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Here's how to earn Valor Grand Cross


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7 minutes ago, Sergen said:

To be fair, I think it's safe to say that everyone who was too late to get Valor Grand Cross probably didn't have limited internet throughout the entire time the online was working and only


True. Not saying that. People who act entitled and get angry at Sony for shutting it down is laughable. But, there are many reasons someone may leave behind a game and try to return later. The server closure just forced them to act now and unfortunately it was too late for some. As long as they're not whining and passing the blame to Sony I feel no reason they should be put down. (just in general, not accusing anyone of that) Your average Joe gamer who went for it recently and failed, that sucks. Just my two cents. 

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19 hours ago, Afro_Gear said:


Ok, that was... fancy. Let's be honest. I have a huge backlog of PS3, PS4, Vita, Steam, 3DS and heck, even some original Xbox games to get back to. Only so many hours in a year in which I am able to play games. I assume many others do too. I played Killzone 2 when it launched and at the time I only had Satellite internet (3 mbps down with 8gb a month cap) I wasn't playing multiplayer at that time. Other games came out, I moved on etc. 


Fast forward to January 2018. Killzone 2 and 3 servers are scheduled to end. You now have increased demand with limited supply. Many people want what is rare and hard to find. I assume most trophy hunters have this same mentality. So I and many others went back to it. Simple as that. Obviously I don't care about a 100% profile but this was one of the first games I played on my new PS3 and thought it would be cool to finish. The argument of "people waited too long so it's their own damn fault", yeah I get, but there's often more to the story and we'd be ignorant as fellow gamers just to put others down because they're bummed they missed out on it. 

You seem to forget: the servers are without sentience. The servers care not for your backlog or your personal struggles. But consider yourself fortunate. Although you waited seven years to obtain 100% completion in Killzone 2, you are one of the Few and the Proud, the minority who, during Killzone 2's final moments, endured the mental anguish of uncertainty and surmounted the ravages of time. Many were informed of its closure several months in advance but waited until the last minute to finish, ultimately failing. I do not feel remorse or pity for their incompetence and utter laziness.


Valor Grand Cross is awarded for acts of valor. It's evident those who fell victim to Killzone 2's server closure were not valorous in the first place. 

Edited by Paul
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4 minutes ago, Paul said:

Grand Valor Cross is awarded for acts of valor. It's evident those who fell victim to Killzone 2's server closure were not valorous in the first place. 


I don't get it, are you just trolling? Just yesterday you said:


I'm starting the Valor Grand Cross grind tomorrow. Anyone want to help out with your alts and such? I'm willing to put in 12+ hours a day to make sure I can get the trophy. I would appreciate any help I could possibly get!


So by your own comment you too are without valor. (unless this is all an attempt at being sarcastic and mocking those who waited)

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4 minutes ago, Afro_Gear said:


I don't get it, are you just trolling? Just yesterday you said:


So by your own comment you too are without valor. (unless this is all an attempt at being sarcastic and mocking those who waited)



I'm glad I wasn't the only one to notice this. Seems yesterday he was going to show everyone how l33t he was as a trophy hunter by showing up on the last day and getting it. He failed, and now is running nonsense here. At least he didn't sync his list so he can forever pretend this didn't happen :D


Than he says this- describing himself....

"Many were informed of its closure several months in advance but waited until the last minute to finish, ultimately failing. I do not feel remorse or pity for their incompetence and utter laziness."

Edited by Floorkiller74
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11 hours ago, Afro_Gear said:


Ok, that was... fancy. Let's be honest. I have a huge backlog of PS3, PS4, Vita, Steam, 3DS and heck, even some original Xbox games to get back to. Only so many hours in a year in which I am able to play games. I assume many others do too. I played Killzone 2 when it launched and at the time I only had Satellite internet (3 mbps down with 8gb a month cap) I wasn't playing multiplayer at that time. Other games came out, I moved on etc. 


Fast forward to January 2018. Killzone 2 and 3 servers are scheduled to end. You now have increased demand with limited supply. Many people want what is rare and hard to find. I assume most trophy hunters have this same mentality. So I and many others went back to it. Simple as that. Obviously I don't care about a 100% profile but this was one of the first games I played on my new PS3 and thought it would be cool to finish. The argument of "people waited too long so it's their own damn fault", yeah I get, but there's often more to the story and we'd be ignorant as fellow gamers just to put others down because they're bummed they missed out on it. 

