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It's about time: A fix for the leaderboard that doesn't involve rarity

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On 8/20/2021 at 0:00 AM, AJ_-_808 said:

Even his own mods and CRT have said he's MIA.  Even if he would return for just a day to give a definitive answer to a lot of these suggestions etc, it might put an end to seeing the same discussion over and over

It's exactly because of Sly's anti-social behavior and reluctance, that other staff, especially Parker, Stevie, Mango, or MMDE, should have just as much control over the site that Sly does. I get that the site is Sly's creation, but it does suck that moderators on here are powerless to push prominent changes to the site, unless they can get in contact with Sly. 

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45 minutes ago, ProfBambam55 said:

I clicked the link without reading what it said...it's the one here and yes, it's one of the ones proposed a few years ago although I'd like to see more options...I don't really like that one and I'm pretty sure sly feels the same or it would've made it past beta a long time ago...or at least had its stats updated since...but I could be wrong...


did you say mypst has one as well?...would be curious to check it out although I know that some of the site is restricted to members...not sure if the boards are part of this group or not...would appreciate a link if you have time to post one...


edit: nvm, looked it up myself...hard to reverse engineer a formula when little data is given...my instinct says the rarities are displayed in curve format with random exagerrations here and there like the beta that was presented here...not the biggest fan of displaying it like this personally but I have to say, the whole site looks pretty good at a quick glance...well done, brazil...

Yes it was Mypst

That's what get me curious, Mypst site lots of time were out ,it got hacked and went down have a lot of navigation issues ,but always have some pretty cool simply and essential tools and "extras" the only thing that mypst used to be pretty bad is it performance,but now it was fixed

One thing that is simply and the site(profiles) could have is platinum club with actual times like the 100% club 

The mypst difficulty ranking is pretty good ,and where it fails isn't the site s fault 

For example i m the only one who got the plat and actually have race the sun PH so the site can't calculate the difficulty and rarity of the trophies property as only Brazilians and Portugueses ( i guess) can be on it 

Some games have poorly difficulty and rarity issues thanks the low number of people who have the game,i believe this is the only "issue" that the site have on difficulty and rarity but isn't the site's fault

On 8/19/2021 at 2:00 PM, Helyx said:

Here we go again, trying to fix a system that isn't broken.

The site leaderboard isn't

But at least for me trophy hunting in general is compared to what we had on ps3

On ps3 when having 100 plats was indeed something impressive regardless of the difficulty of the games

Now having 1k plats doesn't mean shit and is pretty normal to see...

Psn could have easily at least the number of the rarity of the trophies like profiles do

x ultra x very rafe etc,even being broken cuz the stats would come for the psn,but is way better than the changes that they made 999 level etc

And profiles could have at least a rarity leaderboard 

And the broken part of lots of 5 min plats would be less "broken" at least for me 

This is my point of view in general

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15 minutes ago, AmazingNoeder said:

Yes it was Mypst

That's what get me curious...

nice...yeah it got me curious, too...I think I was totally wrong about the difficulty chart...i started really looking at it and I have no idea how the pdm is calculated...seems to be an odd rarity ratio but it's not clear to me what it's based on...i.e. owners, achievers, game difficulty rating, etc....also, I'm guessing site stats include members only?...

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6 minutes ago, ProfBambam55 said:

nice...yeah it got me curious, too...I think I was totally wrong about the difficulty chart...i started really looking at it and I have no idea how the pdm is calculated...seems to be an odd rarity ratio but it's not clear to me what it's based on...i.e. owners, achievers, game difficulty rating, etc....also, I'm guessing site stats include members only?...

