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The Last Movie You Saw?


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"A Monster Calls is an emotional kick in the groin with a lot of character as it blend fantasy with reality. While being visually stunning it deals with an adult coming-of-age theme and provokes thought on the matter of personal loss and recovery. The emotional kick is elevated by the outstanding perfomance of the young Lewis MacDougall as he carries the film with ease. A masterpiece in terms of theme, lead performance and visuals." - 83

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"This is a quirky fantasy film with a lot of personality and a solid performance by Jim Carrey in his recognizable humourus style. While the film does suffer a bit from a rushed pace, which is the bane of most films based on a book, it is a fun ride through a well-build steampunk world. I find this film a very pleasant experience and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a bit of peculiar fantasy." - 77

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Or better known by its English name, The Hunt.

Initially I was interested in this movie because Mads Mikkelsen was starting. Absolutely amazing actor who i'v come to love after binging on Hannibal the TV series [fantastic series by the way, watch it if you haven't] and it was recommended to me by a crafty website called Taste. Basically you rate a bunch of movies and it recommends stuff based on what you like, dislike etc and it allows you to attribute certain things to a movie [is it dark? light? slow? fast? the kind of movie you watch alone, with family or friends?] and 140 character notes on what you watch and rate.


This was the first movie i'v watched through it, and it did not disappoint. It's a foreign language film so I had to rely on subtitles but the acting is just aces from everyone, even the kids and Mads absolutely does not disappoint. The movie tackles false accusations of abuse, the dangers of mob mentality and how simple lies can tear people apart, even those that perpetuate it. It's a very emotional ride, seeing this one man gradually losing everything he owned in a matter of days; and it ends on a bitter but ultimately fitting note.


The cinematography is simplistic in its approach which suited this movie; you're not looking at arty camera work here which suited the grounded approach they were trying to take, save for one or two beautiful shots towards the end. Overall a depressing movie that's almost horrifying in its authenticity, but absolutely worth seeing all the same.




Decided to follow up all that hard and heavy shtick with something more light hearted. That was just a great, fun time. Coming off of recently watching Drive and Only God Forgives I really saw Ryan Gosling's range shine here. There is great chemistry between him and Russel Crowe and they both play off of each other really well, I specifically like how a bunch of cliches and character stereotypes are reversed between both of them [e.g the violent bruiser is fat while the private detective is slim and handsome, R Gos is the alcoholic wash out while Crowe is pretty straight and narrow] and this movie in general is good at subverting your preconceived notions going into it.


It's just one really good buddy cop movie when those are getting increasingly rarer as time goes by. Really hope we see a sequel eventually even if it only grossed with modest returns.

Edited by HaSoOoN-MHD
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Won't have much time to find ALL movie posters...

Here it goes in no particular order but watched on the past 3 months..





1. The Divergent: Allegiant

2. Moana

3. Kubo and the two strings

4. Mechanic (2016)

5. Ice Age: Collision

6. Storks

7. Shallow

8. Finding DORY

9. TMNT: Out of Shadows

10. Pete's Dragon

11. Suicide Squad

12. MAX Steel

13. Fast & Furious 6

14. Furious 7


.....yeah.... I think that's about it...as far as I could remember them.. :D





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Watched quite a few movies those past two days.


I'm not quite sure what I just watched. I'v heard a lot of things about Oldboy but never quite got around to it till now, and it left me in an incredibly strange, strange place. It's a disturbing, draining journey that leaves you sympathetic to the plight of its main character and horrified all at once. I can't spell the actors name for sh*t but everyone did a good job in this flick. The main villain gives a very compelling performance and is suitably hateable till the very end where he dons a more empathetic side, our main character does an incredibly good job at showing the effects 15 years of isolation have on a man, his distance from it all and his drive to go to any length for revenge.


The soundtrack is a masterful work of art, each tune perfect in invoking the desired emotions out of the viewer with a very memorable main theme. The movie isn't very heavy on the action but what's there is incredible; can't talk about this flick without mentioning the iconic hallway scene which many have tried to replicate since. 


The twist completely blindsided me [despite suspecting it when a certain character was first introduced haha] and just put the whole movie under completely different light, I don't know if i'll ever watch this again since it really strikes me as a one time viewing but if you're feeling in the mood for a compellingly dark peer into revenge and the way it changes a man, give this one a shot.



I was pretty sold on Denis Villeuneve after Sicario, but Prisoners just solidified the deal in my mind. A tense movie from start to finish, it just keeps accelerating and upping the stakes leading up to a fantastic thriller end. Jake Gyllenhaal is part of what I consider the ultimate male actor triumvirate alongside Ryan Gosling and Tom Hardy, and he absolutely brings his A game as a no nonsense cop out for justice. Hugh Jackman basically plays Joel from The Last of Us [seriously he has to be cast for the movie adaptation if it ever ends up happening] and he effectively portrays the struggles of walking a thin moral line for the sake of protecting your loved ones.



There are two kinds of people in this world: people who enjoy a good fight movie, and liars. I absolutely love a good fight movie, 2011's Warrior is one of my favorite movies, period. Is this movie as good as Warrior? eh, not quite. That doesn't mean it's not damn good though.

Christian Bale proves once again just the kind of chameleon he is and the lengths he's willing to go for a movie role, his mannerisms, look, physique...it just all fits right. Watch a video with the real Dicky and he's almost a splitting image. Amy Adams didn't really steal the show in this one so to speak but she's always been a consistent actress when it comes to putting out good quality material, and this is no difference. She's also really hot in this one. Really the whole cast is good, Mark Wahlberg included but its Bale that shines through them all.


While well made, it definitely traverses some familiar ground here. You'll basically be able to tell where the movie is going by the time the first half is over, and I have certain issues with the plot towards the second half. The conflict between Mickey and Alice [the mother] is resolved in a half assed segment that just plain comes out of no where. Certain bits relating to the brothers could have been handled just a lot better in the third act of the film, it all felt a bit rushed in that regard.


Still overall a damn fine movie and one I recommend to fans of this sort of thing.



This is what Only God Forgives should have been like. Denis and Jake Gyllenhaal reunite once again in a very surreal often metaphorical look into one man's very troubled life. Where Only God Forgives and Enemy differ is it all adds up to something concrete and substantial. Enemy isn't the the first movie to have a single actor play multiple characters but Jake proves once again that he absolutely is up to the challenge, the subtleties of his performance and the way he separated both aspects of himself are arguably what make this work so effectively. There is a lot to unpack here and the ending is forever etched in my mind, definitely worth the kind of movie you watch more than once. Very, very impressive. 

Edited by HaSoOoN-MHD
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