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What movies' have you cried at?


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Don't think I have cried in any movies, honestly.

I remember in first year of university, I had a bunch of people over to watch Armageddon. Everyone was bawling by the end... except me.

Kevin you're so manly. You should watch Twilight, it will bring tears to your eyes.... ;_; SHO EMOSHONEL

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Oh plenty. I'm a very sensitive person.

Hachi: A Dogs Tale (the ending)

Watership Down (Bright Eyes, the ending)

Titanic (The death)

Pokemon the Movie 1, 4, and 5 (deaths)

The Land Before Time (the whole thing)

The Lion King (need I say?)

The Sixth Sense (Cole reveals his secret to his mum)

Signs (flashbacks of wifes death)

to name but a few.

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I don'r cry too much with movies because 90% of the movies I watch are horror and gore ones. Yeah I'm a big fan of gore movies with torture scenes and mutilations.

Some movies I remember I've shed some tears:

The Crucible


Postman to Heaven

Memories of Matsuko

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Donnie Darko? At the end I just sat there confused for a while, but not crying. O.o

I don't bawl my eyes out like a woman watching her fav soap opera or something. I cry silently in the dark with a trembling chin :( I didn't cry at the end. IIRC the most messed up part was when his friend gets ran over with the car... some other parts were messed up too, but I haven't seen the movie in years and I don't remember.

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Possible spoilers ahead:

- I remember crying at the end of Terminator 2 when I was a kid. I must've been about 8 or 9. And even today it's sad to see the T-800 go, Cameron and Arnie really make you fall in love with this machine.

- A number of scenes in Forrest Gump still bring tears to my eyes, like the one where he finds out he's a father. Hanks' performance is particularly heartbreaking in that scene.

- Spielberg's A.I. made me tear up quite a few times a couple years ago. I'm one of those people who really like the movie and its sentimental/poetic ending.

- Grave of the Fireflies - probably the saddest film I've ever seen. It's brilliant, but too painful to watch very often.

- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - the scene where Benjamin carries his dying father, whom he barely knows, to the lake to watch the sun rise. 'Nuff said.

- The Passion of the Christ - the scene where Jesus falls under the weight of the cross and his mother runs to help him. I'm not religious, but what works for me every time is how they chose to portray these two characters as just mother and son.

- Braveheart - I always liked the scene that takes place at Wallace's wife's burial, where he kneels before his father-in-law, knowing that he blames him for her death, and the father pauses and slowly puts his hand on Wallace's head, silently forgiving him.

- I also randomly get pretty emotional watching Terrence Malick's films, like The Thin Red Line or The New World, but I have to be in the right mood. It's not even particular scenes, just the flow and mood that keeps building up, and the combination of visuals and narration. It's hard to explain the appeal of his films, but they're oddly personal and I always watch them alone.

I'm sure there's a lot more, but this is it for now :)

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Pokémon: The First Movie

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmerron[?]

I have a really bad memory, and I'm not just saying that, It's so bad I think I might have a case of Alzheimer's. So, there would be hundreds, yet I can only think of two. I may edit the post, or re-post some more.

Oh, Just remembered one more...

The Bucket List

EDIT: I knew another one would hit me!

“Red Dog” I went into expecting very little, like all things Australian, I expected it to be complete crap. - I loved the movie, and cried my eyes out, like, loud sobbing, that's the most I've ever cried, and I truly recommend watching.

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