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The Last Movie You Saw?


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"What a mess. This film is in the realms of Batman v Superman with the difference that while BvS at least has some substance to it X-Men: Apocalypse has little of that. There are some fun moments in-between with Magneto again being shown as one hell of an interesting character, but reliance on mostly bad CGI, generic villain, some wooden acting (khm Sophie Turner khm) and a final that becomes boring to the point that the film overstays it's welcome? That is what mediocre films do. Brian Singer should be told that sometimes "less is more"." - 49


"Well, at least we can all agree the third one's always the worst." - The irony in this quote from the film is strong.

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This movie stuck with me. I saw it yesterday and i'm still thinking about it.

I don't really have much of a background with Tom Ford, I added this movie to my watch list on Taste because of its cast; all of whom i'm a fan of. 

Its immediately apparent that Nocturnal Animals has style in spades. There is just a sort of goth veneer to everything. Lots of darkness, black and shadows. Amy Adams as Susan; a troubled fashion designer with skeletons in her closet with all her black attires and make up, some fantastic cinematography all through out but with special focus on the way they set the scenes and transitions between both halves of the story. Its all quite striking actually. But that's not what really made the movie stick for me.


Its an introspective look into the psychology of two damaged people, Edward Sheffield played by the ever amazing Jake Gyllenhaal as a novelist and a previous lover of Susan, a woman who has it all but is still deeply unhappy with her life. Its a story within a story concept; Edward giving her a manuscript of his latest novel for her to read. And so we have the movies two halves: the novel  Nocturnal Animals and the 'real' events of the movie.


The first 30 minutes left a very strong impression. My heart was pounding as Susan flicked through pages of an incredibly dark, disturbing piece of work. It's kind of what I envision the ultimate horror is to anyone with a wife and kids, and it only gets worse as the movie goes on. The viewer never really feels at ease not in the novel with Jake's other character, Tony, nor Susan's story as we learn bits and pieces of her relationship with Edward and how the book relates to her own struggles in her life. Both narratives are brilliantly interwoven together in a really engaging way.


I thought the conclusion in particular was a very fitting end for all characters involved. Its a very bitter sweet end. Overall Nocturnal Animals was a very surprising treat for me, in the same vein of Oldboy I don't know if i'll ever revisit it again but it certainly hit a chord. Highly recommend.



Where did this movie come from? like, seriously. This was weird as all hell.

Frankly I don't really know if I can properly put into words what the movie is about so i'm just gonna skip that bit and mention how much of a pleasant surprise that as. Swiss Army Man is a great, surprisingly emotional dramedy that stands out from practically any other movie out there. Some very striking performances from its leads, especially Daniel Redcliffe as a talking multi purpose corpse. The humor is pretty good with quite a few good jokes and gags but I certainly feel like its more on the drama side rather than comedy if that's what you're looking for. It was a strangely emotional ride to the end with a heart warming ending. You might like it, you might not, you gotta be able to stand the weirdness but its worth checking out just because of how ballsy the concept is.

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I saw Bridge of Spies, which was a good watch.  Check it out!


I also started rewatching Pirates OTC.  I didn't even know there was a forth, and I am watching it tonight.  I think Johnny depp is a far cry from a genius that so many people think he is (not just referring to this series).  I think he is at best weird.  His humor is childish and odd.  The movies in the series get progressively sillier and poorer (the first was pretty good though).  They attempt to do a lot of things in the series, like humor and twists, but they fail at the humor and the twists I think impress the writers a great deal more than the viewers (or maybe just me).  The 'surprises' (and there are far too many attemps) are more like "oh, really?" (raised eyebrow) than "Really?!" (wide eyed).  I don't have much hope tonight for the 4th.

I saw on IGN that there is another releasing this year? hmmm......

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What a lovely day!


I haven't watched the first three MM movies in AGES and i'v only seen Fury Road once, so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to revisit the Australian wasteland as I binge action movies before John Wick: Chapter 2


The first one is certainly...slower, than I remember. Not necessarily in a bad way but there is a lot of character building and build up going on before getting to any real meaty action. The world presented in the first movie is significantly less dystopian and ruined than the ones after; but it just makes the progression in those movies all the more satisfying. With a great cast and a great vision; not much I can really say here, its a classic. 


Now the second movie, Road Warrior was an upgrade in almost every way. Mel Gibson really came into the role in this one, perfectly personifying the character in every way. Gone is the clean shaven pretty boy and here comes in the rugged, messed up man just looking out for number one. The movie certainly moves quicker; with more great action spiced in before an immense final set piece. But RW's greatest achievement is the world it established. This movie's a MASSIVE influence on everything post apocalyptic; especially nuclear stories. Games likes Borderlands and Fallout owe an incredible amount to this movie's concept of a decayed post-tech society with its junkyard aesthetic and insanity.


Thunderdome is controversial, and with good reason. The first 45-50 minutes or so are fucking great. Like seriously, I thought I was in for the best MM movie yet the first time I watched this. But after the titular Thunderdome sequence it just goes kiiinda downhill. It becomes too light in tone; almost cartoony really with character continuity being thrown out of the window when it comes to our hero. For an MM film its sorely lacking in actual vehicular action till the very end which while a good set piece; does end up feeling a bit contrived. I do like the film, though. I think its solid and might get shit on a bit too much for that second half.


Which brings us to Fury Road. Favorite of the bunch, easily. Its just the best of all of those movies. It has the narrative depth of the first, the action and distinctive style of the second and has elements of the third's better half. Tom Hardy delivers as always a fantastic performance despite being short on lines, instead relying on visual storytelling and physical acting to convey his character. Much has been said about Theron's performance as Furiosa; with some going a far as suggesting the movie being more about her than the Road Warrior. The action is high octane and just plain nuts. Lots of things going on all at once but not once does the movie resort to awful conventions like shaky cam or suck. Everything is concise and clear. Its just so damn GOOD.

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