Pretty much the exact story as with me pal :D....except for me my main backlog is with Xbox 360  and PC games, but either way this is how exactly its with me as well, way too many games, not enough time and even though I had Killzone 2 and 3 sitting on shelf for years, they were never high on my "to do list", but anyhow luckily I could get this done withing the 3 months that Sony gave with the announcement of closure.

But ye what I try to do is to work my way up from oldest games on my backlog to newest games, but sometimes I do want to play some newer titles as well...and while ofc as trophy/achievement hunter it might be more sensible to do the multiplayer related trophies/achievement from each game asap, I simply dont have the stamina/interest to do especially all the grindy multiplayer games all in row. 2 years ago I did so with Gears of War, Bad Company, Lost Planet, GTA IV among few others and I really needed long break from MP achievement hunting after that....and well getting these trophies from KZ2 and KZ3 were the first multiplayer stuff I've done since then.

So anyhow even though I know that games such as Uncharted 2 and 3 are likely next on the target of server closure for Sony, I rather deal with that problem when the time comes, right now I need again break from multiplayer boosting.

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13 hours ago, Paul said:

You seem to forget: the servers are without sentience. The servers care not for your backlog or your personal struggles. But consider yourself fortunate. Although you waited seven years to obtain 100% completion in Killzone 2, you are one of the Few and the Proud, the minority who, during Killzone 2's final moments, endured the mental anguish of uncertainty and surmounted the ravages of time. Many were informed of its closure several months in advance but waited until the last minute to finish, ultimately failing. I do not feel remorse or pity for their incompetence and utter laziness.


Grand Valor Cross is awarded for acts of valor. It's evident those who fell victim to Killzone 2's server closure were not valorous in the first place. 

You seem to forget that without boosting this trophy would be utterly unobtainable for many players, reason why cuz I bet most people here would have never gotten it without private matches/boosting hence why I still devalue these kinds of trophies. It requires zero skills to be at the top of the KZ2 leaderboard, I'm just sayin'. Also the devs disliked boosting and banned people for doing so. Also don't act like you are all that though and mighty as you might stumble and hit the floor with your face and fail.


Grand Valor awarded for valor? Lmao the silliest thing I've ever read..

Edited by joskeabzu
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2 minutes ago, Platagonist said:

Thank you for your kind words @Afro_Gear, I am still a stranger to most on these forums, but the people who recognize me probably know that I am that person who likes writing crazy amounts of text - I should have probably named myself 'walleroftexter' instead - or something like that. :P


I am really glad that this journey is over (at least for some time - I want KZ2 as my :platinum: #10! 1f47a.png) - even though I managed to meet some really great people who I am hoping to talk to and play with again. 1f642.png After all everyone from my group managed to get the trophy (plus one more guy who we brought in solely to help him), so having that 100% success (as @Sergen described) as well really warms my heart. :blush:


However I have to admit that I was not always so nice and that this game has pretty much taken over my life during this month. :S I was not able to leave home for long periods of time, I had to keep checking the alts continuously, I was always in Discord talking to 'my' guys and keeping a nice atmosphere, I tried to encourage and advise everyone who asked me for help - on the other hand I was stressing myself over trophies of others and my real and social lives were both non-existent which was making me really moody. 1f615.png


When @DuXiC4FuNN decided to give up on Wednesday with 50k score, it made me really angry and I started to ramble on about a wasted week, wasted time, not enough dedication of his etc etc. - I was pretty mad and I admit that this game took away the better of me in that moment. 1f61e.png During the last two weeks I've become extremely fed up with this grind and wanted to be done with it as soon as possible. :facepalm: I swear I will never dedicate my life so much to a single game again! 1f63e.png


My 'hysteria' likely made me lose a friend, but in the end I am really happy to see that it was all worth it and when I saw Dux among the VGC achievers, a huge weight was lifted from my heart. 1f60c.png I could not believe it at first, I really expected the cut-off point of the last week being much lower and when @JohzyDeMartin posted that 'Our guy is at 175k' hoax, I totally believed it! 1f644.png