Idk exactly but i think that if u register yourself you will get banned for being an outlanders,but u can still view your stats 

@LucasDiasC now more i believe

Idk exactly how they calculate the pdm but it looks a pretty good and clever system 

The site have a lot of other Extra stuff that is pretty nice to have and see 

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49 minutes ago, AmazingNoeder said:

Idk exactly but i think that if u register yourself you will get banned for being an outlanders,but u can still view your stats 

@LucasDiasC now more i believe

Idk exactly how they calculate the pdm but it looks a pretty good and clever system 

The site have a lot of other Extra stuff that is pretty nice to have and see 

haha...the site is totally not for me so I wouldn't even try to add my profile...I don't find it as user friendly or simple as here or as relevant in terms of trying to represent sony's data but it really does look nice...I'm sure a lot of more serious hunters would find it very appealing...it's really got that "trophy collecting is a sport" feel to it...I'm more of just an avid gamer, casual collector so I like the "trophy hunting is just glorified stamp collecting" feel...


I'm kind of curious to see what happens when none of us are around anymore and whether or not trophies will last longer than a generation or two...I can imagine profiles selling for $$$$ and parents telling their kids "promise me son, promise me ultra rares only" and then the kid selling the profile for $100 of marijuana...pioneers in the infancy of trophy collecting or morons who should've worried about more important things to bring to their deathbeds?...haha...sorry, way off topic...adhd + tired = rambling...off to.bed...

Edited by ProfBambam55
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1 hour ago, ArmoredSnowman said:

It's exactly because of Sly's anti-social behavior and reluctance, that other staff, especially Parker, Stevie, Mango, or MMDE, should have just as much control over the site that Sly does. I get that the site is Sly's creation, but it does suck that moderators on here are powerless to push prominent changes to the site, unless they can get in contact with Sly. 

you are the guy in the eternal drama of returning your profile to the site, i remember your thread. you more than anyone would like more attention from the creator

1 hour ago, ProfBambam55 said:

nice...yeah it got me curious, too...I think I was totally wrong about the difficulty chart...i started really looking at it and I have no idea how the pdm is calculated...seems to be an odd rarity ratio but it's not clear to me what it's based on...i.e. owners, achievers, game difficulty rating, etc....also, I'm guessing site stats include members only?...

you can register as a foreigner, your profile will have a purple banner that represents that you are not part of the leaderboard because you are a foreigner.

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This website is great for finding people to play with, discussion and tips. The leader boards do not matter and have never mattered since Trophy unlockers, save editing, 1 minute easy mode games and  regional stacks.  The playstation system has been out so long its impossible for anyone who wants to try catch up.


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2 hours ago, ArmoredSnowman said:

It's exactly because of Sly's anti-social behavior and reluctance, that other staff, especially Parker, Stevie, Mango, or MMDE, should have just as much control over the site that Sly does. I get that the site is Sly's creation, but it does suck that moderators on here are powerless to push prominent changes to the site, unless they can get in contact with Sly. 

You could always tag him and tag him again until he acknowledges it. I'm not saying to spam him, but a lot of people who make suggestions are either repeats of old suggestions that he already said before that he could/couldn't do or they literally don't tag him or ask him directly. Lots of suggestions get insta-buried and since he's not as active as he used to be, he probably doesn't even see a lot of them.


He's also recently been seen on Discord a bit more often and he told everyone there to just tag him directly so, I don't think he would have an issue with it here either.



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1 hour ago, ProfBambam55 said:

.I can imagine profiles selling for $$$$ and parents telling their kids "promise me son, promise me ultra rares only" and then the kid selling the profile for $100 of marijuana...pioneers in the infancy of trophy collecting or morons who should've worried about more important things to bring to their deathbeds?...haha...sorry, way off topic...adhd + tired = rambling...off to.bed...


Parents saying please only good games

And the kid flood the account with trash 

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12 minutes ago, Dan-lives-here said:

This website is great for finding people to play with, discussion and tips. The leader boards do not matter and have never mattered since Trophy unlockers, save editing, 1 minute easy mode games and  regional stacks.  The playstation system has been out so long its impossible for anyone who wants to try catch up.


Even so people freak out when they got flagged....

