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Not buying modern games or consoles until later...


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I buy pretty much all my games around holiday season or with gift cards I got during holiday season to save money. It's been a while since I've bought a game on it's release date and it's always for Pokemon games. Other than that, I don't think I ever bought a game on release date or paid $60 for a game. I never cared for DLC so I just buy the regular version at a discounted price normally. I also don't go through games very fast so I never really feel the need to get a game right when it's released because I can just buy it at a lesser price when I am done with other games that I also bought at a lesser price. 


I'm almost always lagging a year behind on new games. I probably won't get the new God of War until Christmas and who knows when I'll get around to playing it. I still have Fallout 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted Lost Legacy, Far Cry 3, etc. sitting on my shelf from last year that I haven't even touched.

Edited by Beyondthegrave07
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Cheer up my friend :)
I am excited!
Fallout 76, Rumor: Alien Isolation 2 and 3 From software games, The ghost of tsushima, now Unravel 2 that was a very nice surprise. Only Alien Isolation 2 and Bloodborne 2 would be a day one purchase for me (IF it is real), the rest i'll wait for the sales hollidays.Anyways, if i have one or 2 new games to enjoy, that is enough for me I don't expect much ^_^

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For games I really want, mainly my favorite franchise/series I enjoy I probably wouldn't wait a few months. I don't care or follow hype or trend that much but just what I like, what I want. I'm old enough to decide for myself, don't need those kiddy hype trains... Now also If i had work full time and make enough money I could care a lot lesser than waiting a few months for games I somewhat want and just get on release. What if it sucks? well....get rid of it quick. Resale value still pretty high a couple weeks after release. Time is money. Also, gaming is a lot more expensive when you try to stack games for plats.?

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I can understand not being excited by announcements if you don't plan on purchasing anything until months or years after release. I've started to feel the same since I decided to hold off on buying most of the games I want until Black Friday. I've wasted thousands in the past couple years buying games and dlcs a lot of which I've barely played or haven't played at all for full price just to see them drop in price within weeks sometimes.

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I always buy games strategically to save lots of money. By that I mean the following:


1) wait for a goty or complete edition to release if there are dlcs. 


2) never pre-ordered in my life. Me personally, while I may get excited about a game, I can still wait. I even did that Mirror's Edge Catalyst! Grabbed it when it reached $20 CAD


3) I can wait because I've games to finish now and by the time I'm done with them, the newly released game is all of a sudden cheap. 


4) repeat the above steps on a continuous cycle. 


Oh and as a final mention, I always buy  digital games on sale with no exception or a used physical copy if it's cheaper than new. 


BUTTT at the end of the day, it's your money and you do what feels worth it :)

Edited by PooPooBlast
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I generally buy it day one or within a couple of weeks of release date. But that's because I like to get limited/special editions so getting it later might actually be more expensive and hard to find. It actually depends on the game as well. If it's a game that I've been anticipating for a while, then I get it almost asap. For others that I'm interested in, but not in a hurry to play, I wait for the Game of the Year editions (especially if it looks like there will be lots of DLC followups).

Edited by Raine_Evenstar
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I have four general rules when it comes to buying new or used games. These aren't strict, by any means, but they are guidelines I try to follow.

  1.  I only buy games that I think I'll enjoy. This allows me to eliminate the majority of new releases. (Of the things shown today at the EA press conference, only Unravel 2 looks like something I'd touch.)
  2. I believe that every $1 I spend on a game should warrant at least 1 hour of playtime. This is the rule I'm the most lax on, but I'm always leery about spending $20 on a game that I will finish in under 5 hours. I don't care how "good" it is -- that's not usually a good investment. (There are obvious exceptions to this.)
  3. I don't spend more than $30 on a game unless I KNOW I'm going to love it. This usually means pre-orders are out, unless it's a remaster, and it means I'll usually wait on new games until they drop in price.
  4. All other factors equal, I buy physical over digital. To me, the box art is part of the game. When somebody comes over, I want them to see my collection on a shelf -- not a bunch of boxes on a monitor.