I'd also like to congratulate the following guys: @Sipkowitz, @ClockWorkPhantom, @Bilal_Ibrahim, @PhoddaII, @Eric_742 (I am glad it did not glitch this time!), @ShianKiri and @Devil_Max1f44f.png 

In the end I regret nothing (even that I had to 'sacrifice' my own KZ3 MP trophies) - all the hard work has paid off - and I hope I will be forgiven for my rage some day - I apologize for everything! :(


Now I will be taking a one week break from gaming altogether - I am fired up to spend Easter with my family and finally get back to job-hunting - it's time to get back to reality again! -_-


I wish you guys many future gaming accomplishments and thank you again for continuously helping me out and accompanying me! ;) If you would like to read some more about my VGC week or take a peek at my newest VGC chart, feel free to check out my Trophy Checklist (shameless promotion again! 1f4a9.png). I am looking forward to seeing you all around! :wave:

Hi Everyone!

I know this was a F**** Hard Trophie for all and im Happy and Sad to because some Friend's Mine achieved this and Others Not... :(

For this Week i Play 8 Hours some i play 6 and Work 8 Hours so i been weaken for about 16 hours or 14 Hours on Work and Playing this....I Helped alot people achieved this and i know this dificult in the last days i dont play to mutch because the times to work and its been a Dificult days because alot boosting and i dont know if i have time to finished all but im gonna try do the best and keep continuing helping people achieve some trophies online. ;)


Thank's alot for you BIG WORDS @Platagonist and Cya Everyone next Boosting to Help Anyone achievement more some trophies! ;) Good Trophy Hunting for all! :) And Thank's again Everyone! ;)

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While the congratulations are appreciated to those who've sent them my way, I can't really say that i feel relieved or happy.


The irony of making #1 on the Leaderboard is like a curse as the game refuses to acknowledge my 1% standing.


It's as if i'm being punished for being a Score Chaser, (Which i'm not proud of, (Community to blame for this TBH)).


So yeah it glitched for me & to pay my respects i'll say f**k you to Elite mode and any other Trophy that I don't get during my only playthrough of the campaign on Normal or even Easy just for kicks, (Same applies to Wipeout HD/Fury, it can shove it ... & I may never return to it even for the Fury Campaign, forget about Elite & Zico when you refuse to let me play online).


As far as the glitch is concerned, i've tested out what trophies i'd have been awarded on a 1st attempt, the kicker is it acknowledges in this order - You made 10%, 6%, also 3%, sorry no Gold for you, be content with Silver/2nd place mwahaha.


I feel pretty depressed as a result of this, spend pretty much a month and STILL get no payoff, & i've grinded out some sh*t trophies, (Ace Combat General Rank, Spartacus Legends Rank 50, BFBC 10K kills & Awards, BD MP).


The difference here is I proved I could achieve such goals, and my account keeps a record of that.


Here I complete the challenge but all I can do is take a screenshot as my account won't have such a record.


Basically wasted a Month this time, (As opposed to a day/2 for Wipeout for that damn skin).


Really makes me consider whether I should just stop trying to earn Trophies alltogether, I mean having no life certainly gives me the time... I'm just not sure it's worth it.


Maybe i'll recover/get over it, post Easter but boy is this really a kick in the sack, (So to speak).




You could say that I have myself to blame for waiting so long etc, (Server Closure & what not).


Regardless of whether i'd have the opportunity to attampt it again, i'm not sure i'd go through another week for the POSSIBILITY of getting it.


Not suree on what the glitch rate is but i'm sure as hell lucky to be apart of it, aren't I special ;).

Edited by Sipkowitz
2nd Section
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Well that sucks =(.....but you definitely werent the only one it glitched after they had reached #1 spot on leaderboard....back in the week when that 1 player had reached over 100k and we thought it was because of crossing 100k for example (which obviously wasnt the reason it glitched)....

Anyhow just stupid how the leaderboards/scoring system of this game glitched all those years ago after server crash and they did nothing to fix it afterwards....but atleast leaderboard trophies like this luckily dont really exist anymore, so atleast there is that....

