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Your Playstation Goals for next year?


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So with little over a week left of this year and with there being 3 consoles with trophy support now, what are everyone's goals for next year? Any rock solid games you will be determined to conquer? Want your completion % to hit a certain mark? And of course how many platinum a will you be aiming for?

Having only just switched back to fully PSN 3 months back I made the small goals I set for myself, but this year I aim to get my completion % to 85-90 (certain games will always be beyond so that's my highest goal) I would like to get 50+ platinums for around next Christmas.

So join in what are your goals for the new year!!

(I did check the forums and didnt see anything similar to this but if it does exist please slap my wrist and close this ASAP!)

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Awesome idea for a thread mate :P Games like Infamous, MGSV, The Witcher 3, etc etc are the games I'm keen for, and (hopefully) will be getting platinums in each of them. Hopefully around 20 Platinums by next Christmas; being realistic because I've got a busy year of uni ahead haha.


Hope you reach your goals bro!

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I want to


Reach 140 :platinum:'s

At least 75% completion


3 games that has been in my backlog for a long time I want to finally plat is Mass Effect 3, Bioshock with dlc and R&C A Crack in time


Ps4 games I am looking forward to and want to plat are Infamous Second Son and MLB 14 The Show.



Of course I want to have fun while I am shooting for my goals.

Edited by snakebit10
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I'm gonna go for at least 140 platinums, aiming for 100 for this year so another 40 next year.

I want at least 10 of my 40 plats to be ultra rare.

Also I'm hoping for 80% completion, but I'll probably fail on this (Most likely failed to hit 70% this year which was one of my goals) 

Finally reach at least level 35 as well. 

Edited by zajac9999
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Oh wait, you said Playstation goals? (starts crossing some goals off the list...)


  1. learn how to breakdance
  2. touch my tongue to my nose
  3. try sushi
  4. prove that we didn't start the fire
  5. poop once a day
  6. Earn 1 platinum on PSN
  7. live :)

NOTE: I didn't know what to do with #7, because it kind of pertains to Playstation goals, since I need to be alive to earn trophies, so I just underlined it and gave it a smiley face!


^ Well, my list looks pretty easy compared to everyone else's! Good luck to everyone and there next year goals!

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- Reach and maintain a 90%+ completion rate (I'll never get to 100%, lol)

- Reach 50 Platinum trophies!

- Maintain all games above 50% trophies obtained (each individual game, different from overall completion rate)

Edited by BlindMango
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