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Anyone else dislike/hate winter?


Anyone else dislike/hate winter?  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of winter?

    • So LAME!! I seriously hate it! (Me: Yeah! I'm with ya!)
    • I don't like it.
    • I can take it or leave it.
    • Actually, I do like it. (Me: Wait... WHAT?)
    • Yeah! I love it! (Me: Tch... You're insane.)

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Having around 110 F / 42 Cº degrees for large periods can be a tiring and unbearable, especially for a country like mine.


The year of 2017 was horrible for us, because we are having summers that are always hotter than the previous ones and we're now dealing with problems due to a big dry we had, where some populations started to have no water and are getting help from the authorities. Some barrages are without water and must be filled by local firefighters.

We even one of the biggest fire tragedies (if not the biggest ever in our country) during the summer where lots of people died, got wounded, lost their homes and their villages and we are bearing with lots of costs with the repair and reconstruction of these villages, even though I personally believe that most fires were commited by criminals and not by natural causes. And during summer, this does not help at all. Many farmers complained they had not enough rain and even the rain we are going to have is not going to compensate the lack of rain during the summer. It's Winter, and hasn't rained much.


Even though I like Summer, because I can be on T-shirt and shorts and feel more "free", there is more sun, and I can go at the beach and do water activities, I also like Winter. I mean, being next to a fire, or being at home, drinking a hot tea, a hot meal, sitting under a big blanket is also good. ? It doesn't snow where I live, but I believe that it must be amazing and cool to have a beautiful snow view. 


Still, I like what every season has to offer. But I'm tired of the hot times by now. Let it rain for now.

Edited by Caju_94
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I hate winter mainly because it seems to last a decade. I don't really care for snow and cold and the darkness does get pretty depressing when you see sunshine only through the windows of your workplace as it is dark when you go to work and dark when you get back home. There are some things that I enjoy about winter but I am definitely a late spring / summer person. 

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Absolutely not a fan of winter. Besides xmas and new years winter really offers nothing for me that I like. It's instead 3+ months of cold, darkness and if lucky a sunlight every 4th day. It's really the darkness that annoys me the most. Dark when I wake up, dark when I come home and naturally dark when I head to bed. 

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Right now, not even 10 degrees where I am.  Not even the Nordic countries have got it this bad right now. Really motherfucking sick of this.  One day it was so cold that when I tried to let my dog out, he turned around and jetted back into the house right the next second.  One more day of it tomorrow.

Next Weds. it's going up to 47 degrees and it looks like the single digit/sub zero stuff should be over for at least a while.  The humidity will be a ridiculous 96% (yuck!) but at least it won't be freezing.  I can handle that. Finally, time to wash all that road salt & other nasty gunge off my car.


Spring is good, but would be even better with a little less rain.

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I hate the winter. Anything colder than 85F requires pants.

To put it in perspective...
During the summer it gets close to 120F/48C. I've hiked mountains in the dead heat of summer.
My low today is 54F/12C and the high is 76F/24C.  Currently wearing a sweater+fuzzy pants and underneath a heated blanket.

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20 hours ago, eigen-space said:

I hate the winter. Anything colder than 85F requires pants.

To put it in perspective...
During the summer it gets close to 120F/48C. I've hiked mountains in the dead heat of summer.
My low today is 54F/12C and the high is 76F/24C.  Currently wearing a sweater+fuzzy pants and underneath a heated blanket.


I can relate to this.


I never thought I'd ever get accustomed to heat, but moving to Florida last year I now love the heat and anything below 75F is cold to me.  I definitely hate the cold, we've had some freezing temperatures the past few days and I've been wrapped up in warm clothes, blankets and had the heater on.  

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Living in the Netherlands it's just depressing shitty weather. Not even really that cold anymore. 10 years ago we had snow but somehow the past couple of years we barely had any.

Positive mindset though, time is flying by and before we know we are creating a topic and start complaining how hot it is ?

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I love winter so much, I am a solitary person and I can't even imagine how people like summer. 

Well, I actually know the reason lol it's hot weather, it's sun shining, they feel more free to live the whole day and going to their damn parties in clubs or beach parties until 5 a.m.


All superficial and ordinary things that I have obviously never done in 26 years. 


Plus, I love winter because I feel plenty of more emotions with music when outside it's foggy, cloudy, it's raining or snowing (Hybrid Theory and Meteora from Linkin Park are absolutely my favorite albums, and winter adds them 1 billion of more love inside me for them lol) 

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17 hours ago, eigen-space said:

OMG.  Winds over 90 MPH?  Winter Storm Grayson has to be one of the worst ever... class 1 hurricane + blizzard.  Up there with 2016's Jonas if not worse.  Even some of Florida got hit & they had to close every lane of I-75 to de-ice it.


My reason for liking summer so much?  Simply summer's not being what winter is.

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On 1/10/2018 at 4:20 PM, Lilseb93 said:

I love it because winter in Florida is nice and cool. It's a nice break from the humidity, mosquitoes, and 90 degree weather. 


Yeah, same. I live in Florida, too, and Winter isn't very different from the other seasons. Besides it being a few degrees colder, but not very many degrees colder. Just like Summer!

Except, this Winter has been exceptionally colder than the others, and I don't take kindly to that.

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18 hours ago, Naviathan said:


Yeah, same. I live in Florida, too, and Winter isn't very different from the other seasons. Besides it being a few degrees colder, but not very many degrees colder. Just like Summer!

Except, this Winter has been exceptionally colder than the others, and I don't take kindly to that.

The difference is the humidity. Even if the degrees aren't much different (although it's usually in the 70s in the winter), the lack of humidity makes all the difference. However, last year's winter was a record hot in more than 100 years and this winter is really cold. 

Florida is the Bi-Polar state lol. 

Although it depends on where in Florida you live too. My friends live in Tallahassee and it was snowing. I'm in South Florida. 

Edited by Lilseb93
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18 hours ago, Naviathan said:


Yeah, same. I live in Florida, too, and Winter isn't very different from the other seasons. Besides it being a few degrees colder, but not very many degrees colder. Just like Summer!

Except, this Winter has been exceptionally colder than the others, and I don't take kindly to that.

My last winter had been warmer than usual with few freezing temps, lots of 40s-50s, even occasional 70s in February & March, so I see what you're saying.  The one before wasn't too bad either.  I'm not so used to these teens & low 20s high temps now (my average temps for Jan. being 36/20) so this one does seem miserable.  It's got me jonesing to jump forward 4 months.

It warmed up to 55 not even a week ago, then there was rain turning to snow over the weekend.  Now it's already snowing again.  *glares out a window at the deck in the back yard*  YAY... more of this shit to shovel. ?  Am I going to miss this when it's over?  Surely not.


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  • 2 months later...

It's still not over yet.  So much for the calendar saying Spring.  Here comes Winter Storm Toby.  I feel sorry for anyone on the East Coast right now (glad I'm further inland).

It was a perfect spring-like day on Monday, then we're back to this bullshit again.  ENOUGH of that.


Sure wish I could double down on my "seriously hate it" vote now.  Nordic climate truly sucks.  Don't care much for fireplaces or smothering myself in big blankets.  Right now I'd gladly take humidity, bugs, mowing the lawn, & 90+ temps over freezing rain (don't get me started on that one), snow, or ice. I'm serious about that.  I prefer the sight of green grass, flowers, & trees with leaves over a view of snow.

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  • 4 years later...

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