I quess anything else I can say is that its definitely gutting for a while (I know the feeling of just missing the VGC the first time I tried), but soon you feel better and forget about it....and like said you definitely werent the only one who tried their best to get this trophy and either got glitch or were just left out of 1%. Anyhow I wish you and all others who didnt get it best of luck with other trophies....trophy/achievement hunting sure can be pain/seem utterly useless at times, but when you succeed there is also something quite rewarding feel to it after everyone have worked together for common goal and helped eachother to achieve that.

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6 hours ago, Sipkowitz said:

While the congratulations are appreciated to those who've sent them my way, I can't really say that i feel relieved or happy.


The irony of making #1 on the Leaderboard is like a curse as the game refuses to acknowledge my 1% standing.


It's as if i'm being punished for being a Score Chaser, (Which i'm not proud of, (Community to blame for this TBH)).


So yeah it glitched for me & to pay my respects i'll say f**k you to Elite mode and any other Trophy that I don't get during my only playthrough of the campaign on Normal or even Easy just for kicks, (Same applies to Wipeout HD/Fury, it can shove it ... & I may never return to it even for the Fury Campaign, forget about Elite & Zico when you refuse to let me play online).


As far as the glitch is concerned, i've tested out what trophies i'd have been awarded on a 1st attempt, the kicker is it acknowledges in this order - You made 10%, 6%, also 3%, sorry no Gold for you, be content with Silver/2nd place mwahaha.


I feel pretty depressed as a result of this, spend pretty much a month and STILL get no payoff, & i've grinded out some sh*t trophies, (Ace Combat General Rank, Spartacus Legends Rank 50, BFBC 10K kills & Awards, BD MP).


The difference here is I proved I could achieve such goals, and my account keeps a record of that.


Here I complete the challenge but all I can do is take a screenshot as my account won't have such a record.


Basically wasted a Month this time, (As opposed to a day/2 for Wipeout for that damn skin).


Really makes me consider whether I should just stop trying to earn Trophies alltogether, I mean having no life certainly gives me the time... I'm just not sure it's worth it.


Maybe i'll recover/get over it, post Easter but boy is this really a kick in the sack, (So to speak).




You could say that I have myself to blame for waiting so long etc, (Server Closure & what not).


Regardless of whether i'd have the opportunity to attampt it again, i'm not sure i'd go through another week for the POSSIBILITY of getting it.


Not suree on what the glitch rate is but i'm sure as hell lucky to be apart of it, aren't I special ;).

:( as long as the server is still up, u can still try to get VGC to pop. 

Have u tried to log onto another PS3 that didn't have ur acct before or game save on it before and see if it will pop when u enter Warzone? 

There were a couple of ideas posted randomly thru-out this thread for others that had the trophy glitch out on them, but that's the only one I remember offhand. 

A couple of weeks ago the #1 person of their week, and only person that week that went over 100k had the VGC glitch on them too.

Edited by oOMementoMoriOo
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11 hours ago, Platagonist said:

I'd also like to congratulate the following guys: @Sipkowitz, @ClockWorkPhantom, @Bilal_Ibrahim, @PhoddaII, @Eric_742 (I am glad it did not glitch this time!), @ShianKiri and @Devil_Max1f44f.png 

In the end I regret nothing (even that I had to 'sacrifice' my own KZ3 MP trophies) - all the hard work has paid off - and I hope I will be forgiven for my rage some day - I apologize for everything! :(

It's my time to say thanks for these kind words.


Indeed, Valor Grand Cross is a kind lf trophy I regret nothing pursuing It. But Will never, ever do such a thing again.


Congratulations for all who manage to get it.

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On 27/3/2018 at 1:23 AM, Floorkiller74 said:



I'm glad I wasn't the only one to notice this. Seems yesterday he was going to show everyone how l33t he was as a trophy hunter by showing up on the last day and getting it. He failed, and now is running nonsense here. At least he didn't sync his list so he can forever pretend this didn't happen :D


Than he says this- describing himself....

"Many were informed of its closure several months in advance but waited until the last minute to finish, ultimately failing. I do not feel remorse or pity for their incompetence and utter laziness."


LOL what a troll he was...

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@Sipkowitz I am really sorry that this happened to you. :( The trophy glitching on me was my biggest fear, that's why I've not synced the game to my profile until all it's trophies popped. If it glitched on me, I am sure I would have ragequitted KZ2 for good, and it's even worse that it happened to you during the last week and on top of that you were the #1 rank! ?