I don't think I've ever bought a Collector's Edition in my life, but I might just do that this year when Valkyria Chronicle 4 comes out. That tank and artbook look sweet.

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i will only pre-order or buy early on if i know there will not be any "dlc" otherwise i wait a year myself for a Gold/GotY/Ultimate edition. I waited 2 years (almost 3) before even buying a PS4. I understand where you are coming from completely. The only games i will probably get day this year are Vampyr (the said no "dlc" except pre-order), Dragon Quest XI (also stated to have no "dlc") and Darksiders 3 (but this depends on if they announce any kind of "dlc").


i also seem to prefer non-AAA games and i am not a fan of digital only.

Edited by DarkHarmonixer
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I really dont understand the appeal of buying a game at launch. You just wait a couple months and you can buy your game for a fifth of the price, not only that but the game is actually functional from post-launch patches, theres trophy guides, walkthroughs etc yet people just have to be playing whatever is current for some reason. Back when i was younger it was common sense to wait for a game to depreciate and the people who bought on launch were either huge suckers, buying a gift, or truly passionate about the game. Then suddenly it shifted and people seem to scoff at the recommendation of any game thats more than a few months old as if im mad.


I just dont get it

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I am I'm the same kind of boat.  I usually don't buy games until much later and also have just a vanilla ps4, ps3 in a different room, and gen 1 vita.  I wait until I can find decent sales for most games and usually get a lot for Christmas or my birthday.  Most I don't touch for a long time.  It is sad that I can't, but I don't always find the time to play.  Even when I do sometimes I don't feel like playing them once I turn the console on.  I kind of feel like I do have too much and am losing the patience to stick with those 60+ hour games.  The announcements I usually don't find out about until much later.  I typically don't follow E3 or the industry that closely.

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I'm cheap. I rarely spend more than $30 on any game. I'm playing games that were released 6-12+ months ago. I got my PS4 a year after it released and I felt that was a good time. But then the PS4 Pro happened and I ended up replacing my PS4 with it. So now I don't feel compelled to get a new console anytime soon, even if one releases in the next few years.

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36 minutes ago, Valyrious said:

But would you spend $10-$15 (whatever the cost may be) to go and see a two and a half hour film in the theatres?

I hear about people that put this huge emphasis on length in a game, as if a game repeating itself and giving you boring fetch quests solely to extend the play time gives the game some sort of extra value. To some people, I guess it does. But it certainly isn't a factor for me.

That said, I wouldn't pay $80 (the standard price for a game in my country) for a 5 hour game.


Fair enough. I probably should have clarified what I meant. A game that is artificially long (due to boring fetch quests, for example) is NOT something I enjoy, and would thus not fulfill my first piece of criteria. The Swords of Ditto, a game I recently spent $20 on -- and have spent more than 20 hours grinding out these stupid history logs across NINE PLAYTHROUGHS -- is not something I would consider a good investment. There isn't enough quality playtime to warrant a $19.99 price tag.


I realize not everybody cares about game length, but I do think the playtime-to-price ratio is worth considering, especially when you're short on cash. If I'm down to my last $30, I'm going to be looking for a Skyrim or an XCOM 2 -- right after I pick up a pizza and a 2-liter of Coke.

Edited by Cassylvania
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9 minutes ago, Dreakon13 said:


To support the industry and developers you like.  Games aren't cheap to make, and even if some smaller ones are, good developers deserve to be adequately compensated for their efforts.  And not months or years after the fact.


Also, if no one bought games at launch, there likely wouldn't be games for you to get at "a fifth of the price".  Those developers/franchises would probably go under.


Glad somebody else feels the way I do. I especially don't want gaming to devolve into multiplayer-only so I make sure to support single-player games at launch as much as I can.

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There are very few games I'll pre-order, honestly the only series I can think of is Disgaea (currently have Disgaea 1 Special Edition on order), other than that, I'll get most of my games used after they drop to around $30 or under. Most games released nowadays just aren't worth $60+. ?


Final Fantasy used to be on my pre-order list, but that was removed (thanks, XV). ?

Edited by Masamune
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