC when they announced the release dates for said games.


Unfortunately I can likely see the new God of War, part of my favorite series on Playstation, having DLC too. A couple story based DLCs where Kratos or another character explore the new world they set foot upon just to flesh out the story a little, rather than add that story to the base game.


I'm already starting to miss the entire 'buy a game, get the entirely of it' thing like we had a decade ago.



We need a 2nd video game crash to end this bullshit lmao

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13 hours ago, Lorajet said:

I'm just going to approach the DLC portion of the rant.  I like DLC.  I like it when they add it in to keep my interest.  If they add DLC that warrants a few coin, so be it, I'll probably pick it up. There is nothing wrong with it as I often lose interest in a game just to be brought back when something new is added.  


My gripe is with the whole season pass idea everyone is running with.  For $15 US, just let me buy all of the DLC and enjoy it.  Don't require me to P2P and then take it away from me when my monthly pass expires.  That pisses me off.

I like DLC too, bringing me back to a game i like (example: Horizon Zero Dawn) is a nice change of pace. i too lose interest in games, certainly after i beat them. and going for platinum can take alot out of the game for me. not all DLC is bad, sure gaming is in a state we dont like, but there's plenty of good things too about modern gaming.

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16 hours ago, Spaz said:

But of course the dumb masses can't accept this and buy a game on Day One. The band wagon idiots buy into the modern Call of Dutys, the Battlefields, the Battlefronts, play almost exclusively online just to try to show they're a badass at multiplayer, then jump off and find something else to bide their time.


And what is wrong with this?  I’ve bought CoDWWII, Destiny 2, and Monster Hunter World on day one.  Do I need a reason?  No. A lot of us though like playing a new game with our friends when it comes out.  I get you may not enjoy online games but a lot of us do.

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This reminds me as I'm playing Watchdogs and I have the collector's edition, which version you ask? I'm not entirely sure, I'll have to look at the spreadsheet.


Jim Sterling made a video about this awhile back.



Ubisoft now has a nasty habit of releasing three versions of a new game. Standard, Deluxe and Golden editions, does it work? Not really, still pretty anti-consumer considering only the golden edition has the season pass, and its over 100 CAN$ depending on the game.

Edited by Pershing24
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If you are so disappointed.gif with the the industry...


Excuse me for a sec,


Buying some loot boxes so I can get the new Mercy skin while i eat some caviar and sip some tears in my Fabergé glass, pinky up of course...



If you are so disappointed.gif ...


Why not make a petition?



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1 hour ago, Pershing24 said:

Ubisoft now has a nasty habit of releasing three versions of a new game. Standard, Deluxe and Golden editions, does it work? Not really, still pretty anti-consumer considering only the golden edition has the season pass, and its over 100$ - 129$ depending on the game.


That’s pretty bullshit. You’re paying far above the normal $60 fee for most mainstream AAA games. 


Assassins Creed Syndicate has the one DLC but the Gold Edition of that game was fetching a pretty high price in October 2015. I foolishly bought that version of the game only to realize I could of saved myself a lot of money if I waited a few months down the road to buy the story DLC. 


Most of Ubisoft’s games have a Gold and Deluxe Edition now. Far Cry 5 already has a Season Pass and I already know you’re going to be paying a lot for the Gold Edition. 


So what exactly is the point on getting the Deluxe Edition?


Sad to know a lot of AAA games don’t impress me all that much anymore, but an indie/retro style game manages to keep me excited and eager for more. 


I don’t know. Maybe it’s the industry catering to the teens and young 18 - 20 some year olds, while people like me who have invested thousands of hours and dollars into gaming for over 20 - 25 years are being pushed aside. 

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I really don't see a problem with DLC / Season Passes. If the base game is worth its price, then it's worth its price. If the DLC is a worthwhile experience, I'll buy it. Otherwise, I won't. More often than not, I'll just skip a game's DLC because I'd rather move on to the next game and start working on its plat / completing it than loading up with extra content. Not to mention that if you wait a year or two (which is honestly a good idea anyway, because 60$ is way too much to pay for a game) there's usually a GOTY selling for 40$.


That being said, microtransactions are a plague. They're excusable enough in free to play games, but I start to get wary when every other game is forcing loot boxes down your throat. I avoid EA in particular because of their shitty grind walls. The two current EA games I've played (Garden Warfare 2 and Mass Effect Andromeda) both use ridiculous RNG loot packs which take forever to grind.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/5/2018 at 3:34 AM, regularegg said:

I really don't see a problem with DLC / Season Passes. If the base game is worth its price, then it's worth its price. If the DLC is a worthwhile experience, I'll buy it. Otherwise, I won't. More often than not, I'll just skip a game's DLC because I'd rather move on to the next game and start working on its plat / completing it than loading up with extra content. Not to mention that if you wait a year or two (which is honestly a good idea anyway, because 60$ is way too much to pay for a game) there's usually a GOTY selling for 40$.


That being said, microtransactions are a plague. They're excusable enough in free to play games, but I start to get wary when every other game is forcing loot boxes down your throat. I avoid EA in particular because of their shitty grind walls. The two current EA games I've played (Garden Warfare 2 and Mass Effect Andromeda) both use ridiculous RNG loot packs which take forever to grind.


There's more of an incentive to release AAA games with DLC rather than release AAA games that have no DLC at all. Many major releases these days come with some form of DLC you have to pay money for. At the start of the 360/PS3 generation there was barely any DLC at all. That didn't start taking off until around 2009 - 2011.


I can understand someone skipping DLC if they feel it isn't worth their time. Not every DLC pack out there is good.


I used to play a lot of free to play games on my iPhone 4. Got suckered into buying a few microtransactions for games like Bejeweled. There was a city game I got that was fun to play on it's own, but in order to get access to the premium content you had to pay a lot of money. Granted, it was free to download, and for most people that was good enough, but the game developers knew there would be at least a couple people who would buy into the microtransactions.


The AAA companies soon realized this and started implementing their own microtransactions. Now they have run rampant. Maybe that's why I enjoy AAA games on the PS3 as a whole a lot more than I enjoy AAA games on the PS4.


EA has been shit since the early 2000s. I don't expect them to ever change their ways on making money.

Edited by Spaz
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