And some literally get a lot of obvious hacked trophy and have the audacity to Open a dispute or even get pissed when they got banned for the leaderboard by more than 15 flagged games....

22 minutes ago, Dan-lives-here said:


How can someone get deleted of the site ?

Against his will

What he need to do?

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6 hours ago, AmazingNoeder said:


And yeah easy plats are a problem (for me at least)

"Hooo but u have a lot of ratalaikas"

Yes,but i don't feel proud of my number of plats or all the trash,and i didn't stop playing real games to only play 5 min plats

Lets not begin a discussion of 

"You have ratalaika so u are wrong"


Nobody should be insulting you over rata games etc, and if they do,they're wrong.  Your profile is for you and no one else.  The problem is that the leaderboard is outdated and certain people argue against a solution like an alternate rarity board because they'll lose their place etc.


It's pointless anyway if nothing will get changed around here

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37 minutes ago, AJ_-_808 said:


Nobody should be insulting you over rata games etc, and if they do,they're wrong.  Your profile is for you and no one else.  The problem is that the leaderboard is outdated and certain people argue against a solution like an alternate rarity board because they'll lose their place etc.


It's pointless anyway if nothing will get changed around here


They did in fact, back in 2018. Rata is no longer the 'shameless publisher', somebody else lowered the standards after they came in.


The times I did get insulted was when I requested some YouTubers to review my trophy account.

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There's a far simpler way to resolve all of this: only one stack counts for the sake of leaderboards.  That way we're not eliminating any games, just additional stacks that are the same trophy list, different platform/region.  Ports and remakes that have different trophy lists can have one of each version count.  This solution is overall the easiest and most fair because we're only making a judgement call that the same trophy list can't count multiple times, which will eliminate the majority of the issue causing complaints.

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16 minutes ago, ladynadiad said:

There's a far simpler way to resolve all of this: only one stack counts for the sake of leaderboards.  That way we're not eliminating any games, just additional stacks that are the same trophy list, different platform/region.  Ports and remakes that have different trophy lists can have one of each version count.  This solution is overall the easiest and most fair because we're only making a judgement call that the same trophy list can't count multiple times, which will eliminate the majority of the issue causing complaints.


That shouldn't definitely be added as well as rarity. I mean even if you got rid of all the stacks, there's still about 300 games (and growing) of easy platinums.

Over 300 platinums is more trophies than 99.9% of all users in existence will ever achieve.


Rarity is king because it ensures new games get immediately excluded and weirdly rare but easy games would then be bumped out because they have become common.

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42 minutes ago, ladynadiad said:

There's a far simpler way to resolve all of this: only one stack counts for the sake of leaderboards.  That way we're not eliminating any games, just additional stacks that are the same trophy list, different platform/region.  Ports and remakes that have different trophy lists can have one of each version count.  This solution is overall the easiest and most fair because we're only making a judgement call that the same trophy list can't count multiple times, which will eliminate the majority of the issue causing complaints.


This creates more issues and solves nothing. What about Borderlands, Wolfenstein, Control and other games. Would you disqualify those as well?

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48 minutes ago, HusKy said:


This creates more issues and solves nothing. What about Borderlands, Wolfenstein, Control and other games. Would you disqualify those as well?

Yes. Especially Wolfenstein.

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5 hours ago, Beyondthegrave07 said:

You could always tag him and tag him again until he acknowledges it. I'm not saying to spam him, but a lot of people who make suggestions are either repeats of old suggestions that he already said before that he could/couldn't do or they literally don't tag him or ask him directly. Lots of suggestions get insta-buried and since he's not as active as he used to be, he probably doesn't even see a lot of them.


He's also recently been seen on Discord a bit more often and he told everyone there to just tag him directly so, I don't think he would have an issue with it here either.




It is pretty sad when a moderator tells you to "tag and hope for the best". What's the point of even having a feedback forum section at this point? 


