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Do horror movies actually scare you?


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On 4/14/2020 at 5:52 AM, SpaghettiGrabsy said:

The pentagram was used by Christians to symbolise the five wounds of Christ, or the five senses, or the five whatevertheheck. I don't think it was ever used by pagans, but it was co-opted by Wiccans (i.e. pagans in nothing but name). I could be wrong though, and I'm interested to look more into this.


The "devil" pentagram is an upside-down pentagram, so the top point is at the bottom. See the common theme? Take a religious symbol, turn it upside-down and oooo suddenly it's devil worship (even though, as it was mentioned, the upside-down cross is the sign of Peter).

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1 hour ago, Caesar Clown said:


The "devil" pentagram is an upside-down pentagram, so the top point is at the bottom. See the common theme? Take a religious symbol, turn it upside-down and oooo suddenly it's devil worship (even though, as it was mentioned, the upside-down cross is the sign of Peter).

I'm aware of that, I was more questioning the accuracy of calling it a pagan symbol, as that's what I assumed the person meant when they mentioned magic.

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Horror is my favourite genre. They never scared me, even as a kid. I remember I wanted to watch Freddy vs Jason so badly and my mom wouldn't let me. I've seen most Saw movies, paranormal activity, Halloween, F13, Incidious, etc. Games have a different feel though. I wouldn't say that I'm scared of the games but I do have a certain feel when I play it. I beat Outlast already. It's ghe fact that in a game, you're the one actually controlling the character so it's like you're in the game yourself. I'm eventually going to play Outlast 2 when I have time.

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I love horror movies but the traditional jumpscare/slashers don't honestly scare me. That being said I'm probably a bit desensitized, having seen real life gore while growing up in the countryside (farming accidents, results of drug abuse/overdoses etc).

What does make me a bit unsettled in terms of movies, are the physiological horrors that put a realistic emphasis on how people act when they're desperate.

Those tend to hit closer to home.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/17/2020 at 9:27 PM, Fragtaster said:


Yeah, these days when you go back to it, it's actually pretty funny and cheesy (especially the fake screaming and goofy effects). But you gotta remember that this was the 80's... and those old movies were still pretty damn disturbing and shocking, in the age of nightly black and white monster movie reruns! :) 


One day we will probably be looking back at the first Human Centipede or The Conjuring movies and laughing are butts off at how cheesy they are.


The 1980s were before my time, but I was exposed to a lot of old '80s horror flicks when I was growing up on DIRECTV during the 90s and early 2000s. Some of them were pretty bad.


Even the Ghostbusters movies, which I will admit I loved and enjoyed, were quite cheesy in a way that I would consider to be cringeworthy. Definitely goes to show how bad some things will age.


Most modern horror movies are just terrible. 1980s horror movies could sometimes be so bad they were funny and amusing. Every other horror movie that I've seen in the past 5 - 6 years has had forced dialog, asshole characters that nobody likes, and the horror itself just being cheap jump scares. Think of the PS4 exclusive Until Dawn, the horror in that game was basically all jump scares. Only the movies make them a lot worse.


There is nothing today that could even be compared to The Shining, or Friday the 13th. Hell The Sixth Sense which came out in 1999 was more scary and suspenseful than most of today's so called horror.

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  • 4 weeks later...

To answer the question, no they don't scare me but I don't particularly like watching horror movies. The last horror movie that I watched was The Green Inferno and while it didn't scare me to the point of screaming, I cringed a lot at many of the death and killing scenes. Horror is not my favorite genre but if there was absolutely nothing to watch I would consider a horror. Interestingly, I do enjoy movies with a supernatural type theme. Doctor Sleep was one such movie, I wasn't scared but it was somehow quite entertaining. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really enjoy horror films but the problem is that there are so few of them. Most of what you see these days are just garbage. A really good horror film will make you uneasy, scare you a little on the inside enough to cause a few goosebumps, and at the very least it makes you think after its over. Some of my favorite horror films made me think about them for weeks after watching them. For example, Deliverance was not really a horror film but to this day I can not go camping in the woods without thinking about it. Same thing with Jaws. Anyone who watches that film will think about it when they get into the water. I have a routine I follow when watching a horror film. I have to do it at night with all the lights off. No phone, no breaks, no food. Just me and the movie. I guess I am trying to experience my first horror film all over again. Which was Children of the Corn. Which I watched when I was younger than I should have been. And yes, it was scary. 

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No, but I only watched 2 horror movies (Mama / The Conjuring), so I don't have that much opinion, which I found them boring;

I'm only scared of jumpscares, however, I think it is a cheap way to get people screaming, you don't even need to be in "that mood".

Horror games are another thing, though. I couldn't even play Five nights at Freddy's, because I knew what was about to happen lol?

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Horror movies: nope, i love watching them tho, they can be very entertaining.


Games: Definitely! Games like Siren, Outlast and Project zero/Fatal Frame can be very scary and oppressive.

The opening song of Siren or hearing the noises coming from the hole in the wall of your house in Silent Hill 4: The Room for example, creepy as hell.

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I love the horror genre. However I find that very few horror films truly inspire any sense of dread or fear. I think the most recent horror movie I saw that inspired any sense of panic or fear was "Midsommar". That creeped me out and disturbed me a good amount. 

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1 minute ago, D-Square23 said:

I love the horror genre. However I find that very few horror films truly inspire any sense of dread or fear. I think the most recent horror movie I saw that inspired any sense of panic or fear was "Midsommar". That creeped me out and disturbed me a good amount. 

I would suggest Hereditary then ;)

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Most horror movies I've seen are either that bad they are borderline comedies or they are that violent it's just gross. 

The original IT and Sinister are the only two horror movies that come to mind that I really enjoyed. 

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On 6/25/2020 at 9:19 PM, BadRep24 said:

In seriousness, no. Unless, if that horror movie is beyond the thin moral line. I was forced to watch the Saw movies by my brother when I was like 9 years old.


That was a really good movie, but not when you are 9 years old. 

It was not so much as a scary movie but more so one of those movies that made you think. Plus the twist ending was great. 

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