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What if EA owned the industry?


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So we all know that EA loves to gobble up other studios. This in turn makes EA bigger with each studio it consumes. So lets talk hypothetical a minute and lets say EA becomes so large, It ends up owning the market. This would mean the EA would also consume big studios like Naughty Dog, Capcom, 2k, Netherealm, etc. What if EA bought out all its competition? No more Blizzard, No more Bethesda, No more techland or treyarch. In this scenario. EA pumps out its sports games and microtransaction filled games. How do you guys think you would take it? would you still game on? retire? What do you think would happen to EA? would the flourish? go bust? 

I mean its no secret that EA isn't really liked. We all know they got a rep, but I thought this be a fun little what if scenario.

Edited by Stargazer2600
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Well, I wouldn't be buying AAA games anymore, that's for sure. You mentioned EA buying all the big companies, but one would assume indie games would still exist, so I'd just be buying those instead. I can't imagine they would have interest in buying Japanese developers either, so you know what? I think I'd be juuuust fine. :P If the worst came to the worst and EA somehow had control of every future game release, I would just peace out and play retro games instead. I'm not giving them any of my money! :devil:

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What if Disney gobble up EA after that hypothetical scenario? xD


Well, replying to the question, if they would release games based on microtransactions and boxes, I definitely wouldn't buy stuff that would not be necessary if you can get it just grinding in games. If that isn't possible, I wouldn't buy any game tho.

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If EA owned everything, and I mean 100% of everything in the industry, shit would probably be fine.


It's like the Empire in Star Wars. Sure they took shit over through some bullshit methods, but while they were in charge of everything, shit advanced really well. There was a militarized police force made up to deal with dissidents and bounty hunters and shit, there was rapid expansion in the development of star fighters and shit, they provided protection and security to outer rim territories like Tatooine and the sort where the previous establishment wouldn't even set foot. A lot of people hated the Empire, sure, but on the whole, it was probably better, at least for the majority, while the Empire was in charge.


EA would be the same. They would take over the industry using some bullshit underhanded tactics, but then when there's no competition or challenger to the throne, they would no longer need dodgy methods and tactics. They own everyone, everything everyone makes ends up funneling money into EA and there's no competition, it would at this point hopefully be when EA decides to kick back on their chair and just let people make the games they want, how they want, without forcing any bullshit into them, because there's no Rebel Alliance to oppose them yet, kinda like how the Empire got lazy and / or stupid and didn't properly protect the Death Star* in the original one. 


*I choose to ignore Rogue One for the most part, not a bad movie, but a Kyle Katarn movie would have been better. And even if you follow the movie, I mean, for fuck's sake, the guy was going against the Empire, you're telling me they didn't have a whole fucking team comb through his every move to check if he left a back door open for someone? Nope, still gonna call lazy and or stupid on the Empire for that one, so the point stands.


Anyway, if EA ran the entire industry, odds are they'd just sit back and let the money come in, and not be breathing down developers' necks, if EA had it's way, EA wouldn't destroy the industry, the industry would enter a utopian golden age where there's no publisher deadlines, no minimum sales figures, nothing but good games from people who want to make them, how they want to make them.


Now if you asked what would happen if someone like Warner Brothers or Sony ran the entire industry, companies with interests in other things outside of games, you might have a different situation, but for EA, they would either sit tight with their monopoly, or end up expanding into other shit and take them all over too, not unlike Disney. EA is like Disney in terms of business actually, except EA has a nice back catalogue, damn near everything I've seen from Disney that dropped before Toy Story 1 is just ugh, and most of the stuff after Toy Story 1 is also pretty ugh. Basically, EA is better than Disney, that's what this was about, right?

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I would scream, and hope that if I continued screaming the nightmare would end.


3 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

If EA owned everything, and I mean 100% of everything in the industry, shit would probably be fine.


EA would be the same. They would take over the industry using some bullshit underhanded tactics, but then when there's no competition or challenger to the throne, they would no longer need dodgy methods and tactics. They own everyone, everything everyone makes ends up funneling money into EA and there's no competition, it would at this point hopefully be when EA decides to kick back on their chair and just let people make the games they want, how they want, without forcing any bullshit into them, because there's no Rebel Alliance to oppose them yet, kinda like how the Empire got lazy and / or stupid and didn't properly protect the Death Star* in the original one. 


Anyway, if EA ran the entire industry, odds are they'd just sit back and let the money come in, and not be breathing down developers' necks, if EA had it's way, EA wouldn't destroy the industry, the industry would enter a utopian golden age where there's no publisher deadlines, no minimum sales figures, nothing but good games from people who want to make them, how they want to make them.


I'm going to have to disagree with the idea that if EA had full control they would have no reason to use their underhanded means, let alone bringing in some kind of golden age. If anything, it would enable them to keep doing it and get away with far more than what they do now. I can imagine them charging for tutorials or individual levels/chapters, and that would still not cover alternate costumes and other DLC. Meanwhile they would still charge $60 along with Season Pass and lootboxes. Just because they have full control doesn't mean they can or will stop because as the phrase goes, "absolute power corrupts absolutely." As far as the whole golden age thing, I seriously doubt it would suddenly bring in "good games" since without competition they wouldn't be obligated to make anything good as long as it sold well since they can always just say "Who else are you going to get games from?" if anyone says they don't like it.

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14 hours ago, Parker said:

I'd do what I do now, judge each game on its own merit and purchase the games that I feel I would enjoy. 




This is the most logical and rational choice.  EA has published some amazing games.  Some of them are awful.  It just depends on the game.

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Pretty much the same as it is now.


A few quality games would placate the average gamer, who will make excuses for their shady practices, underhanded dealing and constant buying and selling of other studios, as well as many other concerns thrown at the them by outsiders until it personally effects them.

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