Like I said before communication is basically 0. The community has no idea what's going on with the website, no idea what features are being looked at, worked on or not in the pipeline. Nobody is expecting every suggestion to be implemented but a basic level of communication between the owner of the site and the community would be nice. Or even between the community moderators and the owner ? 


I get that @Sly Ripper might be super busy whether with other projects or with behind the scene stuff, but he at least can give the community some info about the plans he has with PSNProfiles.

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11 hours ago, AmazingNoeder said:

Even so people freak out when they got flagged....


Everyone has the right to defend themselves against accusations of cheating, even if they don't care about the rankings. And frankly, why would I even care about the rankings? I'm sitting at 92 platinums, my first one was awarded 9 years ago. I always carefully considered each game before starting it, some took me hundreds of hours to complete. With the current system someone could outrank me literally in one day, so what's even the point?


And this has probably been suggested already, but why not just reward points according to rarity? For example, 1% rarity platinum gets 1000 points, 100% platinum gets 100 points. The point distribution obviously would need to be carefully considered before implementing the system to keep things fair and balanced. 

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8 hours ago, HusKy said:

This creates more issues and solves nothing. What about Borderlands, Wolfenstein, Control and other games. Would you disqualify those as well?


this is pretty much an issue with all of these proposed "solutions". In regards to the "no stacking!" rule, I have stacked numerous EZPZs, but also, say, Pier Solar. Should I be embarrassed by that?


The problem seems to be that people want a rarity leaderboard for the sake of excluding certain top names. But the last time this leaderboard was implemented, it failed to exclude those names, so it's back to the drawing board in an attempt to exclude those games again.



39 minutes ago, Silver-I-Chariot said:

And this has probably been suggested already, but why not just reward points according to rarity? For example, 1% rarity platinum gets 1000 points, 100% platinum gets 100 points. The point distribution obviously would need to be carefully considered before implementing the system to keep things fair and balanced. 


I think the issue is that, in the end, such a distribution doesn't matter. The leaderboard will remain (relatively) consistent regardless of how points are distributed for plats, because people have so many flippin' plats. Let's take one of the standard targets, Hakoom. Currently, he has between 200 and 250 UR plats. That already will put him very high on a rarity leaderboard. Add to that the remaining 3000+ plats, and he's gonna be there in the end. And really, he should be - 200+ UR plats is nothing to sneeze at.


I'm not shooting down the idea out of hand: honestly, someone earlier mentioned an idea that every single available trophy should be ranked according to its rarity, and points distributed accordingly, which if nothing else would be fun to watch (except for the damn DLC rarities). I thought the rarity leaderboard was pretty half-baked back in the day, but I think this thread shows that it's not easy to fix.

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57 minutes ago, Silver-I-Chariot said:

And this has probably been suggested already, but why not just reward points according to rarity? For example, 1% rarity platinum gets 1000 points, 100% platinum gets 100 points. The point distribution obviously would need to be carefully considered before implementing the system to keep things fair and balanced. 

All that would do is replace complaints about the leaderboards being full of people with 1-hr plats with complaints about people identifying obscure/unpopular games and loading them up on an army of spare/dummy accounts to artificially increase their rarity. 

You’d basically see the rarity on every Japan-specific list drop massively in a week as people figured out those games have low owner numbers here and just 15 players with 5-10 dummy accounts each can plunge the rarity on those games.

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9 hours ago, ladynadiad said:

There's a far simpler way to resolve all of this: only one stack counts for the sake of leaderboards.  That way we're not eliminating any games, just additional stacks that are the same trophy list, different platform/region.  Ports and remakes that have different trophy lists can have one of each version count.  This solution is overall the easiest and most fair because we're only making a judgement call that the same trophy list can't count multiple times, which will eliminate the majority of the issue causing complaints.

People need to understand that the problem isn't stacks is the super easy plats

What the point of eliminate the stack of Wolfenstein 2?

Having 8 stacks of a ratalaika or 8 different ratalaika..... what's the difference?

I got the plat of rayman legends 5 times should i get a ashamed for that?