I certainly would not give up, there is still hope that you could pop your trophy today, I have found some info from @IDiivil on Discord in which he's thinking of possibilities how to get the trophy to unlock:



But I do have some theories on how the VGC trophy unlocking works

Every week the server does its calculation things. It does the math and takes the top x number of people who qualify for VGC and takes their names to another list, which it then flags elibible for the valor trophies. Then when those people log in the trophy pops

So the server first calculates the number of eligible spots for VGC by taking number of players, rounding up to nearest 100 and dividing it by 100 after. Then it takes that number and takes all the players up to that rank value and moves them to VGC. Then it does the same calculation for the 2% and whatever valor trophies.

Then it has all those players on those lists, of it marks those on their server statistics (not sure which) so when the players log it'll pop the trophies.

I'm fairly sure the mechanism doesn't work so that it checks each player upon logging in to see if they were within a %

You won't be able to log after the server goes down. You'll just get stuck retrieving universe list

I do have a theory that the valor trophies are permanently added to your profile, so you don't actually have to log on the following week

But I haven't had a chance nor much interest to test that theory

But someone who had VGC glitch said they logged in on a fresh console and it popped the valor trophies they had previously earned

So if I were to pop in on a f resh console into warzone, it should pop all the ribbon and rank and valor trophies


The guy on who the trophy glitched (and he managed to get it the next day) was @CloudxLightningx - you could try to hit him up. ?


Also there was @Sergen's post advising what to do (pretty similar to iDiivil's theory).


I wish you a lot of luck! ?️

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I did try on a different console, and again with fresh save and both times it would only give me honour ranks #1 - 3.


Not sure what the server thinks about my ranking, but if you say it doesn't check the percentages per log in, then I certainly wasn't put on the Valor list.




I will say that KZ2 was one I wasn't originally intending on getting the Plat for, along with BFBC & BD.


Perhaps this is some sort of comeuppance for successfully beating all 3 Invasions in BD while being carried by legendary players, or the fact that I have no real way to repay those who gave me the opportunity to even get into the 1%.

Sure it sucks for those who didn't even get a shot or just fell short.


If I were to identify with one of those groups it would defenitely be the latter, as you'd have put in the time and still failed.


If I never got the chance or only found out about the closure this or next week for instance I certainly wouldn't feel so bad/guilty for what is essentially wasting not only my time but those who helped me.


Now i'll say it's the journey that counts, but it's total bullcrap when there's no destination at the end, (So all I get is a chip on my shoulder).


What i'm refering to, (Some footage of Vacation I just recently watched), and the National Lampoon Vacation film kind of sums it up, Griswald family go through bunch of crap fo get to Walley's World, and guess what it was f*****g closed, (i.e. No pay off, kind of like not getting the Trophy), the only difference here is what is the equivalent of holding the park manager hostage with a toy gun in my case, ;P.

Edited by Sipkowitz
2nd Part Again ;P
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18 minutes ago, Sipkowitz said:

I did try on a different console, and again with fresh save and both times it would only give me honour ranks #1 - 3.


Not sure what the server thinks about my ranking, but if you say it doesn't check the percentages per log in, then I certainly wasn't put on the Valor list.

Shit dude, if the trophy would of glitched on me I think I would of smashed one of my PS3's and burn it with Lighter Fluid, and obviously a copy of the game too. That has got to be one of the most messed up feelings, and I can only imagine what that feels like. I guess you can just take comfort that no matter what, all of us on these forums will be dead within 60-70 years for sure, and all this trophy shit would of been forgotten. 

Edited by CristianX-97
Misspelled word.
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@CristianX-97 - I certainly got a laugh out of that.


I was thinking during my grind how funny it would be to get 1st spot, I also thought man I hope it doesn't f**k up on me if I do make 1%.


If I don't get this I would want to get an equivalent Trophy in its place.


The Trophy in mind, (Not sure on the name), is the NGS2 MP, whilst being a complete NOOB and having barely touched a NG game, I would like someone with EXTREMELY GIGANTIC porportions of time and patience to basically carry me through & train me @ the same time, (Rachel Spin strategy or whatever it would take), so that I could end up with the Plat for that game.


It's alot to ask, but as it stands that is one of those don't pursue Platinum kind of games due to the MP portion.


