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The Last Movie You Saw?


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Went to see Trainspotting 2 for the weekend, in a dirty and smelly old cinema full of memories and history, four of us and maybe only few other people in it. As movie began and whiskey started pouring in our cups I expected to be pumped up as we exit and continue to a nearby party (Cristian Varela and co. \o/), but neither that very authentic scenery and feeling we got years back helped, or maybe I just expected too much...after only half an hour we saw that it just isn't IT anymore, didn't catch the vibe at all. Maybe it is just me, 'coz of nostalgia, or maybe I drank too much, but if you adored the first one like us, I would recommend to just rewatch it and keep the memories clean.

Nevertheless one hell of a night...she said comeove comeover and she smiled at youuuuuu booooooy :D



Edited by Blitz
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