The problem never was stacks .....is the EZ plats

1 hour ago, Silver-I-Chariot said:


Everyone has the right to defend themselves against accusations of cheating, even if they don't care about the rankings. And frankly, why would I even care about the rankings? I'm sitting at 92 platinums, my first one was awarded 9 years ago. I always carefully considered each game before starting it, some took me hundreds of hours to complete. With the current system someone could outrank me literally in one day, so what's even the point?


And this has probably been suggested already, but why not just reward points according to rarity? For example, 1% rarity platinum gets 1000 points, 100% platinum gets 100 points. The point distribution obviously would need to be carefully considered before implementing the system to keep things fair and balanced. 

I saw i guy on his dispute that was pretty honest,he just said 

"Is not fair for me to stay on the leaderboard cuz i did X to get this trophy u can flagg me i don't care to the leaderboard "

And them u see people that clearly cheated on multiple trophies getting super pissed by getting flagged that's the point

And Even so if someone get flagged and says that was legit, there's no point to freak out i believe , unless he doesn't remember anything about the game, but they do this with recently games,

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12 hours ago, AJ_-_808 said:


Nobody should be insulting you over rata games etc, and if they do,they're wrong.  Your profile is for you and no one else.  The problem is that the leaderboard is outdated and certain people argue against a solution like an alternate rarity board because they'll lose their place etc.


It's pointless anyway if nothing will get changed around here

The rarity leaderboard is something that the site Must have,and even being something that can be difficulty to implement,is simply for a trophy site to have cuz is essential to it,and this site doesn't have only cuz the people or the guy who's in charge doesn't care

About the rata stuff, people can roast me by this I  already do this myself ?

The problem is people who don't like what trophy hunting bacame, people who don't like the existence of all the trash games,and when they say this people keep saying

"But u have my name is mayo"

"But u have ratalaika"

I love when people try to roast me in a "difficulty games" aspect and say that i have to much easy plats.....but they don't have 5% of my ultra rares.....

Other thing that's wrong is people who think they are better than others by their number of plats....and is 95% trash in a lot of account

People can play wherever they want,just don't spect that having a good number of plats full of trash is relevant,i have a lot and they aren't relevant for me is just a number,the number that i care personally is my number of ultra rares,and i ain't better than anyone by it,but if someone wants to engage in a "difficulty games" discussion they are relevant

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The discussion of a rarity leaderboard has been something I've been pursuing for a while as well. I recently asked TrueTrophy to post and ask for feedback about it, but unfortunately he cannot post on the PSNProfiles forums (even though he's never posted before).  With this most recent conversation having come up as a reminder, I'd like to reveal a first pass at an implementation of a similar idea using the TrueTrophy ratio of a game:

https://www.(URL not allowed)/Competitive-Ratio/leaderboard


The basic concept is that it excludes the quick, easy completions based on how common something is unlocked. If the entire game's ratio is below 1.2, it's removed from the calculations, which essentially results in removing the bottom 25% of games from the leaderboard. This removes Xitilon, POWGI, most Ratalaika, Gamuzumi, and others from the calculations to give a better comparison to those who don't routinely dive those games to see how they stack up. The bar for this can always be adjusted, and this is just a first pass as more features and polish will be added next week. The regular leaderboards still exist, and this is just a special one-off.


The top 3 don't really don't change much, just from the sheer amount of trophies unlocked from games higher than 1.2 ratio, but the board shifts quite a bit within the top 100. I'd encourage anyone interested to take a look to see how things shift and provide any kind of feedback on the process. There are more things to expose still as well, such as being able to filter by country (e.g. Brazil):

https://www.(URL not allowed)/Competitive-Ratio/leaderboard?countryid=35


EDIT: For Honda's point, still not exposed directly on the site but same calculation for completions:

https://www.(URL not allowed)/Competitive-Ratio/leaderboard/gamer/completedgames

Edited by Shadow_Kisuragi
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