But if I could pull it off, it would be one of my greatest Trophies yet.


PS. - Damn does anyone here remember what it was like before Microsoft made thos damn Achievements?

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13 minutes ago, Sipkowitz said:

@CristianX-97 - I certainly got a laugh out of that.


I was thinking during my grind how funny it would be to get 1st spot, I also thought man I hope it doesn't f**k up on me if I do make 1%.


If I don't get this I would want to get an equivalent Trophy in its place.


The Trophy in mind, (Not sure on the name), is the NGS2 MP, whilst being a complete NOOB and having barely touched a NG game, I would like someone with EXTREMELY GIGANTIC porportions of time and patience to basically carry me through & train me @ the same time, (Rachel Spin strategy or whatever it would take), so that I could end up with the Plat for that game.


It's alot to ask, but as it stands that is one of those don't pursue Platinum kind of games due to the MP portion.


But if I could pull it off, it would be one of my greatest Trophies yet.


PS. - Damn does anyone here remember what it was like before Microsoft made thos damn Achievements?

Yes, I do. We played for fun. Discovered everything for fun. And in the end, the fun was all that mattered.


On the other hand, there were reports of cheaters this week?

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6 minutes ago, PhoddaII said:

Yes, I do. We played for fun. Discovered everything for fun. And in the end, the fun was all that mattered.


On the other hand, there were reports of cheaters this week?

 I know nothing of the sort, but what would that entail if there were?

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10 minutes ago, Sipkowitz said:

 I know nothing of the sort, but what would that entail if there were?

Because I find this kind of behavior unnaceptable. You could't get yours letig because of a bug. And then some smart@$$ comes and claims he has...

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OK... All i'll say is i'm not THAT bummed out, (If anything pissed at GG for f****d servers or any game with f****d bugs & MP BS).


I think the industry and others like this should really look into legacy programs or whatnot.


Think of some movie that might have come out on VHS, it never gets a DVD release, no more VCR's around, how is one to watch such a movie.


Similar thing with games, why don't all the PS1 games and onwards get digital archiving, and have essentially permanent availability until Sony/PSN dies.


Also any MP crap should totally be doable p2p.


My measly $0.02.

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4 hours ago, Platagonist said:

@Sipkowitz I am really sorry that this happened to you. :( The trophy glitching on me was my biggest fear, that's why I've not synced the game to my profile until all it's trophies popped. If it glitched on me, I am sure I would have ragequitted KZ2 for good, and it's even worse that it happened to you during the last week and on top of that you were the #1 rank! 1f4a9.png


I certainly would not give up, there is still hope that you could pop your trophy today, I have found some info from @IDiivil on Discord in which he's thinking of possibilities how to get the trophy to unlock:



The guy on who the trophy glitched (and he managed to get it the next day) was @CloudxLightningx - you could try to hit him up. 1f609.png


Also there was @Sergen's post advising what to do (pretty similar to iDiivil's theory).


I wish you a lot of luck! 1f590.png



You don't have to log in the following week, they are saved to your profile (Probably on their servers though)...but you do have to log into warzone before they pop. When the servers are down, you will no longer be able to log into warzone. 

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Even if what you say is true i'm still screwed either way.


1) Server closes.

2) I haven't been ssigned 1% status to my profile.


It's just not popping.


As for CloudxLightningx it was just a case of delayed awarding of 1%, (I hear this can happen).


I really think it's just up to the servers to play ball honestly.

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Out of curiosity, I'm just going to ask: is anyone actually grinding Valor Grand Cross right now hoping that by some miracle the servers do last until Monday? Considering a lot of you haven't been able to achieve a high score in a week to get the trophy while it was working, you might test your luck and hope that the servers work by Monday. I've never really seen Sony extend a server closure date at the last minute and the Ratchet & Clank games were shut down on time, they just weren't very popularly known to trophy hunters because they don't have online trophies. Either way, you'd be praying for a miracle for the servers to stay up long enough for the next weekly leaderboard update. Although there's a possibility there could be a way for a custom server to bring the game back in the future, I think Valor Grand Cross likely does need a minimum of 100 people to be on the leaderboards just for a person to qualify for Valor Grand Cross, however no week in the game's history had less than 100 people playing it so we will never know if that was the case. 

Edited by Sergen
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